View Full Version : A Message from "the other side?"

08-10-2012, 07:53 PM
Last night when my internet service went off,
I decided to clean out some of my folders on my laptop. And while doing that, I found
a notepad file of a dream I had back in July, 2011 where an old friend showed up in it
whom I have not seen in over 20 years.

I always try to record my more lucid dreams immediately when I wake up because sometimes
they turn out to be either precognitive or later on are seen to be significant in some way.
In fact, I usually wake up right after I have lucid dreams like that even if I get one in
the middle of the night.

Well anyway, I'm only bringing this up because a couple of months ago someone told me
that my friend, the one who showed up in that dream, passed away back in February of 2011.
Of course I was shocked to hear that but
at the time when I found that out, I had completely forgotten about that lucid dream I had
of him back in July of last year.... until I stumbled on that file last night while cleaning
out the folder it was in.
So he died in Feb of 2011 and five months later he popped into one of my dreams where I had
no idea that he had died... nor have I ever even thought about him in over 20 years either and
that's why I thought it odd that I would have dream of him!

The dream itself was totally absurd... Marco, as we called him was a big clown and one time by the pool-
side party back years ago he wrapped a beach towel around him to make it look like a toga and yelled
"Hail Caesar!" after pushing someone into the pool. So it's not surprising that he showed up in my
dream first dressed up as Julius Caesar. Me, Marco and a woman dressed up like she was from the
1950's were standing in some kind of an enclosed courtyard of a castle with high stone walls and
a huge big gate at the entrance. Then at one point in that dream, Marco changed from looking like
Caesar to looking like some kind of Conan the Barbarian. Below is a screenshot of that dream
I typed out in notepad. I also include the property box for that file which shows when I created
it.... and his obit from the Plain Dealer.


I think Marco was just dropping in to say hi from beyond the veil... and, I'm glad he did too! :)

08-11-2012, 10:43 PM
A99, I have no doubt at all you we given a visit just to say hello. I have received these off and on all my life. But as my parents and sister are all passed away now I get messages from them. My sister warned me of my dad's passing, my dad warned me of my mothers illnesses and passing, and my sister gave me information regarding the engineering of my plant that she wouldn't know and I didn't till I followed up on her information. I get these from them and others all the time and happily all are constructive. I have never had 1 negative experience from the other side. I saw a friend that committed suicide in college and they could not find his body. Six months later some hunters came across a human skull and a few large bones.
They were identified as my friend. What was stunning was he appeared to me right after he died, then again on the noght of the day the hunters found the bones. I called his sister and told her I saw Bill, and she panicked as she thought it was on the news. I told her no, he had shown up in my room, and was laughing. Seems he thought this was a great trick to play on his family. It had been a contentious relationship and he was one to get the last word. So, the last word was actually a laugh. I wnet to his grave a few weeks later and took some flowers and asked him to move on for his own welfare and to be at peace. He never came back.

I have no doubt your friend was dropping to say 'hey' and let you know he was alright and in a good place.

08-12-2012, 01:22 AM
Thanks for sharing and I'm so glad there are a few here, like yourself, whose experiences having to do with the paranormal are even more extraordinary than my own -- when it's like that, I don't have to worry about people thinking I'm exaggerating about whatever personal experience I'm talking about. :)
At any rate, you and I are on the same page here... my most recent experience as explained above is just one of several that are like it but in my case, most of my truly amazing visitations occur during my EVP sessions. I get them coming in during my meditations too. But those experiences you are describing are truly amazing! The one about that suicide showing up for you like he did would make a great story for one of those ghost/paranormal shows on TV!!
At any rate, no matter which way you look at it, such experiences DO indicate to us that there is an afterlife and that there is no such thing as death. We don't just leave here and then cease to exist. And it's not wishful thinking either... it's just a fact and I think that is just another reason why they show up for people when they do because they really do want to give us that message too!

A99, I have no doubt at all you we given a visit just to say hello. I have received these off and on all my life. But as my parents and sister are all passed away now I get messages from them. My sister warned me of my dad's passing, my dad warned me of my mothers illnesses and passing, and my sister gave me information regarding the engineering of my plant that she wouldn't know and I didn't till I followed up on her information. I get these from them and others all the time and happily all are constructive. I have never had 1 negative experience from the other side. I saw a friend that committed suicide in college and they could not find his body. Six months later some hunters came across a human skull and a few large bones.
They were identified as my friend. What was stunning was he appeared to me right after he died, then again on the noght of the day the hunters found the bones. I called his sister and told her I saw Bill, and she panicked as she thought it was on the news. I told her no, he had shown up in my room, and was laughing. Seems he thought this was a great trick to play on his family. It had been a contentious relationship and he was one to get the last word. So, the last word was actually a laugh. I wnet to his grave a few weeks later and took some flowers and asked him to move on for his own welfare and to be at peace. He never came back.

I have no doubt your friend was dropping to say 'hey' and let you know he was alright and in a good place.