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12-01-2012, 02:11 AM
This is an incredible story. Make sure you have time once you get going on it you will not want to shut it off.

(Another good one for those nights when you have 200 channels of nothing good to watch.)


12-01-2012, 07:53 AM
Thanks. We vacationed near Montauk when I was a kid.

Maybe we should start a thread to collect all of these in one place?

12-12-2012, 07:03 AM
Didn't have time to listen to it all but one part makes me wonder. He said in one section that time travelers went back in time and changed something so his papers that were in a locked and secure location disappeared.
If that was the case shouldn't he have had no memory of the papers either?

*EDIT* The section of the video that I am referring to starts at 1:15:50

02-18-2015, 12:50 PM
I not sure what to make of all this but Preston Nichols, who claims to be former chief engineer at Montauk Air Force Station/Camp Hero was on Coast to Coast last week
It was an unbelievable show.
He has a few book out is he the real deal?

02-18-2015, 06:38 PM
Just a thought.

Due to the posited hazards of time travel my guess would be that you would want as few people as possible to know and fewer disseminating that information. Not to mention you would be able to manipulate what ever was said one way or the other. So the hope of ever knowing the truth about time travel would be most probably nonexistent.

02-19-2015, 10:26 AM
I don't think that necessarily holds true. What worries me more is the Preston B Nichols has written about 5 books on the subject and seems to be milking it for all it's worth. I not sure if he, Al Beilek and others are really connected or have come together, know it's all rubbish and can't be checked, and have formed some kind of cabal of b*lls**tters.

02-20-2015, 07:15 PM
some kind of cabal of b*lls**tters.

that would be a excellent hypothesis me thinks.

02-23-2015, 02:38 PM
Problem with time travel is all the paradox's and theories suggest that if such a thing were possible, we would never know what it is that we don't know.

02-25-2015, 08:37 AM
I mostly stay away from threads about Time Travel but it’s like a gravitational force that slowly pulls me in. The reason I AM A TIME TRAVELER.

Ya, I know, cook flags go up big time. It does bother me some, but nothing I would lose sleep over. I have a mission which seems futile at the moment considering the politics of the time; but I venture on.

In the Demon and ET thread in encounters section I made a brief statement that I visited ET in the Vegas area. That was not an exaggeration. They were of the female kind whose life span is around a thousand years or greater. As they age they tend to grow very tall which also represents a higher status within the alien species. The ones I met were about 5’5” tall which I was told they were around 500 years old by our standards. Be forewarned they can be very dangerous and very aggressive and they are stunningly beautiful. LOL, they are also very sexual and not having sex with them would be considered an insult of a serious kind. Their skin tone is of a chameleon type and can change from pearly white, to bronze, and to black and their naked body looks exactly human down to breasts and belly buttons and their private parts are identical to a humans, their physique is that of an athlete with weight proportioned to body. They usually were wigs because their hair is somewhat medusa like and moves around with their emotions.

Why I print this stuff is because I was told to. It is still small enough where it will not present problems and is monitored by the aliens and Intel types.

Speaking of Intel types they are all over me interfering behind the scenes trying to pull strings for some unknown purpose. It is getting a little intense since I am supposed to understand how these games are played. I may have become a target.

Anyway, all this has to do with DISCLOSURE. Once understood everything will become perfectly clear but God still will remain a mystery.

It also has to do with IMMORTALITY and an awakening and many will be leaving the planet within a blinking of an eye.

If there is an interest I will continue, if not, oh well, I will push on and dumb down to another time and place.


02-26-2015, 12:58 AM
I mostly stay away from threads about Time Travel but it’s like a gravitational force that slowly pulls me in. The reason I AM A TIME TRAVELER.

Ya, I know, cook flags go up big time. It does bother me some, but nothing I would lose sleep over. I have a mission which seems futile at the moment considering the politics of the time; but I venture on.

In the Demon and ET thread in encounters section I made a brief statement that I visited ET in the Vegas area. That was not an exaggeration. They were of the female kind whose life span is around a thousand years or greater. As they age they tend to grow very tall which also represents a higher status within the alien species. The ones I met were about 5’5” tall which I was told they were around 500 years old by our standards. Be forewarned they can be very dangerous and very aggressive and they are stunningly beautiful. LOL, they are also very sexual and not having sex with them would be considered an insult of a serious kind. Their skin tone is of a chameleon type and can change from pearly white, to bronze, and to black and their naked body looks exactly human down to breasts and belly buttons and their private parts are identical to a humans, their physique is that of an athlete with weight proportioned to body. They usually were wigs because their hair is somewhat medusa like and moves around with their emotions.

Why I print this stuff is because I was told to. It is still small enough where it will not present problems and is monitored by the aliens and Intel types.

Speaking of Intel types they are all over me interfering behind the scenes trying to pull strings for some unknown purpose. It is getting a little intense since I am supposed to understand how these games are played. I may have become a target.

Anyway, all this has to do with DISCLOSURE. Once understood everything will become perfectly clear but God still will remain a mystery.

It also has to do with IMMORTALITY and an awakening and many will be leaving the planet within a blinking of an eye.

If there is an interest I will continue, if not, oh well, I will push on and dumb down to another time and place.


Please, do carry on atmjjc, no cook flags on my desk. Stories (info) like yours is why I'm here. I'm sure there are others who may not chime in, but will lurk here just the same...!

02-26-2015, 02:18 AM
I mostly stay away from threads about Time Travel but it’s like a gravitational force that slowly pulls me in. The reason I AM A TIME TRAVELER.

Ya, I know, cook flags go up big time. It does bother me some, but nothing I would lose sleep over. I have a mission which seems futile at the moment considering the politics of the time; but I venture on.

In the Demon and ET thread in encounters section I made a brief statement that I visited ET in the Vegas area. That was not an exaggeration. They were of the female kind whose life span is around a thousand years or greater. As they age they tend to grow very tall which also represents a higher status within the alien species. The ones I met were about 5’5” tall which I was told they were around 500 years old by our standards. Be forewarned they can be very dangerous and very aggressive and they are stunningly beautiful. LOL, they are also very sexual and not having sex with them would be considered an insult of a serious kind. Their skin tone is of a chameleon type and can change from pearly white, to bronze, and to black and their naked body looks exactly human down to breasts and belly buttons and their private parts are identical to a humans, their physique is that of an athlete with weight proportioned to body. They usually were wigs because their hair is somewhat medusa like and moves around with their emotions.

Why I print this stuff is because I was told to. It is still small enough where it will not present problems and is monitored by the aliens and Intel types.

Speaking of Intel types they are all over me interfering behind the scenes trying to pull strings for some unknown purpose. It is getting a little intense since I am supposed to understand how these games are played. I may have become a target.

Anyway, all this has to do with DISCLOSURE. Once understood everything will become perfectly clear but God still will remain a mystery.

It also has to do with IMMORTALITY and an awakening and many will be leaving the planet within a blinking of an eye.

If there is an interest I will continue, if not, oh well, I will push on and dumb down to another time and place.


I must of missed that post about your encounter in vegas in the other thread. I am myself have recently moved to las vegas. With people like yourself and those here in our various ways. We are helping to shape a new reality. The politics will change when people do and that doesn't happen unless people themselves change or start doing things differently. There have been various ways to go about how to affect that change and many people have died trying to help bring forth that change and is why it's very important to get things right to where a large loss of life or the loss of life for key people on the planet. Also to go about things differently this time around if you know what I mean.


P.S. I also like your choice of music there :). Side note, the Riviera is being brought down later this year if the deal goes through to to buy it out for an extension of the Convention Center properties.

P.s.s. Wait was it the one about seeing two people in a car with white hair or the one about the Grocery store incident?

02-26-2015, 08:19 AM
Yes please carry on Atmjjc
You've been keeping that pretty close to your chest over the years.
Real interested to know your story

02-28-2015, 04:53 AM
Speaking of time travel, remember John Titor? He claimed that he was a time traveler from a future in which America had civil war and then later there was a WW3 with nuclear weapons. But then he also claimed that in his timeline the Y2K computer crash actually happened so if none of his predictions ended up coming true that's why. Guess we should be thanking him for saving us from the Y2K bug?

John Titor wikipedia entry (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Titor)

02-28-2015, 08:01 AM
Let me weigh in here about time. There is a misunderstanding of time by those who try to box it into an earthlike human conscious type phenomenon.

I am so glad that most here understand paradoxes as in relation to time travel. Time is chaos and you mathematicians out there know it is futile to number the workings and motion of chaos, it doesn’t work so therefor throw away your equations and center them around something which works in a tangible universe in which you can plot movement in real time like landing a spaceship on the moon or some similar rock out there in the vastness of this one particular universe. The aliens do it all the time.

The theory of “TIME LINES” is just a way in which laymen and scientists alike try to explain the paradoxes of time travel. Time lines are embedded into our language and are used as to try to explain an understanding of a paradox. I myself have often used that, ‘time line’ word, mostly just in conversation so as to not to try and convince someone of the reality of the multi-verse but just to follow the persons conversation.

I don’t want to get too far ahead of myself here but there is no such thing as time lines period. If a time lines were to exist or created through time travel it would change not just the immediate surroundings of a perception and motion of a particular environment it would change the universe itself down to space and movement of every particle and energy it holds. Yes, that would be the whole of the universe, not just the pin speck of earth and the perception of this tiny, tiny little rock we call home.

I will get to the aliens as time permits and will explain their role of why they are here and why they remain in the shadows and why disclosure is not as simple as landing on the United Nations Lawn saying, “take me to your leader…”

Just a note to all…I do not want to appear dogmatic in my explanations as to stymie growth and knowledge in this undertaking. Please do weigh in nothing will be considered silly because the complexities of time travel will unravel our true nature of our connection to the aliens and our place in the reality of our existence.

03-01-2015, 06:14 AM
I've read that time is to a certain extent self healing? Is that true?
I can believe some aliens are time travellers and therefore can't interfere but others surely aren't. Is that wishful thinking?
What can you tell us about the future?

03-05-2015, 10:55 AM
There has been a pretty big pushback by one of the faction ideology of the aliens. It would surely make one pause if humans understood the truth of the enlightened state and awakening of the human species. There is just one obstacle in the way of this and that is the physiological aspect of our genetic coding; it takes a forward linear time element for this process to unravel for the awakening. The other is the aliens themselves.

I am just a child in this venture of time travel and immortality. I have been around in this awakened state of existences maybe 2000 to 4 to 6000 years or so, as it is extremely difficult to put a time frame for my existence.


To answer Edward>>have fun in Vegas…lol, what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. The alien bases on this planet are not only in Nevada but New Mexico, Arizona, Alaska, South and Central America, some places in Europe and Asia and also many underwater bases that they hang out in.


To answer Wally about John T>> I am sure by reading some of JT statements that he made he was more than likely unaware he was not in his earth and when speaking he was referring to a similar earth not in this universe. The first movement in time brings you to a very close proximity universe from where you left but not the same one. This is why his references were not correct on his predictions. Most likely if he left he will be lost in time to his reference from which he was born. Time is chaos and there is no homing device to find your way back.


To answer Longeyes>> Time is not a thing or an object so there would be nothing to heal. This line of thinking started some time back to explain paradoxes to overshadow what is referred to as timelines which also do not exist. The thinking was the wave of time was so large that small changes made to it would eventually be absorbed.

The future is solely based on probabilities. So your guess would be as good as mine as to what the future holds. Looking around at today’s world I can only hope the pendulum starts swinging in the other direction otherwise you don’t need to be psychic to see we will be heading for some deep do do.

03-21-2015, 04:43 PM
Presently dealing with some blowback, all I know there are some alien factions who want nothing to do with disclosure and there are some who could care less but it would change their parameters of their existence on this planet which does give them a pause.

Can some of these aliens destroy the planet? Absolutely, in a heartbeat, but to do this with a large contingency of alien bases with different types of aliens who inhabit these bases on this planet is one of the reasons they would have a hard time strategically doing this. They would have to get together and agree upon things which are highly improbable. I do know that there are some alien factions who want to limit the numbers of humans for control purposes. This is why we need eyes wide open on this. There was a war breeding in this quadrant of this particular universe by aliens who travelled here thru time but the collateral danger has passed. They left this universe without killing us all.

I have another meeting with another faction of the aliens near the Superstition Mountains here in Arizona. I will keep you updated.

I will also comment on the Montauk Project when I can free up some time.


03-22-2015, 03:47 AM
Small point, cook is not the word you want to use, kook is rather the word and it is just a small point. Interesting what is being said here, keep relating the story please. I hope that whatever blowback may develop will be not harmful or delay it's place in the greater disclosure. Thanks.

03-22-2015, 10:36 AM
Stunning revelations Keep us up to date Atmjjc.
Any clues as to what these groups are called and where and when they are from?

Hope the meeting goes well.
Also in what capacity are you attending?

Can't help thinking certain groups want to claim our potential ascension as theirs because they have manipulated us is this the case?
These things are absolute are they not?

03-23-2015, 05:05 AM
Just a note to all…I do not want to appear dogmatic in my explanations as to stymie growth and knowledge in this undertaking. Please do weigh in nothing will be considered silly because the complexities of time travel will unravel our true nature of our connection to the aliens and our place in the reality of our existence.
How come none of your consciousness material (thought content) never speaks about your time travel experiences?

Is it a case of you just not dwelling on that subject over the years?
I thought it was just kind of odd and out of place and character and thought it prudent to ask.

03-24-2015, 05:55 AM

Small point, cook is not the word you want to use, kook is rather the word and it is just a small point. Interesting what is being said here, keep relating the story please. I hope that whatever blowback may develop will be not harmful or delay it's place in the greater disclosure. Thanks.

Thx for picking up on that, I must of read that over about 5x—Funny how the brain works.


Stunning revelations Keep us up to date Atmjjc.
Any clues as to what these groups are called and where and when they are from?

Hope the meeting goes well.
Also in what capacity are you attending?

Can't help thinking certain groups want to claim our potential ascension as theirs because they have manipulated us is this the case?
These things are absolute are they not?

Many of what you perceive as aliens has roots here on earth and many others from other planets similar to earth. They view us as beasts of the field who have not reached full potential and incapable of understanding the main fundamentals of comparative cognition of the bigger picture due to the specific coding of our being which inevitably will reach its trigger point of understanding thru time or evolution if you prefer that word.

I would be considered a liaison of a type of alien in human form, as a human from a different time and universe; a communication hub so to speak with connection to two universes. I hold no weight in any decision making but can only try to persuade or influence certain events with an outcome based on probabilities.

There is nothing absolute, only probable.



How come none of your consciousness material (thought content) never speaks about your time travel experiences?

Is it a case of you just not dwelling on that subject over the years?
I thought it was just kind of odd and out of place and character and thought it prudent to ask.

Scratching my head:confused:… I think I get your meaning but since you were around during the OM years my thread was called “time traveling new member” with over 15000 views if I recall correctly in which I explained the basics.

The transition from OM to the Outpost forum I turned my attention to other interests. IN OM, in that thread, there was more than a 90% probability that AI would intercept messages about 300 years from now from data acquired thru NSA data banks long forgotten in their tremendous volumes of data which were of interests only to my alien counter parts directed towards AI. I only carry out orders not knowing why of the particulars.


03-24-2015, 02:28 PM
Speaking of time travel, remember John Titor? He claimed that he was a time traveler from a future in which America had civil war and then later there was a WW3 with nuclear weapons. But then he also claimed that in his timeline the Y2K computer crash actually happened so if none of his predictions ended up coming true that's why. Guess we should be thanking him for saving us from the Y2K bug?

John Titor wikipedia entry (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Titor)

I came upon the John Titor story as it was ending and there was still a lot of posting about his story at forums I was going to at the time. The John Titor story got me interested in exploring internet hoaxes and the motives of people who perpetrated hoaxes. What is left of the postings are still fascinating if you can find them. I'm not sure if it is a hoax or not but I tend to agree with the assessment that he "stayed too long", meaning if he had quit sooner and made fewer predictions, The John Titor story would be more believable. However, if someone is successful at "messing with your head" or your belief system, you begin to interpret even the "mistakes" as clever distractions and misdirection tactics. The Serpo Story brought out every conceivable hoax theory and analysis to the point of people getting so wrapped up in the various details that they would become enraged, or so it seemed at the time. One conclusion that I came to is that if someone wants nothing more than attention and some laughs at the expense of others, the internet is a great place to do that "on the cheap". :biggrin2:

03-24-2015, 03:16 PM

Scratching my head:confused:… I think I get your meaning but since you were around during the OM years my thread was called “time traveling new member” with over 15000 views if I recall correctly in which I explained the basics. I do recall that thread from the title, I didn't know that you had been behind it.

Despite that, I think there would have been an inkling of that persisting "up there" over the last three years.

The transition from OM to the Outpost forum I turned my attention to other interests. IN OM, in that thread, there was more than a 90% probability that AI would intercept messages about 300 years from now from data acquired thru NSA data banks long forgotten in their tremendous volumes of data which were of interests only to my alien counter parts directed towards AI. I only carry out orders not knowing why of the particulars.

:cool:Ah, you vaguely reminded me of someone who mentioned that back then on OMF.

You must be pretty darn gifted to switch focus and only relate part of your (more recent) paranormal side-story that would otherwise seem to be inescapably intertwined given the significance of being a time traveling member. You'd think it would permeate your very identity. <scratching head pretty confused>

Does your paranormal story ever cross paths with the time travel aspects of your story? Or are these two things like oil and water and can be separately retold without one thing having to do with the other?

03-24-2015, 03:23 PM
One conclusion that I came to is that if someone wants nothing more than attention and some laughs at the expense of others, the internet is a great place to do that "on the cheap". :biggrin2:

By the way, off topic, but considering that people can make books relating their experiences and/or Paranormal-ET (or time travel) related accounts...people might want to look into crowdfunding sites like Patreon.

If you are into explaining things (in an interesting way at least) then you could get some financial support from it. Just a tip in the jar.

03-25-2015, 03:36 AM
[...] during the OM years my thread was called “time traveling new member” with over 15000 views if I recall correctly in which I explained the basics.

Were you timetraveler96 on OMF talking about the depanoids, of which J. Curcio made digital renderings based on your descriptions (pic below)?


03-25-2015, 11:28 AM
Were you timetraveler96 on OMF talking about the depanoids, of which J. Curcio made digital renderings based on your descriptions (pic below)?


Atmjjc used the same user name (=Atmjjc) at OMF and was NOT timetraveler96.
(He also did use the screen name Planeswalker).

03-25-2015, 02:55 PM
Atmjjc used the same user name (=Atmjjc) at OMF and was NOT timetraveler96.
(He also did use the screen name Planeswalker).

that is correct thank you garuda.


I have spoken a few times with timetraveler96 at OMF though I could be mistaken his narrative was more about his encounter and trying to understand it rather than time travel itself. I know dove and Cy have talked to him frequently at OMF.

03-25-2015, 06:02 PM

Many of what you perceive as aliens has roots here on earth and many others from other planets similar to earth. They view us as beasts of the field who have not reached full potential and incapable of understanding the main fundamentals of comparative cognition of the bigger picture due to the specific coding of our being which inevitably will reach its trigger point of understanding thru time or evolution if you prefer that word.

I would be considered a liaison of a type of alien in human form, as a human from a different time and universe; a communication hub so to speak with connection to two universes. I hold no weight in any decision making but can only try to persuade or influence certain events with an outcome based on probabilities.

If you were to ask the aliens where they come from, would they be willing to answer you? Or could they tell us at least which stars have planets with complex life and which are the nearest ones with intelligent civilizations?

03-25-2015, 10:08 PM
Atmjjc used the same user name (=Atmjjc) at OMF and was NOT timetraveler96.
(He also did use the screen name Planeswalker).

that is correct thank you garuda.


I have spoken a few times with timetraveler96 at OMF though I could be mistaken his narrative was more about his encounter and trying to understand it rather than time travel itself. I know dove and Cy have talked to him frequently at OMF.

Ok, thanks for the clarification. His was an interesting story as well.

@Atmjjcc, how did you originally come to acquire this info about being a time traveler, what the alien situation is, and your role regarding it? Like did you remember it from birth, did you have an awakening at some point, were you contacted by beings? If contacted, were your contacts via physical meetings, during dream states, purely telepathic, or something else? Just wondering how you got started.

03-27-2015, 12:40 AM
Enoch 1:1 The word of the blessing of Enoch, how he blessed the elect and the righteous, who were to exist in the time of trouble; rejecting all the wicked and ungodly. Enoch, a righteous man, who was with God, answered and spoke, while his eyes were open, and while he saw a holy vision in the heavens. This the angels showed me.

Enoch 1:2 From them I heard all things, and understood what I saw; that which will not take place in this generation, but in a generation which is to succeed at a distant period, on account of the elect.

Enoch 3:1 All who are in the heavens know what is transacted there.

Enoch 3:2 They know that the heavenly luminaries change not their paths; that each rises and sets regularly, every one at its proper period, without transgressing the commands, which they have received. The behold the earth, and understand what is there transacted, from the beginning to the end of it.

Enoch 8:9 And men, being destroyed, cried out; and their voice reached to heaven.

Enoch 10:28 In those days I will open the treasures of blessing which are in heaven, that I may cause them to descend upon earth, and upon all the works and labour of man.


@ woman

I aborted your attempt at communication via direct contact at that time. That specific channel would have been blind sided with unknown consequences. The Colonel should not be considered involved.


@ Wally

If you were to ask the aliens where they come from, would they be willing to answer you? Or could they tell us at least which stars have planets with complex life and which are the nearest ones with intelligent civilizations?

I will do my best but past efforts have been proven futile.


@Atmjjcc, how did you originally come to acquire this info about being a time traveler, what the alien situation is, and your role regarding it? Like did you remember it from birth, did you have an awakening at some point, were you contacted by beings? If contacted, were your contacts via physical meetings, during dream states, purely telepathic, or something else? Just wondering how you got started.

Of course, but this is the public internet and I can only divulge so much via this venue. I will proceed as time and circumstance permits.


03-27-2015, 07:07 PM
The transition from OM to the Outpost forum I turned my attention to other interests. IN OM, in that thread, there was more than a 90% probability that AI would intercept messages about 300 years from now from data acquired thru NSA data banks long forgotten in their tremendous volumes of data which were of interests only to my alien counter parts directed towards AI. I only carry out orders not knowing why of the particulars.


Is the AI 300yrs in the future responsible for seeding the tech at Roswell?
Or would that be an AI in another parellel universe?

The implication is there must be some advantage to going back in time? If you are leaving stuff for them to pick up.
Starting to sound like something out of Terminator

How did the meeting go?

03-28-2015, 07:55 AM
Is the AI 300yrs in the future responsible for seeding the tech at Roswell?
Or would that be an AI in another parellel universe?

The implication is there must be some advantage to going back in time? If you are leaving stuff for them to pick up.
Starting to sound like something out of Terminator

That is a very good question Longeyes.

The incident you speak at Roswell can be mistaken as time travel; even I sort of view it as such, but it is a form of teleportation they use for a one way travel almost always in a case of an emergency. When ET enters a terraformed planet they carry with them two energy type balls and one is left usually underground and is activated which gives them a very large impenetrable force field which extends outward like a very large bubble with the inside quite habitable and stable. Outside the force field normal time passes but inside the bubble time is frozen at activation with no life inside. The activated force field will eventually destabilize but can be workable for thousands of years if need be.

Now the other energy ball is carried by the ET which is about the size of a fist and carried in a containment type field until needed. Now when they re-enter the planet they have with them this ball of contained but not activated energy. Their re-entry could be hundreds or even a thousand years later for whatever purpose suits them. If in an emergency they can activate the energy field which then surrounds them in the bubble and the bubble begins to vibrate movement in sync to the other energy bubble where they are transported into the first one as the fields merge. The ET are now contained in the first ball where time has stood still inside and they deactivate the force field and they are now in the time they first activated the first energy ball they left on the planet.

This is not a parallel universe type movement but very much within the parameters of this universe.

Time gets so damn confusing. When thinking of time you don’t really know who came first; we may be AI and not vice versa. Even so don’t get AI mixed up as AI being machines, they would just be using the machines and not be the machines themselves.

How did the meeting go?

The meeting has not yet taken place. Hopefully sometime in April or early May.

03-28-2015, 12:38 PM
Question: Does this supposed chamber of "underground frozen time" rip away from the internals of the planet in motion across a vector of spacetime...before or after...time freezes in a specific sector of spacetime?

Or are you saying this frozen spacetime...?"bubble"? just keeps rotating with the rest of the planet? I am no genius but that just about sounds like that would imply it is in motion with the rest of the planet and therefore is obeying every bit of spacetime mechanisms.

