View Full Version : ExtraPlanetary Anomalies Forum

12-18-2011, 03:01 PM
Much thanks to Garuda, and others, for setting up the "ExtraPlanetary Anomalies Forum". I know it was put into the plan, and it is good to see it happen. There are a lot of folks that have interests in the various areas of "anomalies", and this specific forum will provide a place for their research, and will provide a place for their enjoyment. It also can be one of the places to learn more about "what could be the truth" and "what is the truth" in the many different areas of anomalous realities.

While some of what may be posted here may include references to science, or scientific data, this is not, and will not be, a scientific forum. If there is something "science" can explain, then that "something" is not an anomaly. An anomaly is defined as being "a deviation from the common rule, type, arrangement, or form", "an odd, peculiar condition, situation or quality", "an incongruity or inconsistency". Synonyms for "anomaly" are "abnormality", "exception", and "peculiarity". So, by its very nature, anything "anomalous" should be expected to possibly be a deviation from the 2+2=4 answers of normal scientific explanations, and with extra-planetary anomalies, sometime a deviation from "common sense" may be necessary!!!!

I am looking forward to many interesting posts and interesting discussions here, at the ExtraPlanetary Anomalies Forum site! I believe it will be a place we can all enjoy and learn from, while being a place that is synergistic with the goals and objectives of the Outpost Forum!

Thanks again!! :ufo:
