View Full Version : CSETI Updates: Call for Witnesses and Fund Raising Report

05-12-2012, 02:46 PM
May 11, 2012

Please post and circulate widely
Urgent Call from Dr. Greer for New Witnesses, Whistleblowers and Evidence! (http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001YYXRqCPcISEA00ZSmk0leJhLgfuw1F-juqpvbWcMSX00ErXrPehEqHWNpONqg--jKC0j67DEIcEkgwTgGxxpET0flk3ZqopjsII8mewhoMturSfFK iVoachxNqN2022920A0acGa2FAQjDhDV77I3w==)

Thanks to the amazing and global response to the next big step in Disclosure, we have raised over $112,000 for the historic new film "Sirius" in the first 10 days!
Over 900 people have gone to: Sirius.Neverendinglight.com (http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001YYXRqCPcISGJQvwCh88RGxVoR3_Hr5h2belAfM wlIrYhLAMHYhX2XognQ6cos2EC2tvMOOiiXd5g1C4oHZcc2JOs JxyergRvn6HwrhwQLfdbHRuFKKernw4owrlhWNzU) and Kickstarter.com (http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001YYXRqCPcISHGimy0l-P8ghN9dV4qQmvKdvw58WXcR9z5XxX9ykpI7AflTffI3q-xbBd18CWBP-sTT0OEpDYAyDWxYj58c-owu1ndwc_um_kFmNMdqcpvFSBm31FSu64O9WnPDteG427LycAF J4NeQAzUwk3AGnprz8D6uEluMyRgoAFOSyXC4Q==) to pledge their support. I want to personally thank each and every one of you.
Yesterday an Anonymous donation in the form of a check arrived for $25,000. We are all very moved and inspired by this person's generosity and dedication to Disclosure- a special thank you to...well, you know who you are!
Because of this outpouring of support, the Emmy award winning filmmaker A. Kaleka and I have decided to proceed to early production on the film.
We are urgently sending out a call to all networks and supporters of Disclosure for new government and corporate witnesses and whistleblowers to UFO related events and projects. Specifically, we are looking for first hand, credible witnesses who are willing to be interviewed for this film who saw UFO events, projects, incidents or documents. Pluses are corroboration by other witnesses, documents or personal proof of military, government or corporate employment at the time of the event.
We are also looking for more witnesses to government or military (or paramilitary) operations that have staged false flag ET events such as abductions, animal mutilations, robotic creatures that appear to be ET but are not, implants and related psychological warfare events or projects designed to create an enemy in space.
We are also seeking witnesses to new energy suppression, including any government or corporate witnesses to the suppression and illegal seizure and classification of new, advanced energy and propulsion devices or inventions as well as any civilian victims of this suppression.
Additionally we are searching for additional evidence related to UFO events, including:
> Clear and dispositive photographs and videos with clear ownership and history
> Government and Corporate documents - whether or not they have been declassified, since all UFO related projects are illegal and therefore no valid national security law can enforce secrecy
> Radar tapes and any other materials such as physical evidence of any type ( ET craft parts or materials etc)
If you or someone you know has such evidence or can be a Witness please contact me directly at this e-mail address: Witnesses@DisclosureProject.org. (witnesses@disclosureproject.org)
I will be in southern California the week of May 21, 2012 and we will be filming new top secret witnesses in that area that week. If anyone is located in that area of the US please contact us immediately.
Thank you for your support and dedication to Disclosure, New Energy and Contact. This is the year that a new civilization on earth must begin.
Steven M. Greer MD

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Keep up to date by reading Dr. Greer's blog at :

DrGreersBlog.DisclosureProject.org (http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001YYXRqCPcISFIYv5YqIAVPg6LdrJKIMptvn5eGu xcvv1JlmAN2jL6S64ZwDDs3GmqiOIzP20L46ysa4DG1zWy10uz FNFSD2SDlEhubpLs3g0q1A7SP24pz0-sGp6_oIwOJWZpGOX6pIM=)

www.DisclosureProject.org (http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001YYXRqCPcISGIGgZm1D2aj6ceQnOZ_pB2D5GMPu UaT-Q5iUhoV2a5t41TpauCxFFoaDQtbfIeNb5kzE2fay0sX_ovdoXA FtjmAbQ-Hib79P9M1SE7ghSA62pIDerR3A3r)

www.TheOrionProject.org (http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001YYXRqCPcISEhHQlqwug2eWRduAqieirSkd-X9RFjbx6K5g6pT01kFlTEjUlqH9syIPLLbjxPL_sGtS492L-g4M1UUXkgaU7MczwWqbR2B1ogOfER2RrDAw==)

www.cseti.org (http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001YYXRqCPcISEc1C8xIfI-K27BgbYnE19NmWIg-tHYk6bW9ZWb0lBdi4JVQHiTNSIGLF9Hamza1NrKu1erQ-5Me79mPqDBTkLBzERb6tmVgE8=)