View Full Version : UFO Seen in Video of China's Launch

12-10-2012, 03:58 PM

The UFO shows up after 4:07, notice how the fairings are trailing the booster and they are continuous images, but also note that the UFO seems to stutter across the field of view. It is almost like the UFO is jumping between points and is not in uniform motion, cloaked between points and invisible. Also notice that the distances between visibility are not the same, it alternately seems to jump twice to three times as far between when it is visible. This has been described before in some UFO cases, but this is the first clear video of the phenomena that I've seen.

12-10-2012, 05:38 PM
I see them reaching into the Explanation Bag in 5-4-3-2... :cool:

12-10-2012, 10:59 PM
Stuttering is surely just because it is going so fast and a camera only records 25frames a sec. Could be a satellite in the background? Who knows.

12-11-2012, 12:08 AM
Stuttering is surely just because it is going so fast and a camera only records 25frames a sec. Could be a satellite in the background? Who knows.

But if this were so the spacing between images would be the same, not varied. The image should also show significant blurr and stretching, not what appears to be a point object.

12-11-2012, 04:59 PM
When they show it slowed down there seems to be a repeated pattern in the images. I also wonder about visual distortion related to the movement of the rocket through air, even if very thin.

12-11-2012, 06:59 PM
There are a number of things that make me scratch my head (like the limp "check list" at 1:45 the middle astronaut is holding in his lap... which is unaffected by g-forces during acceleration)… but, assuming the launch is what it is reported to be then the unexplained bright dot may be one of the jettisoned objects coming back into the frame.

At 2:25 we see the escape tower separate. At 2:51, we see the boosters separate. At 3:50 we see the fairing separate. At 4:11 we see the “unknown.” One of these jettisoned objects could be the “unknown” object we are seeing. Add to that, the “unknown” appears to move in the opposite direction of the still accelerating rocket… but that can be an illusion. The difference in distance to the camera (the jettisoned objects would be closer to the camera than the rocket) and the camera stays “centered” of the faster moving rocket (the rocket should pass any of the slower moving, especially slower moving lower altitude jettisoned objects). The “unknown” is basically moving in the general direction of the rocket (which seems to link the two) even though the vector of the jettisoned object has changed a bit, which is probably due to tumble.

Therefore, I think we need to rule out the jettisoned objects as being the unknown we are seeing, before we can assume the object is an unrelated UFO.

12-11-2012, 09:04 PM
"Therefore, I think we need to rule out the jettisoned objects as being the unknown we are seeing, before we can assume the object is an unrelated UFO."

Perhaps it is my spatial awareness, but IMO and my experience the ballistics of the object/UFO are such that all the jettisoned objects are away to the down and to the left and this object is coming in from the right ahead and above of where the rocket's trajectory has yet to go, thus excluding the object/UFO as related to the rocket.