View Full Version : Temporal Discontinuities

05-26-2014, 08:53 PM
Continued from: DEMONIC or ET any first hand ENCOUNTERS? (http://www.theoutpostforum.com/tof/showthread.php?343-DEMONIC-or-ET-any-first-hand-ENCOUNTERS&p=32577)

@ Montalk

There was a bit of insight into paranormal activities that I read/saw in 1 or more paranormal cases.

It is something which I think I have only witnessed once but never again.


The first case that caught my attention was of a TV documentary on a case of incidental possession of a man and transient entities in (I guess) anyone would call a modern goblin type of encounter.

The basic story (I can probably find you the video) was of a service man who was called out to a service call and found himself in the middle of what looked like a woman performing an exorcism. The woman [a crooked] exorcist basically set up the man to be the "thing" to be possessed. When he inadvertently showed up, the entities were (intentionally) sent to him as the new object to be possessed.

During the documentary, they detail how the entity would make calls and speak words through the mans phone. Well during one such incident the man was able to call someone with what appeared to be professional audio equipment.

Here is where the truly strange details emerge. The man [the observer with the audio equipment] was able to hear the same voices and speech as the victim. He even initiated a recording of the speech and watched the computer recording the audio. What was truly strange was at the end of the episode wherein they were both a witness to, the recorded audio is replaced with dead silence. Despite the fact that the man recorded the event.


It was the first time that I began to wonder how that was technically feasible. From what I could see, the entity didn't delete or destroy the recording itself from what the documentary described.

They both recalled the speech over the [electronic] phone,
They both used an electronic device to observe the speech phenomena,
One of them was recording the phenomena with an electronic device,

But no recording remained. (?)

Only they, the living people, recalled the actual event.


If I thought about it, the entity could not have made them "imagine it" through some supernatural or psychic illusion as the machine recorded the activity despite not retaining the recording. They also had an electronic device between them which transmitted the sounds between the two men.

So after some thinking about what I do know vs what I don't know, I came to the conclusion that there must be a unique phenomena which is either minor or goes under reported.

What I think happened is that this entity might have somehow affected a sector of reality and through some kind of convoluted process (which I can only guess at) reverted the incident at the end.


Why do I think this and not some simpler conclusion. (?)

The reason is because I have noticed a few cases since then that fit the "anomalous" profile that can't be explained any other way. And which I realized I have experienced at least once before.

I'll post more to lay out what I think (convoluted and sketchy ideas) happened.

I have long known that paranormal entities are for the most part, non-material object in a material universe.

My understanding is the following about paranormal entities:
They exist within reality as non-physical descriptive elements at the influence level of reality. (like all objects in the universe)
But they don't have though the physical properties of every other physical object in physical reality.

So in other words, they exist at an "immaterial" level, but lack "material" properties like your car, your dishwasher or your human body.


Here is where things get really weird.

I know from what the ET taught, that non-physical objects [in this case, conscious people] without their material equivalent can basically defy certain constraints that would otherwise apply to a material object. People who undergo an OOBE tend to move from one adjacent "version of reality" to another. Or they move from one spot on earth to another in an instant.

I know this is certifiably true because many observers have experimented with that. But more importantly because I am aware that psychic ET and I have performed with abilities "at a distance" that would otherwise fail if this principle concept weren't true.

What made me wonder about this case and others like it, are the phenomena witnessed seem to defy the laws of cause and effect. When I think about the many tricks the ET teach you about how cause and effect aren't always straightforward and linear...I took it into account when thinking of what could be done to replicate a strange anomalous phenomena that was witnessed.

In the ET circles it is perfectly "normal" that conscious entities can look into the future and sideways to different adjacent trajectories to make present day decisions. They [and I] did that all the time. But what if you were talking about an entity who lacks a physical biological component?

Could a paranormal entity perform "something" on the environment to cause a sudden overlap of physical phenomena for two adjacent versions of reality to transpose temporarily and then revert it?


05-26-2014, 08:54 PM
For example, the ET I knew always used to harp on about continuity errors.
They sometimes said the less they interact directly "ground floor" with the environment of the universe the less often they had to deal with continuity issues and the issues of shifting versions within reality.

For example, they used to explain in one example that if someone like the Advisor [Nordic-like ET] comes into direct contact with the "ground floor" of reality it is as if an object popped into "full on" existence in the universe. They stated when I was younger that it creates a continuity error. One grey used to say it was like adding a lose thread in the center of a rope that had no origin or beginning [continuity] when creating a rope. Then removing the same thread from the same rope by cutting it when they leave.


As the ET used to say, they were constantly appearing and disappearing as a classical physical object in reality due to the phasing technology. Without a clear beginning, and disappearing with no apparent end.

Objects (people like me) are moved out of sync with the original inertia of reality with each change. They basically said that small changes are acceptable but large changes cause their vantage point to fluctuate. They also said it would affect me if I used abilities like theirs and in turn people "like them" would notice the errors and fluctuations.

In their [sort of basic] view, reality doesn't adapt to errors. The idea of a paradox doesn't exist for them as much as they suddenly shift from one adjacent sequence of events to another with a greater impetus. They coordinate between themselves to limit the amount of changes so they keep things on track.

Contact/Disclosure day is basically the beginning of a free-for-all where everyone [well above humankind at least] gets to roll the dice. If you really think about it.


Anyway, before I end up in the ditch of talking points...

I wondered if the paranormal entities were somehow affecting which version of reality the person observes before it reverts back to a default state. What I think is my best guess right now, is that the entity probably temporarily affects the version of reality to which the person is spiritually attached to/aware of.

That person being affected is both a physical object and a non-physical object (their spirit).

For example, if an entity were to stalk someone on an ongoing basis and they were to affect a persons sync with the normal trajectory of their reality:

The person would see and experience a set of events where in the entity does something notable, but when the sync of the persons consciousness self-corrects back to the normal trajectory of their given reality, there should be no external evidence that the previously witnessed events actually took place. The conscious recording on the non-physical side [their spirit] remains but the external physical world shows no evidence.


Did I mention my thoughts on this were convoluted?

The point to get around is that the observations people make with their conscious awareness creates two recordings. One is in the spiritual area and the other is a physical encoding in the organic parts of their body.

The other point to keep in mind is that people, as both physical objects and a consciousness are constantly shifting moment to moment from one event to the next. Thanks to the spirit portion it all looks continuous and straight forward as an experience. "As if" it were coherent and linearly sequenced set of events.

But if an entity (another spirit without a body) were in theory hanging around the living person, the spirit could in theory affect the connection the living person has to "this" specific version of physical awareness and make them jump into another. Like jumping one train track to another temporarily, then back to their original track.

Whatever happened during their observations on a different railroad track is perfectly real as observed, but whatever they observed during their desynced state is not relevant to their current observation once undone.


One point I'd like to make is that OOBE experimenters can go and see different versions of reality sans[without] their body. But they always remain linked to their particular version of reality due to their body being linked with their spiritual side. When OOBE experimenters come back, they sync back in their original revision of reality. Their normal trajectory of what they know as reality.

If some entity figured out [somehow] a way to make someone [who is alive] forcibly resync with an alternate version of themselves...even if just for a moment and then back again. They would probably be puzzled by (for example) why they saw plates vividly flying and breaking then, suddenly when they re-sync their consciousness to their original revision of reality, they look around and see no broken plates.

It happened, just not in that specific original trajectory of reality. In the end, it's what you remember that counts. :) ?

Reply in next post.

05-26-2014, 09:45 PM
So if I understand you correctly, in theory the mind can be desynced from the body's current timeline, experience an alternate timeline, and be resynced with the original timeline while retaining memories of those alternate events, minus any physical proof that they happened. That's a good theory. This is a goldmine topic; it could explain broad daylight abductions in public places with no evidence remaining afterwards except for those involved remembering it. Or not even remembering, rather just missing time and an uneasy feeling that something weird just happened.

About that entity and the audio recording, it's strange that only the waveform data itself was missing. Like why wasn't the whole event erased, where the audio guy has this 'daydream' where he got a call asking him to record something weird, but he check his phone and computer and apparently no one called him that day. It's as if only the bare minimum was done to ensure no evidence could be shared with others. The two guys could remember everything, have the audio file right there, everything same as before except for the key proof.

Makes me wonder if the paranormal entity maybe wasn't the one who did the correction, but something else that acts as a kind of time cop or time editor. I mean, if aliens are worried about creating too many fluctuations/discontinuities themselves, or worried about you using abilities to instigate such ripples, then I'd imagine they'd also fret about 'illegal' paranormal entity activity that impacts the timeline.

So back to that audio recording, obviously if the recording were retained, they could have played it for the show. People would hear it, be creeped out and affected, some who were on the fence might now start taking the topic more seriously. It could be scientifically analyzed, and some guy with a degree says it's truly anomalous, etc. and I think those effects all stemming from an intrusion from outside our timeline could be a major no no (maybe that's one of the legal stipulations of the "Quarantine"?) But if only those two guys remembered it, but had nothing to show for it, then no problem. So some kind of local quarantine/correction was put in place to nip the consequences in the bud before they rippled.

"If a tree falls in a forest and no one...." -- I bet that if an alien showed up fully at 'ground floor level' in a forest with no one around, the discontinuity would be minimal versus if they appeared on the White House lawn. Public reaction (both in terms of their actions and impressions) must therefore figure into the degree of fluctuation in the alien vantage point. This means proof is allowed so long as its effects are contained. That's why each of us can have 100% personal proof aliens are real, but one way or another we're prevented from convincing the world at large. The management of proof involves everything from thought insemination to possibly the timeline desyncing / resyncing stuff.

05-26-2014, 10:41 PM
Here are some of Carissa's anecdotes that may relate:

A dream? Or a real UFO/abduction? I don’t know whether this was a dream, a real event, or a screen memory. However I’ll include it in the “Dreams” section, just in case. But one night in Florida in March or April of 2002 (right after I moved to my new apartment in Fort Lauderdale), I had just gone to bed when suddenly, a bright blue-white light descended outside the front of my apartment. Its light poured through the blinds covering my front window. Whatever this was, it had tremendous force. I jumped out of bed, frantically grabbing for my cat to protect her…right as the light source blew in my front window. Which is amazing, considering it was a strong, tri-sectioned/slatted hurricane storm window. The glass and blinds flew in everywhere, landing all over the carpet, and now the noise level was doubled, and there was all this wind and ruckus mayhem, and bright blue white light pouring in, and more wind blowing around. All I could do was just stand there, clutching my cat, facing the window (about eight to ten feet from it) frozen in place, too shocked to do anything. I didn’t make a run for the back door either. It was like I couldn’t move. And that’s all I remember.

I woke up the next morning, more than ten hours later - very suddenly - pushing myself up in bed with a HUGE gasp, eyes bugged out, whipping my head around to look over my shoulder, FULLY expecting to see my apartment completely trashed. It felt like it had only JUST happened, seconds before…when in reality more than ten hours had passed.

The apartment was perfect. The window was in place, the blinds were there, and sunlight lit the apartment. Outside life was as calm and still and pleasant as could be. My cat was there, and she was fine. The feeling of confusion and disbelief I felt is hard to convey. I KNEW the apartment should be trashed. To the core of my being I knew it had happened. Yet, the apartment was fine. Suspicious indicators: 1) it was like I was blacked out all night, I had no dreams, no memories of waking up even once in the night, and that’s not normal for me; 2) waking as suddenly as I did, gasping; and 3) the feeling that no time had gone by at all, even though it had been ten hours - it’s all indicative of being plunked back from an abduction. Guess things were rearranged too when I was plunked back. Like it never happened. Or, it’s actually a very vivid and intense screen memory of sorts.

Another notable occurrence – although I didn’t document when this happened, so I could kind of kick myself for that – was at my current temp job. I think it was earlier in this year, although it may have been late last year. But I was at my desk in the morning, and it was like time jumped. One minute it was sometime between 9:30 and 10 and the next……….It was lunch time, noon. It clearly felt off and wrong to me, like something had literally jumped, and I lost a couple of hours, yet things were kind of fuzzy so I just went “huh” and put it aside. And that’s a big part of the problem here, the fuzziness, feeling hazy, like maybe it’s just a case of time getting away from you because you’re too busy, versus actual “time jumping,” and/or “missing time.” Although I wasn’t busy, so it made no sense.

But then…….a coworker noted the same exact thing later in the day.

A guy that works here named Ryan (not to be confused with a former coworker named Ryan from Florida that I’ve mentioned in several of my write ups….) was stopping by to grab some water from the cooler around two in the afternoon. As he stood there waiting for his water bottle to fill up, one hand on his hip staring up at the clock on the wall with furrowed brows, he mentioned that he lost the morning. That one minute it was going on 10 or so, and the next….it was 12 p.m., and he’d lost the morning. It was a big deal to him because he had a project that was due by the end of the day and now he was behind because of this. o_O If it had just been me I would have forgotten about this incident and dismissed it as me imagining things. But having even just one other person noting exactly the same thing I experienced, verbatim, saying that the time loss seemed to occur between 9:30/10 am and noon was enough to make me look closer. I really don’t think I was imagining this, but what exactly happened I’ll never know. Was this just a localized happening? Was it on a mass level? I just really wish I’d kept track of the date. I have trouble doing that anymore. I used to diligently log everything, but eventually I just stopped caring. It’s like after awhile you go, “Okay, life and reality is weird, you’ve definitively proved it, how much more documentation do you need?” It became redundant to keep logging everything, but I realize that some things need to be, no matter what.


05-26-2014, 10:49 PM
For some reason I can't use the quote formatting on the following, it gives an error about message being too short, needs at least 5 characters, etc. so using indent instead.

Sometime shortly after this Joe flipped out on me for the last time that I would ever tolerate it. We got into a petty argument having to do with the refrigerator, I don't really remember. But after the way he reacted, that was it, I was done. I left him standing in the kitchen, throwing a fit, and locked myself in my room.

He pounded on my door like a crazy person, shouting full voice, then was back out in the kitchen, tearing things up. I heard him taking things out of the fridge and throwing it all around, screaming and carrying on. This went on and on and on. Meanwhile, I'm in my room, calling now ex-boyfriend Steve, whispering into the phone and asking if he could help me move out of there with his pick up truck as soon as it's convenient for him. He could tell something was seriously wrong and immediately agreed, sounding concerned. Kind of a rare stretch for the normally emotionally neutral Steve. Sunday was the first available time he had, which was in about five days. Cool, I said. I didn't know where I was going to go...and I didn't care. A motel maybe, who knows, put my stuff in storage. I was done though, and that was all that mattered. The rest would work itself out.

It's amazing how "stuff" knows it's in trouble, and works to immediately rectify the situation. "Stuff" wanted me tethered to Joe at all costs, for several reasons, and when I decided to leave and take off, it "fixed" the problem.

The next day, it was a New Joe.

It was like the incident never happened. Joe had a completely new personality. He was calm, docile...dazed. Pleasant as could be. Gone was the past five months of rage and head games, periodically flipping out and making me chase after him. The kitchen was also miraculously cleaned up - completely, like it never happened, but yet, it shouldn't have been. I heard stuff break, but in the morning everything was perfectly clean and tidy, the fridge was normal, like nothing had ever been taken out and thrown around. It was like it had just...never happened. I thought that was a little "weird" at the time - recognizing even with my then naive obliviousness that cleaning up the mess shouldn't have eliminated all traces of the incident. So factoring in Joe's "New Personality" I can now, at this stage, with what I know about MILABS and the woo woo, take a wild guess at how the miraculous kitchen clean up may have occurred. ;)

Joe never got angry at me again in the next almost two years that he remained in my life, never said nasty things, never disdainfully criticized me, never even dared to flip out at me. It was to the point where I could have stood there and cussed him out and completely degraded him up and down and he would have just stood there, taking it. Not that I would do that, but that's to illustrate how docile he was now with me. His personality did a complete 180. He was still crazy with the rest of the world...just not to me. I never told him that I had called Steve and was going to move out and ditch him, and there was no way for him to know since I was locked away in my room, whispering on the phone down by the floor between my bed and the wall while he was in the kitchen screaming and carrying on and throwing everything around... but I didn't have to. The "stuff" that controlled him knew it, and so "fixed the situation." Damage control.

