View Full Version : EM Drive

08-08-2015, 04:38 PM
Thought I'd start a thread on this - THE EM DRIVE

This is fascinating it seems to defy the laws of physics but NASA scientists say the micro wave drive could take us to the moon in 4hrs


08-08-2015, 04:44 PM

Here is a brilliant video with Roger Shawyer


He makes it quite clear it doesn't break the known laws of physics and certainly isn't 'an impulse drive' doesn't use vacuum energy.
He seems to have worked for a long time in the UK defense industry, and came up with the working for it while brainstorming new designs for the guidance systems on strategic missiles (IE nukes)

He seems sure it can replace cars and airplanes and make it 130x cheaper to put stuff into space.

08-08-2015, 05:56 PM
Thanks for that.

I had read about it some days ago. It does sound fascinating.

BTW, I'm getting an error message that the video can't be viewed on the forum, but can be seen at https://vimeo.com/128589915

08-08-2015, 08:42 PM
Let's hope they manage to perfect it. Getting to Mars in 70 days would get us much closer to a sample return mission or even a manned landing.

09-21-2015, 07:06 PM
I heard that in the mid 1960's, the Tall Whites (who had a base in Area 51 territory) were taking USAF officials to Mars in one of their scout craft, and that the trip took only several hours. Further, a trip to the moon was a 'hop'. Further yet, from what I read in a book on this, the Tall Whites (not Nordics) made the Scout Craft here on Earth at their base. So they used mostly materials here, on hand.

The book is 'Millennial Hospitality', books one thru five. Book 3 has some interesting facts.

Note that this is all old news in the tech sector. This was done back in the 1960's. But, it shows you, its possible. We could be going to Mars in hours, not days or weeks or months. Its possible. The Aliens do it with great ease.

09-21-2015, 11:44 PM
wrt the EM Drive...

Some might recognize the Diagram on page 6 of (9) the link . . .


...Some heavy reading there too...