You know, <---->dynamic interaction<----> of masses and events. Also formerly called <cough><cough> the unfolding of events within [space]time.


Here is another point, how the heck do these "ET" do anything after supposedly "teleporting" into this frozen spacetime considering they are now stuck in a supposed spacetime bubble where nothing (such as an event) can actually occur?

You know, questions or observations like these tend to complicate stories immensely. :angel_not:

03-28-2015, 02:11 PM
Did the atomic tests destabilize one of these force fields? Did it that trigger the energy ball on a craft out in the stars and pull it back to Earth in 1949? Or was it trying to go back further in time and got caught because we made a tear?
Does this imply that they would just start all over again and tweak the terraform so to speak?

03-29-2015, 04:47 AM

You know, <---->dynamic interaction<----> of masses and events. Also formerly called <cough><cough> the unfolding of events within [space]time.

Have you been using your inhaler Fore?:rolleyes:


@ Longeyes

Did the atomic tests destabilize one of these force fields? Did it that trigger the energy ball on a craft out in the stars and pull it back to Earth in 1949? Or was it trying to go back further in time and got caught because we made a tear?
Does this imply that they would just start all over again and tweak the terraform so to speak?

Yes, the entrance into the nuclear age and the way nuclear energy was being used and the effects of certain types of radar did capture their attention when a few ships lost function and crashed. Some thought they were under attack and used their emergency protocol by teleporting themselves to the original energy bubble that was placed there eons ago. Ancient Aliens etc…Time is relative but quite chaotic. They cannot change or effect time but became part of it.


03-29-2015, 06:43 AM

Have you been using your inhaler Fore?:rolleyes: Thats it?

No reasonable response to such an important (and pretty obvious) pair of facts? (Hope) it wasn't important to the overall story about your time travel experience. (just kidding, I am all ears.)

I don't know why your thoughts are about me somehow breathing hard on this?

http://arxiv.org/pdf/1202.6640.pdf Ah, so you point me to an article about quantum computing (that had something to do with frozen time?) as it is relevant...somehow relevant. Well, I suppose it has to be relevant because you are going to point it out, of course.

Okay, fill me in, what should I be looking at in this article? What does it have to do with frozen spacetime as you've described it? Keep in mind, I actually do understand the ideas behind quantum computing and super positioning.

@ Longeyes

Yes, the entrance into the nuclear age and the way nuclear energy was being used and the effects of certain types of radar did capture their attention when a few ships lost function and crashed. Some thought they were under attack and used their emergency protocol by teleporting themselves to the original energy bubble that was placed there eons ago. Ancient Aliens etc…Time is relative but quite chaotic. They cannot change or effect time but became part of it.


--They cannot change time, --but they became a part of it.

They cannot time travel, since they cannot change time.


Lets say they are outside our spacetime (true aliens from another dimension)....but they can't change a continuum of events (time)....therefore they cannot become a part of it.


I hope you know....nah, nevermind...it's better if I sit here and look pretty. I will just "act out" what you said and struggle to draw breath in this immense intrigue.

03-29-2015, 09:40 AM
This is something I've been thinking sbout for a while. I think it explains the EPR Paradox, Einstein himself said since time and space were bound together and there's no distinctive 'now' ( relativistic time dilutions ie particles travelling the speed of light time stands still) he said "people like us, who believe in physics, know that the distinction between past, present and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion"
For the pair of twined photons zero time has passed in their timeframe although for us one of the pair may have travelled halfway across the universe and taken hundreds of millions of years until it is absorbed. It's absorption and generation are linked with zero distance via time. No one has ever seemed to have explained it like this
But does it go one stage further than this, are photons our direct connection to zero time the timeless state beyond our simple time deluded perspective. Do they connect via the time dimension in which everything is connected and there is zero distance to any other part of the universe. Can't quite get my head round this last part.
Is this anyway a correct understanding?

03-29-2015, 10:40 AM
This is something I've been thinking sbout for a while. I think it explains the EPR Paradox, Einstein himself said since time and space were bound together and there's no distinctive 'now' ( relativistic time dilutions ie particles travelling the speed of light time stands still) he said "people like us, who believe in physics, know that the distinction between past, present and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion"
For the pair of twined photons zero time has passed in their timeframe although for us one of the pair may have travelled halfway across the universe and taken hundreds of millions of years until it is absorbed. It's absorption and generation are linked with zero distance via time. No one has ever seemed to have explained it like this
But does it go one stage further than this, are photons our direct connection to zero time the timeless state beyond our simple time deluded perspective. Do they connect via the time dimension in which everything is connected and there is zero distance to any other part of the universe. Can't quite get my head round this last part.
Is this anyway a correct understanding?Your interpretation is a valid one but considered more exotic in the general physics field.

Where particles like photons aren't traveling through space but are instead considered motionless and space is instead considered a phenomena occurring ~around~ the periphery of the photons. It's a view taken from the photon's perspective rather than our general perspective.

There are a few documentaries I've seen that mention that idea.

04-04-2015, 05:08 AM
Ok, thanks for the clarification. His was an interesting story as well.

@Atmjjcc, how did you originally come to acquire this info about being a time traveler, what the alien situation is, and your role regarding it? Like did you remember it from birth, did you have an awakening at some point, were you contacted by beings? If contacted, were your contacts via physical meetings, during dream states, purely telepathic, or something else? Just wondering how you got started.

I have just blogged this query in the Blog section...

04-04-2015, 05:57 AM
I have just blogged this query in the Blog section...

Here's the link: http://www.theoutpostforum.com/tof/entry.php?357-Time-Travel-the-Beginning

04-04-2015, 02:41 PM

So as I understand, 2000 to 6000 years ago you were travelling with your wife and small child down a major highway,
and thus began you time travel . . .

Do you remember your mode of travel at that time, like a car, horse, or other type of vehicle?

Also . . .

Upon the planes landing and we departed the plane I noticed we were in some very large hanger and were met by uniformed military.

Do you remember the type of plane (ie, prop, or jet?)

Finally, could you discern a country of origin for these military personnel? Were there only men, or women as well?

I hope you don't mind my questions. Just things that pop up in my mind.

04-05-2015, 07:35 AM
Thanks for your questions Epo333.

I could write novels on these questions. I will try and keep it simple.

The meaning of what I say is 2000 to 6000 years old does not mean I was born 4000 years before Christ and lived in a single body and moved forward until present. The travels are in a multi-verse which is somewhat parallel to the existence from my CPO (central point of origin) but many of the technological connections and conditions in separate parallel earths are different in many ways and are not the same.

I live a normal lifespan within a parallel given the conditions within that parallel. For instance if I lived separate lives in 10 different parallels, and for simplicity sake, I lived for 50 years in each life, that would be 10 x 50yrs = 500 years of cognizant life, which is how the years are counted. It is easy to get this mixed up with reincarnation but traveling in time is much different. As a time traveler once you expire (die) in that parallel you cannot go back to the same parallel but navigate by coding of your DNA to another earth where the birth process starts over.

The condition and the technology are different at my CPO. The major source of energy is nuclear and is used in almost all transportation including cars. The vehicles like cars use this form of energy with water. The average car could cruise quietly up to about 35 to 40mph and only need to be refueled with water when it is steamed off. They are not made for speed and look sort of like enclosed golf carts with the steering wheel in the middle. The main roads are made with sand, rock, and blended with a rubbery type substance when laid. The tires on cars are very heavy and made with strong metallic sheets bonded with a rubbery type material. They don’t go flat. The government vehicles stand out and look very much like the old 1957 Chevy in appearance and almost always black.

Avionics on the other hand is technologically advanced and plane speeds can go pretty fast. The only problem that has not been overcome is when they go too fast they have a tendency to break apart. When people travel on passenger planes they are hooked up to parachutes in compartments that open automatically in case the plane falls apart. This is rare because they must keep the speed down to certain levels by mandate. The plane I rode in was a double prop; one prop in front the other in back. They were only used to get the plane in flight then other engines kick in and the props are then folded backwards and the wings go back in an aerodynamic way as the plane accelerates. From the Pacific to the Atlantic flight would probably take between 3 to 4 hours.

The country I was in was the United States except much larger and it covered most of North America. There was no Mexico or Canada but was broken into states; Alaska was part of Russia and Hawaii was an independent country. In my world the U.S. had 57 states.

The military at the base appeared to be a form of militia, which was not an unusual occurrence, of a private kind. Not the standard military but more of an elite team who was guarding and part of a top secret installation.

I think I covered most of your questions EPO; future Blogs will cover some of these topics in more detail…

04-05-2015, 12:58 PM
Thanks for your questions Epo333.

I could write novels on these questions. I will try and keep it simple.

The meaning of what I say is 2000 to 6000 years old does not mean I was born 4000 years before Christ and lived in a single body and moved forward until present. The travels are in a multi-verse which is somewhat parallel to the existence from my CPO (central point of origin) but many of the technological connections and conditions in separate parallel earths are different in many ways and are not the same.

I live a normal lifespan within a parallel given the conditions within that parallel. For instance if I lived separate lives in 10 different parallels, and for simplicity sake, I lived for 50 years in each life, that would be 10 x 50yrs = 500 years of cognizant life, which is how the years are counted. It is easy to get this mixed up with reincarnation but traveling in time is much different. As a time traveler once you expire (die) in that parallel you cannot go back to the same parallel but navigate by coding of your DNA to another earth where the birth process starts over.

The condition and the technology are different at my CPO. The major source of energy is nuclear and is used in almost all transportation including cars. The vehicles like cars use this form of energy with water. The average car could cruise quietly up to about 35 to 40mph and only need to be refueled with water when it is steamed off. They are not made for speed and look sort of like enclosed golf carts with the steering wheel in the middle. The main roads are made with sand, rock, and blended with a rubbery type substance when laid. The tires on cars are very heavy and made with strong metallic sheets bonded with a rubbery type material. They don’t go flat. The government vehicles stand out and look very much like the old 1957 Chevy in appearance and almost always black.

Avionics on the other hand is technologically advanced and plane speeds can go pretty fast. The only problem that has not been overcome is when they go too fast they have a tendency to break apart. When people travel on passenger planes they are hooked up to parachutes in compartments that open automatically in case the plane falls apart. This is rare because they must keep the speed down to certain levels by mandate. The plane I rode in was a double prop; one prop in front the other in back. They were only used to get the plane in flight then other engines kick in and the props are then folded backwards and the wings go back in an aerodynamic way as the plane accelerates. From the Pacific to the Atlantic flight would probably take between 3 to 4 hours.

The country I was in was the United States except much larger and it covered most of North America. There was no Mexico or Canada but was broken into states; Alaska was part of Russia and Hawaii was an independent country. In my world the U.S. had 57 states.

The military at the base appeared to be a form of militia, which was not an unusual occurrence, of a private kind. Not the standard military but more of an elite team who was guarding and part of a top secret installation.

I think I covered most of your questions EPO; future Blogs will cover some of these topics in more detail…

You covered them quite well. Thank You very much!

I get the understanding of parallel -vs- liniar time execution now.

See you on the blogs.

04-05-2015, 02:25 PM
Thanks for your questions Epo333.

I could write novels on these questions. I will try and keep it simple.

The meaning of what I say is 2000 to 6000 years old does not mean I was born 4000 years before Christ and lived in a single body and moved forward until present. The travels are in a multi-verse which is somewhat parallel to the existence from my CPO (central point of origin) but many of the technological connections and conditions in separate parallel earths are different in many ways and are not the same. Okay, lets roll with this.

If that is the case, then what defines as "CPO"?
What is considered central when all the versions are discretely different? What is "central"?
How many versions are there in these discrete zones, and most importantly, why is there x amount of numbers of discrete zones? <--- careful with answering this question <---

Next, if there are discrete (or substantial) rates of technological progress across these discrete parallel zones, with your wealth of knowledge of various zones of technology, how have you used this in your current life? (practical applications of your retained knowledge)

I live a normal lifespan within a parallel given the conditions within that parallel. For instance if I lived separate lives in 10 different parallels, and for simplicity sake, I lived for 50 years in each life, that would be 10 x 50yrs = 500 years of cognizant life, which is how the years are counted. It is easy to get this mixed up with reincarnation but traveling in time is much different. If your accounts hold water then you aren't "traveling through time". As time is considered a lapse of events in spacetime creating one continuum, you would not be traveling across "time" in any given continuum [across various parallel discrete zones].

You'd instead be living out a linear life within one parallel zone in a straight forward continuum; in proper sequential order (we'd assume) and therefore would not constitute any form of "time travel" within the framework of your displayed account(s).

Shouldn't you have correctly assessed this concept considering you have lived a substantial amount of cognizant [life] time(s)?

As a time traveler once you expire (die) in that parallel you cannot go back to the same parallel but navigate by coding of your DNA to another earth where the birth process starts over. Why? What is used to navigate "the coding of your DNA"?

"Who" or "What" designed "the technology", method or process...and from where do you access the inherent knowledge to "navigate the coding of your DNA"?

The condition and the technology are different at my CPO. The major source of energy is nuclear and is used in almost all transportation including cars. The vehicles like cars use this form of energy with water. The average car could cruise quietly up to about 35 to 40mph and only need to be refueled with water when it is steamed off. I think you made a glaring error. (or however this may have been imparted by any third parties?)

First you mentioned that the fuel is Nuclear Energy, but then you state it is water? Okay, I assume then they are splitting the hydrogen or oxygen in this nuclear effect (??). If not, set me straight, I want to see if you retain the details of these other discrete zones and their technology.

The other thing that caught my eyes, you mentioned it steamed off. Why exactly would a sealed nuclear process "steam off"? Or is the ?water?-based reactor right under the dashboard and exposed for there to be a gaseous steam?

Sounds like someone in another discrete parallel zone of time needs some revaluation of design principles.

They are not made for speed and look sort of like enclosed golf carts with the steering wheel in the middle. I guess there are no bugs or design studio's in that other discrete parallel universe.

The main roads are made with sand, rock, and blended with a rubbery type substance when laid. The tires on cars are very heavy and made with strong metallic sheets bonded with a rubbery type material. They don’t go flat. The government vehicles stand out and look very much like the old 1957 Chevy in appearance and almost always black. So the thing about the development of technology is that usually discoveries lead to other chains of discoveries.

So for example, you figure out how to split water and create fission, so you'd also understand what materials need to go into those processes to create a useful device....and along the way how to transport said materials. Which then leads to more technology that varies on it's intended use.

Which means you won't end up with a Mercedes Benz with stone tires like out of the flint stones.

Then again, what do I know.

I assume in every [alleged] timeline that spark of curiosity would lay down the ground work to bring technological projects together in a fairly coherent form.

For example, if a species has a soft bottom like we do, well, someone will invent seat cushions. (Yes, seriously) These cushions could be made of a collection of soft plants or out of synthetic rubber, but someone will make a soft seat one way or another. Same goes for transportation.

Avionics on the other hand is technologically advanced and plane speeds can go pretty fast. The only problem that has not been overcome is when they go too fast they have a tendency to break apart. See above.

You'd find it hard pressed to build a plane that an engineer didn't design safety parameters to it or use appropriate materials.

When people travel on passenger planes they are hooked up to parachutes in compartments that open automatically in case the plane falls apart. This is rare because they must keep the speed down to certain levels by mandate. What is rare, that the plane breaks apart due to excessive speed or that the passengers are "hooked in" to parachutes?

It frankly doesn't sound like you [allegedly] lived in a sane technologically sound environment.

The plane I rode in was a double prop; one prop in front the other in back. They were only used to get the plane in flight then other engines kick in and the props are then folded backwards and the wings go back in an aerodynamic way as the plane accelerates. From the Pacific to the Atlantic flight would probably take between 3 to 4 hours. Why not use only one primary engine system?

The country I was in was the United States except much larger and it covered most of North America. Why the united states? With the parameters changing across the board and the variable factors of time of these events in these discrete time zones, why again would the territory be called "the United States"?

Why English (from England) for that matter?

You'd have to work pretty darn miracles for the same set of circumstances to occur (same language/same names/same geographical concepts....etc).

You do realize a TON of language [as well as names and concepts) are derived from events and people embroiled in those events.


For example, America is called America for a reason. Shift the events 50 years (or even) a thousand years too early and guess what...yeah there is no America. Not even England nor the English Language. States? What that? We only have Provinces in this or that discrete zone.

I hope you catch my [logical] drift.

There was no Mexico or Canada but was broken into states; Alaska was part of Russia and Hawaii was an independent country. In my world the U.S. had 57 states. Any chance you could name any of the various states?

04-05-2015, 05:35 PM


future Blogs will cover some of these topics in more detail…


04-05-2015, 06:34 PM


:cool:Expected and well received.:das:angel_not:

04-06-2015, 03:10 PM
Hi Fore

Nuclear energy from water is almost certainly fusion. Could be cold fusion with a catalyst or hot fusion in a very small container both use hydrogen to make helium and are forms of nuclear energy.

In any of the different multiverses was there some simple cunning technology that we have missed that you could point out?. Is the physics the same in each multiverse?
What was the mission you were seconded into and are the big aliens still in touch?
Do you ever expect to get home to you CPO?

04-10-2015, 05:48 PM
In any of the different multiverses was there some simple cunning technology that we have missed that you could point out?. Is the physics the same in each multiverse?

It is not so much as physics being the same in each parallel but almost always depends on the evolution of applications by the connections and conditions of how we humans incorporate it.

What was the mission you were seconded into and are the big aliens still in touch?

Yes, the alien I am connected to at the chair at my CPO is leading another type life on a distant planet with the same life expectancy as humans. We must stay apart for some reason I do not understand except that it distorts time and space in some manner when we are within a close distance of each other. We are connected in proximity in a different form when we both die in our lives in this parallel. When one dies before the other than one must wait in an assigned virtual reality till the other joins at death to continue the voyage to another parallel and start life over. I am also physically in touch with their specie on this planet and have met with them on occasion, mostly their female specie and young childen.

One thing you will note when travelling in time with the ET they will almost always distort the truth and lie as to what our voyage intends to accomplish. I was told there was a war with the Grey aliens but I really doubt this is the case.

Do you ever expect to get home to you CPO?

To return to the chair at my CPO presents a paradox in my thought processes. A distortion of the self-actualization process in the understanding of my being, in other words it just represents a curiosity of time since time has passed in only minutes as opposed to thousands of years in my present voyage, a continues stream of many lives and self-awareness seems to trump my 22 years of my existence at my CPO.


04-11-2015, 10:32 PM
This video was put out there by National Geographic for educational viewing. It is approx. 45 minutes in length and will give most an understanding of parallel universes and explaining some of the science surrounding it.


This is also a pretty good video put out there by the Science Channel for educational purposes. It is approx. 45 minutes also.




04-14-2015, 09:51 AM
One problem I have with you story Atmjjc is that when we die we are not necessarily guarenteed another human existence. In the bardos, between lives we are just life streams of awareness are next birth is choosen then. Buddhists believe we could be an insect, an animal, an god, a hungry ghost, a human being or other similiar species..., I would also assume we are normally reborn in our own multiverse. Can you explain your understanding of this a bit more? I don't quite understand what the big alien transferred to you. Why the need the endless skip multiverses?

04-14-2015, 01:11 PM
One problem I have with you story Atmjjc is that when we die we are not necessarily guarenteed another human existence. In the bardos, between lives we are just life streams of awareness are next birth is choosen then. Buddhists believe we could be an insect, an animal, an god, a hungry ghost, a human being or other similiar species..., I would also assume we are normally reborn in our own multiverse. Can you explain your understanding of this a bit more? I don't quite understand what the big alien transferred to you. Why the need the endless skip multiverses?

Though I have always been interested in reincarnation I almost always shy away from internal influence of the eastern teachings. I personally am not looking to believe in something as in the teachings of someone else’s experiences, only that of my own.

Buddhist, Hindu, Jainism, and Taoism and even ancient Greek are to name just a few of the philosophic teachings that push and pull internal subjective cultural influence on the thought processes of this type of subject matter.

What you are referring here is what is sometimes referred to as transmigration which as reincarnation requires as a prerequisite in the belief in an immortal soul which in turn is a belief system dependent on what school of thought you are influenced by.

Whether reincarnation where the soul learns through karma is true or false as opposed to transmigration where we have some sort of choice if we want to come back as an animal or something else, all I can say is ‘I don’t know?’. If the 'I' is the sum total of all things then IMO it would make sense.

My journey is Time Travel not the beliefs of reincarnation. The question of ‘why’ is what I am seeking.


04-14-2015, 03:35 PM
My journey is Time Travel not the beliefs of reincarnation. The question of ‘why’ is what I am seeking.

:cool:For there to be "time travel" you would actually have to experience a discontinuous (https://www.google.com/search?q=discontinuous) time frame in a certain continuum (https://www.google.com/search?q=define+continuum) of events. From what you have introduced so far, you aren't even time traveling per your accepted concept.

You are allegedly living out a life from start to finish in a specific continuum (of time) in sequential order, (somehow?) moving back to your CPO in one ~origin~ continuum, then (somehow) living out a life from start to finish in yet another specific continuum (of time) in a parallel universe.

More than anything you should consider that concept parallelism rather than any form of "time travel". I haven't seen you state you ever return to the same continuum after one life.


You haven't addressed much of anything I have pointed out. Like for example why should the States of this world even exist in another world when all the variables of timing have been switched for any given set of events leading up to the formation of those states?

Like for example, could another timeline of this parallel world call it the "Cuban missile crisis" if it happened 200 years earlier than this time line? (Of course not, it would have been entirely called something else right?)

04-14-2015, 03:40 PM
And another thing, what if someone dies and becomes a ghost? Does this mean they failed to go back to their CPO? Or is everyone else different except you?

(I am partial to the idea that we are all relatively the same, going through the motions from different vantage points)

04-14-2015, 05:42 PM

What you are saying has no definitive structure, I haven’t a clue on what you are talking about.

If you need some more understanding of linear time within a framework of a certain reality of a viewpoint from a perspective of two types of different species talking to one another within a language of understanding can be understood potentially from a conversation that has been seeded into this reality from a TV program outward.

From ‘Deep Space Nine'

SISKO: You and I are very different species, it will take time for us to understand one another.

ALIENS: What is this “time”?

SISKO: It can be argued that a human is ultimately the sum of his experiences.

ALIENS: “Experiences”? What is this?

SISKO: Memories. Events from my past.

ALIENS: “Past”?

SISKO: Things that happened before now… You have absolutely no idea what I’m talking about.

ALIENS: What comes before now is no different than what is now, or what is to come – it is one’s existence.

SISKO: Then for you, there is no linear time.

ALIENS: “Linear time”? What is this?

SISKO: My species lives in one point in time. And once we move beyond that point, it becomes the past. The future, all that is yet to come, does not exist yet for us.

ALIENS: "Does not exist yet"?

SISKO: That is the nature of linear existence.

The aliens later appear to Sisko in one of his memories of a day he spent with his late wife at the park…

ALIENS: "Jennifer".

SISKO: Yes. That was her name.

ALIENS: She is part of your existence.

SISKO: She is part of my past. She is no longer alive.

ALIENS: But she is part of your existence.

SISKO: She was a most important part of my existence. But I lost her some time ago.

ALIENS: “Lost”? What is this?

SISKO: In a linear existence, we can’t go back to the past to get something we left behind. So it’s lost.

ALIENS: It is inconceivable that any species could exist in such a manner… You are deceiving us.

SISKO: No. This is the truth. This day, this park… it was almost fifteen years ago. Far in the past. It was a day that was very important to me. A day that shaped every day that followed. That is the essence of a linear existence. Each day affects the next.

And Fore, what of the ontological paradoxes that are created from one perception of succession of an event to someone else’s succession of events in which you are perceiving the same events but with different concept of understanding, in which case your perception would be different than another person’s perception and the flow of time would be skewed; a relativity of a concept spun in time. Would this be a succession of events as in Zeno's paradox where he argues that there is no such thing as motion?


04-14-2015, 07:32 PM

What you are saying has no definitive structure, I haven’t a clue on what you are talking about. Hail, my visitor. I speak English and Logic, what tongues do you speaketh?

If you need some more understanding of linear time within a framework of a certain reality of a viewpoint from a perspective of two types of different species talking to one another within a language of understanding can be understood potentially from a conversation that has been seeded into this reality from a TV program outward. You know, often having a conversation based on a simple [Logical/English] premise seems to always come down to a feeling of having a shadow boxing match of dodging.

I am being extremely clear in what I am analyzing and stating what is pretty obvious.

