View Full Version : Information Addiction In The Realm Of Alien Conspiracy: How Much Is Enough?

01-09-2013, 01:40 AM
I sometimes wonder if I am wasting my time investigating alien conspiracies. I think it is important to wake up, but sometimes we can become addicted to the exhilaration of discovering something more grandiose, more sinister, more REAL.

Warning: The following posting is driven by frustrated emotions and has no hard facts that will bring you any closer to objective truth.

My question is how much is enough? I think my conflict is that I am addicted to information. I compulsively read and read and read in a vain effort to arrive at this elusive 'truth' that the unspoken law of alien conspiracy research tells me I will find. I think that a lot of what I call 'research' is more like entertaining myself with distractions that inevitably numb my mind and senses. Like I am on a mission of discovery upon uncharted territory to return with treasures for my fellow man. I think I have reached the point where I may just be beating a dead horse; I already accept the most wild sci-fi scenarios as a tangible, real, possible reality. I don't think I can go much further.

I would love to go through the hundreds of pages of Fore's writings and read about demons and try to understand this complicated negative agenda, how to avoid mind manipulation and some sort of purpose in unravelling this grand conspiracy aimed at humanity but I don't want to have to look in the mirror and realize I've wasted my energy.

So we are up against incomprehensible forces that make life difficult for us in ways we can't imagine. Do we really need to investigate the details of everything or should we just focus on being more grounded and pay attention to what's in front of us in our relationships, our home and our personal interests. I'm sure at least some of you here must have battled with obsession at some time and maybe you have established some healthy boundaries when it comes to these things. Maybe I am just inclined to be compulsive and addicted to information and this conflict Im experiencing may not be as common as I am assuming.

The path of my life has kind of shoved me into this realm of inquiry whether I like it or not. As a toddler I wanted to investigate ancient mysteries, dinosaurs and Egypt. At 15 something told me to investigate Atlantis. I think I have the basics though and should spend more time with music and real people.

I want to write a few more of my experiences in my thread and get it over with and take a break from this alien stuff. I tend to overdue things in most areas of my life, in all activities, and alien conspiracy research is just a reflection of my general lack of moderation.

The only thing you shouldn't use in moderation is moderation!

This thread is open ended, for anyone to talk about whatever they feel relates to what I'm saying here.

01-09-2013, 03:19 AM
Tons of information is floating around the internet, most of it unreliable. Beware of information overload. Trying to sort facts from fiction is frustrating.

This past year, a group claimed aliens would make their presence known at the 2012 Olympics. Then the ending of the Mayan Calendar thing, not to forget planet X. These types of stories are taken with a grain of salt.

I have a neighbor who comes over and shows his recent finds of his on youtube. Most of it I have read or heard before. At the forms, I tend to skim over stuff for the same reason.

Again, there is always that misdirection – just enough to throw people off track.

Many of us “old-timers” are fairly certain of a few things, simply because various reliable sources have repeated it, and or personal experience.

I have been at this type of stuff my entire life. My family jokes the first words out of my mouth as a baby was, “Aliens and spaceship.”

In kindergarten, I argued with my teacher that the color chart was wrong. There are colors in outer space not on the chart. That was 1962 – 63… In the playground, I stared skyward looking at clouds and for space ships. Even in the classroom, I would grab a window seat for the same reason.

Best advice, file information in memory. At some point in time you will need it when seeking truth.

What you learn now will play an important role in the near future. Disclosure is likely to be partial at best, laced with lies and deceit. Difficult part is sorting the lies and deceit from whatever is really going on.

The OutPost Form is a good place to sort through it all.

Exopaedia is another good site for information (http://www.exopaedia.org/).

01-09-2013, 05:02 AM
It's a hobby, a timesink where one can enjoy spending endless hours tracking stories and theories.
But as a hobby, one cannot let it take too big part of life. Secrets of the universe are still there tomorrow, and uncovering dark agendas in internet is not of utmost urgency and the disclosures move slowly. Sometimes it is easy to justify the hours by how "important" the matters are , but really, while grandly interesting, it is best served as part of balanced infodiet. Unless you have a acute problem of hauntings/abductions, because of the width and the nature of the topics related, take time to enjoy exploring them trough :)
I recommed Montalks Discerning alien disinformation (http://montalk.net/alien/145/discerning-alien-disinformation-part-1) as a good summary of alien issues.

01-09-2013, 09:22 AM
Yes, that book is a very good comprehensive overview and analysis on what's been going on in ufology over the past several years. Definitely a good one to use as a quick reference.