I don't know what they did to him, but whatever it was, it insured that I changed my mind. I called Steve back about two days later and cancelled the Sunday moving day, much to his confusion. The apartment complex gave us a warning letter on our door threatening eviction if something like that ever happened again because they'd received complaints from the neighbors, that's how loud and crazy Joe was.


05-26-2014, 10:56 PM
Last anecdote:

November 1, 2001. I was en route to moving to Portland, Oregon, from Orange County California. Having checked out of my motel room in Bakersfield California near noon, I drove down the street to get to the 5 Freeway North on ramp. I found it, no problem, but then saw a Carl's Jr. hamburger place. Umm! Food! So I sidetracked over to the Carl's drive thru first, to get lunch before hitting the road. Ten minutes later I'm exiting the drive thru, back onto the road to get to the onramp. Got my hamburger, my Coke, my cat in my lap, life is good. (note: ten years later it's safe to say, I don't eat like this anymore. :D ) I get to where the onramp is………and now it's closed. It's blocked with orange road safety cones and a sign that reads "Onramp Closed." And to top it all off, it was now freshly paved.

I just sat there in my car, in the middle of the road, mouth open, stunned. It made no sense. This was the same onramp from only ten minutes before!!! There were no construction workers to indicate where all this suddenly came from. There were no people around in general who could have even done this. And the icing on the whole deal was when I looked up to the top of the on ramp…and saw a police car just sitting there, on the shoulder of the road. Like a guard, you could say.

Confused, I drove off down the road, thinking there must be another on ramp to use.

Nope. There was only the 5 Freeway South on ramp. That was it.

I drove back to the northbound on ramp and sat there in my car in the middle of the road, frowning intensely, experiencing what was at the point, the most confusion and disbelief I'd ever felt for anything. This whole thing wasn't right. It couldn't be real. I frowned at the freshly paved on ramp, with nobody else around, and the cop at the top. What to do…what to do…Whatever this was, it was almost a perfect guarantee to ensure that I wouldn't use the ramp. Because who in their right mind would drive their treasured car over wet asphalt with a flippin' cop sitting right there? Nobody.

It's not real, I decided. It can't be. This is just so ridiculous and over the top, there's no way it can be real.

And I took my foot off the brake, drove around the orange cone, over what was supposed to be fresh wet asphalt, up the ramp, past the cop, and onto the 5 north.

Nothing happened.

I didn't feel anything weird going on with my car after driving through wet asphalt.

My heart was racing as I checked my rearview, expecting the cop strobes to start going. Nothing. The cop just sat there.

My heart rate slowed as the cop car grew smaller and smaller in my rearview. Still frowning, I slowly began to eat my hamburger and "recover" from the incident. All I could do, like most things, was just put it aside. Move forward. Not obsess over it. Answers would come, I was sure. Eventually.

In retrospect, I realize now that of course I could have gotten on the 5 south, and turned around at the next exit to go back north. But I was just so confused over wet pavement and orange cones and cop cars appearing from nowhere within 10 minutes' time that I couldn't think clearly. There's just no stopping me though when I want to do something, and so off I went, despite it all. And lo and behold, it wasn't real. There was no damage to my car, and the cop didn't come after me. Because there was no wet pavement, and there was no cop. In my opinion.

05-27-2014, 12:46 AM
Say, could you check a version of person in nearby reality that has chosen differently at some point and scan the difference? Say, gone through a military service and see how that might have affected their development. I actually had exactly that experience after reading this thread with proper thought. Got pinged by unusually clear in the right ear ring and hunch that you might have posted something. Our cat growled in its sleep. Felt the expected tiredness, went to bed and experienced a good hour of simulative feelings of being pissed off, bored, feeling heat, being in nature, confidence, pondering about meaning of being soldier and reservist etc. what one might expect. Woke up alert, went out for a energetic walk and light workout feeling unusually aware of the posture, surroundings and voices near and far. huh. Something I've wondered about earlier, a good useful buzz regardless of the reasons, but curious, that clear ear-ringing has not happened in a while.

05-27-2014, 03:12 AM
Last anecdote:

November 1, 2001. I was en route to moving to Portland, Oregon, from Orange County California. Having checked out of my motel room in Bakersfield California near noon, I drove down the street to get to the 5 Freeway North on ramp. I found it, no problem, but then saw a Carl's Jr. hamburger place. Umm! Food! So I sidetracked over to the Carl's drive thru first, to get lunch before hitting the road. Ten minutes later I'm exiting the drive thru, back onto the road to get to the onramp. Got my hamburger, my Coke, my cat in my lap, life is good. (note: ten years later it's safe to say, I don't eat like this anymore. :D ) I get to where the onramp is………and now it's closed. It's blocked with orange road safety cones and a sign that reads "Onramp Closed." And to top it all off, it was now freshly paved.

I just sat there in my car, in the middle of the road, mouth open, stunned. It made no sense. This was the same onramp from only ten minutes before!!! There were no construction workers to indicate where all this suddenly came from. There were no people around in general who could have even done this. And the icing on the whole deal was when I looked up to the top of the on ramp…and saw a police car just sitting there, on the shoulder of the road. Like a guard, you could say.

Confused, I drove off down the road, thinking there must be another on ramp to use.

Nope. There was only the 5 Freeway South on ramp. That was it.

I drove back to the northbound on ramp and sat there in my car in the middle of the road, frowning intensely, experiencing what was at the point, the most confusion and disbelief I'd ever felt for anything. This whole thing wasn't right. It couldn't be real. I frowned at the freshly paved on ramp, with nobody else around, and the cop at the top. What to do…what to do…Whatever this was, it was almost a perfect guarantee to ensure that I wouldn't use the ramp. Because who in their right mind would drive their treasured car over wet asphalt with a flippin' cop sitting right there? Nobody.

It's not real, I decided. It can't be. This is just so ridiculous and over the top, there's no way it can be real.

And I took my foot off the brake, drove around the orange cone, over what was supposed to be fresh wet asphalt, up the ramp, past the cop, and onto the 5 north.

Nothing happened.

I didn't feel anything weird going on with my car after driving through wet asphalt.

My heart was racing as I checked my rearview, expecting the cop strobes to start going. Nothing. The cop just sat there.

My heart rate slowed as the cop car grew smaller and smaller in my rearview. Still frowning, I slowly began to eat my hamburger and "recover" from the incident. All I could do, like most things, was just put it aside. Move forward. Not obsess over it. Answers would come, I was sure. Eventually.

In retrospect, I realize now that of course I could have gotten on the 5 south, and turned around at the next exit to go back north. But I was just so confused over wet pavement and orange cones and cop cars appearing from nowhere within 10 minutes' time that I couldn't think clearly. There's just no stopping me though when I want to do something, and so off I went, despite it all. And lo and behold, it wasn't real. There was no damage to my car, and the cop didn't come after me. Because there was no wet pavement, and there was no cop. In my opinion.Might it be you shifted timelines? There is the hypothesis, and anecdotal stories like yours, where you have jumped to a parallel universe or timeline. Dr. Bruce Goldberg has done work in this area, you might want to investigate his work.

By the way, asphalt is laid down hot and gooey and rolled solid in a few minutes. The crew could have done it and left in a fairly short time depending on how long a strip they repaved. but it sounds like more than a quick fix so another idea needs to be employed here.

