View Full Version : UFOs, Demons, VATT and Chernobyl

12-09-2011, 04:30 AM
Why is the Vatican watching the skies? Is there a deeper, eschatological meaning behind the Vatican Advanced Technology Telescope (VATT) in Arizona? Certainly there is. Esoteric doctrine and Revelation informs the Church that humanity is approaching the Fullness of Time- the time of the appearance of Chernobyl (the Russian word for 'Wormwood') the Death Star of Saint John. Such has been prophesied by Saint Malachy to occur in these times. If you're not familiar with Saint Malachy's prophesy here's a link: http://www.catholic-pages.com/grabbag/malachy.asp. As inheritor of the Inquisition these are some of the matters that Benedict has studied carefully. It is no coincidence that the Chernobyl nuclear disaster took place in a city so aptly named. That event and that city are a foreshadowing of end times. And the more recent insult to the earth, Fukushima, carries the world further along the road.

There is a deeply held belief in the US IC that UFOs represent a harbinger of a deceptive regimen by other-worldly demons and fallen angels to further the invasion of our dimension for the purpose of harvesting souls. The invasion will culminate with the release of poisonous cataclysms both man-made and natural- but all influenced and/or caused by the multidimensional invaders. Jacques Vallee referred to these supposed apparitions as 'messengers of deception.' According to Carol Rosin, assistant to Wernher von Braun at Fairchild Industries in the 70s, von Braun warned her that the IC, in league with the alien presence, would present a false flag invasion paradigm to the world in order to unite and enslave humanity under an oppressive New Order. Is it false flag or actual? For both the Church and the Christian reactionaries in the intelligence community (and both the Bush and Reagan administrations) this alien regime is none other than the Anti Christ and the final battle is incipient and inevitable. The only question remaining is the outcome. So all the signs point towards the immanence of the battle of Megiddo. The final sign? The appearance of Chernobyl in the nighttime skies. So, it seems, believes the Pope.

Keep your eyes on the skies and watch your asses...

"Socialism? Capitalism? It occurs to me that it's better to live under a skirt than a boot. Especially considering the view." General Striker

12-10-2011, 08:00 AM
Hello noot,
I have read Vallees' book "Messengers of Deception" and I think Jacques Vallee meant that there are members of the IC community who are "messengers of deception". For example, if one of their "messages" is that ETs are demons who are going to invade us, by Vallee saying that, he's not calling the demons the messengers... the messengers are those in the IC community who are spreading disinformation like that while posing as UFO researchers and investigators within the UFO community. In that book, he described several different kinds of "messengers of deception" that are within the UFO community. Here's a short statement on what his book is about in the description section on the Amazon page for that book. "Messengers of Deception documents the growing effect of UFO contact claims on our lives and of the belief systems prevalent in our society. It explores the hidden realities of the cults, the contactees, the murky political intrigues and the motivations of the investigators. "As suspenseful as a Hitchcock Thriller, brilliantly argued . . . a smashing achievement." - Robert Anton Wilson"


12-10-2011, 07:20 PM
And so then... what, in your view, is the motive of the deceivers?

12-11-2011, 10:00 PM
And so then... what, in your view, is the motive of the deceivers?
Their goal is to suppress and prevent the forward spiritual evolution of humanity and they do that via various control mechanisms that prevent humans from tapping into their own intellectual processes to truly think for themselves by making us dependent on whatever those control mechanisms dictate which operates from a materialist viewpoint/paradigm/world-view.

12-12-2011, 02:37 AM
Are you conversant in Benedict's 2009 Apostolic Constitution inviting the CoE to rejoin the Roman Church with no requirement for either contrition or confession? Extraordinary. This attempt to regather the flock is a direct result of Benedict's familiarity with Father Malachy's enumeration of the final popes. He is aware of his position in the order and that the age of the Roman Church is drawing quickly to an end. Benedict has had access to the highest order of arcane truths possessed by the Vatican in his long held position of head of the Inquisition (Congregatio pro Doctrina Fidei.) He is also aware of the 3rd Prophesy of Fatima which has never been truthfully revealed to the world but which comports exactly with the Prophesy of Father Malachy. The Church is in a state of panic about this. I am not certain of all the implications this state of affairs has for UFOlogy- but there is a connection. One thing I am certain about is that within the highest circle of the Church there is a sincere fear that the Johannine prophesy is true and that in the end the living will envy the dead. And further- that we are almost there.