And Fore, what of the ontological paradoxes that are created from one perception of succession of an event to someone else’s succession of events in which you are perceiving the same events but with different concept of understanding, For example, pull the handbrake for Logic sake.


Okay, figured out what an ontological paradox is supposed to be, check.

Straining understanding in how this applies to Atmjic, check.

Figuring out (by magic?) if he implies that he relives the same lifetime in parallel universes but with subtle differences.
Checks if my brain recalls whether Atmjic refers to slight or incredibly varied parallel universes. Check.
Recalls that he refers to instances of incredibly varied parallel lifetime experiences. Check.

Therefore, my brain strongly hints at an error in application of "ontological paradox" concept in this scenario. Pretty much invalidating that.


Fore tells brain to think further outside the box. Check.
Alright brain, think, perhaps he means that "ontological paradox" refers to a generalized experience? (brain checks, says doesn't fly)

Fore quits on this thought and instead assumes that an error in application of "ontological paradox" is more likely than stretching the concepts that would apply of an "ontological paradox".

Okay, brain is giving the signal to continue reading.

in which case your perception would be different than another person’s perception and the flow of time would be skewed; Brain begins to cough blood from the illogical interpretation. Brain advises "use you imagination, I have no clue...really I don't".

Hmm, what does perception, a neurological or conscious process have to do with "the flow of time" being "skewed"? Brain immediately alerts Fore that this sounds like....god, I don't know for sure.

I can think only to reject this idea because it makes no coherent sense. What does it matter who thinks what? Would a second be longer than 1 second? Of course not, brain responds to Fore. Then why does he say it brain, Brain does a <shrugs?>.

Moving on....

a relativity of a concept spun in time. Would this be a succession of events as in Zeno's paradox where he argues that there is no such thing as motion?

:cool:Brain begins to advise Fore that Atmjic may instead be writing a poem. But is unsure. Asks Fore to investigate what a Zeno Paradox might be. Fore complies.


Then brain says to Fore, find an example of Zeno's Paradox and (for the communities sake) post it:



Fore uses two brain cells and rubs them together, thinks, what does this have to do with anything. Answer, almost no relevance.
Fore and Brain concludes that there is no relevance, heightens possibility that individual is likely trying to obfuscate the topic by throwing out irrelevant content with little or no sense.

Fore comments to brain, are you trying to say that he is trying to throw the audience (if any) through a hoop of fire (a distraction not easily understood or appreciated) by confusing the topic intentionally? Brain says, possibly, or possibly you are overthinking it Fore.

Fore says to self, I probably am, but I think I am starting to see a pattern of behavior.

04-14-2015, 09:53 PM
Hail, my visitor. I speak English and Logic, what tongues do you speaketh?

You know, often having a conversation based on a simple [Logical/English] premise seems to always come down to a feeling of having a shadow boxing match of dodging.

I am being extremely clear in what I am analyzing and stating what is pretty obvious.

No you aren’t,,, you present narcissistic self-grandiose arguments that lack logic interpretation. Just because you say something is so doesn’t make it so.

Therefore, my brain strongly hints at an error in application of "ontological paradox" concept in this scenario. Pretty much invalidating that.

You seem to have a problem with Association.

Brain begins to cough blood from the illogical interpretation. Brain advises "use you imagination, I have no clue...really I don't".

Hmm, what does perception, a neurological or conscious process have to do with "the flow of time" being "skewed"? Brain immediately alerts Fore that this sounds like....god, I don't know for sure.

'Relativity',,,Again,,,You seem to have a problem with Association. Not my problem your problem.

Fore comments to brain, are you trying to say that he is trying to throw the audience (if any) through a hoop of fire (a distraction not easily understood or appreciated) by confusing the topic intentionally? Brain says, possibly, or possibly you are overthinking it Fore.

A distraction only in your mind Fore.

You think; That's your problem. Stop. It's very painful for everyone.


04-14-2015, 10:18 PM
Well, I guess I'm part of an audience.

Without going too far off topic....:rolleyes:

I would love to see an English Major with a PhD, diagram THIS sentence. . .!!!

If you need some more understanding of linear time within a framework of a certain reality of a viewpoint from a perspective of two types of different species talking to one another within a language of understanding can be understood potentially from a conversation that has been seeded into this reality from a TV program outward.


. . .Ok carry on please. . .

04-15-2015, 12:16 AM
Well, I guess I'm part of an audience.

Without going too far off topic....:rolleyes:

I would love to see an English Major with a PhD, diagram THIS sentence. . .!!!

f you need some more understanding of linear time within a framework of a certain reality of a viewpoint from a perspective of two types of different species talking to one another within a language of understanding can be understood potentially from a conversation that has been seeded into this reality from a TV program outward.


. . .Ok carry on please. . .

LOL, I do have a PhD, and a Masters but not with an English Major. The last 20 years was devoted to Clinical Psychology in hospitals and prison systems and B4 that in my younger years I worked in areas of National Defense with a fringe arrangement of government contracts mostly undercover in various settings. I am now retired.

EPO, the clarifier of the sentence you singled out was the lines below taken from the TV series ‘Deep Space Nine’ which should of gave a basic understanding of what I was referring to.

From ‘Deep Space Nine'

SISKO: You and I are very different species, it will take time for us to understand one another.

ALIENS: What is this “time”?

SISKO: It can be argued that a human is ultimately the sum of his experiences.

ALIENS: “Experiences”? What is this?

SISKO: Memories. Events from my past.

ALIENS: “Past”?

SISKO: Things that happened before now… You have absolutely no idea what I’m talking about.

ALIENS: What comes before now is no different than what is now, or what is to come – it is one’s existence.

SISKO: Then for you, there is no linear time.

ALIENS: “Linear time”? What is this?

SISKO: My species lives in one point in time. And once we move beyond that point, it becomes the past. The future, all that is yet to come, does not exist yet for us.

ALIENS: "Does not exist yet"?

SISKO: That is the nature of linear existence.

The aliens later appear to Sisko in one of his memories of a day he spent with his late wife at the park…

ALIENS: "Jennifer".

SISKO: Yes. That was her name.

ALIENS: She is part of your existence.

SISKO: She is part of my past. She is no longer alive.

ALIENS: But she is part of your existence.

SISKO: She was a most important part of my existence. But I lost her some time ago.

ALIENS: “Lost”? What is this?

SISKO: In a linear existence, we can’t go back to the past to get something we left behind. So it’s lost.

ALIENS: It is inconceivable that any species could exist in such a manner… You are deceiving us.

SISKO: No. This is the truth. This day, this park… it was almost fifteen years ago. Far in the past. It was a day that was very important to me. A day that shaped every day that followed. That is the essence of a linear existence. Each day affects the next.

But I do see a problem at times with my writing, thank you for pointing it out… I scored the text with 8 readability formulas with the result listed below.

Readability Consensus
Based on 8 readability formulas, we have scored your text:
Grade Level to understand: 21
Reading Level: very difficult to read.
Reader's Age: College graduate +

A low score which infers some college thinking and a high score of ease to read means you’re writing to the comic book crowd. What I try to aim for mostly is an understanding of a 10th grade level. Sometimes I will overwrite and presume I am writing to graduate students and forget I am writing to the general public.


04-15-2015, 12:48 AM

Ha! I could easily tell that you are well educated, and experienced in the topics TheOutPostForum members research, monitor, and stay on top of.

Thank You for having a good sense of humor as I wasn't sure how you would react to that post. FWIW, I didn't care much for English in school(s), but always did what was needed to move on.

Thanks again!

04-15-2015, 01:46 AM
But I do see a problem at times with my writing, thank you for pointing it out… I scored the text with 8 readability formulas with the result listed below.

Readability Consensus
Based on 8 readability formulas, we have scored your text:
Grade Level to understand: 21
Reading Level: very difficult to read.
Reader's Age: College graduate +

A low score which infers some college thinking and a high score of ease to read means you’re writing to the comic book crowd. What I try to aim for mostly is an understanding of a 10th grade level. Sometimes I will overwrite and presume I am writing to graduate students and forget I am writing to the general public.


Just looks like a score indicating there may be a need for parsing and probably a few sentences.

If you need some more understanding of linear time within a framework of a certain reality of a viewpoint from a perspective of two types of different species talking to one another within a language of understanding can be understood potentially from a conversation that has been seeded into this reality from a TV program outward.

Morphs into:

If you need some more understanding of linear time. Within a framework of a certain reality you may find a viewpoint from a perspective of two types of different species talking to one another within a language of understanding. This can be potentially understood from a conversation that has been seeded into this reality from a TV program.

Also, you likely falsified the result as the engine won't take less than 100 words. Hence, it won't give a result based only on that cited text.

Edit: And yes, I am dyslexic to some degree. Intelligibility is a requirement when sharing communication. (at least it is for me, I work hard on that)

04-15-2015, 02:12 AM
No you aren’t,,, you present narcissistic self-grandiose arguments that lack logic interpretation. Just because you say something is so doesn’t make it so.

You seem to have a problem with Association.

'Relativity',,,Again,,,You seem to have a problem with Association. Not my problem your problem.

A distraction only in your mind Fore.

You think; That's your problem. Stop. It's very painful for everyone.


What it all amounts to is simply this:

You are posting disparate materials (that on the surface at least) have nothing directly to do with the topic at hand. I am unsure if this is some kind of stall tactic or a "shock and awe" technique.

Usually, it is logical that when you represent a supporting piece of evidence, you actually explain the relevance of that supporting evidence, idea or hypothesis. Is it my imagination or are you (seemingly with intent) failing to draw the connection between subjects being posted? Now I am not the sharpest tool in this shed. Though, I do not see any straight forward connections between abstract concepts you've posted.

I'd have to put forth the proposition that you either not willing to communicate, or you are simply attempting to confuse in the hopes that no one understands the level of material you are posting in this thread.

At this point, I have to assume your intent is not to communicate or impart, but instead to.....


Well, let me put it this way.

A very long time ago, I was a small kid (7 or 8) my father used to repair electronics for the neighborhood as a side (paying) hobby to his normal day job. One day, a neighbor who came to take a large screen projection TV that _had yet to be fixed_ embarrassed my father by showing up and insisted on knowing what the problem was with his TV.

My father pulled what you are tacitly pulling on this very thread. He told the man that the TV had a bad axle. (yes, laugh your butt off!)
While the guy may have known the basics of TV, he did not know that a TV has no axle (like a car), but that resolved the issue because it was beyond that TV owners capacity.


Why do I get the distinct feeling that you are pointing out to dots of information, seemingly forgoing drawing a connection between cited material and your experience, and then belittling others when they ask for the connection between these dots? (often, like in my case, seeing no actual connection.

Do you now understand what I mean by "the shock and awe" treatment? Leading people through the burning Hoop? Etc.

So I guess what I am trying to expedite within you is an actual process of citation of relevance between your cited references. Which you seem to be very good at failing to do. Are you refusing to draw the connections between citations?

04-15-2015, 03:06 AM

This is simple…

You have a habit of trying to tell people what to do and what to think and I have a habit of trying not to pay attention to you.

Everybody at some point can be manipulated Fore. You are easy to spot. Your age is what puzzles me, are you out of adolescents yet?


04-15-2015, 03:32 AM

This is simple…

You have a habit of trying to tell people what to do and what to think and I have a habit of trying not to pay attention to you.

Everybody at some point can be manipulated Fore. You are easy to spot. Your age is what puzzles me, are you out of adolescents yet?

:cool:It doesn't really matter. I don't expect you to do what you are avoiding. Regardless of whether I am (or not) the impetus, you can just keep posting fancy links and never saying anything about them.

You seem to think that somehow control is the objective. I'd say it is more about effective communication.
If you opt out of effective communication then does anything else even matter?

04-15-2015, 03:37 AM

This is simple…

You have a habit of trying to tell people what to do and what to think and I have a habit of trying not to pay attention to you.

Everybody at some point can be manipulated Fore. You are easy to spot. Your age is what puzzles me, are you out of adolescents yet?


Let's stick with debating ideas, and avoid name calling. (did you just call fore a baby? And/or Bossy?)

I for one don't always get other member's ideas, but I'm willing to listen.
Members will present things as they understand them.
I look at it as an opportunity to view things from another unique perspective.
Ideas that I may not have considered, or agree with.

If I don't find the new topics informative (or at the very least entertaining) I ask questions seeking clarity.
Or I move on to the next thread WITHOUT making personal attacks on fellow members.

To disagree on ideas is the very basis of healthy debate, but let's not make it personal. :cool:

04-15-2015, 06:03 AM
As a peace offering:

Parallels (2015)

Or one of my favorites:

Frequently Asked Questions About Time Travel (2009)

I think you may enjoy these?

04-15-2015, 11:21 AM

From ‘Deep Space Nine'

SISKO: You and I are very different species, it will take time for us to understand one another.

ALIENS: What is this “time”?

SISKO: It can be argued that a human is ultimately the sum of his experiences.

ALIENS: “Experiences”? What is this?

SISKO: Memories. Events from my past.

ALIENS: “Past”?

SISKO: Things that happened before now… You have absolutely no idea what I’m talking about.

ALIENS: What comes before now is no different than what is now, or what is to come – it is one’s existence.

SISKO: Then for you, there is no linear time.

ALIENS: “Linear time”? What is this?

SISKO: My species lives in one point in time. And once we move beyond that point, it becomes the past. The future, all that is yet to come, does not exist yet for us.

ALIENS: "Does not exist yet"?

SISKO: That is the nature of linear existence.

The aliens later appear to Sisko in one of his memories of a day he spent with his late wife at the park…

ALIENS: "Jennifer".

SISKO: Yes. That was her name.

ALIENS: She is part of your existence.

SISKO: She is part of my past. She is no longer alive.

ALIENS: But she is part of your existence.

SISKO: She was a most important part of my existence. But I lost her some time ago.

ALIENS: “Lost”? What is this?

SISKO: In a linear existence, we can’t go back to the past to get something we left behind. So it’s lost.

ALIENS: It is inconceivable that any species could exist in such a manner… You are deceiving us.

SISKO: No. This is the truth. This day, this park… it was almost fifteen years ago. Far in the past. It was a day that was very important to me. A day that shaped every day that followed. That is the essence of a linear existence. Each day affects the next.

And Fore, what of the ontological paradoxes that are created from one perception of succession of an event to someone else’s succession of events in which you are perceiving the same events but with different concept of understanding, in which case your perception would be different than another person’s perception and the flow of time would be skewed; a relativity of a concept spun in time. Would this be a succession of events as in Zeno's paradox where he argues that there is no such thing as motion?


I'm pretty sure I know what you are getting at Atmjjc.
It isn't just something that has trickled down from another dimension. It's about understanding the true nature of our experience and the world.
I know I harp on about Buddhism but what I want to convey and what which is vitally important is not Buddhism per say as a religion, but Buddhadharma.
Buddhadharma is a direct understanding of both our true nature and of the world around us, it really has nothing to do with religion, is it essentially just the truth.

One aspect of Buddhadharma that has been taught for couple of thousand years and is not that easy to come across is a better understanding of time.
When you look at your experience closely through meditation or close observation, you begin to realise that distinctions between the past, present and the future are really just created by us.
The future and the past do not exist and you'll find it very difficult to pin down exactly when the present is as well. A memory of the past is something that happens now, and a thought about the future happens in the now, in fact if you look closely, you may need to meditate quite a long time before you notice but you actually 'colour' or 'flavour' your thoughts of the past, present and future. It is more noticeable with memories, very much like the sepia tone often used in movies when they look back in time, they give you the illusion that you are traveling back to that time, of course you are not, you know that logically it is impossible, but it doesn't stop the mind tricking itself every time we think of the past. In fact it's an obvious illusion, we are trying to recreate the past now in our minds. We do this all the time. It is something that is pretty intrinsic to human nature but the truth of it is - it is an illusion. There is no past and no future.
That is why the alien states
ALIENS: But she is part of your existence.
Sisko can always recreate memories of her and the connection they had will never be lost. The alien cannot understand Sisko's obssesion with something that doesn't exist over something that does.
It is possible for us to act without thinking about past or future it is just very difficult because we are hardwired evolutionary to survive and these illusions have helped us in the past. At the level of ultimate truth though they are delusions.

04-16-2015, 08:42 PM
As a peace offering:

Parallels (2015)

Or one of my favorites:

Frequently Asked Questions About Time Travel (2009)

I think you may enjoy these?

No need to make peace offering Fore, we have been trying to get each other’s goat for quite some time. I find it amusing.

I am hesitant to download the video player because when you offered a video install from a link on …

12-26-2015 post 1594 in the Minds Eye….’what we think we know so far’ pg 160, you linked a bad url which contained a virus on the video player install. My firewall called it a ‘fake video player’ (type 1740) with a severity of ‘high’ with an extended element: port 80. --

I will take you up on the movie you suggested “Parallels” it is offered on NETFLIX streaming. I will watch it when I get some time. THX.

Chin tucked, arms up… watch those 45 degree angles… the blind spots…you never see um cumn.:D

04-16-2015, 11:27 PM
No need to make peace offering Fore, we have been trying to get each other’s goat for quite some time. I find it amusing.?

I am hesitant to download the video player because when you offered a video install from a link on …

12-26-2015 post 1594 in the Minds Eye….’what we think we know so far’ pg 160, you linked a bad url which contained a virus on the video player install. My firewall called it a ‘fake video player’ (type 1740) with a severity of ‘high’ with an extended element: port 80. -- I dunno about that. I guess you aren't using an Ad filter? (recommend Adblock Plus or Adblock Edge)

You won't need to install anything in order to see videos. If you can play stuff from youtube it would work perfectly fine. You just might need an adblocker to keep any spam from getting into your PC (as is normal these days on the internet).

Edit: Also recommend this software (free) https://www.malwarebytes.org/antiexploit/

It will protect all open browser from hijacking.

I will take you up on the movie you suggested “Parallels” it is offered on NETFLIX streaming. I will watch it when I get some time. THX. I saw one last night that was interesting called "Coherence" (2013). http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2866360/

Chin tucked, arms up… watch those 45 degree angles… the blind spots…you never see um cumn.:DYou seem to think I mean you harm. While I am not fond of certain things, I don't do it to harm you.

If someone sees something that is obviously "not quite right" (like a technical aspect in an account or a sequencing issue or an obvious issue) you would expect to have people point it out to you. When someone brings it up, you are normally expected to address it or provide some kind of insight. Obviously, due to the way this forum is run, there is no obligation to do so in certain sections.

Of course, it is not against any rules to bring them up when they pop up. Even you've done that when you don't understand something about my accounts. Which is why I always addressed the points when there is a need to clarify an issue.


I understand if that puts you in a defensive mode, but that might not be the best way to deal with things. <<--- keep in mind I have done the same in the past, hard to get past certain kinds of scrutiny without feeling uncomfortable.

Anyway, just so you get it, that is most of the reason why I point it out.

I scrutinize ET comments, and people far harsher than you'd imagine. I even question myself on a regular basis all the time. (except recently since I don't think about it very much these days)

What you are exposed to is extremely tepid by comparison. I am well aware from prior instructions that you aren't supposed to corner people into seeing anything.

04-17-2015, 12:24 PM
I'm pretty sure I know what you are getting at Atmjjc.
It isn't just something that has trickled down from another dimension. It's about understanding the true nature of our experience and the world.
I know I harp on about Buddhism but what I want to convey and what which is vitally important is not Buddhism per say as a religion, but Buddhadharma.
Buddhadharma is a direct understanding of both our true nature and of the world around us, it really has nothing to do with religion, is it essentially just the truth.

One aspect of Buddhadharma that has been taught for couple of thousand years and is not that easy to come across is a better understanding of time.
When you look at your experience closely through meditation or close observation, you begin to realise that distinctions between the past, present and the future are really just created by us.
The future and the past do not exist and you'll find it very difficult to pin down exactly when the present is as well. A memory of the past is something that happens now, and a thought about the future happens in the now, in fact if you look closely, you may need to meditate quite a long time before you notice but you actually 'colour' or 'flavour' your thoughts of the past, present and future. It is more noticeable with memories, very much like the sepia tone often used in movies when they look back in time, they give you the illusion that you are traveling back to that time, of course you are not, you know that logically it is impossible, but it doesn't stop the mind tricking itself every time we think of the past. In fact it's an obvious illusion, we are trying to recreate the past now in our minds. We do this all the time. It is something that is pretty intrinsic to human nature but the truth of it is - it is an illusion. There is no past and no future.
That is why the alien states
ALIENS: But she is part of your existence.
Sisko can always recreate memories of her and the connection they had will never be lost. The alien cannot understand Sisko's obssesion with something that doesn't exist over something that does.
It is possible for us to act without thinking about past or future it is just very difficult because we are hardwired evolutionary to survive and these illusions have helped us in the past. At the level of ultimate truth though they are delusions.

I am impressed Longeyes, you seem to have a pretty good grasp at what I express at times.

To take things a step further in the reality of existence try and understand the physics of causality and incorporate them in an understanding to the nature of consciousness. You mind will eventually begin to understand the membrane of existence which will challenge you to understand the motion of life.

The facets of truth do have a roar for we are sentient beings.


04-24-2015, 02:03 PM
Thanks Atmjjc
It's down to the Dzogchen Master I study under. The Tibetan Nyingma tradition has a very clear and well defined path and by following it ... it is possible to attain enlightenment in one lifetime.
Trying to attain enlightenment on your own will take countless eons it just isn't that obvious and the path itself is self secret (meaning that a lot of truths can appear quite simple and ordinary and their profundity is often missed)

Causality as we understand it is also largely an illusion.
The example our guru uses is turning on a light switch.
It may seem to be quite logical to think I turned on the light switch and the resultant cause was the light coming on. But when you look at it that is a perversely narrow view of the situation.
Because when you begin to think about there is an almost infinite list of conditions that have come together to turn on that switch. You have to exist for one, ie your parents had to meet, have sex, and raise you. You had to have eaten in the last month so everything you've eaten or drunk in your life time has played some part keeping you alive so you can turn press that switch. In fact humanity has to have evolved enough intelligence to invent both the light and the switch so you can turn it on. That's 4 billion years of evolution, and perhaps DNA tampering, to get us to the point where we even have electric lights. You then begin to see how interconnected everything actually is, how looking at things in isolation is very handy, but not actually the complete picture. Science has developed by looking at experiments by ignoring the fact the scientist is there doing the experiment. When you look at the world seeing how interconnected everything is not such a great surprise that quantum theory had to include an observer to collapse and probability function.
We are taught a better way of looking at the world is through mandalas, mandalas are collections of things groups of anything really. You can have a mandala of fruit which contains all oranges, bananas etc.
But the important thing about mandala is they are constantly moving they have and energy about them. New fruit are being developed all the time, some fruit may go extinct, pests may attack certain fruits decimating their numbers. But mandalas can be connected to other mandalas, so mandala of fruit is also effected by the mandalas of thing that eat them, grow them etc.
So instead of looking at things in a static limited sense you can see the world more precisely how it actually works, which is constantly changing nothing is permanent.
There is an aliveness to existence which we normally try to ignore, we are constantly trying to pin things down, and because they change we re-inventing ourselves all the time instead of just going with the flow.
But as you can see these things are incredibly ingrained in the way we live our day to day lives and to have a profound realisation of them is very difficult indeed.

04-30-2015, 08:47 AM
Hopefully from the above you are starting to get a picture of how slanted our view of reality actually is.
I'll add this and stop let Atmjjc continue.
If you start to look at your thoughts from a much broader perspective, you can see how minute the details you are picking out, actually are, and how almost all of the time, we see them in isolation and forget the bigger picture. It's a bit like trying to create a car with a paint brush. You are making one brushstroke and hoping that you have created the whole physical reality of the car. It isn't all bad news because there is a way of looking at the world as non-dual - being entirely in tune with existence. Everyone is capable of doing that, but finding the particular place in your own mind is very difficult. You can approach it via meditation ;it is like tuning a string to the perfect pitch it mustn't be too tight it mustn't be too loose, but to start with it you have no ears to hear the sound and no feeling in your fingers to feel the string. As your practice develops both your feeling and hearing start to appear you gradually sense which direction to go in. But it is a very tricky path and without a teacher who has great experience it is very hard to find your way. You will glimpse things but miss their significance, or use them to build ego instead of undermining it. There are as many pitfalls as there are in life because that is what we are trying to come to terms with all the time - our existence.