05-27-2014, 09:26 AM
Might it be you shifted timelines? There is the hypothesis, and anecdotal stories like yours, where you have jumped to a parallel universe or timeline. Dr. Bruce Goldberg has done work in this area, you might want to investigate his work.

Oh that wasn't my anecdote, I was just sharing some of Carissa's experiences (in2worlds.net (http://in2worlds.net)) since she's had more of these than I have. But yes, most likely it was either a timeline shift or some kind of live projected illusion.

The weirdest glitch I ever had, which I've written about before, is when I had the onset of an aural migraine while stopping by a Walgreens drug store to pick up something. I needed to go down the middle aisle to the back of the store but there were two carts, two guys, and a female employee there talking to each other and totally blocking that aisle. Normally (like 99.99% of the time) I'd pick a different aisle because I don't like being rude.

But with the headache coming on and time being short, I did something uncharacteristic and went right between the two carts, pushed them apart... the two guys and the girl kept talking to each other like I wasn't even there. I couldn't quite get the carts apart, got tangled up (literally) in the guy who was standing between them.... still no response from any of them, not even a weird look or pause or any kind of reaction. I then physically picked up his arm (bare skin) and moved it off to my right out of the way, and his arm felt like dead weight -- he didn't pull back or react.

Finally I pushed the two carts apart and walked on. The whole thing took about 15 seconds and I looked back and the three of them were still standing there conversing without ever looking at me. Bizarre. When I finally got what I needed to buy, I came back and they were gone, and the cashier wasn't the female employee from earlier. I know I wasn't hallucinating this because I've had aural migraines other times and never hallucinated, and I've never had any illness or condition that's ever created a hallucination.

Anyway, the two things that may have factored into this: 1) me doing something very unexpected and improbable, and 2) my aural migraine putting my brain/biology (and maybe the 'influence' cycling patterns in my head) in an abnormal state. I suspect that this somehow caught the "continuity mechanism" by surprise and jammed its ability to recover, and so some weird glitch or timeline shift or something happened. Not quite sure. Or maybe we're always surrounded by such human looking "props" but because we never step out of line and interact with them, we don't know any different.

05-28-2014, 12:03 PM
With third-party entities (I'm thinking ghosts, demons etc. Aliens are a bit too physical, so I class them a bit differently) I sometimes wonder if the effect they are producing is similar to a rubber-banding effect. They affect probable continuity with their improbable continuity, stretching it from the non-probable continuum into the probable one, and once they stop exerting effort it all flicks back to where it is supposed to be [as opposed to the aliens where they effectively cut and weave in a thread of a probable continuity from a different continuum.] I can imagine it'd produce all sort of extremely weird effects.

To top it all off, our consciousness interprets events as they are presented within a given continuum [unless you have extras of course], so the "off" continuum is read as verbatim information for as long as it is there, after it is flicked away our consciousness suddenly receives the actual continuum. Any events recorded in the "off" continuum naturally go with it, and we are left with what would have happened if our consciousness had decided to physically record events in the actual continuum [meaning we record silence, static, pictures with no ghost etc.]

I also pose this, what if the changes can be localized to only a given set of present consciousnesses? That'd make for fun events wouldn't it? ;) Especially if everyone got a personalized version.

05-31-2014, 08:17 AM
With third-party entities (I'm thinking ghosts, demons etc. Aliens are a bit too physical, so I class them a bit differently) I sometimes wonder if the effect they are producing is similar to a rubber-banding effect. They affect probable continuity with their improbable continuity, stretching it from the non-probable continuum into the probable one, and once they stop exerting effort it all flicks back to where it is supposed to be [as opposed to the aliens where they effectively cut and weave in a thread of a probable continuity from a different continuum.] I can imagine it'd produce all sort of extremely weird effects.

I've had paranormal entities affect the probability of events in my environment, but not alter the past as far as I know. Not sure if this relates to what you're talking about, but when they come around, things like sudden appearance of certain insects or pests, freak mechanical breakdowns, injuries, things shattering, etc. might increase for a while, and when the entity leaves then probability turns back to normal. I don't think it's them necessarily exerting PK effects in a deterministic manner like causing the drive belt in a washing machine to snap by weakening its molecules or changing the influence patterns in house wiring so that electrons don't flow right and a lightbulb explodes. Rather it comes across as a purely probabilistic / synchronistic / timeline kind of phenomenon because of the sheer variety of types of events (with a common theme) it generates.

Also what about this hypothesis: if you yourself live / feel / think / act in an improbable way, so that you're not staying put in one nice straight timeline trajectory, do you then also start running into paranormal entities that naturally aren't part of straightforward timeline trajectories either?

06-03-2014, 09:54 PM
Speaking of timelines and trajectories I have some interactions myself. A lot of the stuff that happens out of body is so vivid and sometimes so real you can actually feel stuff happen to you sense smells and what not but I digress. But in regards to timelines and alternate timelines and "fixing"/"altering" them to set certain "events" and path's to happen. I firmly believe that happens. Now whether this type of behavior is something acceptable or not? I suspect it's not(Well certain interactions are at least). Although I do know it is being practiced.


06-04-2014, 01:01 PM
So if I understand you correctly, in theory the mind can be desynced from the body's current timeline, experience an alternate timeline, and be resynced with the original timeline while retaining memories of those alternate events, minus any physical proof that they happened.More or less correct.

Though I would raise caution in the idea that the mind is equal to the spiritual/psychic aspects of a living individual. I consider the mind to be derived from the spirit in tandem with the physical body. Specifically the "lower" mind.

The "higher mind" has more to do with the Spiritual components and the psychic inter-exchange than it does with the physical body. Some people who experience NDE's realize that their conscious framework and design often changes in it's nature when the physical body is separated.

(Note: In the ET lessons there is a third "mind/apparatus" but it does not constitute a "consciousness" that you or me would recognize. There isn't an english expression equivalent for the descriptive term. We used telepathic expressions with tons of references/descriptors to refer to the concept without an english term.)


If you go deep into the ET lessons, the basic concept is that "you" [the individual] are attached to your body by ~energetic~ (influence) anchor(s). These invisible anchors have a pre-set programing (before you become conscious) that fluctuates constantly.

These anchor(s) (influence centers) communicate together along pathways and form your operating consciousness in tandem with "lots of other things".

1) Your body acts as a ~physical receptor~ and takes in data along a shifting axis in spacetime and probability.
2) Your interconnect[ed] centers [being non-physical in the "standard sense") act as an antenna that transmits and receives information across the shifting axis of spacetime and probability.
3) Your real self, which is not even in spacetime nor in the probability axis is remotely receiving the back and forth and you "become aware" as a result.

In the ET lessons, the basic idea is that "you" and "your body" are not in the same place when scrutinized carefully in a technical sense.
When people "amplify" their "psychic field" they simply "overproduce" the "interconnected influence" between their centers. These influence exchanges overflow beyond the parameters of the body and give that person "sensations" outside the parameters of their body.

But...the external sense (ESP) that builds up due to the overflow of influence can be picked up directly by "the higher mind" aspects of a person. But for "the lower mind" to experience it, it needs to be translated into an organic sensation through the organic tissue.

The feedback loop is typical. It has to be processed via the organics if the lower mind is the "consciousness".


The only reason why psychics (ET included) can sense other versions is because they de-synchronise the programming in those interconnect centers...just enough....so that they can pick up transmitted data across different axis of spacetime and probability.

So can someone just desync a human consciousness so that it can view influence data that (for example) doesn't belong to it's native organic body or even the parameters of it's timeframe? Sure, but there are problems.

People who have devised strategic ways to do this in a controlled manner are normally ET's. There is ample possibilities that spiritual beings can do this. I know the UT [Ultra-Terrestrials types] can.


They [UT] are (my opinion only) probably alot more capable than your average ET's. The main difference I can determine between what I have picked up in the heads of the ET over a long time is that the ET are "organic bound".