01-09-2013, 10:48 AM
Let me do a shameless plug here: the Introduction to Exopolitics course is meant to separate the wheat from the chaff:


01-09-2013, 11:15 AM
In this field, hobby, interest or however you describe it, there are many bumps in the personal road. When I was younger, I like you devoured material on Atlantis, ancient cultures and the writings of those that viewed the world and beyond different from the mainstream. As I’ve grown older I have realized that some of this information was misguided, subjective or just plain wrong. This can leave you jaded and floundering in the morass looking for the kernel.

I do feel for anyone who is new to the subject. I’ve seen so many lies, half-truths and flawed arguments repeated so often that they take on their own veneer of truth. The same old stories repackaged and revamped but still lacking hard empirical facts. The sad truth is that Aliens, UfO’s and the alternative culture makes money. In a gold rush the ones who make the real money sell the picks and shovels. They don’t care if you find gold nor do they care about the quality of the equipment along as you buy more.

Research on the internet is like trying to read ten detective novels at once all with different characters and storylines. Too many links, too many subliminal page elements that drag you a hundred miles from where you started. Nowadays I have a journal that I keep in pencil and ink the things/cases I’m most interested in.

Forums can be fantastic with likeminded and talented people to agree and disagree with. They can also be popularity contests with some thinking they are more equal than others, some hinting that they know of the Holy Grail just out of your reach.
I think I have now developed a degree of discipline about how much time I devote to the subject. But I still get caught out. Yesterday I was trooping down Texas highways in streetview looking for crude oil storage yards. I turned around and my dog was sitting with her bowl in her mouth and the two cups of coffee my wife had brought me were stone cold on my desk.

I really can’t get my head around a lot of the more esoteric theories and have decided to spare myself the brain ache. I like my Aliens to be corporeal and travel in physical machines. This might not be the case but it’s how I approach it.

I not sure I’ll reach any kind of destination in my lifetime but I’m enjoying the journey. If I find I’m no longer having any fun I change direction a bit.
My hope is that we are so interconnected with technology that any real breakthrough will be around the world before it can be contained and contaminated. Imagine a Roswell with Facebook and Twitter.

I like this quote from Kenny Young:
"The UFO research and investigation business is a cruel and shallow money trench, a long plastic hallway where thieves and pimps of corrupt ideology run free, agenda dictates, delusion is rampant and ignorance prevails. The infestation of wrongful motivation and the beggarly depths of belief reign supreme amidst a universal disregard for truth and factual actuality... where good men die like dogs. There's also a negative side..."

I agree with Kenny but it can still be fun.

01-09-2013, 11:24 AM
Let me do a shameless plug here: the Introduction to Exopolitics course is meant to separate the wheat from the chaff:


Thanks! I'll look this over!

01-10-2013, 06:21 AM
I have been at this for quite a few years with some breaks. I started out studying Cavalry in an encyclopedia. I moved over to study chivalry, then the Templars. I decided at some point that I would try to find out what is really known about all the weird events and phenomena I had ever heard about. I used libraries, book stores, many resources until the internet became the world's library. Somewhere along the way I found Charles Fort's "Book of the Damned" and that changed me forever.

My time of addiction and overload came after a few years of studying religions, I began to study The Occult. After two years of reading everything I could find I came to the conclusion that outside of anecdotal evidence and stories, there was no there, there. I was exhausted and disgusted.

After that I went to real school studies for five years to qualify for my profession. Then I went on to study Archeology in school as well.

Since then I am studying, reading, investigating something every single day. I decided it is part of who I am and it is one of the things I love to do most. I love to learn and I want to "know". I don't think I will ever tire of it.

01-10-2013, 12:14 PM
Introduction to Exopolitics course is meant to separate the wheat from the chaff:


Thanks! I'll look this over!

Courses look very interesting.

01-13-2013, 01:33 AM
Im definitely checking out the links...

I was deciding whether or not to keep my frustrations to myself but I figured that it's a good idea to talk about how a potentially virtuous path can turn into something negative. Sometimes we fight the wrong battle, like it's easier to fight your addiction to coffee than your addiction to conformity. I define an addiction as a compulsive behaviour you continue to indulge in while ignoring the negative consequences it has on your life. Walking the dog, reading, shooting heroin, hugging people, pretty much anything can become an addiction though the difference is in the degree of it. I know I could probably read 24/7 and take 2 weeks to notice I haven't shaved if I had the chance. And life is short, we ARE all going to die too soon no matter what, that much is guaranteed!

I don't want to under-rate the legitimacy or potentially real value this subjects material can bring you though. Evil must be acknowledged and we should become wise in the way of the world and about ourselves. But I would like to point out this stuff can be very seductive and anyone can easily get in over their heads. We pretend to be more confused than we actually are sometimes. We know how much is enough and what is really real.