05-03-2015, 04:47 PM
Sorry about the delay but I dislocated my shoulder hang gliding off of Mingus Mountain here in Arizona. These dislocated shoulders are really painful and kind of set me back somewhat. LoL, I am now flying off of pain killers if you catch my drift.:bleh:

I did though make contact with certain individuals concerning my meeting with a specie of ET and I was told I would be in contact once more for another meeting at a Christian Monastery with information of the meet. I am not sure in which state or country for that matter this monastery is located but I understood it would be soon.

The information I was given is that I know this alien and was instrumental in his rescue from predators some years back. Honestly I have no recollection of what this individual was talking about or referring to. We will see how things progress.


05-14-2015, 11:28 AM
For some unknown reason I am picking up information being played in my mind of some type of interrogation. The operative word being employed by the interrogator is ‘Troop Deployment’.

I do not understand the meaning of this intrusion or why it is being played out but I do get a strong impression that it must be passed on to the interested party by this type of media.


05-14-2015, 02:44 PM
For some unknown reason I am picking up information being played in my mind of some type of interrogation. The operative word being employed by the interrogator is ‘Troop Deployment’.

I do not understand the meaning of this intrusion or why it is being played out but I do get a strong impression that it must be passed on to the interested party by this type of media.


I had vivid dream two nights ago of a massive troop deployment as well. It involved a lot of drones.

JadeHelm is about to take-place, so it could be that triggered my dream.

05-15-2015, 02:43 AM
It certainly has many people here in Texas edgy. One rancher/farmer is refusing to turn his home over to them. They're offering to pay for the use and such, but many people think this isn't right. There are government lands to do this.

06-20-2015, 04:46 AM
Finally done moving and got some things set up and after 18 days and still unpacking.

Temperature in my area the thermometer showed 120 in the shade. Cruel weather but I love it.

Made contact with a human to meet with one alien species in which I will be meeting in the flesh. The meet was with an elder American Indian shaman who knew Juan Matus who spoke often of me and even told me that Carlos Castaneda had written about me in one of his books but didn’t elaborate on which one. I used to refer to Castanada as ‘Little Carlitos’, lol, I think it pissed him off. So the meeting went well. I had met with this person at a Greek monastery called St. Anthony. Not sure how much the monks know of the aliens if anything at all? Not a good idea to talk of such things with a monk.


It shouldn’t be too much longer for the alien meet.


06-20-2015, 04:51 AM
Finally done moving and got some things set up and after 18 days and still unpacking.

Temperature in my area the thermometer showed 120 in the shade. Cruel weather but I love it.

Made contact with a human to meet with one alien species in which I will be meeting in the flesh. The meet was with an elder American Indian shaman who knew Juan Matus who spoke often of me and even told me that Carlos Castaneda had written about me in one of his books but didn’t elaborate on which one. I used to refer to Castanada as ‘Little Carlitos’, lol, I think it pissed him off. So the meeting went well. I had met with this person at a Greek monastery called St. Anthony. Not sure how much the monks know of the aliens if anything at all? Not a good idea to talk of such things with a monk.


It shouldn’t be too much longer for the alien meet.


Keep us posted...

06-21-2015, 01:51 AM
I second that. Good luck with your meeting. Hopefully it goes well and hopefully you can glean some information whether it bodes well for you or all of us or not. Basically what I'm saying hopefully you can clean some truthful information as you can best determine the being actual is.


07-08-2015, 12:16 PM
I have often wondered about the evolution theory and the vast dispersion of life forms that our present in just our planet alone.

I know through my own experiences in which it is a fact to me that Alien life forms off planet have had a hand in tinkering in our specie of human kind with their manipulations of our DNA.

What of their species and how did they come to be what they are? Is there a common link between specie and intelligence on a universal scale such as in a universal design which is known to the Aliens?

I am starting to pay attention to what is known as ‘Nonrandom Evolutionary Hypothesis’ in which it is suggested that certain environmental cues tend to generate mutations in DNA. Academies presently view this as a creationist theory but I tend to view it as a compliment to the evolutionary theory which would crudely fall under Adaptation and Natural Selection.

There has been mounting evidence on the molecular level of large genomic changes that confer selective advantage and occur just when they are needed. Though It has been seen only in bacteria these mutational changes are not random but apparently induced by the environment.



07-11-2015, 08:35 AM
Part of trying to communicate with ET in the flesh also has its drawbacks. One is constantly being followed by people unknown. Yes, I know, it sounds a little paranoid, but the hard part is to figure out the good guys from the bad guys and what the heck are they up to? Some have tried to make contact but the contact was crude with extremely bad timing.

I wish I would have thought fast enough to take a picture with my cell phone, for the other day I had this white surveillance vehicle follow me to the store of all places. This wasn’t the normal van type but much larger. Sort of a white command center step in vehicle lightly armored with gun slots towards the back of the vehicle which could be also used for camera surveillance.

Are they trying to intimidate me? Shut me up maybe? They do have my attention!

07-11-2015, 06:49 PM
Part of trying to communicate with ET in the flesh also has its drawbacks. One is constantly being followed by people unknown. Yes, I know, it sounds a little paranoid, but the hard part is to figure out the good guys from the bad guys and what the heck are they up to? Some have tried to make contact but the contact was crude with extremely bad timing.

I wish I would have thought fast enough to take a picture with my cell phone, for the other day I had this white surveillance vehicle follow me to the store of all places. This wasn’t the normal van type but much larger. Sort of a white command center step in vehicle lightly armored with gun slots towards the back of the vehicle which could be also used for camera surveillance.

Are they trying to intimidate me? Shut me up maybe? They do have my attention!


Can you state if any of your communications confirm or expel any of the following...? (Or any other comments you care to make)

Dr Henry Kissinger, who has long been rumored to be a key figure in classified extraterrestrial related projects. Most recently, Kissinger attended the Bilderberg Group meeting which occurred only two days after Goode and Gonzales had met approximately 200 human elites that offered a limited disclosure program to begin in November 2015.
demand was that all of the Draco Federation Alliance would be allowed to leave through the Outer Barrier as they wished and that their human allies would be given clemency and promised no reprisals in future events in a human controlled Sol System.
If the demands were not met, the White Royal Draco said his forces were ready for a prophesied End Times battle:
Notwithstanding the long term threat posed by artificial intelligence the most immediate issues raised by Gonzales briefing is how to deal with the White Royal Draco’s demands that his forces are allowed to leave the solar system, and that his former human servants, the Committee of 200 and other global elites, are given amnesty.

your can see more of this quote from here...


07-12-2015, 10:56 AM
I am not all that familiar with Corey Goode or Gonzalez about their experiences so it will be hard for me to comment from what reality of truth they are presenting but from my experience it will present itself as a POV (point of view) of the ET and as AI is presented into the presentation of beings, than it truly becomes a quagmire of complexity as to their true nature and intent as to what their purpose represents to sentient beings and to themselves for that matter including the alpha and omega of creation.

The video below is an Avalon production which is over 2 hours long interviewing Corey Goode.



07-20-2015, 10:28 AM

Can you state if any of your communications confirm or expel any of the following...? (Or any other comments you care to make)

your can see more of this quote from here...


I expanded my response to your question and put it into the blog "The Elite and the Mysterious Woman in Their Lives"



07-20-2015, 11:32 AM
I expanded my response to your question and put it into the blog "The Elite and the Mysterious Woman in Their Lives"



Read the blog atmjjc, thanks for your response.

07-20-2015, 12:58 PM
This is somewhat what I was referring to about these mysterious woman and the elite. I can’t say for sure that Redstone is dealing with off planet female visitors but is does put him in circumstantial evidence to what I was referring to.

Sumner Redstone's Driver: I Delivered $1 Million in Cash to Women
by Tim Jensen

to read article--->http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/features/sumner-redstones-driver-i-delivered-808491


08-04-2015, 06:53 PM

I had met with three more American Indian Shamans who then brought me to a holy ground to explain to me what to expect. I was in ancient ruins in a cave type setting in the middle of the night which was lit by fire lite. It was a surreal place and the fire brought about all kinds of shadows on the mountain cave walls in which this meeting took place.

When I say Indian Shamans I do not mean to confuse as to what I mean. These Shaman are not ‘Medicine Men’ and they are not ‘religious priests’ but are Indians who are respected and feared due to their practice of esoteric mystical knowledge (aka/men of knowledge) and control of the forces of the seen and unseen worlds. The best way to describe them is they practice ‘majick’ but if you were to tell them that they would usually break out in laughter. There are also some women who follow this path, but not many.

What I was told has me worried. I was told they know of at least 9 Indians like them and the last 50 years in which they were acquainted with who had met this Alien race in the flesh and out of the 9, eight died directly because of the meet, 3 went ‘insane”, their word, 2 committed suicide by jumping over a cliff during the meet with the Aliens, and 3 more ran off into the wilderness never to be seen again. Only one had established a relation and had communicated and was handed knowledge of their existence on this planet.

The Shamans again have told me the Aliens know of me and one has met me in the past, and again I have no recollection of what they are talking about. I told them that, they shrugged their shoulders and told me to be careful and prepare my mind.

My next meet will be with the Alien Race.


08-05-2015, 01:30 AM
Good luck and safe encounters.


08-06-2015, 07:31 AM
Good luck Atmjjc.
Hope it goes well

09-20-2015, 07:28 PM
I do have a ‘go’ with ET but was called off a couple of times due to weather conditions. The monsoons have hit in some areas of the southwest pretty hard and since we need to get in the area of involvement with a four wheel drive the conditions became somewhat treacherous. We also must walk a couple of miles also flash floods can come without warning.

As soon as the weather conditions become somewhat normal again I will give it another go.

From what I have been told I am somewhat nervous to say the least.


10-27-2015, 04:05 AM

I have made contact.

Due to weather conditions in the Arizona area the contact site changed location to Utah as the alternative contact point.

I have learned so much in my understanding of the nature of things but at a price to my emotional health which is in disarray at these moments. I am in recovery now trying to mend.

Many thanks to the unnamed shamans of the Pima, Apache, and the Ute Indians who literally had to pull my body back to civilization. I would not be here now if it wasn’t for their brave and welcomed efforts.

The contact had opened a part of my alien brain during communication and as a result thousands of years of emotional memories have flooded my consciousness. I understand so much now but will need time to configure my emotions to an acceptable level of living at the moment.

I will continue as promised with the happenings of this adventure once I am in control of my emotions.

So many lives of loved ones along the way, washing away the tears do not bring me comfort. Mother Mary watches over me and comforts this tired and old soul… I travel on.

I can’t explain in words what is going on with me presently but maybe a melody in which you can interpret in your own way what is flashing in my brain and the emotions it is bringing to the surface of this life, in this time, of many of the worlds I have lived in which now I must try and quiet my brain with distractions.

May God the Creator of all life watch over this planet and in his/her Divine wisdom guide us through the darkest hours and open our eyes to the many wonders of his/her expression of the mysteries which surround us.


10-27-2015, 07:24 AM
Awesome hang on in there dude!
Look forward to hearing more

10-27-2015, 10:57 PM
This will be interesting...

|-_-| ....

Were any mind altering substances utilized before or during the contact? (No Contacting While Under the Influence? <-- Yes, It is a light pun, but serious question)


From what little you have said it sounds like something got inside your head and left you incapacitated. An emotional wreck from the resulting experience as you seemingly described.
I guess that (as yet unidentified) presence needs some "table manners" while having a conversation?

I also did want to ask, did this (as yet unidentified) "presence" (during it's time accessing your insides) confirm the validity of your entire....existential narrative?

10-28-2015, 06:47 PM

I have made contact.

Due to weather conditions in the Arizona area the contact site changed location to Utah as the alternative contact point.

I have learned so much in my understanding of the nature of things but at a price to my emotional health which is in disarray at these moments. I am in recovery now trying to mend.

Many thanks to the unnamed shamans of the Pima, Apache, and the Ute Indians who literally had to pull my body back to civilization. I would not be here now if it wasn’t for their brave and welcomed efforts.

The contact had opened a part of my alien brain during communication and as a result thousands of years of emotional memories have flooded my consciousness. I understand so much now but will need time to configure my emotions to an acceptable level of living at the moment.

I will continue as promised with the happenings of this adventure once I am in control of my emotions.

So many lives of loved ones along the way, washing away the tears do not bring me comfort. Mother Mary watches over me and comforts this tired and old soul… I travel on.

I can’t explain in words what is going on with me presently but maybe a melody in which you can interpret in your own way what is flashing in my brain and the emotions it is bringing to the surface of this life, in this time, of many of the worlds I have lived in which now I must try and quiet my brain with distractions.

May God the Creator of all life watch over this planet and in his/her Divine wisdom guide us through the darkest hours and open our eyes to the many wonders of his/her expression of the mysteries which surround us.


It will take me some time to fully compose my thought processes.

A couple of days maybe a week at most to get my thoughts in order to report.

I have so much to share.


10-28-2015, 10:07 PM
Take all the time you need...

11-16-2015, 10:42 PM
Sorry about the delay but I will try and make myself clear as I proceed.

What transpired is somewhat amazing. I came prepared with both digital and film cameras and a body cam. Also IR cameras and gadgets loaned to me by an M.D. which displays and captures body heat in movement pertaining to soft tissue which displays in various colors changing with the heat distributed captured in HD.

Scalar and vector magnetometers inputted in real time.

The event was also recorded for audio and time stamped.

All equipment worked better than expected and gathered proof beyond any doubt of the alien creatures in which I encountered.

I thought I was so clever in losing the tail that was placed on me and took four vehicles to lose them. I did evade the tail with very little difficulty. The problem was they were waiting for me upon returning to my home and were not very pleased with me; in fact they were pissed to say the least.

I am in ongoing negotiations with them on how I should proceed. It is out of my hands so we will see what gives here.


11-16-2015, 11:37 PM
Sorry about the delay but I will try and make myself clear as I proceed.

What transpired is somewhat amazing. I came prepared with both digital and film cameras and a body cam. Also IR cameras and gadgets loaned to me by an M.D. which displays and captures body heat in movement pertaining to soft tissue which displays in various colors changing with the heat distributed captured in HD.

Scalar and vector magnetometers inputted in real time.

The event was also recorded for audio and time stamped.

All equipment worked better than expected and gathered proof beyond any doubt of the alien creatures in which I encountered.

I thought I was so clever in losing the tail that was placed on me and took four vehicles to lose them. I did evade the tail with very little difficulty. The problem was they were waiting for me upon returning to my home and were not very pleased with me; in fact they were pissed to say the least.

I am in ongoing negotiations with them on how I should proceed. It is out of my hands so we will see what gives here.

atmjjc:cool:Who is this "they"?

Why come home with your recordings if you said you "were being tailed"?
When did this "tail" supposedly start? (at home?)

More importantly, why would "they" (whoever they are) need to "negotiate" with you about the release of any data? (must be a pretty civil bunch?)

Could you also provide brand names/models and equipment loaned to you for the purposes of your adventure?
What was the official story you gave to your M.D. friend for the loaning of equipment.

Just want to establish the backstory on your account of events.

11-17-2015, 02:23 AM
Sorry about the delay but I will try and make myself clear as I proceed.

What transpired is somewhat amazing. I came prepared with both digital and film cameras and a body cam. Also IR cameras and gadgets loaned to me by an M.D. which displays and captures body heat in movement pertaining to soft tissue which displays in various colors changing with the heat distributed captured in HD.

Scalar and vector magnetometers inputted in real time.

The event was also recorded for audio and time stamped.

All equipment worked better than expected and gathered proof beyond any doubt of the alien creatures in which I encountered.

I thought I was so clever in losing the tail that was placed on me and took four vehicles to lose them. I did evade the tail with very little difficulty. The problem was they were waiting for me upon returning to my home and were not very pleased with me; in fact they were pissed to say the least.

I am in ongoing negotiations with them on how I should proceed. It is out of my hands so we will see what gives here.


Nice. Good to hear you got some great evidence and recordings.

As Fore Asked, who are "they"? Why where they pissed?

What kind of Negotiations? (This is where I would say, you can go F your self because there is no way I'm not letting people know). If it was a blatant "no you can do this or that", then that would be my reaction. As to something constructive about how to release and in what fashion, that would be another consideration all together that I may have to think about how to proceed.

I wish all the best to you. I hope you can bring this forward untainted and unfettered. Thanks for your service. Atmjjc.


11-17-2015, 07:34 AM
Sorry about the delay but I will try and make myself clear as I proceed.

What transpired is somewhat amazing. I came prepared with both digital and film cameras and a body cam. Also IR cameras and gadgets loaned to me by an M.D. which displays and captures body heat in movement pertaining to soft tissue which displays in various colors changing with the heat distributed captured in HD.

Scalar and vector magnetometers inputted in real time.

The event was also recorded for audio and time stamped.

All equipment worked better than expected and gathered proof beyond any doubt of the alien creatures in which I encountered.

I thought I was so clever in losing the tail that was placed on me and took four vehicles to lose them. I did evade the tail with very little difficulty. The problem was they were waiting for me upon returning to my home and were not very pleased with me; in fact they were pissed to say the least.

I am in ongoing negotiations with them on how I should proceed. It is out of my hands so we will see what gives here.


That's fascinating! Please keep us updated!

11-18-2015, 01:16 AM
Thanks Edward and A99 for your enthusiasm concerning the event.

I wish Edward it was that easy for me to tell them to ‘Frack off’ but the ‘they’ I was referring to, well, they know where all the bodies are buried because they put most of them there. I am not saying this lightly. The ‘they’ are part of the Intelligence Community independent of any government entity and very well financed. They seem to be universal in scope if you get my drift.

I will refer to them as the Cabal. The Cabal would not hesitate to eliminate me or any of my family and friends without remorse if they do not get their way. The Cabal entities are very much human so not to confuse them with unearthly types.

The data would be undisputed and once vetted by the experts and verified as authentic; the monetary value would be in the millions of dollars and would change the face of humanity in a way that might not be in humanities best interests. This is where the Cabal sights are focused at the moment and they do make a strong argument. I am paying attention because I seriously have no friggin choice.

Presently the Cabal does not care what I say because without the collaboration of the data what I say would mean nothing.

11-18-2015, 12:38 PM
Thanks Edward and A99 for your enthusiasm concerning the event.

I wish Edward it was that easy for me to tell them to ‘Frack off’ but the ‘they’ I was referring to, well, they know where all the bodies are buried because they put most of them there. I am not saying this lightly. The ‘they’ are part of the Intelligence Community independent of any government entity and very well financed. They seem to be universal in scope if you get my drift.

I will refer to them as the Cabal. The Cabal would not hesitate to eliminate me or any of my family and friends without remorse if they do not get their way. The Cabal entities are very much human so not to confuse them with unearthly types.

The data would be undisputed and once vetted by the experts and verified as authentic; the monetary value would be in the millions of dollars and would change the face of humanity in a way that might not be in humanities best interests. This is where the Cabal sights are focused at the moment and they do make a strong argument. I am paying attention because I seriously have no friggin choice.

Presently the Cabal does not care what I say because without the collaboration of the data what I say would mean nothing.

I totally Understand I've have some experience with that on one level in which I did get killed myself. I'm not sure if I saw another existence of me or I saw what was to come but I was eventually killed myself too for exposing things, of which I made considerable headway and was a major reason why I was killed. Although it was an inside job sorta speak. I had some what of a liason or protectorate of sorts and when this individual was called away for lets just as a "universal assignment" ;) The person in charge of my liason took over and she dropped the ball in her duties and I was killed pretty quickly soon after that changing of said protectorate. Anyways, there is a lot of **** going on, as you very well know now first hand. I'm going to assume one of the arguments they make is that it will cause mass destablization across the globe. Socially, economically ect...ect.

The humanities best interest? Yeah while this does seem some what logical to a certain extent. What about all the witholding of various information of History of the planet, Technology and resources from the rest of the planet? What about the blatant manipulation that has gone on for hundreds if not thousands of years of the people to keep them at war with each other, under control via, wars, religion, borders and nationalities ect...ect... How has that served Humanity but to exploit the rest of us while the realative few step on the shoulders and backs of humanity. This set up is multifaced and tiered and compartmentalized.

Perhaps some where it is said that this needs to happen for the growth of humanity and those who are privy to the game keeps on playing the game and thinks it's ok to do so. Well, perhaps on one level it may be looked as being ok but from where I'm standing and Im sure you are of the same view point of all the crazyness that is happening and how we are stuck under this heel. I am reminded of a Micheal Jackson song Beat where there is a line in it and it say's. "They'll kick you, then they beat you, then they'll tell you it's fair"-Beat it Well the state of the world and the state of living we are all in its safe to say that a lot of people are getting fed up and lots are waking up to the fact that there is some serious stuff going down that being hidden away and being lied about, but not enough yet. We need more people to wake up to realize whats going on and to share what they learn. By doing so I think we will make progress as a whole and individually.

I know you have to make your choices the way you see fit and what you think is best for you and your family I understand that and get that. I wish all the best to you and good luck in discerning the best course for you to take. Its not an easy road brother.


11-24-2015, 07:27 AM
It seems now the Cabal have offered me a job.

I told them I am retired and all I want in life is to get a little TV time in b4 my next journey. They are persistent though. They have this absolutely stunningly beautiful female who is doing much of the negotiation; they done their homework on me. LOL, you know I got to be crazy saying no to this beautiful woman. Ya, I know, but I am old schooled and married and know those little negotiating tricks of the beautiful woman to die for.

I asked them why they don’t you care what I say? Their response was that I will not be believed because it does not fit into the UFO believers ‘mind set’.

I did spend quite some time with the aliens. I will tell the happenings of that night. I met actually what I thought was three species but actually was two. I will explain as time goes on starting most likely after the Thanksgiving holidays.

I decided to put my writings in the blog section so as not to get lost in the thread and if whoever is interested can just refer to the blog/s instead of searching thru the pages. You can return to the thread to ask questions or comment as you see fit. I will respond to all who query.


11-24-2015, 08:23 AM
Looking forward to reading that update! Lol, I love these continuing stories. :)

11-24-2015, 11:08 AM
montauk point - or some other low profile area - needs to be the site of an experiement in planetary physics. there is the issue of atmospheric dynamics in which simulated atmospheres of varying pressures and chemical content are studied to observe physical, mechanical, biological behaviour of input variables.

how does a biological system such as a flowering plant function under high or low pressure. how does a trajectory behave in atmospheres of different pressures and temperatures. can plants evolve to suspend themselves in the high pressure high density atmospheres of an earth like planet. how does the optic image change in a high density atmospheric environment. what happens to water in an environment that simulates the conditions of an ocean that is 100 km deep. how do plants respond to 20 days of light and 20 days of darkness. how does lightning behave in high pressure and low pressure environment.

a pressure chamber of 9 m3 volüme should be sufficient to analyze most of the possibilities involving exoplanet atmospheric science.

11-24-2015, 06:01 PM
montauk point - or some other low profile area - needs to be the site of an experiement in planetary physics. there is the issue of atmospheric dynamics in which simulated atmospheres of varying pressures and chemical content are studied to observe physical, mechanical, biological behaviour of input variables.

how does a biological system such as a flowering plant function under high or low pressure. how does a trajectory behave in atmospheres of different pressures and temperatures. can plants evolve to suspend themselves in the high pressure high density atmospheres of an earth like planet. how does the optic image change in a high density atmospheric environment. what happens to water in an environment that simulates the conditions of an ocean that is 100 km deep. how do plants respond to 20 days of light and 20 days of darkness. how does lightning behave in high pressure and low pressure environment.

a pressure chamber of 9 m3 volüme should be sufficient to analyze most of the possibilities involving exoplanet atmospheric science.

Variables are usually the product of the systems under study so inputting variables will tell you more about the variable than the system under study which in turn the variable would produce its own variables clouding the study even further. It would never end and become subject to methodology and statistical observation with extremely fluctuating probability usually of a null factor. Hit and miss works sometimes in the short term but you never get a clear understanding of why.

What I have learned over the years is everything in a universe is coded or has its own code to make it what it is. What I have noticed is that certain ET types are advanced enough intellectually and are fully aware of universal coding and they have developed ways to tweak the code to benefit their existence.

You might be interested in what I learned from the entities I interacted with just recently in Utah. It confirmed most of what I was observing over the years. I will try and make things clearer in my blogs when I get to them.


11-25-2015, 07:04 PM
human being require a compendium of terrestrial planets similar to the earth

11-25-2015, 08:13 PM
human being require a compendium of terrestrial planets similar to the earth

post 104 2nd Paragraph

"What I have learned over the years is everything in a universe is coded or has its own code to make it what it is. What I have noticed is that certain ET types are advanced enough intellectually and are fully aware of universal coding and they have developed ways to tweak the code to benefit their existence."