They [the majority I have met and from their memories] require an organic "envelope". Thier consciousness is very similar in it's basic nature to ours. They have the same loops that render their consciousness.

The UT though seem to be a different form of existence. Their "form" is changeable and malleable. Without the loops they can "be" and perceive different places quickly. No UFO required. (Yet contradictorily, they act [and reason, some of the time] like a human being in a human form ??)


It is the same argument that I made many years ago when I was small kid and still taking in everything they [the ET] taught me up until then. I basically got the gist that "these ET" were [for the most] part incapable of ~transcending~ their organic form. Despite all their technology and knowledge they seemed to be limited in what they could do and how they do it.

Dead spiritual beings lack a physical form. Their only "loops" that forms their consciousness and ties to the physical world are their degrading...free floating...interconnects. They tend to bleed out influence quickly without the organic side. Forcing them to continually drain living beings for more. They can move from one spot in the world to another in very little time...minutes even...as long as they have a reference point as to where they are going.

They can even affect things at a great distance...again, only if they have a solid reference point.

But due to the nature of their condition, they continually shift in and out of conscious awareness as this physical environment. They lapse from what anyone can call "awareness" to "unawareness" over and over again. Some of them will remain consciousness as long as they keep supplying their needs of gathering more living influence. Years and decades can pass while they do that.

If you think about it long enough, none of the different classes of beings is all that mysterious if you take the ET lesson in stride with all the depth and complicated nuances.

06-04-2014, 02:35 PM
So if I understand you correctly, in theory the mind can be desynced from the body's current timeline, experience an alternate timeline, and be resynced with the original timeline while retaining memories of those alternate events, minus any physical proof that they happened. That's a good theory. This is a goldmine topic; it could explain broad daylight abductions in public places with no evidence remaining afterwards except for those involved remembering it. Or not even remembering, rather just missing time and an uneasy feeling that something weird just happened. I don't know if this stuff happens in abductions. I have only heard of one case where a man/woman (I forget) was returned just prior to their leaving with their abductors. (A big shrug on my part :confused:)

I would like to just say, in theory, there is no reason why it can't happen. But if it does happen, how would it happen in such a short time?

And if the person re-synched back to their original timeline (which if you think about it, doesn't persist relative to them, since they are now in a different trajectory based on their 'mysterious experience') how do they end up "back" without continuity errors?

Who has in a drivers seat 'driving' while they were gone? Who drove their bodies while they shifted timelines? And where is that consciousness now?

I know for a fact, (personal experience) that you can see the future position and experience you will be at, then change it, and still retain memory of both after the fact. (Though strange sensations occur during [and just after] the aberration.)

So it doesn't surprise me at all that people can remember an alternate version that would've happened, but didn't due to their own actions.

About that entity and the audio recording, it's strange that only the waveform data itself was missing. Like why wasn't the whole event erased, where the audio guy has this 'daydream' where he got a call asking him to record something weird, but he check his phone and computer and apparently no one called him that day.[exactly]

Thats the continuity error I am puzzled about. There should be one.

If it were the case that you experienced "something" and then you reverted and you found yourself back at the start of the start without changing positions...that would be pretty weird.

But if you were to begin experiencing all that "weird stuff" and you moved your body to new position or reacted to it....well even if the evidence disappears "from the immediate past"...."what" made your body move into that "new position" based on the previous moments that....never happened?

Kinda mysterious questions popup.

It's as if only the bare minimum was done to ensure no evidence could be shared with others. The two guys could remember everything, have the audio file right there, everything same as before except for the key proof.

Makes me wonder if the paranormal entity maybe wasn't the one who did the correction, but something else that acts as a kind of time cop or time editor. Or it could all mean that even aberrations of possibilities have pathways?

if aliens are worried about creating too many fluctuations/discontinuities themselves, or worried about you using abilities to instigate such ripples, then I'd imagine they'd also fret about 'illegal' paranormal entity activity that impacts the timeline. And exactly the opposite is true. They never seemed to care.

Most paranormal entities I encountered (minus the UT) are almost completely "flat" timewise. Very few of them actually displayed any ability to see the immediate future. And those who did, well, there is a gray (the color) area as to whether or not it just wasn't planning and later instigation in the short term.

ET's though are a different "animal". They continuously look ahead and base [a good number of] their current actions based on the outcome. I have seen them do it so often that it "seems perfectly normal".

Now all the educated folk I have seen on tv tend to think that this would create a cause and effect error and therefore a paradox. But reality is a different story. I don't know exactly what the strange sensations are after you initiate an error. But I do know that the bigger the error the deeper the sensation.

For example, it isn't the same to move out of your future position as it is to stop someone from going somewhere because they are about to get hurt in some incident. But the advisor did that all of the time. Even one time which was egregious [and I should be greatful I think].


Then again, the UT sometimes do the same, though their interference is less directional and less intentional [sometimes]. (at least from my vantage point)

So back to that audio recording, obviously if the recording were retained, they could have played it for the show. People would hear it, be creeped out and affected, some who were on the fence might now start taking the topic more seriously. It could be scientifically analyzed, and some guy with a degree says it's truly anomalous, etc. and I think those effects all stemming from an intrusion from outside our timeline could be a major no no (maybe that's one of the legal stipulations of the "Quarantine"?) But if only those two guys remembered it, but had nothing to show for it, then no problem. So some kind of local quarantine/correction was put in place to nip the consequences in the bud before they rippled. There are alot of things I don't understand. One would assume the ET would care if such incidents happened. But I noticed it was rare that they cared what any paranormal activity did.

The paranormal types often were only stopped directly by the UT types. There seems to be some kind of order to things but it is not very obvious.

I do know if you instigate certain paranormal effects on other people the UT appear out of nowhere and talk to you about what you just did. I know that certain psychic abilities when in use causes the UT to take notice and come to watch. Sometimes actively telling me to stop doing that or give strongly worded ultimatums. (Which trust me, I take more seriously than the ET's threats. You get the distinct feeling they [UT] can put you in your place without a second thought.)

I recall that telling people information that they otherwise would not know seems to get the UT to come around. Putting people at odds with their immediate future seems to attract them. But at the same time they "watch" you and urge you to make a decision that impacts your own life by your own decision and hand.

I also know that some of them really lament some of the stuff they see me go through since I hear them comment outloud about it before it happens. Even a number of times the UT types intentionally hint at something without violating their own rules directly. Though I have noticed someone higher than them sometimes stops them when they do that. Someone who I don't perceive directly except in their thought and apparent actions.

Like for example, one of them (a really low one) pointed out that I needed to go to the back of my house and check. But they refused to say why only insisted that it be immediate. Little did I know there was a rag on fire over a gas pipe.

In their rules, they can't directly "lead" you by the hand (unlike the ET, who can and do for their own purposes). Though some of them [UT] know how to improvise and bend rules. And when they aren't allowed even that, they tend to express...lamentations. Which I know is always an extremely bad sign when I hear them do that.

06-04-2014, 02:36 PM

The ET types only seem to care about keeping secrets. Not talking about it, not using it without their express oversight. Not expressing anything to anyone for any reason unless they themselves are interested in you doing that for them. (which isn't often)

For example, they won't let you take information you gathered with mind reading and use it for your own gain. So you know something but they won't (and threaten you all the time) if you do something about it. So you just sit there and wait till it passes and don't react to it with full knowledge that it was obviously an opportunity. But they themselves will use mind reading on anyone they want and use it

When they want to help, they can set up anything and put money in your hands without much effort. When they want to keep you in a financial corner, they know just who to tap to keep you in your place.

For most purposes, dealing with the ET is like dealing with the proverbial devil. They know almost everything. [Or basically enough of everything]
If you go against them, they will put you in a bind.
They will even tell you exactly how they are going to go about doing something with as much detail as they want.

Because in the end there is little you can do to actively stop them. You either cooperate or you don't. Mostly I didn't. So thats why things usually went badly for me. Very badly.

