View Full Version : Looking for your help.

02-17-2016, 01:00 PM
I'm going to tell you about some things that occurred in my life that appear to fall under the nordic experience. They occurred when I was a child and I thought that they were angels, and they may yet be, but I now know things are more complicated than that. My memory of the events are sealed, all that I have is a memory fragment, little better than a picture that slipped through. I can barely see the picture anymore, but I remember my statements as a child which are more reliable than my present recollection. It's like an afterimage. If you stare at a book case and then close your eyes you can still see it, but when you move your eyeballs it destabilizes. That is what my memory is like, I can't move my eyes to see greater detail because it destabilizes.

Here are the individual facts of what I saw.

*They had blonde hair
*Shoulder length hair
*White robes, non conforming
*They may or may not have had wings (I remember some confusion about this as a child)
*They were surrounded by infinite darkness and space
*Their skin shown
*They appeared intelligent
*They appeared to be powerful, but friendly
*There were two of them and they were similar enough for me to think they were twins.
*I believe they had a belt (for the robe, not an equipment belt)
*There was something between them that I believe they were giving me, it was shiny. (I have details of this thing but I have a sense that I should not reveal it to strangers)
*My fragment also included the experience that I stared at this image for hours in a robotic hypnotized state. I got the impression that I could have starred at this for a year and still woke up the next day.
*As a child I would often wake up turn on the light and all the light would be green. Everything in the room would be greenish.
*One time I walked out to the window and started opening it up and my dad said "what are you doing" and I said "I'm letting the X in" He said the X was garbled.
*For a long time as a child I would wake up sitting Indian style and staring out in front of me. I would lay back down and then wake right back up in the same position. It became an annoyance at times. But each time I got the sense that I was in this hypnotic state.

Subfacts that occurred at a later age.
*I have strange experiences in time and knowing certain things (which I go into detail in the procogition thread)
*I have an incredibly powerful version of ASMR
*I sometimes get perceptions of people that come through their expressions, the words and verbal structures they use, or even the sounds they make in speaking or moving or simply breathing.
*With the exception of ASMR, which is voluntary, these things come and go in periods. It usually comes, I test it out and it works and I get scarred and disturbed and depressed and it goes away for a while again.
*When I was younger I used to explain "why I'm doing things" too ..."myself" (think David Jacobs) but then I told myself "No I'm not doing this anymore it's stupid, why am I talking to myself" and it stopped. It was like I was asking myself what I was doing even though I myself was doing it. It's the same voice in your head as your own.

Is there anything you guys can tell me based on these facts?

02-17-2016, 01:47 PM
*their skin shone... Actually thier whole body gave off light...like an aura so even the parts of their robe had light around them. The light faded off into the darkness but the infinite darkness and space never outreached the light to become purely dark.

02-17-2016, 04:44 PM
*their skin shone... Actually thier whole body gave off light...like an aura so even the parts of their robe had light around them. The light faded off into the darkness but the infinite darkness and space never outreached the light to become purely dark.

You were a child when this was happening am I correct?

Did they try talking to you? If they did most likely there were no adults in close vicinity. If there were adults close by than I don’t know… Or they didn’t say anything than I can tell you.

I just started writing about it in the blogs in conjunction with EPO333-in the Time Travel thread-in –Insiders Revelation in the Briefing Room.

I am writing it in sections in the blogs but if there is no interest than I will not waste my time.

02-17-2016, 04:51 PM
I think a whole lot happened between me and them but the only reason I know anything at all is that this one fragment, this image, like a frame from a movie got through whatever they used to keep me from knowing about it. All I have is basically a "Polaroid" in my mind along with a mental contextual impression. No communication or anything. I was alone each time though.

I'll check that out.

02-17-2016, 08:32 PM
I think one interesting point of what I saw is the clothing. Typically Nordics are sighted in conforming blue, blue/green, semi-distorted/sparkly coveralls/onesies. Fore's accounts which I am still reading through (and also how I came across this site) talk about their relaxed cloths as being white? robes with something about the shoulder. What I saw were white robes which I thought looked a lot like the greek togas. They had the flowing wrinkles like a toga would rather than the flat bath robe variety. But what would that mean? Why would they visit me in their relaxed clothes?

Maybe they were remotely accessing me at home? I don't know, it's a strong clue but I don't know what to do with it.

02-17-2016, 10:40 PM
This is a twofold question:
1) How old were you during your first encounter?
2) If there have been other encounters, how old were you during the last encounter?