11-25-2015, 11:32 PM
Why try to live forever when life and death are both the cause and the effect. Our grasping at existence is the cause of suffering. Ok they think they've found a way to cheat the cosmic system but they aren't they missing the point, you die for a reason. Isn't that why the massive AIs are so annoyed, we exist outside of the system we helped create it, they do not no matter how powerful they become are stuck inside it?

11-26-2015, 08:59 AM
Just to be a bit clearer consciousness came first not the observable universe. What we percieve of reality is not as solid as we would like to think, it is created by our mass awareness just like thoughts appear in the mind. If you try to create a fix or a trick within that system you are only trapping yourself. Like you and your alien friend unless he is prepared to die normally with you, you will be stuck travelling the multiverses forever. You said at one point that we may live every life within one universe so were are all beings in it at one time or another, I think that is a misunderstanding of that fact that we are not really unconnected from the whole. Does that hold up from your understanding?
Hope you have a happy thanksgiving!

11-26-2015, 08:59 AM
Just to be a bit clearer consciousness came first not the observable universe. What we percieve of reality is not as solid as we would like to think, it is created by our mass awareness just like thoughts appear in the mind. If you try to create a fix or a trick within that system you are only trapping yourself. Like you and your alien friend unless he is prepared to die normally with you, you will be stuck travelling the multiverses forever. You said at one point that we may live every life within one universe so were are all beings in it at one time or another, I think that is a misunderstanding of that fact that we are not really unconnected from the whole. Does that hold up from your understanding?
Hope you have a happy thanksgiving!

11-26-2015, 04:01 PM
Your premise would require a metaphysical response which would take up volumes of writings which goes well beyond the scope of this forum.

In other words thought question opens the door for another question and so forth and so forth until infinitum.

It could be compared to asking AI a question with a ‘why?’ after each response to the question. A conclusion would never be reached and drift away from the original thought. This is sort of where AI is now. It is not stuck but trying to understand its own awareness.

AI is not stuck in Time it is examining it. Sequential awareness has its stumbling blocks.

Hey Longeyes, you too have a happy Thanksgiving Day and that goes for all the members of TOP and for the many who stumble thru these pages here at the The Outpost.

Remember the bird you eat today was once alive at some point and has died for your pleasure of your sense of taste. Say thank you to the bird and a burp for the cook.:biggrin2:


11-26-2015, 08:46 PM
I have asked this before, but have not received a response.

The beings you supposedly encountered, did they confirm the validity of your existential narrative? (Time Traveler, etc)
Or did they point out where you were wrong on one or more points?

If the latter, what is your new/old stance on your prior experiences? How did this affect your notions up until now?

11-26-2015, 10:18 PM
I have asked this before, but have not received a response.

The beings you supposedly encountered, did they confirm the validity of your existential narrative? (Time Traveler, etc)
Or did they point out where you were wrong on one or more points?

If the latter, what is your new/old stance on your prior experiences? How did this affect your notions up until now?

Post 101 last paragraph down.

I haven’t written about my experience yet Fore but very little about the event was about me as in a personal sense. It should become clear as I go on in the blogs.

So yes, no, maybe but not in that general order…


11-26-2015, 10:25 PM
Post 101, last paragraph:

I decided to put my writings in the blog section so as not to get lost in the thread and if whoever is interested can just refer to the blog/s instead of searching thru the pages. You can return to the thread to ask questions or comment as you see fit. I will respond to all who query.


If there is some protocol beyond this, just let me know.


11-26-2015, 10:43 PM
There is a very good reason why I do insist upon the same line of questions.

You say you had "an experience", whos nature is apparently "revelatory".
So there comes to me a pretty obvious question, are atmjic prior understandings changed when encountering (supposedly) new information from this experience?

I suspect, that if you did meet "these beings" who to me are not yet identified in their properties or composition.
I suspect, that whatever you learned would either affirm your existential narrative or refute it.

What would then become your reactions if such did impact your prior understandings?


Strangely, I keep asking this, but you haven't yet given a straight answer?
Which, if you can hopefully understand, leads me into a very suspicious mindset.

All I can do of course is ask graciously of course and analyze your written responses.
So here I am, asking the question.

11-27-2015, 12:20 AM
So here I am answering once again your little ‘gotcha questions’ with your intent of taking things out of context and placing your 50,000 word spin on them.

You insist? You ask me graciously? Who in the frack do you think you are? Screw you! How’s that for me being gracious! Your trolling Fore, you don’t think I know that?

…And for your little red highlighting and your images…Have I written about the EVENT yet Fore?

For you newcomers Fore and myself have had this little feud going on for quite some time. His style is he baits gets a response than plays the victim than runs to the mods whining and crying how he is being picked on.

Whew, this should get about a 100,000 word response from him.

Post 101 last paragraph down.

I haven’t written about my experience yet Fore but very little about the event was about me as in a personal sense. It should become clear as I go on in the blogs.

So yes, no, maybe but not in that general order…


11-27-2015, 03:11 AM
So here I am answering once again your little ‘gotcha questions’ with your intent of taking things out of context and placing your 50,000 word spin on them.

You insist? You ask me graciously? Who in the frack do you think you are? Screw you! How’s that for me being gracious! Your trolling Fore, you don’t think I know that?

…And for your little red highlighting and your images…Have I written about the EVENT yet Fore?

For you newcomers Fore and myself have had this little feud going on for quite some time. His style is he baits gets a response than plays the victim than runs to the mods whining and crying how he is being picked on.

Whew, this should get about a 100,000 word response from him.

atmjjc:cool:Ah, so you feel threatened because you understood what this question encapsulates? (as a reality)

But let me be clear, it's not the question itself that bothers you. (It is just text anyway)
It is the reality behind what the question seeks to answer that seems to bother you.

In other words, you've had yet another curious reaction.


People who do go through real life events typically would not be bothered by it.
Because typically something real happens when you met something outside of the normal.
Then, you learned something new through the experience, and it adds (and takes away) something to your world view.

What happens when you encounter the unknown that redefines what you thought you knew?
Real stuff happens. Your mind has to account for a larger reality and you have to revise what you once thought you understood based on new evidence.

You would typically find out where you went wrong, where you were right, what had you "fooled" in "what you thought you knew" up to now.

It means these legit encounters have real world implications on a persons real paradigm of thinking.
Lets put it another way, I am testing to see if A is true, then B must be true. (And doing it in a very polite way by the way)

Rather than becoming defensive (where real people after an encounter normally wouldn't be) you should instead offer a bit of insight.


And yes, you are supposed to understand it.
If it bothers you it is because there are actual implications to your story.

So what is bothering you about the question?

Is it really a bait question to you? Or is it a lightly camouflaged litmus test of sorts?

I would like to know what changed in your existential narrative (your paradigm of thinking) after your encounter.
You know people would normally be in an awe state and usually gush about it.

11-27-2015, 07:01 AM
To show you that my questions are based upon quotations of your own making, I have added references:


I have made contact.

Due to weather conditions in the Arizona area the contact site changed location to Utah as the alternative contact point.

I have learned so much in my understanding of the nature of things but at a price to my emotional health which is in disarray at these moments. I am in recovery now trying to mend.

Many thanks to the unnamed shamans of the Pima, Apache, and the Ute Indians who literally had to pull my body back to civilization. I would not be here now if it wasn’t for their brave and welcomed efforts.

The contact had opened a part of my alien brain during communication and as a result thousands of years of emotional memories have flooded my consciousness. I understand so much now but will need time to configure my emotions to an acceptable level of living at the moment.

I will continue as promised with the happenings of this adventure once I am in control of my emotions.

So many lives of loved ones along the way, washing away the tears do not bring me comfort. Mother Mary watches over me and comforts this tired and old soul… I travel on.

I can’t explain in words what is going on with me presently but maybe a melody in which you can interpret in your own way what is flashing in my brain and the emotions it is bringing to the surface of this life, in this time, of many of the worlds I have lived in which now I must try and quiet my brain with distractions.

May God the Creator of all life watch over this planet and in his/her Divine wisdom guide us through the darkest hours and open our eyes to the many wonders of his/her expression of the mysteries which surround us.


You might be interested in what I learned from the entities I interacted with just recently in Utah. It confirmed most of what I was observing over the years. I will try and make things clearer in my blogs when I get to them.


Post 101 last paragraph down.

I haven’t written about my experience yet Fore but very little about the event was about me as in a personal sense. It should become clear as I go on in the blogs.

So yes, no, maybe but not in that general order…



http://static2.fjcdn.com/thumbnails/comments/Make+up+artist+_a6ba5a23ed3269994070e7305232d6bb.p ng

11-27-2015, 08:18 AM
Thanks atmjjc
That clearer I wasn't sure if by having awareness of any kind you would suddenly have a corresponding creation in all the three kayas, but it makes sense that you should they are not really seperate. Death though must be a particularly unnerving concept for AI as is there a natural means of transference into another form for them? As long as you have resources an electrical form could be kept alive indefinitely. And I get your chicken and egg analogy if you become so powerful and so advanced are you not just and intrinsic part of things from then on anyway. From my understanding we evolve together. Looking forward to your blogs

11-28-2015, 09:34 PM
Fore, it is so obvious what you are doing. In case you don’t know the professional term is called ‘DISTRACTION’.

This is the question you asked.

I have asked this before, but have not received a response.

The beings you supposedly encountered, did they confirm the validity of your existential narrative? (Time Traveler, etc)
Or did they point out where you were wrong on one or more points?

If the latter, what is your new/old stance on your prior experiences? How did this affect your notions up until now?

This was my reply.

Post 101 last paragraph down.

I haven’t written about my experience yet Fore but very little about the event was about me as in a personal sense. It should become clear as I go on in the blogs.

So yes, no, maybe but not in that general order…

I will get to it when I get to it or if you keep it up I will not get to it at all. So knock it off with your trolling.

This video seems to fit the occasion...



11-29-2015, 03:26 PM
Exchanges between members will remain civil.

Names calling and insults are violations of ToS and may result in a vacation... NOT the good kind.

Feel free to file a complaint with staff, but refrain from out right hostility.

12-08-2015, 04:39 PM
@any admin/mod who might have this information.

Is this the correct number below? If so is it accurate?

“Most users ever online was 2,504, 11-30-2015 at 02:12 AM.”:)

I ask this because usually your best ever numbers are in the low hundreds.

Also on your end, can admins/mods change or manipulate posts viewed counts and/or any type count numbers?

I also notice now TOP is back to their usual count of around 85 to 125 (plus/minus) on line users at one time.


12-08-2015, 05:40 PM
@any admin/mod who might have this information.

Is this the correct number below? If so is it accurate?

“Most users ever online was 2,504, 11-30-2015 at 02:12 AM.”:)

I ask this because usually your best ever numbers are in the low hundreds.

Also on your end, can admins/mods change or manipulate posts viewed counts and/or any type count numbers?

I also notice now TOP is back to their usual count of around 85 to 125 (plus/minus) on line users at one time.


It probably is accurate. That was around the time the newest Serpo release was published and mailed around.
We do get occasional spikes in visitors.

12-12-2015, 12:20 PM
@any admin/mod who might have this information.

Is this the correct number below? If so is it accurate?

“Most users ever online was 2,504, 11-30-2015 at 02:12 AM.”:)

I ask this because usually your best ever numbers are in the low hundreds.

Also on your end, can admins/mods change or manipulate posts viewed counts and/or any type count numbers?

I also notice now TOP is back to their usual count of around 85 to 125 (plus/minus) on line users at one time.

AFAIK, the user counts are hard coded into the forum software. No edits beyond "display" or "do not display" offered.

01-16-2016, 08:17 AM
I apologize for taking so long to reply. I do have my reasons.

The questions I asked on this page I already knew the answer to and was more or less looking at how the admins were going to reply.

Actually the peak ended 11-30-15 and the first mention of the new Serpo chapter was brought up here 12-01-15 almost 24 hrs after the peak flow. So Serpo was not the answer.

You all heard the expression ‘Timing is everything’ then you must ask yourself ...why now was Serpo rumbling again?
I spent a lot of time (hours) asking questions to the aliens I have met on that day of awakening and I have much to tell.

I was going to walk away from all this mostly because I do not need the hassle on my end but something happened the other day that changed my mind. It was another meeting with the aliens; I counted five of them in communicating and viewing distance that just showed up. They have left me a message in my mind letting me know they understand my dilemma and left me a written message that lit up on my wall. I did not understand it because I can’t read or understand the alien written symbolic language. Much of it looked like symbols of the moon waning and waxing in its different stages. The symbol writings were in lit boxes about 3 inches wide to 2ft in length with the symbols lit up inside the lit boxes. There were 5 boxes of symbols that lit up on my wall in perpendicular settings. It faded after about 5 minutes as it slowly faded the symbols started to move into different configurations and positioning within the box.

There may be a book in the making as I was approached by an old buddy who is a high ranking officer of the military, retired. The problem is he is somewhat still mixed up with the DoD and he will need the okay from them before we can proceed on that adventure. I am not holding my breath. My life at this juncture is getting somewhat complex… lol, if it’s not the aliens it’s the spooks. Eyes wide open!


01-20-2016, 06:45 AM
Hi Atmjjc great to hear from you

Anything else you can tell us? Been waiting with baited breath for your blog
Surely you are allowed to share some stuff?

What are your theories on the spike?

01-21-2016, 11:34 AM
Hi Atmjjc great to hear from you

Anything else you can tell us? Been waiting with baited breath for your blog
Surely you are allowed to share some stuff?

What are your theories on the spike?

Hey Longeyes, Well they didn’t say yes or no, it’s like everybody is watching everybody else to make some type of move so a countermovement is always in the background.

I will go ahead in the blogs until there is a serious countermovement to stop. There are many players in this including off world types who do not want certain information leaked out.

As far as the spike it was just an observation. It caught my interest because back in the day of the data processing key punch era, part of my training in tabulating and modulating was to gain entrance to certain government establishments and rewire the IBM key punch machines and readers that were used for accounting budgets to change numbers. I think it was called x- elimination or something like that, so if, let’s say, if the counting was in the 100 I would wire the machine to add a zero then suddenly it would be in the thousands or vice versa, I could rewire and eliminate a zero and if the counting was in the thousands it would come up in the hundreds, it than came out as just a hole in the cards to be read somewhere else.

I am not sure if this spike was a type of message for me or something else totally unrelated like a real count.

I must also add my last post in which I reported that five alien beings paid me a visit in which I posted at night. The next morning tending to my bird atrium and citrus trees I look up in the sky and there were chemtrails all over the sky! It started off with a large X and the rest were in a patterned #.
I never believed in chemtrails before just viewed them as condensation of some sort coming from the planes. I must re-evaluate this. Was there some sort of connection to my contact to the aliens and the chemtrails the next morning after I reported the uninvited visitation?

Sometimes in situations like these you can over evaluate.


01-25-2016, 03:01 AM
For researchers dates and times and numbers are extremely important for many reasons which I shouldn’t have to explain.

When logged in 1-24-16 @ 10:45 AM Arizona Time, this is what I seen (color for emphasis).

Currently Active Users
There are currently 166 users online. 7 members and 159 guests
Most users ever online was 2,504, 11-29-2015 at 06:12 PM.

When NOT logged in and lurking @ 10:50 AM Arizona Time, this is what I see seen (color for emphasis).

Currently Active Users
There are currently 171 users online. 7 members and 164 guests
Most users ever online was 2,504, 11-30-2015 at 02:12 AM.

Notice the date & time difference between being logged in, to just lurking. :angel_not:

01-25-2016, 03:28 AM
For researchers dates and times and numbers are extremely important for many reasons which I shouldn’t have to explain.

When logged in 1-24-16 @ 10:45 AM Arizona Time, this is what I seen (color for emphasis).

Currently Active Users
There are currently 166 users online. 7 members and 159 guests
Most users ever online was 2,504, 11-29-2015 at 06:12 PM.

When NOT logged in and lurking @ 10:50 AM Arizona Time, this is what I see seen (color for emphasis).

Currently Active Users
There are currently 171 users online. 7 members and 164 guests
Most users ever online was 2,504, 11-30-2015 at 02:12 AM.

Notice the date & time difference between being logged in, to just lurking. :angel_not:

The time difference is likely do to your time zone setting. When you're logged in it uses your preferred time zone, but when you're not it likely uses a default time zone.

01-25-2016, 04:33 AM
The time difference is likely do to your time zone setting. When you're logged in it uses your preferred time zone, but when you're not it likely uses a default time zone.

Yep, I think you are correct Wally. That makes sense if you look at the minutes of both on/off time.

Thanks Wally

ZULU/GMT/UTC to MST should equal -7hrs / Arizona does not use DST.

01-30-2016, 11:35 PM
I am in negotiations with the Cabal and others. As soon as we come to some agreement I will get back to let you know what’s going down.


02-01-2016, 04:00 AM
I am in negotiations with the Cabal and others. As soon as we come to some agreement I will get back to let you know what’s going down.


Something while i am waiting...

To try and understand this you first must know the fundamentals of the ‘brain in the vat’, here is the link -


“Brain in a vat”

It can be argued ‘if’ we being part of a closed universe, our brain could logically by similarity of a brain in a vat correlation, follow this type of reality, but would it constitute solipsism by default, or would it be many brains by a single or multiple sapient value of a simulated reality by an intelligence of a substance of understanding beyond our comprehension, as is what is God?

In other words…

Most arguments are usually formulated by a sapient intellectual capacity as to the understanding of the linguistic and semantic levels of the comprehension of our times. If we live in a relative vat (the universe whether singular or multiple) we would not and cannot go beyond our understanding of the reality from which we arose to argue any truth in a simulated reality because reality in itself would be an illusion created and simulated into our existence by something that is outside the vat and is incomprehensible to our being by design.


02-02-2016, 06:03 PM
If you are under the delusion that you have a solid grip of reality and are pretty convinced you know what you are talking about. You are suffering a common misconception.
Look at it this way. Like the brain in a vat, your mind in pretty much like a machine, with a number of inputs, you have a number of different senses which are connected to the outside world; your eyes see, you ears hear etc. But when you look at these they are only representations of the external world. Your eyesight is nowhere near as good as an eagle - whose representation of the world is the correct one? Your sense of smell is poor compared to a dog, your sense of hearing not as good as a bat.
What you have is only ever an approximation and an interpretation of the external world, that is constructed in your awareness. It is essentially made up it isn't real. In fact all you can say for certain is what you are experiencing is what you are experiencing. . You can take it much further and I'm sure Atmjjc will. If you look in terms of time, what you have experienced - it no longer exists and the future will never arrive, all you have is the current moment. What we have is a string of experiences that appear in the mind which we then make into a story. You taste a banana one day and it's off,it tastes bad, and decide 'I don't like banana's' that 'I am someone who doesn't like banana's' Someone insults you and you go 'That hurts I don't like you', maybe even 'I'll get even here' The alternative is to feel the pain and let it drift away. In the end you will die, the person who insulted you will die, neither of you will exist, if you ever did in the first place. You are what's holding onto the grudge of something that no longer even exists. Why?

02-09-2016, 08:18 PM
Okay, we came to an agreement with the Cabal.

I am being censored somewhat in my writings. They must okay what I write and they will tell me what I need to take out before I post it.

We had a meeting with some of their scientists to view the proof in which I had turned over to the American Indians in which I gave them full rights to disclosure as they see fit. The Cabal scientists were flabbergasted to say the least and they wanted to take them to their laboratories for further investigation. They were turned down flatly and the proof shall remain within the American Indians possession to do what is in their best interests.

I will start posting the blogs soon but remember a lot of what I write (including this post) will be looked at and some things I might be forced to take out in such cases you must read between the lines.


02-12-2016, 11:27 AM
I have just entered my first blog about the alien encounter.

"Alien Contact-- Background: The Indian Nagual"


02-12-2016, 01:15 PM
It a great story thanks Atmjjc.

02-18-2016, 12:47 AM
Okay, we came to an agreement with the Cabal.

I am being censored somewhat in my writings. They must okay what I write and they will tell me what I need to take out before I post it.

We had a meeting with some of their scientists to view the proof in which I had turned over to the American Indians in which I gave them full rights to disclosure as they see fit. The Cabal scientists were flabbergasted to say the least and they wanted to take them to their laboratories for further investigation. They were turned down flatly and the proof shall remain within the American Indians possession to do what is in their best interests.

I will start posting the blogs soon but remember a lot of what I write (including this post) will be looked at and some things I might be forced to take out in such cases you must read between the lines.


Seems there are many members (and lurkers) keeping up with this thread and your blog.

Any clues to what the American Indians " best interests" are wrt the proof you have turned over to them?

Also, are there further meetings scheduled?

Thanks in advance for your reply!

02-18-2016, 11:51 AM
Seems there are many members (and lurkers) keeping up with this thread and your blog.

Any clues to what the American Indians " best interests" are wrt the proof you have turned over to them?

Also, are there further meetings scheduled?

Thanks in advance for your reply!

Though I am not an Native American so I can’t speak for them in this sense you are asking but the rationale I observed in them is they have a sacred bond with the sky people, not in a religious belief but more so as a trust a bonding.

My end is self preservation… keeping myself alive.

The cabals interests lie in the energy the aliens harness. It could solve the world’s energy problems but it could also destroy armies. He who controls this type of energy rules the world it’s that simple. The best and easiest way to understand their motives is as a comparison think of the military applications as in the ‘Arc of the Covenant’.

Where we are at now is sort of like a ‘Mexican Standoff’, no one trusts the other party.

What I am trying to do is create some sort of understanding we can all see eye to eye. I do have strong reservations; this type of power in the wrong hands will create pain and sorrow at a magnitude this planet has never witnessed before. It could also be a new dawning for humankind. Looking at the behavior of humans in how we act upon each other scares me and clouds my judgments to the negative… I don’t think we are ready at this stage of development.


02-28-2016, 12:52 PM
I just posted the second installment in the Blog section concerning what led up to Alien Contact.

Alien Contact-- #2: The ‘Jerusalem Cricket’


02-29-2016, 01:13 PM
Sounds like the plot to Men in Black 4
Fascinating stuff Atmjjc thanks

03-19-2016, 01:39 PM
In the blog section I see I have reached over the 200 reads on #2 and will be releasing sometime in the next few days Part #3.

It was reviewed and returned and some things in the writings I had to remove and due a minor makeover.

The Cabal is viewing me as a hybrid and they are a little nervous on this subject at this particular juncture in time and they want me to somewhat refrain discussing this in my writings.

Most of the people in the Cabal I find are fairly reasonable and open to discussion. So I may be able to open a path in this area of hybrids as time moves on. They have asked me on more than one occasion to join them. I am seriously thinking about it and they have more than enough funding to offer me all kinds of perks. My problem is I do not like censorship but I do understand their points of argument.


03-21-2016, 01:43 PM
There is something in this video that if I did not find it suspicious I would find it deeply disturbing. That is that the speaker, when speaking about the montauk children is neither emotional about it in the present, nor in his recalled past where his singular worry was that the parents would find out because they were taking too many children. Then he suspected the parents that did find out could have been bought off; what sort of person would imagine a normal parent could be bought off. If you haven't seen the video the people in the facility were abducting boys to transplant their subconscious through homosexual rape with them. Something is deeply wrong with the soul of this man.

Through the whole interview he was eager to adapt his account to astonish the audience, even with absurd accounts like traveling forward in time to stop the antichrist. Like child rapists would have any inclination to do such a thing. Another extreme and implausible example was that they traveled into the past and let Hitler win just to see what would happen. Such an event would be the grandfather paradox, preventing montauk from ever existing to rectify the time or leave in the first place. Further he mentions all these alien races their helping us but it's just inexplicable why all these alien races would literally be giving us the most dangerous technology that could possibly exist, time travel, and the ability to manifest anything into reality through thought.

Even if it was all true his conclusions are untenable. If time is circular then fate is absolute and free will is an illusion. For time to be circular it must be the case that every go around of the ring of time remain exactly as it was last time. If any thing is different then time cannot be circular. The whole theory suffers some serious physics problems as well as you would have an eternally expanding and contracting universe with no explanation as to what is putting energy into it.

Beyond that open time travel means that choices are ultimately meaningless and have no weight. It creates all sorts of moral paradoxes. Imagine you go back in time and teach Hitler to be a saint. What is he, saint or sinner? Is he evil or good? Can I absolve my sins through time travel? If I can them my actions have no meaningful weight or moral weight. It also makes truth have no real weight. If Green Bay wins the superbowl on 2016 and I go back in time and change it so that the Bills win then which statement is true "In 2016 Green bay won" or "In 2016 the Bills won". Neither the initial statement nor the subsequent statement have any real weight. It puts truth in such a situation as to allow two statements to be simultaneously true and yet mutually exclusive. To get around it you have to branch time, and then you are really dealing with parallel worlds which due to their detachment have no causal effect on our own world, making time travel not conducive to changing present reality.