I suspect they didn't do worse than that because it would imply that I'd be out from under their thumb and outside their sphere of control. As tragic as that sounds, thats the only thing they seem to keep in mind when doing these things. I have even watched as someone [ET] higher up than them...that you don't even know....orders them to put things back the way they normally are in the midst of a crisis they started....and they oblige.


Sometimes I wish they had broken the whole system and let me out of their cage and their scrutiny. The funny thing is, because I am not using any of those abilities it is probably the only reason they don't even bother monitoring me as much anymore. I am ironically enough doing exactly what they always wanted me to do.

It's only when I visit the forum "to talk" that they even do checkups from far away.
It's in my own self interest just to never talk about it. That way things are happy all around.

06-04-2014, 09:24 PM

The ET types only seem to care about keeping secrets. Not talking about it, not using it without their express oversight. Not expressing anything to anyone for any reason unless they themselves are interested in you doing that for them. (which isn't often)

For example, they won't let you take information you gathered with mind reading and use it for your own gain. So you know something but they won't (and threaten you all the time) if you do something about it. So you just sit there and wait till it passes and don't react to it with full knowledge that it was obviously an opportunity. But they themselves will use mind reading on anyone they want and use it

When they want to help, they can set up anything and put money in your hands without much effort. When they want to keep you in a financial corner, they know just who to tap to keep you in your place.

For most purposes, dealing with the ET is like dealing with the proverbial devil. They know almost everything. [Or basically enough of everything]
If you go against them, they will put you in a bind.
They will even tell you exactly how they are going to go about doing something with as much detail as they want.

Because in the end there is little you can do to actively stop them. You either cooperate or you don't. Mostly I didn't. So thats why things usually went badly for me. Very badly.

I suspect they didn't do worse than that because it would imply that I'd be out from under their thumb and outside their sphere of control. As tragic as that sounds, thats the only thing they seem to keep in mind when doing these things. I have even watched as someone [ET] higher up than them...that you don't even know....orders them to put things back the way they normally are in the midst of a crisis they started....and they oblige.


Sometimes I wish they had broken the whole system and let me out of their cage and their scrutiny. The funny thing is, because I am not using any of those abilities it is probably the only reason they don't even bother monitoring me as much anymore. I am ironically enough doing exactly what they always wanted me to do.

It's only when I visit the forum "to talk" that they even do checkups from far away.
It's in my own self interest just to never talk about it. That way things are happy all around.

Thanks for continually bringing us into the "fore" , Fore :)

As I have been reading your posts I have thought to myself man Fore seems more at ease with his writings and conveying information he has posted. And lo and behold your pretty much answer that in the end of your last post here. Thanks and I enjoy your information along with Montalk, Pontif. majicbar and everyone's else interactions with the cross over of the Et-demonic thread to this Temporal thread.


06-06-2014, 07:17 AM
With third-party entities (I'm thinking ghosts, demons etc. Aliens are a bit too physical, so I class them a bit differently) I sometimes wonder if the effect they are producing is similar to a rubber-banding effect. They affect probable continuity with their improbable continuity, stretching it from the non-probable continuum into the probable one, and once they stop exerting effort it all flicks back to where it is supposed to be To be honest, I just don't know.

It could very well be that way. But from everything they expressed it sounds alot more like they live in a bubble of ~separated/modified space~ when they are constantly on a different phase. (phasing technology)

As a physical "Phased-Out" object:
They register as an object in [our physical universe] reality, they have a definitive position in space, but their time sync can be totally off.
But, they are an intangible object as a physical mass. (crazy right?)
Yet all physical laws don't apply, to the same degree, to them as a phased-out object that has material mass.

As a standard physical object:
Everything and everyone at the "ground floor" of reality are fully tangible to every other object in the standard universe, have a definitive position in space as well as a synchronous time [more or less]. All physical laws apply always to the same degree to objects on the "ground floor" of reality.

So as far as that is true, they can walk through other material objects that are established on "the ground floor of reality".

06-06-2014, 07:40 AM
As a physical "Phased-Out" object:
They register as an object in [our physical universe] reality, they have a definitive position in space, but their time sync can be totally off.
But, they are an intangible object as a physical mass. (crazy right?)
Yet all physical laws don't apply, to the same degree, to them as a phased-out object that has material mass.

Remember when the Advisor was trying to get you to OBE so that you could see her. If you had succeeded and saw her while she was phased out, then I wonder what that says about phasing technology in relation to the soul/consciousness that projects out of body during an OBE.

Also interesting is that astral projectors, despite not being physical, still have some level of interaction with the physical environment -- like going through a wall might offer a slight bit of resistance, or give a certain sensation. Power lines and electrical wiring especially.

06-06-2014, 07:55 AM
I do know if you instigate certain paranormal effects on other people the UT appear out of nowhere and talk to you about what you just did. I know that certain psychic abilities when in use causes the UT to take notice and come to watch. Sometimes actively telling me to stop doing that or give strongly worded ultimatums. (Which trust me, I take more seriously than the ET's threats. You get the distinct feeling they [UT] can put you in your place without a second thought.)

Have you ever witnessed a UT "coming down" and stopping/warning an ET, or perhaps any chatter on the ET network about "those darned angels" or anything?

Like for example, one of them (a really low one) pointed out that I needed to go to the back of my house and check. But they refused to say why only insisted that it be immediate. Little did I know there was a rag on fire over a gas pipe.

In their rules, they can't directly "lead" you by the hand (unlike the ET, who can and do for their own purposes). Though some of them [UT] know how to improvise and bend rules. And when they aren't allowed even that, they tend to express...lamentations. Which I know is always an extremely bad sign when I hear them do that.

I wonder why that is. Whether it's straight up "freewill must be preserved" or if it's a moralistic testing of your faith, like if you don't have faith and therefore fail to act on the message then you somehow deserve the consequences. Or if it's just a preserving of the general order or timeline of things, like X is somewhat supposed to happen, so they can only somewhat intervene.

06-07-2014, 09:59 AM
Have you ever witnessed a UT "coming down" and stopping/warning an ET, or perhaps any chatter on the ET network about "those darned angels" or anything? I'll have to think about it deeply to be sure. But the quick and fast answer is both yes and no at the same time.

Yes, because I was told directly they are aware of "them" . So they know they exist but it almost strange...they don't openly acknowledge it. At times you notice they stop and you "see/sense" ESP pointers in their mind that "something" or "some unknown" just interfered. But you never really know "what". It could be ET's higher up on a separate channel that you can't access? Or it could be a UT putting a stop and the actions shift focus but no obvious mentions are made to that end.

I can talk about "open clues" but nothing concrete. There was once a time during the end of my time with the advisor where she gave me the full itinerary/forecast for the next 1.5 years~ of activity. Something she usually did every once in a while back then. (keep in mind, back then, I couldn't even fathom her not being "there" with me as even a plausible departure since I have known her ever since I was small kid)

During her exposition over what would occur in detail over the next 18 months (back then). She gave strange details that indicated something else would be taking over part of the cleanup process. Specifically I told her (incredulously) that there was no way she was leaving and there was no way the paranormal entities around us would leave (willingly).

She said something very strange (openly acknowledging) that my abilities and the experiments wouldn't be the focus of my life anymore. That the paranormal types would leave and someone (a descriptor they use for the UT) would clean out and diminish the number of entities interfering in my life. (she also mentioned other things which aren't related).


What I can say for sure is, the ET know of the UT. They classify the UT using vague descriptors, not even a real name or identifier. Why? I don't know. They talked about the UT a number of times. Though they never really said anything definitive. They know of the UT, they talked about them in lessons as being entities that exist differently than them. The origin? none is really explained. There is no mention of a heaven. There was some vague mentions of a different reality. That these "entities" they use vague descriptions for evade their....http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/presentience

Though the "entities" affect their developments in "unspecified" ways. Active interference.

