View Full Version : Council Of Elders To Replace All Governments!

10-14-2013, 04:07 AM
People are really loving this idea...

"by Gregg Prescott, M.S.

Imagine waking up and reading this headline or watching this on the nightly news...

As a result of all governments being responsible for the pollution of our air, water and food supplies, all governments will cease to exist and will be replaced by a council of elders who represent all of humanity and will only work in humanity's best interests.

All ideas and decisions will be transparent within this council of elders as each elder will be held accountable for making continuous improvements in the name of humanity's best interests.

Council Of Elders To Replace All Governments! | In5D.comDaily and weekly progress reports will be available to everyone.

There will no longer be any more 2 or 4 year term limits. 'Elections' will be held every 6 months to either maintain the current council members or to oust those who are either not working in humanities best interests or have not made any progress within that time frame.

Even though shadow governments and secret societies will try to maintain their dominance over humanity, their existence will fade away as all suppressed technologies are released, including free energy, cancer cures and teleportation."