12-12-2011, 02:42 AM
One last note. Dan Smith of OMF is aware of all this although his warning has been lost in a mire of verbosity.

12-12-2011, 03:18 AM
The origin of the idea... from 2010

What's up with the Church? Is the Eschaton immanent?
Benedict. Divide and conquer?

What's the meaning of the Popes's recent (October 2009) Apostolic Constitution inviting the Anglican Church (and hence the Episcopalians) to come in from the cold of the Reformation? Is it a gesture of reconciliation or a political tactic to destroy the Church of England? Whatever it is, it's very serious and has profound implications for both The Church and for the most elite order of the Protestant communions. Basically what Benedict has offered is inclusion within Roman Catholicism of any Anglican, including priests, who accept the offer. It has the feel of 'gathering the flocks' for end times' about it. And that it comes from the former head of the Inquisition adds to its profundity. I don't even see any requirement for Confession in order for the strays to become regathered within the fold. Just a simple 'yea or nay' will suffice. Is this a continuation John 23rd's ecumenism or is it something else?

Certainly the Constitution will have the immediate effect of dividing the Episcopal. In recent years the CoE has allowed women and gay priests, taken anti-state political positions, liberalized the liturgy and adopted political correctness as its new creed. The question in my mind is whether inclusion within Roman Catholicism will change nature of The Church or change the Reformation. The Pope is certainly aware of this conundrum and yet has committed himself to making the offer nonetheless- and in no small way- but in the highest possible method- an Apostolic Constitution.

Ecumenical or divisive? Big question. Does Benedict know something we don't know? Is he contemplating the prophecies of St. Malachi? I've wondered about this from the very moment he chose his papal name. The Olivine. Next to last...

Sure. Religion in general is irrelevant. Maybe Benedict is offering an 'olive branch,' or maybe the Olivine has other motivations. I personally feel that the Apostolic Constitution was inspired by the immanence of Catholic Esoteric eschatology having to do with Saint Malachi and Fatima. You are aware, I'm sure, that Benedict was appointed Chief of the Inquisition by John Paul in the early 80's some time. And so to make this offer without the requisite Confession speaks very loudly of a hidden agenda. That's really all I'm saying. But maybe I find greater meaning in RC esoterica than you. Or maybe I dropped too much acid in my day!

So, the question is: is the prophecy correct, is it manifest destiny or is it Benedict's (and the Catholic church's hierarchy) knowledge of the prophecy that is propelling him to these actions?

It can be both. It's the same principle as Christ self-consciously fulfilling the messianic prophesies abroad during the first century. In other words- being conjoined to participate in a preordained passion even to the extent of furthering it (straightening the paths.) This is Benedict's own dilemma. He needs to be both author and actor at the same time. The Olivine must extend the olive branch in order to ordain the preordained. I don't believe this set of circumstances has anything to do with the 'Mayan prophecies' concerning the 2012 hysteria. It's seated deeply in Catholic eschatology and telos. I think what we're watching is ritual- the grand Eucharist- that the Pope regards as existential necessity. Is there truly an arcane meaning to it all? Well- I guess that was my question in bringing up the matter of Benedict's Apostolic Constitution here. To me it's a further piece of a great puzzle being assembled before the eyes of anyone paying attention to it.

It's one of those great historical ironies that the inheritor of the Inquisition should be the Olivine- bearer of forgiveness- at one and the same time. That's an irony not lost on me. History works in surprising and mysterious ways. And regardless of whether the last act of this passion is ordained or contrived it's meaningful to me as a foreshadow of the death of novelty. That's all prophesy is, in truth, a foreshadowing. How can it be that the future casts a shadow on the present doings and goings? Can we conclude other than that all of time is entangled in the most exquisite manor? To confront that is to encounter the Absurd. Revelation is, then, always available. What's the gain of that? That's anyone's question. Maybe it's just a matter of the collision of free electrons in empty space sharing choice thoughts. Is that enough? Possibly not- but it may be all we have. Little plaints in the void...

12-12-2011, 03:22 PM
Based on the perspective that you are presenting here, the irony is not lost on me either and thanks for pointing that out! What I find interesting is that out of all of the prophecies Malachy made for the last 10 popes, it seems like he was more on the mark on this current Pope than he was for the rest of them. I'm finding that uncanny. And not only that, but I do find it intriguing that Benedict is the 111th pope on that list. I mean, as long as we are looking at ironies and synchronicities, that number 111 may turn out to be significant as time goes by in terms of the overall veracity of the prophecy he made for this current Pope.