The above comes from both what the Greys said and what the Advisor said. Almost interchangeably. Vagueness. Lots of vagueness.
The advisor was more specific but she never really painted a UT as I understand it today. And I encountered UT even when they (the ET) were involved with me. A rare event but they showed up every once in a while.

They weren't hostile towards me, but there was no obvious reactions from the ET. They almost (now that I think about it) openly ignored them when they showed up. Strangely enough they didn't ignore paranormal entities (the phantoms/demons/ghosts) as often. They didn't pay them any mind unless it interfered in the experiments or how able I was to conduct whatever experiment was on the table for that period of time.


When I really think about it, it's like [the ET] ignored something that has tangible consequences. The UT also interacted and usually didn't say anything good about the ET when I was small. They avoided any super telling remarks (that I would later have appreciated). The often tone of the UT remarks against the ET was usually negative. Like "you shouldn't get involved with them" in a straight forward remark. But never explaining deep down as to why.

The Advisor herself sometimes showed signs of guilt, ah I don't know what to call it...a sense of a guilty conscience? Usually she would explain that the people she worked with weren't particularly good people and they didn't necessarily do things with an evil intent. (Sort of like describing the Grey as absent minded when it came to morals/ethics....i.e. Anything goes.

She used to say there was another ET group she originally belonged to that watched over the other members and often pulled the strings. I saw evidence of this when there were other nordics who were extremely good (I mean extremely good at) covering their nearby presence. A man [Nordic] and a woman [Nordic type] would usually step in and stop something when the wheels fell off "the situation".

At first I assumed they might be UT, but I quickly realized they weren't because their signatures were like the advisors. They also had tangible ESP markers which meant they had a body like all the other UT. They never talk, they rarely discuss anything with me. They are always in the perpetual shadow of the whole 20+ years. I know less about them than I do the ET's supervisors.


Most of the encounters with the UT were strange..."telling" in the clues I would later appreciate....but never really interfering with the ET.

The majority of the time, they [the UT] would either come down to inspect what I was, as if looking over me to figure me out. Then leave with a strange remark or two to separate myself from the ET group I was with. But with few, little or no explanations. Other times a couple of the encounters were of a UT making a pronouncement that I was on the wrong side of this entire event. One or two even said that I needed to decide "who's side" I was intending to end up with when everything concluded. With strong overtones exuding from them that


The rest of the early UT encounters could be summed up as a UT passing by and being...strenuously threatening/ultimatums/warnings that I would not interfere with other people through the use of my psychic abilities.

...Strangely enough, I never noted any ET having [I][U]obvious signs of interaction with a UT off the top of my head.

Which is incredibly strange considering they acknowledge their existence but act as if they aren't there when they show up. I vividly recall a temporarily [Nordic] ET who seemed surprised by the appearance of a UT during one critical encounter [for me at least it was critical]. I vividly still remember the expressions that crossed the female nordics mind as "in surprise" and that "she had heard of these but hadn't seen one up close".

I am no genius, but I know when something seems fishy. The incongruence of the whole interaction seems to indicate the ET and these UT are estranged. Or maybe I am reading a little too much into it. I dunno, you tell me?

06-07-2014, 11:20 AM
Have you ever witnessed a UT "coming down" and stopping/warning an ET, or perhaps any chatter on the ET network about "those darned angels" or anything? By the way, I should mention something pretty obvious. Despite the fact that I write as if UT are some kind of UBER paranormal entity. People should not assume that.

For all intents and purposes, there is nothing stopping them seemingly from interfering in physical/embodied affairs. Be it an ET or a human person.

Why do I say that? Because the only thing that seems to stop them are their incredibly nuanced rules. Some of which I can glean, but the rest is pretty much mysterious. The UT I met (and variety thereof) don't seem to be descending in some ET-esque fashion. They are (IMO) more like Administrators/Moderators/Messengers/Enforcement over whatever happens.

They don't seem to have any [regular] motivations like you would find in a regular ET or human being.

They care if you interfere in other peoples lives using psychic abilities. [strangely enough]

They care if you divulge information from the ET. Basically they have a negative opinion of it's consequences on the receiver, but not like a personal opinion. More like an conflict of ethos. http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/ethos

For whatever reason, some of them simply answer that there are secrets that do more harm than good. [basically] Some of them state that some knowledge has been banned from a human knowing.

They care if you divulge information to someones' evolving [future] situation. They usually always say abnormal situations / ~deviations from...the expected~ that individuals cannot get through regular/standard means. I.E. setting into motion abnormal events.

In other words, if your neighbors wife is having an affair with someone who is noted in her mind every other friday, you don't collect that information surreptitiously and then give it to the neighbors husband on a silver platter. The UT look down on information collected through non-standard perception and then disseminate it. Though strangely enough, that is part of their job description. (No, I am not jabbing them for it, I respect what they do.)

They don't take kindly to you exerting any form of modified "influence", by PSI/ESP or any other form. But they don't always show up even when you do.

I wonder why that is. Whether it's straight up "freewill must be preserved" or if it's a moralistic testing of your faith, like if you don't have faith and therefore fail to act on the message then you somehow deserve the consequences. The few UT I have met are both a walking contradiction that only "looks like" a contradiction on the surface.

A number of them stated a strange motto, that the next moment of any decision is your "second chance".

Almost all the UT I have touched the topic with....and bear in mind they tend to say very little but....strangely and contradictorily....speak volumes at the same time.

Almost all the UT I have personally met tend to think in reverse of what you'd think is logical. Bear with me on this:

They expressed that everything you do is being "transcribed". Every decision you make is being weighed for and against you as part of a testament as to whom you are. (And I heard this long before I knew that was even in the Bible) They think that "your now" is your second chance. That the moment you are living through is where you should make "the right" decision.

That the decision is already defined by whatever it is you will do. So they tell you, you should do the right thing. Others said that you were "being known" by everything you do. Who you are, what you believe and think and what you ultimately decided to do.

Overall, they let you know, that despite everything and it's appearances, someone higher than them is constantly in charge of providing options and tirelessly working behind the scenes. (which is very apparently true)

Or if it's just a preserving of the general order or timeline of things, like X is [I]somewhat supposed to happen, so they can only somewhat intervene.It's harder to shed some light on that based on the little I know of the UT.

I can definitely assert that the UT people I have come across believe there is a general order. They take it personally if you persistently try to disrupt it. But it is not like what the ET tend to have in mind. The ET and UT sometimes have overlapping similarities with great differences beneath the surface. (It is all in the fine details of "what supports" the position they take.)

While there are also some very sharp motivational differences I can easily note among the ET and UT.


Something (God, as I now believe) defines who gets what chances. Some get active prodding, some get light mental hints. Everyone though appears to get at least a knock on the proverbial door. It's up to you what you do with it though.

Early on, during UT encounters, I could tell there was something that I couldn't see or sense that was defining the motivation behind the UT encounter. Though, sometimes I noted that UT have their own motivations behind a tight leash of unsaid rules. So there is an order to things that is seemingly decided above their proverbial pay grade.

When the UT motivations conflict with the greater unseen directive, they do that "lamentation" thing. When it is really bad, for whatever strange reason, they come to you (the few I knew best and encountered a couple of times) and tell you they "are sorry". You definitely get the strong impression (and weird as it sounds) that they actually care what happens to you as you live life.

When the news is really, really, really bad. In the midst of their grief, you feel drops of water fall on you from out of nowhere as if someone were crying. (out of thin air) (when they do that....you know it is one heck of a whallop coming down the pike. It is exceedingly rare and very bad.)

A few others tended to plead with someone you can't sense. (well back then, now I know "who it is")
They appear to advocate for you, bargain and plead. (Sometimes, when they get concessions they end up telling you, often times, not.)
Keep in mind, in my opinion, it is always my own fault in retrospect.

