View Full Version : The Late David Flynn's Series

07-13-2012, 02:04 PM
David Flynn used a lot of ancient text in his work. Front and center was The Bible. David's works have been some of my favorites for many years. I never knew David personally but was a member at a couple of his forums. I got interested in his work back years ago after visiting his Watcher Web Site. http://www.mt.net/~watcher/

David died This year and I really believe he left behind a great deal of material that is for us today and on into the future. I just hope one day I will come to the point of understanding in depth a great amount of his work. This is a series at http://www.raidersnewsupdate.com/, I will only post a snippet of each part, so be sure and click on the links for the full articles.

Part 1 http://www.raidersnewsupdate.com/flynn-one.htm

Remembering David Flynn

by Thomas Horn

"This is the first entry into a series on the works and discoveries of David Eric Flynn, a modern Christian genius who died at the age of 49 this past January 22, 2012 after a short battle with cancer. For nearly two decades David published original and groundbreaking research on his renowned Watchers Website."


Part 2 http://www.raidersnewsupdate.com/flynn-two.htm

A Note from Steven Quayle

"David Flynn, like Isaac Newton before him, was a “GIANT” in the understanding of the God of Creations’ infinite majesty, power, and presence throughout the universe displayed. Every generation has its heaven-sent “Time-Keepers” to remind the world that we all have an appointed time and season of revelation and purpose to all that we see around us. It is as if the Almighty God holds specific time locks to His revelations and specific messengers tasked with bringing it forth."


Part 3 http://www.raidersnewsupdate.com/flynn-three.htm

Notes from Mark Flynn

"One of our high school history teachers brought in a retired Air Force officer who gave a talk about incidents that occurred in 1967 and 1975 where entire “flights” of Minuteman ICBMs were simultaneously and inexplicably shut down immediately after UFOs were sighted in the vicinity of Malmstrom Air force base."

"In addition to the stories that we heard about the goings on around Great Falls, our dad told us a story that he had heard from Dr. Jesse Marcel Jr. while they happened to be working at the same hospital. When Jesse was a kid, his dad came home very late one night and woke everybody up to show them some parts that he had gathered from the site of a crashed spaceship."

"Dad related the story to us in a very matter-of-fact style. Nothing suggested that Jesse’s account might have been an exaggeration or just a story. It was just two colleagues, Dr. Flynn and Dr. Marcel, having a conversation."


Part 4 http://www.raidersnewsupdate.com/flynn-four.htm

From the works of David Flynn

"The Jewish sages explained that Cain built the first city and therefore was the founder of civilization. Cain named this city Enoch after his first son (Genesis 4:16–17). Also according to the sages, the names of Enoch’s grandson and great grandson, Mehujael and Methusael (man smitten by Elohim and man who is of Elohim) shows that for a time the knowledge of Elohim, the name of God recorded in Genesis, was preserved, but soon disappeared. Their reasoning was that the lineage of Cain had died in the flood. However, the human race survived through Noah and his family descended from Seth, Adam’s third son. The Mystics focused on the two Enochs that lived before the great deluge of Noah. The first, the son of Cain, had transferred the sacred knowledge from Eden into the first civilization that was later destroyed due to its corruption and evil. The second Enoch, from the line of Seth, preserved the pure knowledge apart from this corruption. This body of knowledge had been incorporated in ancient structures geometrically. Its decipherment needed a key thought to exist in a universal language that was lost. Ironically, the event that caused its loss corresponded with the development of writing and the birth of civilization. Although biblical chronology renders it impossible for Noah to have met Enoch from the line of Seth, he would have known Methuselah, Enoch’s son. Methuselah lived for 967 years. There was a belief among biblical scholars that Noah would have possessed the learning of Enoch, particularly because it had been recorded in writing."


Part 5 http://www.raidersnewsupdate.com/flynn-five.htm

From the works of David Flynn

"Newton devoted his entire life in the quest of a pure science and theology. If he had discovered the prisca sapientia, and further evidence will show that he did, he would not have resorted to leaving such a discovery in the hands of the unworthy. It is likely a unifying theory of the laws of creation with the laws of God would be best suited to a code. This form of writing and encryption, in Newton’s reasoning, was the modality in which the Bible itself had been written. As God revealed the Law of Moses to men with supernatural power, and its words revered and protected, a unifying law of creation should be presented in like manner. Similarly, the dispensation to men of such a powerful truth would only take place with the full intent and providence of God; Newton , however, would not write of its discovery openly. He would seal it within his papers exploring the laws and the creation of God. These vast works, ranging from chronology, natural philosophy, and theology suggested its presence, visible only to those given the eyes to see."


Part 6 http://www.raidersnewsupdate.com/flynn-six.htm

From the works of David Flynn

"For Newton , every theoretical revelation that he achieved stood as verification of Daniel’s prophecy as reads in Dan12:4: “Even to the time of the end…knowledge shall be increased.” Newton viewed the book of Daniel as a missive extending through time to him, addressed to his intellect, a mind divinely inspired to value and solve its riddles."