12-12-2011, 04:11 PM
Good to find a kindred spirit. My own native paranoia doesn't extend to synchronistic numbers but I love to hear it about it nonetheless! I do have an abiding suspicion that all souls have been regathered to witness the denouement of history. I find evidence of that all around me. Even in numbers. Of course in keeping with my own preferrered higher principle of 'considering everything while believing nothing' I can't discount the possibility of 'snapshot thinking' in any matters- these included. After all, at the end of the day, all apperception of reality is based in abstraction from process.

I honor this engagement.

12-13-2011, 12:17 PM
So what is the idea that subsumes the pronouncement? I think it can be summed up in an esoteric understanding of the essential principle of the Christianity: Caritas in Veritate. In rejecting this principle the Christian faiths, including the Roman Church, have become transformed into its own opposite- the Anti-Christ. This is the dire and frightening truth of our times.

All of history has led us to this impasse.

12-13-2011, 12:49 PM
I believe that the hidden knowledge the Church possesses is very significant for many of the topics that we discuss on forums like this. I wish I had access (although I recognize I might wish I hadn't) and I suspect if that those who have been able to read there have seen information that brings balance to our more simple belief systems and the wildest of our fringe imaginings. I don't spend a great amount of time pondering either philosophy or religion but I do believe the Eschaton is likely to be near.

I commend Dan Smith for having the courage to go down this road so publicly and so consistently in a time that can only be counted on to bring him disapproval and even ridicule. For all the negative things, just or unjust, people might say about him, he is brave and he is smart. If it turns out that we can help him continue his work, I would be proud to give him support.

12-13-2011, 01:29 PM
I believe that the hidden knowledge the Church possesses is very significant More important than eschaton is Telos. It's important to understand that morality is an imperfect abstraction from the Ethical. This is the arcane truth hidden in plane sight. I believe that Father Smith is aware of that principle. But he has a bad habit of hiding it under a bushel of verbosity.

12-13-2011, 01:40 PM
I get the feeling sometimes that he talks so much because so few answer. It is like continuing to throw things at the wall in hopes that something will stick. Very few people have what it takes to join that kind of conversation and not many who do want to join in that kind of conversation.

12-13-2011, 01:46 PM
That's what this thread is for.

12-13-2011, 02:08 PM
I hope it succeeds.

12-13-2011, 02:47 PM
If Pope Benedict dies sometime in this upcoming year, 2012, then according to St. Malachy, the next Pope will be the 112th pope and LAST pope on that list. If that happens, I will be most definitely purchasing a gas mask, bottled water and a lot of duck tape. Granted 2012 is not 112, but in my book, those numbers are still too close for comfort.

PS -- especially if the last pope is Italian --> "Peter the Roman". :bleh:

12-13-2011, 03:06 PM
Article from The Telegraph:
Pope appoints 24 new cardinals: Italian set to be 'next pope'
Pope Benedict XVI is to appoint 24 new cardinals on Saturday, 10 of whom will be Italian – making the prospect that his successor will be Italian more likely.

"The new appointments will boost the number of Italian cardinals to 25, giving them huge clout when it comes to electing a new pontiff on the death of Benedict XVI.
The "Italianisation" of the Catholic Church's hierarchy fuelled speculation that after Benedict, a German, and his Polish predecessor, John Paul II, the leadership of the world's one billion Catholics could swing back to Italy.
The last Italian Pope was John Paul I, who was elected in August, 1978, but died just 33 days later, his sudden death still the subject of conspiracy theories.
The new members bring the College of Cardinals to 203, 121 of whom are under age 80 and thus eligible to vote in a conclave – the process by which a new Pope is elected in secrecy in the Vatican's Sistine Chapel.
Of the cardinals from European countries, nearly half those of voting age will be Italian."

Source: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/vaticancityandholysee/8147164/Pope-appoints-24-new-cardinals-Italian-set-to-be-next-pope.html

12-13-2011, 03:21 PM
If Pope Benedict dies sometime in this upcoming year, 2012, then according to St. Malachy, the next Pope will be the 112th pope and LAST pope on that list. If that happens, I will be most definitely purchasing a gas mask, bottled water and a lot of duck tape. Granted 2012 is not 112, but in my book, those numbers are still too close for comfort.

PS -- especially if the last pope is Italian --> "Peter the Roman". :bleh:...and the first shall be last