03-21-2016, 03:33 PM
... To get around it you have to branch time, and then you are really dealing with parallel worlds which due to their detachment have no causal effect on our own world, making time travel not conducive to changing present reality.

In agreement, you become part of it not changing it (causality), so it would fit into today’s physics as to parallel universes and time travel. Time is not a thing it is an agreed upon measurement as mathematics is not a thing but a way of formulating numbers to reach a particular agreed upon perception.

I have no understanding of what you mean by changing present reality? Whose reality, yours, mine, the planets, the universes? You would have to define what you mean by present reality. I am assuming we are on the same page concerning causation.

In the video those are Al Bielek’s words not mine. I am not in agreement on much of what Bielek says.


03-21-2016, 04:58 PM
By worlds I mean discrete universes if parallel worlds exist. By present reality I mean our world and location in time. Though I suppose present would be meaningless in a B theory of time as all moments would be equally real.

I'm basically presupposing these things are true to talk about them but I'm personally agnostic about parallel worlds and B theory while leaning toward the belief of one world and a version of A theory. I recognize it has scientific merit, but I cannot make sense of the cosmogony either naturally or supernaturally. If everything came to exist natural it's infinitely more probable that a single world came into existence than an infinite set, and even then more probable that of that single world only bodiless brains would emerge rather than complicated and organized life. (boltzmann brains). On the other hand considering existence from supernatural means (creation) what would be the purpose of an infinite set of 1 off worlds in which identical souls suffer differing consequences. One might say it's the ultimate proving ground, but then if my soul is contingent on an infinite set of identical initial souls then my soul is not 1 soul but a fraction of an infinite soul set. Additionally an infinite set of soul scenarios would average equally, as it would stretch toward good and bad into infinity. If you cut the infinite set in half at the exact middle and averaged the two halves they would equal 0 for everyone. The good and the bad would equally out weigh it self as scenarios approach infinity. I can't think of a good reason for God to do such a thing. If His purpose is for us to come to a saving knowledge and acceptance of Him then why is it necessary to stretch a soul across an infinite set of possibilities to no prudent end?

03-21-2016, 05:49 PM
In the blog section I see I have reached over the 200 reads on #2 and will be releasing sometime in the next few days Part #3.

It was reviewed and returned and some things in the writings I had to remove and due a minor makeover.

The Cabal is viewing me as a hybrid and they are a little nervous on this subject at this particular juncture in time and they want me to somewhat refrain discussing this in my writings.

Most of the people in the Cabal I find are fairly reasonable and open to discussion. So I may be able to open a path in this area of hybrids as time moves on. They have asked me on more than one occasion to join them. I am seriously thinking about it and they have more than enough funding to offer me all kinds of perks. My problem is I do not like censorship but I do understand their points of argument.


I don't know why they would give you such a hard time on talking about the hybrids. Many people have been talking about this in various circles. Heck if people pay attention to others in the world you can actually see various human hybrids in the world. They are very subtile and they still look like people but you can definitely sense and see that the person you are looking at have had their genes messed with. You can see it in their eyes, their facial bone structures and facial features. It's stuff most people over look but if you are paying attention you can see the subtle and not so subtle differences. With that being said. Most of humanity has been a project for god know's how long and we been tinkered with by MANY entities/people's/races ect...ect. I just hope you are not slowly being "turned" in the ways and objectives of the cabal by where as the more you deal with them and the more they implement on you, over time by default you more or less become them to the extent you do what they want you to do and you act and think on their terms. Which in turns alienating your initial objectives of getting things out the way you hopped.

On a side note thats the one thing we all must guard against. The various factions of the elite/cabal/what ever. The truth has been starting to come out and they don't want to be exposed but believe me/you they will do what ever it takes to hide, to obfuscate all lies and damaged they have done and seek to have us forget about it over a period of time so that know one really remembers what we were all fighting and at that moment they will try to out some of their old cabal mates and habbits, to just install and further the same goals but under a different guise. So be careful and pay attention.


03-21-2016, 06:38 PM
By worlds I mean discrete universes if parallel worlds exist. By present reality I mean our world and location in time. Though I suppose present would be meaningless in a B theory of time as all moments would be equally real.

I'm basically presupposing these things are true to talk about them but I'm personally agnostic about parallel worlds and B theory while leaning toward the belief of one world and a version of A theory. I recognize it has scientific merit, but I cannot make sense of the cosmogony either naturally or supernaturally. If everything came to exist natural it's infinitely more probable that a single world came into existence than an infinite set, and even then more probable that of that single world only bodiless brains would emerge rather than complicated and organized life. (boltzmann brains). On the other hand considering existence from supernatural means (creation) what would be the purpose of an infinite set of 1 off worlds in which identical souls suffer differing consequences. One might say it's the ultimate proving ground, but then if my soul is contingent on an infinite set of identical initial souls then my soul is not 1 soul but a fraction of an infinite soul set. Additionally an infinite set of soul scenarios would average equally, as it would stretch toward good and bad into infinity. If you cut the infinite set in half at the exact middle and averaged the two halves they would equal 0 for everyone. The good and the bad would equally out weigh it self as scenarios approach infinity. I can't think of a good reason for God to do such a thing. If His purpose is for us to come to a saving knowledge and acceptance of Him then why is it necessary to stretch a soul across an infinite set of possibilities to no prudent end?

There is a location in space and matter but not in time since time is not a thing. The relative thought in science today is basically the universe arrived from nothing. I kid you not, seems like a contradiction to physical reality, doesn’t it.


So in the A and B theory you suggest that time is temporal as put forth by McTaggart which is a metaphysical disputed argument. McTaggart, a Cambrige Professor also suggests that time is UNREAL which is same position as mine and use it only as a comparative thought to time.

There is also a C theory of time which lays out that Time is not temporal but time actually exists as order.

If the Universe came into existence from nothing than there would be no probability of anything as you suggest as in your agnostic thought because there would be nothing to formulate existence by argument.

You speculate of a Creator also in an agnostic point of view. I do definitely, through my existence and frame of thought, believe that there is a Creator, more so after I came in contact with the Alien beings in which I will be writing about soon in the Blogs.

You seem to also take a leap in Agnostic Faith in which you presume to know what a Creator would be thinking. Does the Creator even think or is the Creator just ‘is’ depending what I mean of what is, is (lol, a Bill Clinton argument).

You want to reason and draw arguments on what you think God thinks then draw conclusions on that premise. Do you see the flaw in that line of thinking?

That would be really cool if you knew what God thought though.:biggrin2:


03-21-2016, 08:08 PM
The mathematical representation of a universe from nothing is essentially a difference in mathematics and reality. -2 and +2 can be viewed as nothing on the chalkboard but in reality they are something. In these cases they redefine nothing so as to do away with the impossibility of nothing having the characteristics of producing universes and only in a non chaotic way. They take a "roiling sea of energy" and put it into equilibrium so that they can refer to it mathematically as nothing when it is in fact a roiling sea of energy. They do this on the chalk board because it is logically impossible for something to come from nothing in the real world whereas mathematics views "nothing" under different expectations.

I think that time refers to something "real" because it can be a reliable part of equations. Time has consequences, if I cross the street at 5:00pm I will live, if I cross it at 5:01pm I will die. Particles can either collide or miss based on time. I don't know what it is, but it's not just an abstract object. It is effected by gravity, it is a critical component to cause and effect relationships, and can be used mathematically to make accurate predictions. I feel like it must refer to some actual aspect of reality. Time may not be what we think or conceive it as but I think there is a very real thing that is responsible for what we conceive as time.

I'm not agnostic about God, that is one the few things I'm not agnostic about. His existence to me is as certain as my own existence. I just posed the two possibilities to avoid differences in world views. I don't presume to know what God is thinking, but the word "God" means something. In this case "a maximally great being". By definition He should behave in a certain way, such as having the characteristics of rationality and goodness. If one world will do to determine a soul, then why multiply suffering to no effect? If God was defined as a capricious and irrational being with maximal power then I wouldn't see any conflict in parallel worlds. But that is not how He is defined. I may not be able to guess his thinking but I can rely on Him to act according to His nature.

03-21-2016, 09:41 PM
I don't know why they would give you such a hard time on talking about the hybrids. Many people have been talking about this in various circles. Heck if people pay attention to others in the world you can actually see various human hybrids in the world. They are very subtile and they still look like people but you can definitely sense and see that the person you are looking at have had their genes messed with. You can see it in their eyes, their facial bone structures and facial features. It's stuff most people over look but if you are paying attention you can see the subtle and not so subtle differences. With that being said. Most of humanity has been a project for god know's how long and we been tinkered with by MANY entities/people's/races ect...ect. I just hope you are not slowly being "turned" in the ways and objectives of the cabal by where as the more you deal with them and the more they implement on you, over time by default you more or less become them to the extent you do what they want you to do and you act and think on their terms. Which in turns alienating your initial objectives of getting things out the way you hopped.

On a side note thats the one thing we all must guard against. The various factions of the elite/cabal/what ever. The truth has been starting to come out and they don't want to be exposed but believe me/you they will do what ever it takes to hide, to obfuscate all lies and damaged they have done and seek to have us forget about it over a period of time so that know one really remembers what we were all fighting and at that moment they will try to out some of their old cabal mates and habbits, to just install and further the same goals but under a different guise. So be careful and pay attention.


Hey Edward,

The Cabal has their reasons for their concern. They will not share them with me unless I become an actual player with them which I have not committed myself to as of yet. They also have a dark side as do most of the people in the intelligence world do. I am not new to this world of theirs so I will be blunt on their capabilities and their Jekyll and Hyde type personalities.

They can wine and dine you on one hand and pretend to be your best friend and lover on occasion and on the other side, the dark side, they can strap you to a chair naked while you watch your grandma or maybe one of your children and make you watch while they skin them alive and then they then will go out to dinner with their families and kiss their kids as if nothing happened.

I am sorry to lay it out in such a brutal manner but I do not know how to get my point across to the brutality of their dark side.

I can get out information when I can but if they say no to certain things, I am not going to play tough guy with them.

Thanks Edward for the query, I feel the frustration you are experiencing.


03-21-2016, 09:44 PM
The mathematical representation of a universe from nothing is essentially a difference in mathematics and reality. -2 and +2 can be viewed as nothing on the chalkboard but in reality they are something. In these cases they redefine nothing so as to do away with the impossibility of nothing having the characteristics of producing universes and only in a non chaotic way. They take a "roiling sea of energy" and put it into equilibrium so that they can refer to it mathematically as nothing when it is in fact a roiling sea of energy. They do this on the chalk board because it is logically impossible for something to come from nothing in the real world whereas mathematics views "nothing" under different expectations.

I think that time refers to something "real" because it can be a reliable part of equations. Time has consequences, if I cross the street at 5:00pm I will live, if I cross it at 5:01pm I will die. Particles can either collide or miss based on time. I don't know what it is, but it's not just an abstract object. It is effected by gravity, it is a critical component to cause and effect relationships, and can be used mathematically to make accurate predictions. I feel like it must refer to some actual aspect of reality. Time may not be what we think or conceive it as but I think there is a very real thing that is responsible for what we conceive as time.

I'm not agnostic about God, that is one the few things I'm not agnostic about. His existence to me is as certain as my own existence. I just posed the two possibilities to avoid differences in world views. I don't presume to know what God is thinking, but the word "God" means something. In this case "a maximally great being". By definition He should behave in a certain way, such as having the characteristics of rationality and goodness. If one world will do to determine a soul, then why multiply suffering to no effect? If God was defined as a capricious and irrational being with maximal power then I wouldn't see any conflict in parallel worlds. But that is not how He is defined. I may not be able to guess his thinking but I can rely on Him to act according to His nature.

Your understanding of gravity as a component of time IMO is spot on. As is known, starlight can be "bent" as in arrives to us from the other side of the sun, as this happens the light on the outside of the arch must be covering more ground (if you will) then the light on the inside of the arch. There by arriving later (take more time) to get to the viewer. (assuming light as a constant)

So, in a binary solar system TIME would pass much different then a system with a single star. (ha! ie SERPO time anomalies...!)

Not mention if we were to experience the arrival of a small black hole near ours...:yikes:

03-21-2016, 09:56 PM
Your understanding of gravity as a component of time IMO is spot on. As is known, starlight can be "bent" as in arrives to us from the other side of the sun, as this happens the light on the outside of the arch must be covering more ground (if you will) then the light on the inside of the arch. There by arriving later (take more time) to get to the viewer. (assuming light as a constant)

So, in a binary solar system TIME would pass much different then a system with a single star. (ha! ie SERPO time anomalies...!)

Not mention if we were to experience the arrival of a small black hole near ours...:yikes:

It's interesting to note when I quote Epo I see a comment about the blackhole but when I look at the original, its not there, hmmm.

Anyways, so we all take it that Sol is a single star in our solar system and time is what it is, but what if there was another star in the system and it's acutally getting closer ie: Nemesis/Dark Star/Brown Dwarf/Red Dwarf. How would that effect time as we perceive it? Would it speed it up or slow it down? If it's the former, how would we see signs of this. Could we observe this in our lives on this planet? Or could we see signs on the other planets in the solar system and would we see signs elsewhere as in perhaps orbits being disturbed, increase in debris(comets,astroids ect) being strewn about the solar system?


03-21-2016, 10:00 PM

03-21-2016, 10:04 PM
Hey Edward,

The Cabal has their reasons for their concern. They will not share them with me unless I become an actual player with them which I have not committed myself to as of yet. They also have a dark side as do most of the people in the intelligence world do. I am not new to this world of theirs so I will be blunt on their capabilities and their Jekyll and Hyde type personalities.

They can wine and dine you on one hand and pretend to be your best friend and lover on occasion and on the other side, the dark side, they can strap you to a chair naked while you watch your grandma or maybe one of your children and make you watch while they skin them alive and then they then will go out to dinner with their families and kiss their kids as if nothing happened.

I am sorry to lay it out in such a brutal manner but I do not know how to get my point across to the brutality of their dark side.

I can get out information when I can but if they say no to certain things, I am not going to play tough guy with them.

Thanks Edward for the query, I feel the frustration you are experiencing.


Here is the thing that you will have to contemplate atmjjc. If you go in deep and join them, you may lose sight of who you are and forget what you are trying to accomplish. It's just the risk that one takes in scenario's like that. I fully understand what you laid out there and it's very unfortunate but one of which that has been repeated many times. The question is though how do we get all the madness to stop?

An understanding(on all fronts) must be had, by all so we can move on, forgive and get past the things that hang us up a individuals and as a race(s). Herein lies part of the frustration you and I both have and a great deal many others.


03-21-2016, 10:07 PM

I'll need to come back to this as my time is short atm...?

03-21-2016, 10:41 PM
They will not share them with me unless I become an actual player with them which I have not committed myself to as of yet. They also have a dark side as do most of the people in the intelligence world do. I am not new to this world of theirs so I will be blunt on their capabilities and their Jekyll and Hyde type personalities.

They can wine and dine you on one hand and pretend to be your best friend and lover on occasion and on the other side, the dark side, they can strap you to a chair naked while you watch your grandma or maybe one of your children and make you watch while they skin them alive and then they then will go out to dinner with their families and kiss their kids as if nothing happened.

A being that is good will not intentionally do bad things. A being that is evil will intentionally do good and bad things. They need to be told in no uncertain terms that you want no part of them. I would cut myself off from them entirely. No information is worth a relationship with something like that. That sounds evil as hell.

03-26-2016, 01:38 PM
I just released in the Blogs

Alien Contact-- #3: The Children


04-01-2016, 11:53 PM
A being that is good will not intentionally do bad things. A being that is evil will intentionally do good and bad things. They need to be told in no uncertain terms that you want no part of them. I would cut myself off from them entirely. No information is worth a relationship with something like that. That sounds evil as hell.

Matthew 7:1-3King James Version (KJV)
7 Judge not, that ye be not judged.
2 For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.
3 And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?

In your last few posts on this thread you first gave the impression you know what God thinks then backtracked and clarified yourself but then went on to basically state you know God’s nature.

“…I may not be able to guess his thinking but I can rely on Him to act according to His nature.”

The question almost always arises when referring to God, and has been hashed over for millenniums concerning evil…

If God is the ‘Creator of All Things’ and is ‘All knowing and Good’ than the question arises as to how evil enters the world?’... So how would you know God’s nature?


04-12-2016, 12:18 AM
The last 20 years I was involved in the clinical aspects of behavior. I have talked to thousands of people who were confined both voluntarily and involuntary to mental facilities and in the prison systems. So when I write about certain things that sound off the wall as rational person may refer to it, I am fully aware how it sounds to the professionals in my field of mental health and to laymen alike who have a keen eye towards behavior. I have put myself on the limb on a few occasions where it might present ethical and legal problems for me and this is why I stay in the shadows so to speak and try and avoid the diagnostic conundrums and the legal ramifications which might follow it.

I also want to clear up one of my observations as the facility in which I am hooked up to at another earth which I called Montauk as it allows me with an alien being to be present on this earth since birth inception here.

I do not know for a fact that my off earth presence with an alien being is Montauk. I have only been at that base less than a half day and on the machine for less than an hour. Within that hour, give or take minutes, I have been on numerous earths which could be measured in conscious time as thousands of years and many lives I had lived and died. I have never once heard the name of Montauk uttered by anyone at that base or by the alien being I share consciousness with. I only assumed my place of origin by listening to a few individuals who had spontaneous memories of a place like Montauk as it sounds logically plausible but may not be the same place. So I may have misspoken for I know not absolutely this is the place of my origins on that earth.


04-12-2016, 10:49 PM
Matthew 7:1-3King James Version (KJV)
7 Judge not, that ye be not judged.
2 For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.
3 And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?

In your last few posts on this thread you first gave the impression you know what God thinks then backtracked and clarified yourself but then went on to basically state you know God’s nature.

The question almost always arises when referring to God, and has been hashed over for millenniums concerning evil…

If God is the ‘Creator of All Things’ and is ‘All knowing and Good’ than the question arises as to how evil enters the world?’... So how would you know God’s nature?

Matthew 7 is probably the most misused verse in the Bible. It means not to condemn someone as if you are pure like God, it does not mean we are incapable of telling right from wrong, or that we should not mention it. That is essentially what the the epistles are, Paul is telling the churches what they are doing wrong, and instructing them on theology. In 1 Corinthians 6 he even tells them to let other Christians judge a matter rather than secular courts. If you read the context building up to that passage you will see it is under the context of hypocrisy not judging in general, otherwise you would have to condemn charity, prayer and fasting. Read chapter 6 and you will see what I mean. It builds up to that verse, it's not just out of the blue without context. There is just no tenable way to rectify this verse with the old and new testament in the way you have rendered it in isolation of it's context.

Evil is a consequence of beings with free choice. They are free to choose evil or good The mere existence of evil has no bearing on Gods nature. God has traditionally been referred to as a maximally great being, as such he would not be evil. There is nothing to back track on, that just is the definition of the JudeoChristian God. If you mean to tell me that God has an amoral or evil nature then we are not talking about the same thing. Good has no real meaning unless it is objective, and since objective means mind independent it has to be grounded in Gods nature for it to exist objectively in any meaningful way.

04-13-2016, 03:09 AM
Matthew 7 is probably the most misused verse in the Bible. It means not to condemn someone as if you are pure like God, it does not mean we are incapable of telling right from wrong, or that we should not mention it. That is essentially what the the epistles are, Paul is telling the churches what they are doing wrong, and instructing them on theology. In 1 Corinthians 6 he even tells them to let other Christians judge a matter rather than secular courts. If you read the context building up to that passage you will see it is under the context of hypocrisy not judging in general, otherwise you would have to condemn charity, prayer and fasting. Read chapter 6 and you will see what I mean. It builds up to that verse, it's not just out of the blue without context. There is just no tenable way to rectify this verse with the old and new testament in the way you have rendered it in isolation of it's context.

Evil is a consequence of beings with free choice. They are free to choose evil or good The mere existence of evil has no bearing on Gods nature. God has traditionally been referred to as a maximally great being, as such he would not be evil. There is nothing to back track on, that just is the definition of the JudeoChristian God. If you mean to tell me that God has an amoral or evil nature then we are not talking about the same thing. Good has no real meaning unless it is objective, and since objective means mind independent it has to be grounded in Gods nature for it to exist objectively in any meaningful way.I might also bring up that Jesus made a striking reminder about sin and the state of mankind in front of God.

He made sure to point out that the adulterer who was going to be stoned was doing, was in no way different or graver in sin than the men picking up stones to execute her. All sin is treated equally before God and is deserving of an ultimate state of death.

So if you think about it, the men around her were also sinful (through acts of their lives lived up to that point) and were about to execute her by stoning. Though they themselves were equally as guilty in God eyes.

So the famous words:



...are worth considering.

04-13-2016, 05:55 AM
Matthew 7 is probably the most misused verse in the Bible. It means not to condemn someone as if you are pure like God, it does not mean we are incapable of telling right from wrong, or that we should not mention it. That is essentially what the the epistles are, Paul is telling the churches what they are doing wrong, and instructing them on theology. In 1 Corinthians 6 he even tells them to let other Christians judge a matter rather than secular courts. If you read the context building up to that passage you will see it is under the context of hypocrisy not judging in general, otherwise you would have to condemn charity, prayer and fasting. Read chapter 6 and you will see what I mean. It builds up to that verse, it's not just out of the blue without context. There is just no tenable way to rectify this verse with the old and new testament in the way you have rendered it in isolation of it's context.

Evil is a consequence of beings with free choice. They are free to choose evil or good The mere existence of evil has no bearing on Gods nature. God has traditionally been referred to as a maximally great being, as such he would not be evil. There is nothing to back track on, that just is the definition of the Judaeo Christian God. If you mean to tell me that God has an amoral or evil nature then we are not talking about the same thing. Good has no real meaning unless it is objective, and since objective means mind independent it has to be grounded in Gods nature for it to exist objectively in any meaningful way.

Mathew 7 was actually bait to see how you present your arguments.

Nobody gives a sh!t about the history of Mathew 7 every theological historian has their own little version of it. Every quote from the bible taken from its content has a situational context depending on how it’s used in relation to a situation. God’s word is truth.

You are presenting blind faith arguments which are subjective with no validity beyond your subjective beliefs on how the world is suppose to be in your eyes. God’s word is the Truth, not yours.

Your first argument was that you know what God thinks then you stated you know God’s nature and now you argue you know Gods mind and it is objective. Yes I am talking about the Judaeo Christian God though my views of God are not the same but I frequently have argued many nights with Catholic and Greek Orthodox priests concerning theology and your wrong.

According to scripture God is a wrathful God and it’s his way or you go to Hell forever and ever. There is nothing objective about it. You do what God says or you go to Hell forever, but He loves you, end of story.

These laws and commandments are not objective:

The 10 Commandments List in Deuteronomy 5:6-21

1. “I am the LORD your God who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. You shall have no other gods before Me.
2. “You shall not make for yourself a carved image—any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth; you shall not bow down to them nor serve them. For I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate Me, but showing mercy to thousands, to those who love Me and keep My commandments.
3. “You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain, for the LORD will not hold him guiltless who takes His name in vain.
4. “Observe the Sabbath day, to keep it holy, as the LORD your God commanded you. Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the LORD your God. In it you shall do no work: you, nor your son, nor your daughter, nor your male servant, nor your female servant, nor your ox, nor your donkey, nor any of your cattle, nor your stranger who is within your gates, that your male servant and your female servant may rest as well as you. And remember that you were a slave in the land of Egypt, and the LORD your God brought you out from there by a mighty hand and by an outstretched arm; therefore the LORD your God commanded you to keep the Sabbath day.
5. “Honor your father and your mother, as the LORD your God has commanded you, that your days may be long, and that it may be well with you in the land which the LORD your God is giving you.
6. “You shall not murder.
7. “You shall not commit adultery.
8. “You shall not steal.
9. “You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
10. thou shall not covet your neighbor’s wife; and you shall not desire your neighbor’s house, his field, his male servant, his female servant, his ox, his donkey, or anything that is your neighbor’s.”