07-13-2012, 02:06 PM
Part 7 http://www.raidersnewsupdate.com/flynn-seven.htm

From the works of David Flynn

"For as the few and obscure Prophecies concerning Christ’s first coming were for setting up the Christian religion, many and clear Prophecies concerning the things to be done at Christ’s second coming are not only for predicting, but also for effecting a recovery and re-establishment of the long-lost truth." —Issac Newton, Observations upon the Prophecies of Daniel and the Apocalypse of St. John


Part 8 http://www.raidersnewsupdate.com/flynn-eight.htm

From the works of David Flynn

"Many scholars—even before Newton—believed that the geometry of the future temple of Jerusalem and the “heavenly city of Jerusalem” of Revelation possessed some key to the unfolding of prophecy itself. God as a “divine geometer” pervaded early Christian thought. This was the belief that both the natural creation and architecture of the temple were from the same designer. The temple was, then, a microcosm of the universe in which God’s structure of time was represented both symbolically and geometrically. The Bible records that the Israelites constructed of two temples, the first built by Solomon and the second by Zerubbabel. In Revelation, Daniel and John mention a third future temple existing at the second coming of Christ. Some theologians believe that Ezekiel described this third temple in chapter 40 through the end of his book. Still others contend that Ezekiel’s temple is in fact a fourth temple that will be built after the great cataclysms described in Revelation. However, theologians are in agreement that Ezekiel’s temple is designated for the 1,000 years of peace after the return of Christ, termed the “millennium” in Christianity."


Part 9 http://www.raidersnewsupdate.com/flynn-nine.htm

From the works of David Flynn

"The prisca sapienta correlation between time and distance in the prophecy of the book of Daniel should also relate to the Revelation of John. Newton viewed the book of Revelation in the New Testament as a mirror of Daniel’s prophecies in the Old Testament. Revelation recapitulated the theme of Babylon’s fall and focused on the temple as a unifying point of prophetic dimension, a fact that Newton closely detailed in Observations. Both Daniel and John addressed the theme of time of the end and the return of Christ:"

"The Apocalypse of John is written in the same style and language with the Prophecies of Daniel, and hath the same relation to them which they have to one another, so that all of them together make but one complete Prophecy; and in like manner it consists of two parts, an introductory Prophecy, and an interpretation thereof."


Part 10 http://www.raidersnewsupdate.com/flynn-ten.htm

From the works of David Flynn

"The most prominent feature of the Ark of the Covenant, as well every “ark” found in the Bible, is its movement over the Earth from one point to another under the navigation of God."

"An Ark carried Moses along the Nile to the daughter of Pharaoh. The Ark of Noah navigated the deluge to the dry summit of Mount Ararat . The Ark of the Covenant traveled before the tribes of the Exodus to the Promised Land. All three contained “seeds” for the future of mankind designed for planting at their destination. All carried or were followed by a portion of humanity under God’s protection, leading to a realm of life and promise out of a land of destruction and death."

"The movement from one point to another across the earth necessarily produces an arc, as the Earth itself is a sphere. Speed is measured by the length of time it takes to travel over a set distance. These concepts are most commonly defined by the physics of Newton’s Calculus, which determines instantaneous rates of change, and may be used to find the velocity (rate of change of distance with respect to time) of an object moving through space or the slope of a curve at any given point. Calculus is necessary for finding arc length and measuring the area of a region bounded by a curve."


Part 11 http://www.raidersnewsupdate.com/flynn-eleven.htm

From the works of David Flynn

"In the Gregorian calendar, AD is an abbreviation of the Latin Anno Domini, meaning “in the year of our Lord.” Apart from the birth of Christ, on which the modern calendar is based, his resurrection is the most important event in Christianity. Most chronologists assign the age of Christ’s death and resurrection to 33 years. Newton also agreed with this chronology and listed the passion of Jesus as having occurred no later than AD 34 in chapter 11 of Observations upon the Prophecies of Daniel and the Apocalypse of St. John."


Part 12 http://www.raidersnewsupdate.com/flynn-twelve.htm

From the works of David Flynn

"When Constantine converted pagan Rome to Catholicism, he superimposed Christian motifs over pre-existing sun worship cults. He himself worshipped the god Sol Invictus (the invincible sun) until his death. Constantine declared dies Solis, “Sun-day,” as the official day of rest for the empire on March 7, AD 321, minted coins bearing Helios crowned with the spiked rays, and established Christ’s nativity on the pagan date of the birth of the sun, December 25."

07-13-2012, 10:07 PM

I failed to say welcome back... So, welcome back...

Thanks for posting....

07-14-2012, 02:30 PM
Thank you for the welcome Casper. I've just been silent for a few months.