02-17-2016, 11:24 PM
1) I don't remember the age precisely. I think it was around 8.
2) There could have been, I can only recall that picture. However the "green light" phenomenon, which from what I have read is a common experience before an abduction is on going though more rare. But I have no conscious experience of any abductions. The only evidence I have that anything at all has occurred is the image, it's contextual impression, the similarities to the image with Nordic type experiences, and the problem with me waking up in the Indian position staring forward in a hypnotic state.

I checked the blog and read through over half of the time travel page. I don't think that scenario fits me.

Probably not related but I have seen a ghost and I have been visited by a being that impersonated a girl I was dating once. I felt like someone was on top of me and I woke up and she was there staring into my eyes (eerily familiar to David Jacobs). I thought it was actually her until I remembered her leaving a few hours before. Then I said "No! You're not here! You left!" Then it just vanished along with it's physicality. Like a movie where one frame it was there the next frame it was gone and you think you blinked in between. What ever it was I had the sense that it had nothing good in mind.

I have also been attacked by something clearly evil that from what I felt had me suspended above my bed sliding me left and right until I thought I would tear down the center at the level of my soul. I could not move or speak but I called out "God" from my soul and it fled in an indescribable amount of terror. The power difference is beyond compare. The power of the evil entity was beyond my imagination but it was less than an ant in comparison to whatever came from God. It's like what yoda says, there is no try, there is do or do not. The evil being had the power to try, and strain itself by might, but what ever came from God is simply "do" with no possibility of less.

02-18-2016, 12:08 AM
Usually the first encounter is a synchronization process of communication with an alien species, sometimes it works sometimes not.

When it does not work, it leaves traces of what’s called in neuropsychology an ‘engram’ memory in the brain. It becomes nagging but the retrieval method comes out scrambled as in false memories. That particular specie means you no harm. Nothing to worry about unless you make it so, I haven’t gotten to explain this particular specie yet but I will explain it latter in the blogs if I think there is an interest.

I forgot to add it's kind of an honor to be visited by that specie. Means you are kind of special.

02-18-2016, 12:26 AM
"Synchronization process" seems prudent. Nothing like representing the human race by soiling yourself at the first visitation. Speaking of which has anyone heard of someone having to go to the bathroom on a spaceship? It's something that should be happening, especially if there are people there but I have never read of anyone needing it while there. If nothing else there might be some advancements in the toiletry department that we could take back with us.

The nagging is dead on. Even more so because they gave me something. The nag over this image and the ASMR leads a large portion of my life. I can get over my attack, seeing a ghost, seeing...some thing impersonating someone but not these two things.

02-18-2016, 01:11 AM
I know someone that had contact with the Nordic's. She used to be a nun at one time. She got into the UFO seen and wanted to know about the Nordic's. She went to the Netherlands to research them. She was at an outside coffee shop just sitting there having coffee. Out of the blue, a really tall blonde haired blue eyed Nordic walked up and said to leave, don't bother looking and don't come back??? No one knew why she was there, and never asked anyone anything. And this guy just walked up and said that out of the blue. It scared her and she left. Never went back either. How he knew what she was doing there was really interesting to me. He KNEW, she was looking for them. Pretty cool... but scary to her..

02-18-2016, 03:46 AM
1) I don't remember the age precisely. I think it was around 8.
2) There could have been, I can only recall that picture. However the "green light" phenomenon, which from what I have read is a common experience before an abduction is on going though more rare. But I have no conscious experience of any abductions.

I have also seen the green light but it was a green mist but it was in my dreams and I would get scared because I knew the green mist was out to get me. I slept in my parents room all the time when I was little. When they stopped letting me sleep in the bed or even sleep on the floor next to them I could only sleep if the lights where on. I would hear stuff in my room. Now I don't know if I was ever taken or anything at all but I suspect perhaps in spirit I was. I know a few years ago I definitely was taken in spirit as in out of body experience and then returned to my body but thats another story and I'm pretty sure I shared that story here on this forum. Anyways. Whats up with the green light?

Was the green light ever in a mist like for you or anyone? I'm not saying I was taken but I definitely was very scared, a lot and often when I was very little prob. up to like 12.