Other, times you hear the UT in front of you talking to "someone greater" in whom you can hear the superiors ~rough~ thoughts echoing off the mind of the UT standing nearby. Other times it's talking to God directly in a sort of prayer. (which I found odd way back then)

Often times, you can sense the orders being given to them by superiors by listening to the UT's mind and what is going through it. (a sort of ~mental echo~)

06-08-2014, 07:21 PM
Which is incredibly strange considering they acknowledge their existence but act as if they aren't there when they show up. I vividly recall a temporarily [Nordic] ET who seemed surprised by the appearance of a UT during one critical encounter [for me at least it was critical]. I vividly still remember the expressions that crossed the female nordics mind as "in surprise" and that "she had heard of these but hadn't seen one up close".

I am no genius, but I know when something seems fishy. The incongruence of the whole interaction seems to indicate the ET and these UT are estranged. Or maybe I am reading a little too much into it. I dunno, you tell me?

As you are talking about the UT's Fore, I am all but reminded of perhaps these are the beings with out any physicality as we may know it but are more rarefied entity that allows many things to happen and for the most part of a particular non-interference for the most part but it sounds like when needed they do step in and say. "Don't do that any more or Lay off and stop it" Now it totally seems that the "Ets" you reference here seemingly can perceive them and know about them. But they don't really seem to care to do anything about them because it seems that, they can't. I make this statement since you say they are more then willing and able to interfere with other Et's, ghosts and demons. Perhaps this maybe speaks to the frequency or for lack of a better word "level or plane of existence they can effect or be on".


06-17-2014, 04:47 PM
Years ago I had a vivid dream similar to Carissa'a anecdote with the glass breaking. I was in the living room at night and there was a bluis white glow. A flying saucer was right outside the big ground ground level windows. Everything was rumbling and all the glass blew out. I thought it was real until I woke up and was surprised the house was still okay. I wonder if that was more than a random dream considering the similarity. Perhaps it was a screen memory or implanted dream to make military abductee's blame it all on aliens?

A few days ago, all day, I kept getting these persistent deja vs flashes. Like 30 deja vus in one day. Some memory was trying to surface but it was blocked. What a frustrating feeling. Like when you can't find the exact word 9th name that's under the tip of your tongue.. These deja bus were triggered all day and I got the sense of a memory while re people were chasing each other or like a big paintball game or strategic mission on foot and in vehicle. I had the sense of being in a field behind cover training with possibly fake gun. These deja vus were a few days after I almost ran into a deer on the sidewalk on my bike. I was across town and my family at home said they saw deer in the front yard by the window at the exact same time. What are the odds? We are in deer territory but those 2 sightings were the first deer we saw all summer so far. Screen memory? I was so close to the deer I could touch if I took 3 steps. I was shocked and off guard but maybe it means nothing. Still interesting though. My family at the house includes a man who is probably a bloodline abducted with exceptional talents and experiences.

This is a very interesting thread. I think it's possible a part of our soul does things in other dimensions.

06-18-2014, 07:46 AM
...Strangely enough, I never noted any ET having obvious signs of interaction with a UT off the top of my head.

Which is incredibly strange considering they acknowledge their existence but act as if they aren't there when they show up. I vividly recall a temporarily [Nordic] ET who seemed surprised by the appearance of a UT during one critical encounter [for me at least it was critical]. I vividly still remember the expressions that crossed the female nordics mind as "in surprise" and that "she had heard of these but hadn't seen one up close".

I am no genius, but I know when something seems fishy. The incongruence of the whole interaction seems to indicate the ET and these UT are estranged. Or maybe I am reading a little too much into it. I dunno, you tell me?

Ok well we know that demons tend to scatter like roaches when a UT shows up, except the ones you said who attempt to put up a fight...but even they get taken down/away. So if these aliens you observed were fallen angels in the more cartoonish sense (like a melodramatic 'legions of lucifer' kind of thing) then you should have detected some kind of sneering, contempt, fear, or a middle finger from them toward the UT. But for them to act with ignorance/indifference, maybe surprise and possibly some guilt at best, well I'm not totally sure what that implies.

It did make me think of aliens being more like a super-advanced version of the Military Industrial Complex. Like imagine you're someone in black ops military intelligence and are aware that something like UTs exist based on past experiments and reports, but you don't know that much about them because you have nothing to say to each other. What does salvation of the spirit have to do with running a satellite scan of new base building under the Ural mountains, and vice versa.

But when one shows up and you see it and feel it's 'seal' so to speak, as career black ops you'd probably realize that you're involved in something not quite wholesome. Though you're also not going to act like a demon that's going to scurry away hissing, either. Maybe you'd think that whatever the UT is there for, it has no bearing on your assigned objective. That's my guess at what's going on with the alien non-reaction to them.

Other possibilities include them working for superiors who are working for superiors who are fallen UTs, and the underlings don't know about the beef between the two, and therefore don't care or react much. Another possibility is that they're very much aware of the UTs and have to be on their best behavior to avoid getting vaporized by them, ha.

06-18-2014, 08:09 AM
Years ago I had a vivid dream similar to Carissa'a anecdote with the glass breaking. I was in the living room at night and there was a bluis white glow. A flying saucer was right outside the big ground ground level windows. Everything was rumbling and all the glass blew out. I thought it was real until I woke up and was surprised the house was still okay. I wonder if that was more than a random dream considering the similarity. Perhaps it was a screen memory or implanted dream to make military abductee's blame it all on aliens?

Hard to say, could be just a dream, some entity giving you a nightmare, implanted dream for disinfo purposes, screen memory, or maybe even a real/reversed event.

A few days ago, all day, I kept getting these persistent deja vs flashes. Like 30 deja vus in one day. Some memory was trying to surface but it was blocked. What a frustrating feeling. Like when you can't find the exact word 9th name that's under the tip of your tongue.. These deja bus were triggered all day and I got the sense of a memory while re people were chasing each other or like a big paintball game or strategic mission on foot and in vehicle. I had the sense of being in a field behind cover training with possibly fake gun. These deja vus were a few days after I almost ran into a deer on the sidewalk on my bike. I was across town and my family at home said they saw deer in the front yard by the window at the exact same time. What are the odds? We are in deer territory but those 2 sightings were the first deer we saw all summer so far. Screen memory? I was so close to the deer I could touch if I took 3 steps. I was shocked and off guard but maybe it means nothing. Still interesting though. My family at the house includes a man who is probably a bloodline abducted with exceptional talents and experiences.

Hmm, well I get deja vu's prior to major surprises, usually an improbable obstacle that feels quite contrived. Reminds me of that scene in the Matrix where Neo had a deja vu after seeing the black cat twice and that meant "they changed something" and suddenly the windows were all bricked up. Some scientists say deja vu is caused by an epilepsy episode that affects the temporal lobe, but I looked that up and temporal lobe epilepsies come with other side effects like slurred speech and impaired thinking, so I don't think that explains it. However, just as the eye can see because it is an organ of perception that reacts to light, I bet the temporal lobe or nonphysical structures in that region can react to temporal anomalies.

As for synchronicities (increase in improbabilities), I get those prior to significant perturbations in my life, including major "iffy" moments on my timeline where a difficult situation could spin off into majorly different personal futures. I visualize it like a section of rapids coming up in my river of time. If the river ahead is calm, that's because the currents are all flowing along their most probable uniform linear path. But if they are deviating this way and that way due to the rapids, then prior to reaching them you'll already experience a bit of turbulence. Therefore if there is a major deviation coming up (a highly improbable move) then perhaps it's already pulling you out of your default current and into an improbable stream (where the synchronicity occurs). This is just a theory.

Though not everyone gets synchs, so it's possible they aren't mechanical side effects like timeline turbulence precursors, but rather intelligent signals injected into your environment by something benevolent as a kind of "heads up" because you sure as hell aren't psychic enough to know of it directly -- and so not everyone needs a heads up that way.

06-20-2014, 12:28 AM
Thanks montalk for the heads up. Looks like I've been pulled onto a surprisingly positive path this year that could be a way different timeline than what I might have ended up on. I will be aware for any signs or syncs .