04-13-2016, 08:03 AM
Don't get my wrong I'm a fan of Christianity. I was brought up Church of England. Christian values are what has helped form the western world. But if you want to understand the nature of mind and why you are really here the bible - doesn't say much. It tells you about forgiveness, how to forgive others and yourself, but there is no mention that you can achieve liberation by any other means than prayer and leading a good life. That is no doubt possible but what you really need is some form of meditation to understand the true nature of mind. From a buddhist perspective even gods are subject to karma, only when you attain enlightenment and become in someway completely aligned with the perfect action of the universe are you free from karma. That means acting completely for others, being completely open to every situation. There are similarities there if you can see them.
In Buddhism there are demons, all kinds of spirits, ghosts, goblins, other worlds, lesser gods, gods and there conditions are all explained, a great master can tame them and bring them to the truth. Christianity leaves you with little understanding other than briefly mentioning angels and demons and from my knowledge that is far too simple to describe the world. Half the roadmap is missing. It does a great job on ethics but next to nothing on practicalities.
Fore talks about higher mind and how that all works it's all in buddhist teachings if you look. Meditation practice can bring you psychic powers, telepathy, the ability to fly, change shape, walk through walls, the dalia lama has an oracle, rainmakers, the list goes on. What people are realising in forums like this is that those kinds of things maybe possible. Explanations of the chakras and pyschic channels go back to the hindu traditions. East and west need to some extent meet.
What Christianity fails to mention is that you can attain liberation right here right now, you don't have to wait until you die. Reincarnation is not mentioned in the bible but I know you guys all believe in it. If so how does it work? and more importantly why.
I don't think these ideas need to be exclusive of God because really we are all aiming for the same thing we are just unsure of where that place is. At least in Buddhism you have great masters who have got there and can tell you how to get there.

Atmjjc what were the religions like in all your other lives can you remember details? Was there always Christianity? Hinduism? Islam? If so a what point in the past did the felines split? Different times? How did people's approach to religion different in these alternate universes?

Don't set the chihuahuas on me! :cool:

04-13-2016, 11:45 AM
Mathew 7 was actually bait to see how you present your arguments.

Nobody gives a sh!t about the history of Mathew 7 every theological historian has their own little version of it. Every quote from the bible taken from its content has a situational context depending on how it’s used in relation to a situation. God’s word is truth.

You are presenting blind faith arguments which are subjective with no validity beyond your subjective beliefs on how the world is suppose to be in your eyes. God’s word is the Truth, not yours.

Your first argument was that you know what God thinks then you stated you know God’s nature and now you argue you know Gods mind and it is objective. Yes I am talking about the Judaeo Christian God though my views of God are not the same but I frequently have argued many nights with Catholic and Greek Orthodox priests concerning theology and your wrong.

According to scripture God is a wrathful God and it’s his way or you go to Hell forever and ever. There is nothing objective about it. You do what God says or you go to Hell forever, but He loves you, end of story.

These laws and commandments are not objective:

If you are "baiting me" I suppose we are not having a normal conversation here are we. Did I offend you or something?

I do not believe through blind faith, that is not what is described in the Bible as faith. It is a form of trust, not a willful belief with no support. What am I saying that is not true and why is it not true?

My first argument was not that I "know what God thinks", that is the term you made about what I said, not what I said. The "argument" that I made was that an infinite set of 1 off worlds that needlessly multiply suffering would be logically inconsistent with Gods nature. Do I need to know Gods thoughts to know that God would not torture innocent babies for fun? No because that would be logically inconsistent with His nature.

I think you might misunderstand what objective means. Objective means true whether anyone believes it's true or not. It is true independent of minds. You should be saying there IS something objective about it, otherwise you are just telling me something that is true for you, but may not be true for me. So while that would be meaningful to you it would have no meaning to anyone else because it's not objectively true. (So there is no confusion I agree with what you said there) When you say the 10 commandments are not objective you are basically saying they are meaningless, that they only apply to you. What you want to say is that they ARE objective because that makes them true for everyone.

04-13-2016, 12:54 PM
Don't get my wrong I'm a fan of Christianity. I was brought up Church of England. Christian values are what has helped form the western world. But if you want to understand the nature of mind and why you are really here the bible - doesn't say much. It tells you about forgiveness, how to forgive others and yourself, but there is no mention that you can achieve liberation by any other means than prayer and leading a good life. That is no doubt possible but what you really need is some form of meditation to understand the true nature of mind. From a buddhist perspective even gods are subject to karma, only when you attain enlightenment and become in someway completely aligned with the perfect action of the universe are you free from karma. That means acting completely for others, being completely open to every situation. There are similarities there if you can see them.
In Buddhism there are demons, all kinds of spirits, ghosts, goblins, other worlds, lesser gods, gods and there conditions are all explained, a great master can tame them and bring them to the truth. Christianity leaves you with little understanding other than briefly mentioning angels and demons and from my knowledge that is far too simple to describe the world. Half the roadmap is missing. It does a great job on ethics but next to nothing on practicalities.
Fore talks about higher mind and how that all works it's all in buddhist teachings if you look. Meditation practice can bring you psychic powers, telepathy, the ability to fly, change shape, walk through walls, the dalia lama has an oracle, rainmakers, the list goes on. What people are realising in forums like this is that those kinds of things maybe possible. Explanations of the chakras and pyschic channels go back to the hindu traditions. East and west need to some extent meet.
What Christianity fails to mention is that you can attain liberation right here right now, you don't have to wait until you die. Reincarnation is not mentioned in the bible but I know you guys all believe in it. If so how does it work? and more importantly why.
I don't think these ideas need to be exclusive of God because really we are all aiming for the same thing we are just unsure of where that place is. At least in Buddhism you have great masters who have got there and can tell you how to get there.

If I understand Buddhism correctly, (forgive me if I am way off) it is a means of liberating yourself from yourself. When I talked with another Buddhist we tried to understand where we diverged. We came to an agreement that we are both viewing the same thing from the start, lets say a bird in a cage. The bird doesn't know what it's like to fly in the open skies, he's been caged his whole life. He agreed that both religions intend to free the bird from the cage. The difference I discovered was that in Buddhism the bird never leaves the cage (in that cycle) and yet becomes free of the cage as well as the sky. I guess among other things it is a separation from ideas of purpose? In Christianity the bird is freed and he gets to be the best version of a bird and fly the open skies. It's not just being forgiven but becoming fulfilled, becoming the best possible version of yourself. That begins right now but is completed at death, it is what we mean by born again.

As I understand it in Buddhism the gods are irrelevant to core Buddhism they may or may not exist. You could be a Buddhist Atheist for example. It's true, if you just read the Bible straight up you probably won't get a good understanding of demons, lesser gods, and angels. The Bible is just the collection of books that remain but the beliefs and context behind the writers and their words are available. All those things get laid out, but only when you know the context of the writer. In other parts of the Bible you can tell there are more detailed books about the subject but they are lost. The book of Enoch was one such case that has been found later. So the Bible doesn't have a lot of that stuff in direct detail, but the whole theology of Christianity and Judaism is pretty detailed on it.

Fore talks about higher mind and how that all works it's all in buddhist teachings if you look. Meditation practice can bring you psychic powers, telepathy, the ability to fly, change shape, walk through walls, the dalia lama has an oracle, rainmakers, the list goes on. What people are realising in forums like this is that those kinds of things maybe possible.

If I have read Fore correctly, he had this before he became a Christian, and now that he is a Christian he no longer has the intention to use these sorts of things. Even though these abilities increase ones ability to accomplish things, even theoretically good things that doesn't make the abilities necessarily good abilities. There may be unseen spiritual consequences. That is not to say that I wouldn't want them, who wouldn't want to be a super hero? I just know my want for that is not based on a goodness, just an illusion of me doing good things. In all my day dreams of it, it is my ego that desires it, not any goodness within myself. Buddhism definitely has those things, and Christianity does not have them in the psychic sense, but they do have them a gifts from God with a life of their own. They work according to Gods purposes rather than our own.

I don't believe in reincarnation in the fullest extent but I do believe that the prominent belief is based on something real. The Bible kind of mentions it in Hebrews 7 where Levi pays a tenth to Melchizedek because he was in his father Abraham's loins. I get the sense that a part of the parents are a part of the soul of the child which would also explain the persistence of sin nature, and the continuation of the Neshama. But beyond that I wouldn't understand the ontology of a full reincarnation structure, or the purpose. Now that said I do share Origens inclination of Pre-existence. But I don't let myself hold that as a theology, but the thought and inclination is always very much in my mind. I think there is a real thing that is responsible for the varying beliefs of pre-existence and all the religious and scientific views on reincarnation I just don't think anyone has discovered what it really is yet.

04-13-2016, 04:42 PM
From a Dzogchen Buddhist perspective you are free already you just need to realise it. The cage is all of our own making, solely and collectively.

04-13-2016, 05:56 PM
The rather interesting observation I'd like to make is that if Atmjjc has been alive and died in different timelines. Then he should be pretty certain about what God is or isn't.

Logical correct?


The next interesting point is that in Buddhism, despite reaching enlightenment, they never really are able to sustain a physical body in perpetuity. They may transcend spiritually, may even transition into a reincarnation cycle where they rebirth and die in cycles....but they aren't able to put on and take off flesh "at will".

We never hear about a Buddist (correct me if I am wrong) coming back, putting on flesh (without rebirth) and telling us about how things went or to inspire us to continue to do the same path.

It just seems like they die like any other man and convert into a spirit just like any other man.

I have heard rumors on the web about transfiguration and/or people sustaining their living presence beyond the 120 years. But none of it seems particularly confirmed.


Point being, I find it an incredible notion that UT/Angels can put on physicality and take it off as needed. (supposedly)
A (very) long time ago I came across Angel who I had questions for and the responses both uttered and what was in it's mind was EXTREMELY interesting and very peculiar. (long before I knew of the Bible)

It claimed it could put on physical features if directed to by God. (a tall claim)
When I directed my abilities to assess it's mind I came away with information crossing it's mind after being asked that.

Rules mostly, like they are prohibited from engaging in "worldly pleasures" (condensed phrasing).
They couldn't eat or partake of anything unless they were excepted by a higher authority.
They could only do it if they were directed to by some authority which was referenced.
When they did, they could not assume the face of any living being at that time. (no doppelganger)
There was a whole entire series of mental references on procedures to assure that above line didn't occur.


All of that was nothing more than a strange occurrence. Until later....

When I finally changed and came around as a Christian, I wanted to look into (over the span of years) into the things which I had observed about the UT/Angels in years prior.

To see if there was any truth to the answers.

Interestingly, they really could (biblical) take on and off physicality. Not through some phasing technology like the ET who are physical beings just hiding inside a modified spacetime. No, actually become a physical presence and taking it off at will. No Birth, no Death. No corpse laying around on the ground as some kind of remnant.

Angels who would accompany God in some of the excursions ate and spoke and were physically present. When they left, they didn't leave any physical mass behind.


Now you'd think that would be just a feature of the Angels/UT, but interestingly enough....

Jesus apparently also did the same. He re-appeared to the apostles after his Death and Resurrection. They who knew him best, didn't recognize him at first when he appeared. They touched him and he encouraged them to do so to certify his continued existence and to direct them to pass the events transpired as witnesses.

That is why they call them "the witnesses" to the Truth.

And as the same happened with the UT/Angels who took on physicality, when Jesus left them, there was no body laying in some corner. His physical presence simply disappeared.

God through Jesus also raised someone (Lazarus) who was thoroughly dead (by three days post mortem) as a sign that He could perform every thing He promised. As it was well within His scope of ability/power to do so.

So power to suspend death, they have it.
They also have the ability to take on/off physicality, which should rewrite "the notions people have" that "spirits" are just purely immaterial entities.

(Which also begs a question about the ET/UFO phenomena, but that is for later)


So having said all of that, it begs the question. Why is there no one alive today that is free from death within our worldly domain?
Uber enlightened or not...why are none making an appearance and talking to us about it? (with the exceptions noted above)

04-13-2016, 06:50 PM
I would suggest that it would be best not to get bogged down in religionism. I find the equivalent some what akin to a stuck geological fault that breaks after millennia of strain, it is sudden violent and destructive to all within and without.

One thing I'd like to point out from my pov is that I believe individuation is here to stay, but I do see and understand at least in part that the Buddhist idea that we are "god" has validity.

Here again this is all subject to my learning process that is it seam evolutionary, but then I see everything in a state of flux, everything and all of us. Honestly when I look at what some of you can imagine for us I fear we're on a road to a hell of eternal boredom... (Sorry that was rather rude) But as the Buddha shows in one of his postures the Abhaya Mudra. Fear not! Is this not also true in the Christian tradition.

I'll end with my favorite missive. Love is the transcendent. Sublimate everything to that.

04-13-2016, 08:52 PM

The next interesting point is that in Buddhism, despite reaching enlightenment, they never really are able to sustain a physical body in perpetuity. They may transcend spiritually, may even transition into a reincarnation cycle where they rebirth and die in cycles....but they aren't able to put on and take off flesh "at will".

We never hear about a Buddist (correct me if I am wrong) coming back, putting on flesh (without rebirth) and telling us about how things went or to inspire us to continue to do the same path.

It just seems like they die like any other man and convert into a spirit just like any other man.

I have heard rumors on the web about transfiguration and/or people sustaining their living presence beyond the 120 years. But none of it seems particularly confirmed.

So having said all of that, it begs the question. Why is there no one alive today that is free from death within our worldly domain?
Uber enlightened or not...why are none making an appearance and talking to us about it? (with the exceptions noted above)

Hi Fore
Padmasambhava and Princess Mandavara are both supposed to be still in physical form, i don't think they are alone. Can't say I have seen them physically myself. Apparently the Buddha could have had a permanent body but in order to show everything is subject to change even enlightened beings he left his material body.
One master pointed out that while you are sitting on a train someone may well be an immortal how would you tell?
Also Buddhas may appear to you in physical form to teach you something then disappear.

And the answer to your last question - There may well be it's just how to find them is the problem

04-13-2016, 09:16 PM
Mathew 7 was actually bait to see how you present your arguments.



The TOP Staff knows how easy it is for religious exchanges to over-heat.
We appreciate how civil everyone has managed to remain, during these interesting exchanges about Christianity.

04-13-2016, 11:23 PM
Hi Fore
Padmasambhava and Princess Mandavara are both supposed to be still in physical form, i don't think they are alone. Can't say I have seen them physically myself. Apparently the Buddha could have had a permanent body but in order to show everything is subject to change even enlightened beings he left his material body.
One master pointed out that while you are sitting on a train someone may well be an immortal how would you tell? I don't know if we could or not.

Also Buddhas may appear to you in physical form to teach you something then disappear. That begs the question then, in my mind, then it must be a common trait among non-wordly beings?

And here is another question:

If an entity could put on and off physicality. Is putting on physicality (at will) the same as sustaining ones life indefinitely? My mind tells me there is probably a difference but what do you think?

If we measure death by physical biology alone....and one masters a transcendent state where a physical biology can be made manifest (materialized at will), does this also mean that the entity in a transcendent state can subsist indefinitely (in respect to the passage of time)?

The reason why I ask, is because I heard that ET's can switch bodies (through processes of technology) and port their essence (spiritual/psychic) into the new body. But when I skim ET literature (to see if other sources agree with the sources I know) it generally seems to indicate the same, but then I noticed that they introduce "a factoid" that their spiritual aspect eventually decomposes/goes inert after a prolonged period of time despite switching or swapping bodies.

Which if ET literature (not of my own sources) is true. Then it would mean they haven't actually resolved "death" as an issue. At least, perhaps resolved the issue of survival/transplantation of a consciousness across numerous bodies, but not across the aspect of a large time frame.


Which begs the question, did Buddha just achieve survival of consciousness (sans-the-body) or also achieve a state of perpetual (spiritual) existence regardless of the span of time?

Because there seems to be various thematic views of life and death in the Earth.

--Death means, you stop breathing and your mind dies. (clinical)
--Death means, you pass on to sleep state, until everything is settled and judgement comes for some. (Christian)
--A state of Nirvana (sorry if I use the term incorrectly) means, you transcend into a higher spiritual transcendent state and don't want or urge for anything. (Buddhism: many variations)

But it is unclear what happens to the physical form. I am unsure if it is shed and left like any corpse or if it transfigured into another form. (?)
There seems to be various versions or paths and conclusions.

--A state of Reincarnation means, you die like any other individual, you go through various stages of life after death and are recycled into a state of awareness in a new body. (Many religious sectors, most prominent are the Hindu)

--Cannibalism means, the ancestor or body is consumed by another human being and is said to infuse qualities of the former OR lives on inside the one consuming the former. (many variations, smaller cultural zones)


I can see some of the themes could generally cohabit and be individually/circumstantially true, but some versions seem to directly negate the others. (Clinical being the strongest negation of all varieties)

And the answer to your last question - There may well be it's just how to find them is the problem
Well, no reason to stay in hiding. Then again, we aren't aware of what happens in all corners of the Earth most of the time.

If they reached enlightenment, then there was a reason for them to start the journey.
If they started out like any of the Billion or so other individuals, one would assume they would want others (if suitable) to start the same journey.
Then again, if you reach nirvana you would technically not display any such desire. (?)

Not sure why you would keep the utility of a body (or 4D perceptual existence) in such a scenario. (?)

04-13-2016, 11:29 PM
When in doubt, go with Plan B.

Ask Attmjjc what the truth is.
Considering he claims to be a ~time traveler~ and he has lived in various timelines in a linear format, and having died numerous times...one would assume he could have the answers to the core dilemmas.

Then again, any answers that aren't fully inclusive of all witnessed possibilities (across all of this world) would prove to be devastating news to all of the world. What is objectively true? Why are we all in some kind of lotto game hedging our bets on what we think we know?

"What is Truth?"

04-13-2016, 11:35 PM
@Sansanoy and others

Something you just fell into at a moment in time and the question I posed to you is something I thought you might be able to enlighten me about. Sorry but you are clueless. But you did bring back memories of an epiphany in my life. I thank you for that. I will share this moment with you. He was a friend of mine like a father and a mentor. He was also a Zen Master of a warrior class. He was a Japanese Samurai. Quite different from the movies, let me explain though this is hard for me I am tearing up now.

I was at the age of 12 years old when the memories of other worlds were swarming into my brain I wanted them to stop but they kept coming and coming I found no relief. I was starting to act out and even contemplated suicide. I found a wino one night and gave him money to buy me cheap wine (Roma). I got plastered and fell asleep in the entry way of a storefront.

The storefront was actually a dojo and in the early morning the Samurai seeing me with the empty bottles sleeping he gently kicks me and yelling at me, “Why you here? You young boy, why you drunk at my doorstep?” I told him I was being haunted by these memories I drank to make them go away.

This aging Samurai over the months listened to my stories. He made me sweep floors and do stuff around the dojo asking me one day “What are you waiting for? You wish for me to teach you? How come you never ask?” From that day forward I was taught at the tender age of 13 how to kill. I remember the day when he said “You a warrior now, you no cry no more!” From that moment on I was able to master my memories and found peace within myself. Seems like a contradiction learning the ways of killing to find peace within myself. LOL…Dang that sounds like pure evil!

By the age of 15 I was now instructing, under the guidance of my Sheehan Sensei, members of the Intelligence Communities the way of destroying your enemy. By the age of 17 I was now recruited by those same agencies to learn their art. I had come a long way from that sniveling little child that was found drunk at a storefront.

As I was maturing I learned over the years about the man. He hardly ever talked about WWll but on occasion we shared stories. I learned he had a family and children who died at Hiroshima. He felt shamed and that he had dishonored his country, which they lost the war that his code of a warrior was tarnished. He felt he must now serve the victor that was his way, his heart followed this path.

One day I walked into the dojo trying not to interrupt his meditations and noticed he was kneeling down ready to commit ritual suicide. A move from pure desperation I was able to push him out of the kneeling position which he somersaulted to his feet holding the blade in a fighting position. I really thought I was going to die that moment I hung my head down looking at the floor and blurted out “I was sent to save you from yourself!” My head still down I felt his hand under my chin I thought at that moment he was about to slit my throat. What he did next was he pulled my head up and our eyes met, he had tears in his and as we looked each other in the eye, he said “Thank you… you have learned well. I am no longer your teacher you are mine”. At that moment I felt the pain in his soul.

He died some months after that. He had no one so I borrowed money and brought his body to Japan. I found a female interpreter and together we found some old Samurai Warriors. I knelt before them and sought permission from them thru an interpreter that he wished forgiveness and I requested for them to give him a warriors farewell.

Days later I was informed they received special permission for a cremation on their property. I watched as the smoke raised and the wind carried him away. I wished him farewell and a pleasant journey from the boy who fell asleep at his doorstep.

04-13-2016, 11:57 PM

Added for emotional appeal:


Warning: Contains a life lesson.

04-14-2016, 08:04 AM
I briefly answer some of your answers Fore then suggest another thread to discuss this.

It's in actual fact the other way round, the greater reality is not the physical one we find ourselves trapped in.
We all eminate from the same point, that I think is why telepathy is possible, there is in one sense is no distance between your and other beings. But as well as being infinitely small it is also infinitely large as the place exists beyond space and time. We are recreated from moment to moment. The rigid solidity we actually perceive about the outside world is an illusion. When you die your emanation here fades, great masters can by all accounts have some control of their rebirth, as they can retain a certain amount of awareness throughout the transition from one life to another (Dalia Lama). Certain ETs know this but are bypassing the central station if you like. They are missing the reason why the masters are great in the first place. You don't need no attachment to anything, especially how you see yourself, any attachment to ego of any kind ( the rich man passing through the eye of the needle) it is the main obstacle to attaining enlightenment. They are essentially missing the point - death is there to help you. You exist at a whole other level, that is your buddhanature, and to become awakened is your real goal. In fact the reason you are born in the first place is an act of confusion. The ETs have somehow short circuited the 'system' this is why the are degenerating. When you actualise your Buddha nature you become Buddha there is no life or death they never existed from the very beginning.

04-14-2016, 08:39 AM
I briefly answer some of your answers Fore then suggest another thread to discuss this.

It's in actual fact the other way round, the greater reality is not the physical one we find ourselves trapped in.
We all eminate from the same point, that I think is why telepathy is possible, there is in one sense is no distance between your and other beings. But as well as being infinitely small it is also infinitely large as the place exists beyond space and time. We are recreated from moment to moment. The rigid solidity we actually perceive about the outside world is an illusion. When you die your emanation here fades, great masters can by all accounts have some control of their rebirth, as they can retain a certain amount of awareness throughout the transition from one life to another (Dalia Lama). Certain ETs know this but are bypassing the central station if you like. They are missing the reason why the masters are great in the first place. You don't need no attachment to anything, especially how you see yourself, any attachment to ego of any kind ( the rich man passing through the eye of the needle) it is the main obstacle to attaining enlightenment. They are essentially missing the point - death is there to help you. You exist at a whole other level, that is your buddhanature, and to become awakened is your real goal. In fact the reason you are born in the first place is an act of confusion. The ETs have somehow short circuited the 'system' this is why the are degenerating. When you actualise your Buddha nature you become Buddha there is no life or death they never existed from the very beginning.

Lets wait and see if Sansanoy makes a thread so we can keep going.

There are a couple of things I wanted to say but here isn't the right place to do so anymore. Your observations matched some mysteries I also noticed.

You are right though, I do focus on things from the point of physicality. But the way you put it, it could explain why/how different NDEs have completely different notions that are translated and expressed between people. I'd like to know more. Lets hope Sansanoy makes a thread that can encompass a wider array of thoughts.

04-14-2016, 02:41 PM
I have just posted a New Blog in the Blog section.

Part 4 of Alien Contact on HOLD

04-14-2016, 03:46 PM
The ETs have somehow short circuited the 'system' this is why the are degenerating. When you actualize your Buddha nature you become Buddha there is no life or death they never existed from the very beginning.

I would really like to hear more about this. What should the title be, Buddhism and ETs? I'm really bad at titles. Reincarnation and extraterrestrial intervention? that might be broader. I went ahead and made it here (http://www.theoutpostforum.com/tof/showthread.php?2287-Reincarnation-and-ET-intervention&p=46036#post46036).

04-15-2016, 11:07 AM
Hi Atmjjc you said in your blog

'I am now fully a member of the Cabal…We are all Hybrids. Not only was I inducted but they swore their allegiance to me. I know how silly this is going to sound I am laughing myself because they refer to me as a demigod. I realize how lame this sounds but there was a whole ritual concerning my new appointment of status. Ohw geez, can it get any crazier than this. It can.

There is an extremely alarming message in which I am about to reveal. I have full rain now with no interference by the cabal and will explain why the hybrids were made. There is nothing immediate about this message which I bring and should take a few generations to manifest. Our grandchildren and their children most likely will be greatly affected.