02-18-2016, 11:51 AM
I have also seen the green light but it was a green mist but it was in my dreams and I would get scared because I knew the green mist was out to get me. I slept in my parents room all the time when I was little. When they stopped letting me sleep in the bed or even sleep on the floor next to them I could only sleep if the lights where on. I would hear stuff in my room. Now I don't know if I was ever taken or anything at all but I suspect perhaps in spirit I was. I know a few years ago I definitely was taken in spirit as in out of body experience and then returned to my body but thats another story and I'm pretty sure I shared that story here on this forum. Anyways. Whats up with the green light?

Was the green light ever in a mist like for you or anyone? I'm not saying I was taken but I definitely was very scared, a lot and often when I was very little prob. up to like 12.


It was like someone put a clear green filter over my eyes, like 3d glasses only just all green. I would wake up for some reason turn on the light and everything was green, even red things were greenish. It wouldn't go away until I woke up in the morning. I slept in a bunk bed as a kid and was mostly alone but there was a short period where my dad slept below me because my mom snored. I woke up and said "dad everything is green" and he said he didn't see anything and to go back to bed, so apparently only I was seeing it. This was also the period where I sleepwalked to the window and opened it. Depending on what I was doing I could have climbed out that window and died had my dad not been sleeping in my room because of my mom. When I opened the window I told my dad I was "Letting the x in" but aliens are not bothered with windows. Well I should say, my dad said that I said "I was letting the elephants in" and then laughed. I asked him "no really what did I say" and he said I don't know it was garbled. So I don't know if the elephants part was added for humor or the whole statement. So I could have said something entirely different. Unfortunately my dad doesn't recall enough details to clarify.

If you recall where you posted your out of body experience let me know.

I know someone that had contact with the Nordic's. She used to be a nun at one time. She got into the UFO seen and wanted to know about the Nordic's. She went to the Netherlands to research them. She was at an outside coffee shop just sitting there having coffee. Out of the blue, a really tall blonde haired blue eyed Nordic walked up and said to leave, don't bother looking and don't come back??? No one knew why she was there, and never asked anyone anything. And this guy just walked up and said that out of the blue. It scared her and she left. Never went back either. How he knew what she was doing there was really interesting to me. He KNEW, she was looking for them. Pretty cool... but scary to her..

That is interesting, was she rejected because she was a nun? If she was that would say a lot about them or at least some of them. Without that encounter she would have found nothing there in the Netherlands, she would have walked away with nothing but perhaps some historical information. But this Nordic greeted her like an enemy of the state, as if protecting his territory. He did so, even though the consequences would mean confirmation of the Nordics for her, rather than her leaving with a bit of historical information. That is very informative.

Unless these things are ultra-terrestrial this is our planet. If they are on some peaceful mission what right do they have to tell us who can and cannot go to the Netherlands. The whole menagerie of beings here all claiming to either want to study us, harm us, eat us, take our minerals, change our DNA, tell us our religions are wrong, save us, enslave us is just an astonishing situation. We have what appears to be the entire galaxy, perhaps more galaxies, and a large assortment from spiritual places all sacrificing large portions of their personal lives and resources to do something with us. When do they want to start telling us the truth, when does that disclosure happen you know?

02-19-2016, 05:34 AM
Angels do exist. I have seen them. As a matter of fact, if you can see in the spirit and drive by some churches in town, you will see centuries up on the roofs.

They look pretty similar to what you talked about. They glow because they have been before the throne, before God. He is pure light and they absorb it. They are usually golden blonde, white robing with gold threading and lace trim, sort of Roman looking, and sometimes a gold belt, metal. One Angel I had seen wore a battle vest that had scales of leather all around. He must have been a warrior.

Children are usually assigned a guardian Angel who reports directly to God.

I believe they have the ability to morph. Hide their wings, appear as a person in jeans and a t-shirt, etc. They did this in the Bible. Even Jesus did this after he was crucified. So when you saw no wings, (and the wings are large) maybe they can morph or something. I dont know. They are in the spirit so the wings would just poke through the ceiling and walls.

So you might ponder that you had Angelics checking in on you and somehow you are able to remember it. Pretty cool.

The Seraphum, which are another Angelic species, came to Earth (see the book of Ezekiel) in 'giant polished bronze ships shaped like dishes or shields'. So perhaps the Angels have home worlds. I do not know. The kind that look like us, but have big, cool looking wings, are called the Churubum and they are very nice people.

02-19-2016, 11:49 AM
That is really good to hear Lionheart. I have been worried they were Nordics ever since I heard their description. They may have had wings, as a child when it happened I believed they did, and then sometime later I remember wondering if they did and trying to look at the picture (maybe my memory became fuzzy starting then). I can't move my eyes to the sides of the picture. Have you ever seen a shiny ball with them, like a mirror ball (disco ball) that gave off it's own light?

Ever since I was a kid I have been stressed over this, wondering if they are angels or fallen angles (later nordics) and wondering if I'm some inhuman abomination. (though some voice in my head would scold me when ever I tried to call myself that). This is very meaningful to me so thank you so much for sharing that. That confirmation makes me feel a lot better.

small rant.
The greys only want the best for themselves, and the nordics want to change us, and make us special. Whats wrong with being human? Whats not special about that? Whats wrong with weakness; weakness is a beautiful thing. I'll take 10 weak humans over 10 powerful aliens any day. Because those with power tend to do nothing good with it, and those with weakness seek every day to do something good and help their brother out. Look at our sages and holy men, they spend their time in cloisters or mediation while the poor in spirit fix their neighbors roof after a long day at work. I like being weak, the only one that needs power has it. If the ET's really want to help they can pick up a hammer and a shovel and start digging wells and building homes; power is not greatness and a lot of us like our humanity.

02-19-2016, 06:47 PM

I haven't had a chance to go through this thread in detail. It is on my to-do-list.

02-19-2016, 07:33 PM
Thank you Casper.

02-20-2016, 04:23 AM

It is possible that whomever was not human, and your perception of them altered so that they appeared human.

Angels as mention is another possibility.

Have you experienced a type of sleep paralysis?

Do you have siblings and or children who may have had similar experiences?

02-20-2016, 04:48 AM
Sansanoy wrote;

Unless these things are ultra-terrestrial this is our planet. If they are on some peaceful mission what right do they have to tell us who can and cannot go to the Netherlands. The whole menagerie of beings here all claiming to either want to study us, harm us, eat us, take our minerals, change our DNA, tell us our religions are wrong, save us, enslave us is just an astonishing situation. We have what appears to be the entire galaxy, perhaps more galaxies, and a large assortment from spiritual places all sacrificing large portions of their personal lives and resources to do something with us. When do they want to start telling us the truth, when does that disclosure happen you know?

My take on it is that there was a huge star wars in the heavens between good and evil. The Great Creator was challenged and there was a great battle. It is said (written) that God would come here (Earth) to relax. He would walk around on Earth. It trully is a garden world. So many different area's and wild life and trees on one single planet. It is also said we are created in his likeness. This could be His jewel and they all want a piece of it, so you have all these different races that are checking us out.

For those that study the Holy Word, you probably see the warning signs that tribulation is coming soon. After tribulation, the thousand years of peace will be with us, Jesus ruling Earth with a rod of iron. New Jerusalem will come down from the sky and will be over Jerusalem. That will be quite a sight.


Thats my take on things. To me it makes sense.

02-20-2016, 11:39 AM

It is possible that whomever was not human, and your perception of them altered so that they appeared human.

Angels as mention is another possibility.

Have you experienced a type of sleep paralysis?

Do you have siblings and or children who may have had similar experiences?

Not really, just small stuff, like my dad seeing a ghost of his cat when he was younger and my sister has hinted toward some things happening or perhaps being able to sense things. Nothing close to this scope though.

I have had sleep paralysis. That time I was attacked by an evil entity I was paralyzed.

02-20-2016, 11:53 AM
Sansanoy wrote;

My take on it is that there was a huge star wars in the heavens between good and evil. The Great Creator was challenged and there was a great battle. It is said (written) that God would come here (Earth) to relax. He would walk around on Earth. It trully is a garden world. So many different area's and wild life and trees on one single planet. It is also said we are created in his likeness. This could be His jewel and they all want a piece of it, so you have all these different races that are checking us out.

For those that study the Holy Word, you probably see the warning signs that tribulation is coming soon. After tribulation, the thousand years of peace will be with us, Jesus ruling Earth with a rod of iron. New Jerusalem will come down from the sky and will be over Jerusalem. That will be quite a sight.


Thats my take on things. To me it makes sense.

I have never thought of it that way. I always just assumed he was visiting Adam when He appeared, but you are right, He did walk in the cool of the day of His own desire. That is a good way to look at the situation.

Yeah it seems very close. Talk and visions of the Messiah are happening all through Jerusalem. They are still waiting for him to appear for the first time, and the maximum allotted time for him to do so is running out. I think we will soon see the false ones start to come. At some point Moses and Elijah should return. It is impossible for the Temple to be started without Moses because too much has been lost in Exile.