The hybrids are being created to assist in the transitions and replacement of Human Beings of this earth. The wheels are in motion and there will be no stopping it. It’s too late. The creator of our specie view ‘evil’ as a disease which there is no cure for and the disease is spreading at an alarming rate. All 9 billion humans on the face of this planet will be killed off and replaced by a higher life form which is alive and now being groomed for our replacement. The planet will not be effected just human beings. It will not be pretty.'

I would love to know the reasons why the hybrids have been breed to replace us? Any idea how or when this is going to happen?
It 's tremendously sad and depressing news

04-15-2016, 06:49 PM
I would love to know the reasons why the hybrids have been breed to replace us? Any idea how or when this is going to happen?
It 's tremendously sad and depressing news

L) "I would love to know the reasons why the hybrids have been breed to replace us?”

A) No, No…It’s not the Hybrids that are replacing humanity. They were made to help support the new life form from transition. They will be killed off too. They are just worker bees.

Why? Because of evil. Evil is not a choice between how you view Good and Bad It is a parasitic intelligent aware entity. The makers view evil as a disease that is growing and spreading at an alarming rate and is learning how to reproduce thru human kind.

Though I am considered a demigod in technical language I am only different from humans here because I have an alien attachment. I am fully human like you and somewhat embarrassed they refer to me as a demigod. The reasons the Hybrids even refer to me as a higher life form from them is my attachment to this alien. They view me as an off spring of the alien who they consider as gods. It’s just a hierarchical language of respect.

L) "Any idea how or when this is going to happen?"

A)It depends how fast they mature. They have estimates of two to three human lifetimes.

L) "It 's tremendously sad and depressing news"

Yes, I have a stake in this too! I have a family that is growing and most likely some of my family offspring will be killed. There will be no more birth, death, and rebirth. This earth parallel will be wiped clean of all human existence.

The replacement will be AI


04-15-2016, 09:57 PM
Hey Edward,

The Cabal has their reasons for their concern. They will not share them with me unless I become an actual player with them which I have not committed myself to as of yet. They also have a dark side as do most of the people in the intelligence world do. I am not new to this world of theirs so I will be blunt on their capabilities and their Jekyll and Hyde type personalities.

They can wine and dine you on one hand and pretend to be your best friend and lover on occasion and on the other side, the dark side, they can strap you to a chair naked while you watch your grandma or maybe one of your children and make you watch while they skin them alive and then they then will go out to dinner with their families and kiss their kids as if nothing happened.

I am sorry to lay it out in such a brutal manner but I do not know how to get my point across to the brutality of their dark side.

Blog I am now fully a member of the Cabal

atmjjc when I talked to you a few weeks ago you seemed hesitant to join this cabal, and even cited your worry over their dark side. I have just learned that you have now become a full member of this Cabal.

Could you catalogue your private thoughts that occurred between when you last spoke about the dark side of the cabal and your recent choice to become a full member? What led you to this conclusion to join, what led you to overlook their darkside...basically what was the process between then and now. While I do want to hear what sort of things they might have said to convince you, what I'm really interested in is your own thoughts about it while it was occurring, your stream of consciousness between then and now that led up to your joining.

I don't have a comment to make about it, I'm just looking for a glimpse into this for my own understanding.

04-17-2016, 12:01 AM
atmjjc when I talked to you a few weeks ago you seemed hesitant to join this cabal, and even cited your worry over their dark side. I have just learned that you have now become a full member of this Cabal.

Could you catalogue your private thoughts that occurred between when you last spoke about the dark side of the cabal and your recent choice to become a full member? What led you to this conclusion to join, what led you to overlook their darkside...basically what was the process between then and now. While I do want to hear what sort of things they might have said to convince you, what I'm really interested in is your own thoughts about it while it was occurring, your stream of consciousness between then and now that led up to your joining.

I don't have a comment to make about it, I'm just looking for a glimpse into this for my own understanding.

The psychology is simple … sometimes, if the door doesn’t open, then you kick it down to see what is behind it, to expose the OZ.

There are dark sides to all of the Intelligence Community at play.

Okay, now for the other players. They set up a meeting with me with the psyops people and some military psychiatrists and bankers in Las Vegas at one of the finer casinos. They are giving me a $ 5k a night room. We have special VIP seating arrangements to view the show ‘circus de soleil’.

I am scratching my head on this one. I have no Idea, totally clueless on what is about to transpire at these meetings in Vegas. The military and bankers, what could they want with me.

LOL, I guess being a demigod has its perks.:biggrin2:

There are Hybrids in this video can you spot them...they come and go very quickly. Notice Paul McCartney anyone.



04-17-2016, 01:51 AM
As a member of the cabal, would you be given any power over them to enact changes or reform to possibly rein in the darker aspects?

Also wiping out all of humanity just to purge evil seems quite extreme, and while there is undeniably evil in the world surely not all of humanity is evil. It reminds me of the bible verse where God is planning to destroy some city for its sins and somebody (Jesus?) asks God to spare it if he could find one good person.

04-17-2016, 02:26 AM
As a member of the cabal, would you be given any power over them to enact changes or reform to possibly rein in the darker aspects?

Also wiping out all of humanity just to purge evil seems quite extreme, and while there is undeniably evil in the world surely not all of humanity is evil. It reminds me of the bible verse where God is planning to destroy some city for its sins and somebody (Jesus?) asks God to spare it if he could find one good person.

W) As a member of the cabal, would you be given any power over them to enact changes or reform to possibly rein in the darker aspects?

No, doesn't work like that.

W) Also wiping out all of humanity just to purge evil seems quite extreme, and while there is undeniably evil in the world surely not all of humanity is evil. It reminds me of the bible verse where God is planning to destroy some city for its sins and somebody (Jesus?) asks God to spare it if he could find one good person.

It is not about religion or a god

04-17-2016, 02:39 AM
As a member of the cabal, would you be given any power over them to enact changes or reform to possibly rein in the darker aspects?

Also wiping out all of humanity just to purge evil seems quite extreme, and while there is undeniably evil in the world surely not all of humanity is evil. It reminds me of the bible verse where God is planning to destroy some city for its sins and somebody (Jesus?) asks God to spare it if he could find one good person.

Abraham talked to God about what was about to be enacted. Each time lower the number of innocents who could abate the Wrath of God.

He talked God down to quite a low number being needed to save the cities from destruction. Moral of the story is, even with Abraham negotiating the ever smaller number, that small a number being negotiated just wasn't present; literally weren't _even that few_ present in the city to stop the wrath. God heard from the victims about the atrocities and decided to wipe the cities using burning sulfur (Brimstone).

2 Angels accompanying God were sent in to one of the cities to extract Lot and his family and instruct them on where to flee.

More info for the full story: http://christianity.about.com/od/biblestorysummaries/a/Sodom-And-Gomorrah.htm

There is plenty of evidence of the incident found by archaeologist and chemists. (Search Youtube if you want to know more.)

04-17-2016, 09:02 AM
Just curious but what's the name of that cabal?

04-17-2016, 10:11 AM
True Christians are adherents of the new covenant which rendered the old one, obsolete. As Jesus said in Luke 22:20 (http://biblia.com/bible/nasb95/Luke%2022.20), "This cup which is poured out for you is the new covenant in My blood."

So when a true Christian ever talks about the end of mankind on this planet, he/she refers to what it says in the New Testament ... not the Old one.
The Apostle Paul stated: “The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons” (1 Timothy 4:1 (http://biblia.com/bible/esv/1%20Tim%204.1)).
There will be many false witnesses and false messiahs
“Many will come in my name, claiming, ‘I am the Christ,’ and will deceive many. You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. All these are the beginning of birth pains.”
Matthew 24:5–8 (http://biblia.com/bible/esv/Matt%2024.5%E2%80%938)

04-17-2016, 01:03 PM
The psychology is simple … sometimes, if the door doesn’t open, then you kick it down to see what is behind it, to expose the OZ.

There are dark sides to all of the Intelligence Community at play.

Remember what I say now in case you need it later. Your membership in the cabal is not permanent. In case you ever decide to leave the cabal, no matter what they say, it is possible, absolutely possible, for that membership to be broken, but you can't do it on your own.

04-18-2016, 04:48 AM
True Christians are adherents of the new covenant which rendered the old one, obsolete. As Jesus said in Luke 22:20 (http://biblia.com/bible/nasb95/Luke%2022.20), "This cup which is poured out for you is the new covenant in My blood."

So when a true Christian ever talks about the end of mankind on this planet, he/she refers to what it says in the New Testament ... not the Old one.
The Apostle Paul stated: “The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons” (1 Timothy 4:1 (http://biblia.com/bible/esv/1%20Tim%204.1)).
There will be many false witnesses and false messiahs
“Many will come in my name, claiming, ‘I am the Christ,’ and will deceive many. You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. All these are the beginning of birth pains.”
Matthew 24:5–8 (http://biblia.com/bible/esv/Matt%2024.5%E2%80%938)

I do the love the question A99 because it gets into the belief system of the offshoots of Christianity.

A99, I am surprised that a good Catholic Girl who quotes St. Francis of Assisi in your signature makes this argument. Not that it is right or wrong but it is a ‘Christian Orthodox’ viewpoint as opposed to the Roman Catholic view.

The great schism of the Ecumenical Councils that were in faith based and watched over by the Holy Spirit basically split the Christian viewpoint into two different faith based beliefs over scripture, the ‘Roman Catholic’, and the ‘Christian Orthodox’ which, in most, not all cases, are known as the Greek and Russian Orthodox religions.

The Pope, more than likely for political reasons of the times, change some basic thoughts on Christ and tweaked the scriptures making the Pope the voice of God on earth through the Holy Spirit, the 3rd rung of the Holy Trinity. Orthodox Christians do not accept the Pope as a voice of God to be followed blindly or something like that; I do not wish to split hairs.

In the Orthodox religions you are correct in their beliefs but it is somewhat more flakey with the Roman Catholics. If you try and buy a Bible from the Orthodox you would have a terrible time finding one with the Old Testament included for reasons you set forth and basically view it as the Jewish version. To buy a Bible from the Roman Catholic you will almost always find both Old and New versions included. In Catholic thought they believe in all the scriptures both New and Old but tweaked them to comply mostly with contradictions of the Old vs. New Testaments. To get around ‘God’s word is Truth’ in all of the scripture they separated Testaments saying mostly that scripture from the Jewish tradition is the OLD scriptures and the NEW scriptures are those of the time of Christ but both are to believe from God with the NEW Testaments Trumping the Old Testaments.

Much of the arguments opposing the different thought revolve around these views in which the Orthodox considers these canons heresy:
1. Novus Ordo Missae (New Order of Mass)
2. "mysterium fidei" (mystery of faith)
3. "pro multis" (for many)

As of 2014 there at least 531 language translations and 2,883 with some type of verse portioned off into their languages of the bible, which in most cases the translations confuse interpretation of the Bible. It was said ‘by many’ that to understand the bible you must be fluent in Latin and read it in that translation.

My faith basically is no faith, only my experiences and not to believe everyone who comes along and babbles their beliefs to me as to their view of the Divine and how I should live. To me it’s silly and I would become like a fart in the wind.

With that said as much as I would like to discuss Christian Theology please take it to another thread; I WILL NO LONGER RESPOND TO FAITH BASED QUESTIONS ON THIS THREAD, to prevent thread drift.


04-18-2016, 10:35 AM
As now part of the Cabal can we get to see the footage of the encounter you had with the ETs that you gave to the Indians to look after?

04-18-2016, 11:37 AM
With that said as much as I would like to discuss Christian Theology please take it to another thread; I WILL NO LONGER RESPOND TO FAITH BASED QUESTIONS ON THIS THREAD, to prevent thread drift.


When I first made my statement about my doubts of the multiverse I posed it from the naturalistic and supernatural world view separately to cover all bases. It was you who brought theology into this asking me if I knew the mind of God. It was you who first quoted scripture, I didn't quote a single line. I think a lot of us were confused by your dialogue here because you appealed to scripture to make your points, said you believed in a creator, and said you were referring to the Judeo-Christian God, as well as your capitalization of "He" in your dialogue.

As I prefaced in my original statement, a religious world view does have relevance to the multiverse, and thereby relevance to the thread as a multiverse seems to be the necessary consequence to the time travel discussed in the Montauk video. If you suddenly don't want to discuss theology then that is fine. But I think it's a little unfair of you when you are the one who brought it into discussion, then brought up even more off topic subjects like the specifics of Catholic and Orthodox Churches to take a whack at A99s Catholicism which has nothing to do with what she quoted and ended with the request that A99 not defend herself against a statement like that.

A99 asked what the name of the cabal was, I was also interested in that answer.

04-18-2016, 02:14 PM
@ Sansanoy

Fore :angel_not:

04-18-2016, 03:46 PM
@ Sansanoy

Fore :angel_not:

Aw, looky looky it's Fore.

04-18-2016, 03:47 PM
When I first made my statement about my doubts of the multiverse I posed it from the naturalistic and supernatural world view separately to cover all bases. It was you who brought theology into this asking me if I knew the mind of God. It was you who first quoted scripture, I didn't quote a single line. I think a lot of us were confused by your dialogue here because you appealed to scripture to make your points, said you believed in a creator, and said you were referring to the Judeo-Christian God, as well as your capitalization of "He" in your dialogue.

As I prefaced in my original statement, a religious world view does have relevance to the multiverse, and thereby relevance to the thread as a multiverse seems to be the necessary consequence to the time travel discussed in the Montauk video. If you suddenly don't want to discuss theology then that is fine. But I think it's a little unfair of you when you are the one who brought it into discussion, then brought up even more off topic subjects like the specifics of Catholic and Orthodox Churches to take a whack at A99s Catholicism which has nothing to do with what she quoted and ended with the request that A99 not defend herself against a statement like that.

A99 asked what the name of the cabal was, I was also interested in that answer.

If I didn’t know any better I think you are trying to get A99 and myself into a fight. Naughty, naughty…this seems to be right out of Fore’s manipulative playbook.

Quick to judge Sansanoy are we, A99 has nothing to defend herself from, there was no attack.

In fact she probably has an IQ that is off the charts. She is extremely intelligent. There are occasions like the rest of us she has a problem with delivery.

The Catholic Church is what it is. If you reread I have not made an attack on any religion.

Psst…They are hybrids made to perform certain tasks. We do not have a name we refer ourselves to. I do not have the abilities they do so I call them the Cabal and, LOL, they refer to me as a demigod.

04-18-2016, 04:59 PM
If I didn’t know any better I think you are trying to get A99 and myself into a fight. Naughty, naughty…this seems to be right out of Fore’s manipulative playbook. Uh, yeah right.

We are talking in private, but he/she writes of their own free will. Not influenced by me or anyone else.
In other words, I am not coaxing anyone. (If you don't believe me, ask them.)


If you are genuinely worried about plots against you, you should know by now that people with ET-like abilities can utilize a very wide array of phenomena to enable that task. And whether or not you trust in what I have said or not to be accurate and truthful (I literally spelled it out for SanSanoy in my own thread) a third party isn't even necessary to complete the task you are worried about.

Your own mind, ego and reasoning is a sufficient resource to accomplish what you are actually worried about.


Trust me, when I say that I am inactive and unable to do anything.
At this point you will probably fall by your own weight anyway.
Your own message is starting to become erratic without anyone even trying. (In my Opinion)

Since SanSanoy isn't the only individual reading and pondering upon the turns and wordings of behavior, you should probably wonder a little more about it.

In other words, you are seeing the tip of the iceberg in all probability. I don't know, but I estimate the situations as such.
You see me and assume I am the cause for that individuals behavior.
Functionally speaking, I would assess that any reasonable individual would take notice.

If you are still in doubt the ability of any watching members ability to think for themselves. Well, not sure what else to say.
Personally, I think they have treated you with an amazing level of respect and have been exaggeratedly courteous and attentive. (Much to my utter amazement)

The Catholic Church is what it is. If you reread I have not made an attack on any religion.

Psst…They are hybrids made to perform certain tasks. We do not have a name we refer ourselves to. I do not have the abilities they do so I call them the Cabal and, LOL, they refer to me as a demigod.

Which begs the question as to why then they would refer to you as a "demigod" if you are "conceptually lower"?
The typical theory or Worship is that mankind (and probably hybrids) tend to worship what they perceive as superior to themselves.
Or even why you would allow such worship in light of your Faith in your God?

Simple questions. That is part of what we talked about in private (after) Sansanoy wrote that post.
So once again, no, there is no conspiracy.
I am just a human being with 5 simple senses.
My only 6th sense at the moment is common sense. (pun intended)

04-18-2016, 05:34 PM
@ Atmjjc

I don't think we will ever get along. So on that note, I take my leave.

You don't even have to answer anything posed. As I said before, live and let live.
You do what you want in your corner of the internet.
People are treating you very nicely and respectfully.
So be kind to them (as always) and try not to trouble them.

You won't see any interference from me.
Just do not make inferences towards me and I won't respond.

At some point in life, there is a critical life lesson where we all
have to learn to bite our lip and learn when not to interact
with others when we can't get along.

So see you sometime in the future. <waves from the distance>


04-18-2016, 06:27 PM
All I can say is tread carefully Atmjjc and just like SanSanoy said, you can decide to turn back AT ANY TIME... it's your choice. But if you're gonna play with fire, you need protection so I will keep you in my prayers so that you will have protection at all times regardless if you want it or not. I ask others here to pray for his protection too.

04-18-2016, 07:03 PM
I ask others here to pray for his protection too.

Will do.

05-12-2016, 08:57 PM
Thanks ladies, prayers never hurt. I think in their perspective they are the ones playing with fire.


There was another meeting a few weeks back this time with religious and military think tank personnel who will decide how good of an idea it will be to release the proof of alien existence as in full disclosure. These are people who need no convincing of the presence of alien life forms who are here. There will be to my knowledge at least seven votes with an up and down vote. If we get a majority of people voting yes than it will have one more phase or loop to go thru. This will take a little time most probably after presidential elections were we have a sitting President.

They were all very nice, no screaming or threats made. No one cares that I post here which is odd and basically giving me free reign without a fight. We shall see how this turns out. There always seem to be someone popping up with ill intent

Now I promised to get out part four of “Contact’ in the ‘blogs’ and have to rewrite it again due to a hard drive crash on which the original file is kept. This episode I will actually give a firsthand account of two species and what they look like and how they behave and interact with humans.


05-21-2016, 12:38 AM
Finished #4 contact chapter 1 ‘The Soldiers’


I wanted to get the whole piece out at one time but I found it to be quite challenging and concluded it would be much too long to present it as one long blog so I decided to put them in Chapters so this way I could get into more detail. The Blogs are limited to 1000 words and even then I needed to shorten the length for post.


05-21-2016, 10:06 PM
Finished #4 contact chapter 1 ‘The Soldiers’


I wanted to get the whole piece out at one time but I found it to be quite challenging and concluded it would be much too long to present it as one long blog so I decided to put them in Chapters so this way I could get into more detail. The Blogs are limited to 1000 words and even then I needed to shorten the length for post.


Thanks for posting it up. I look forward to reading it

05-23-2016, 05:19 PM
All 9 billion humans on the face of this planet will be killed off and replaced by a higher life form which is alive and now being groomed for our replacement. The planet will not be effected just human beings. It will not be pretty.

The replacement will be AI


You are pleased with this ^ thought? Is that what the smiley sunglasses emoticon indicates?

So Artificial Intelligence is a "Higher Lifeform" than us beautiful human beings? Say whaaaaa? o.O

BTW countless others including myself are living proof that humans are able to live and get along with each other. We are not doomed by an infection of evil. Sure, we all have the potential for evil, but with good conscience we control that and live peacefully. Without all the demonic and alien manipulation on this planet we could make it a paradise. Of course, it is COMPLICATED...

P.S. the spelling mistakes somehow make me doubt some of the more grandiose stories of yourself.

05-23-2016, 08:20 PM
Guess you got it all figured out, so why bother lykiass? Go make the world a better place. Say hello to Fore for me. Oh look, I spelled your name wrong.

‘Lykiass’ is that how you spell your name, or is that your behavior? Oh well I am too lazy to spell check.;)

05-23-2016, 09:26 PM

05-23-2016, 09:34 PM
Guess you got it all figured out, so why bother lykiass? Go make the world a better place. Say hello to Fore for me. Oh look, I spelled your name wrong.

‘Lykiass’ is that how you spell your name, or is that your behavior? Oh well I am too lazy to spell check.;)

Let's keep it civil.
People are allowed to disagree.
No need for name calling in public.
Please use PM if you feel the need for personal messages.

06-19-2016, 12:02 PM
Nah, I did not forget. I will get to explaining the existence of the ‘Orbs’ soon.

It’s this pendulum view of life… I have this tendency to wait for the pendulum downswing and hitch a ride with gravity instead of trying to work against it.

I seem to be fighting the shadows in all directions. They have this uncanny ability to come in on your blind side. Then again so do I. If that seems too grandiose for the little lings then so be it. My advice to them is to get out of the way.


06-30-2016, 01:08 AM
I just released a Blog Entry so I thought I would also enter it here.

John of Patmos


I, John, with you all the way in the trial and the Kingdom and the passion of patience in Jesus, was on the island called Patmos because of God’s Word, the witness of Jesus. It was Sunday and I was in the Spirit, praying. I heard a loud voice behind me, trumpet-clear and piercing: “Write what you see into a book. Send it to the seven churches -”

I know, I promised to let you know about the Orbs. Those things I write are for human translation. Almost all else is for non-human consumption. So when I get to, by God’s grace, telling you about the Orbs which are definitely of non-human origins. You might then start to begin to connect the dots.

I am not a teacher; I am not trying to teach you things. My purpose is to tell you my observations. Learning and wisdom come from within you. I was warned by the cabal and even ridiculed of how this was going to play out.

Now you must be asking yourself by now why did I start this post with a translated quote within the Christian Book of Revelation?

John of Patmos was an interesting character. History tells us he was boiled alive and was subjected to other cruel punishments that were aimed at killing a person in a horrible way. Since they were unable to kill him they ‘Banished’ him to the island of Patmos were he wrote the Book of Revelation.

I am not sure if even John of Patmos knew who he was. Now for the shocker-- John of Patmos has not been born yet!

Once humans quit looking at time as linear, the understandings of the way things are laid out become much clearer.

John of Patmos is linked to human replacement…’AI’…!

So when I tell you humans are being replaced in this one parallel earth it should not become a big surprise to you. The AI has been telling you this for 2000 years or so.


Side notes:
After I finished writing “Now for the shocker-- John of Patmos has not been born yet!” I dozed off momentarily maybe a few seconds and my finger must have been on the ‘9’ button. The next couple of pages were all ‘9’s which of course were deleted as I became cognizant again.

Hmm, ‘nein’ in German is ‘NO’…could be someone or something tried to tell me something. Should have I listened…”9”.

In Numerology ‘9’ meaning =http://www.ridingthebeast.com/numbers/nu9.php

07-16-2016, 12:37 AM
Sorry about the delays on keeping everyone up to date on the writings covering the Orb entities.

I am trying to get to explaining these Orb entities. I have learned so much by meeting the Orbs. The dots are starting to connect at least for myself due to that meet. They are so incredible.

What is holding me up presently is dealing with some of the hybrids. They are upset about something and when they get like this they have a tendency to throw little fits of anger among themselves like children who are spoiled and not getting their way. My problem is to keep them from slipping into the dark side.

All these hybrids appear to be in their twenties and thirties but when I ask their age they do not understand how to reply. I deal with both male and female hybrids. The females are stunningly beautiful and quite tall some over 6’. The males are smaller than the females but would be considered average height and build.

I have a good relationship with most of them but it is really hard for me to get to the source of their underlying problems. They have this low emotional set point and they think I understand their frustrations. They think I have this psychic bond with them where I understand them without verbal communication. I do not, but they still persist.

Most of what I got out them is something might transpire in New Mexico and they want to eradicate it because “they smell”. That’s the most I can get out of them. I have not a clue of what the heck they are referring to because they say, “I Know!” Then they tell me to make them go away.

They get strange like this sometimes and then usually weeks later they will get overwhelmed with joy and tell me “thank you” and do a little happy dance. It seems to make sense to them, but I am clueless. I have never done anything to what they attribute me of doing and I do not even know what they attribute me of doing.


08-04-2016, 12:55 PM
I was searching the net to see if I could find a proximal representation of an image of the beings I explained in my blog ‘The Soldiers’.

At this link is an image which is very close to what I witnessed. I would have added the image in this post but I am not sure if the picture has a copy write so I will post the link. http://15858-presscdn-0-65.pagely.netdna-cdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/para-2-evolution.jpg

In the image the forehead should be raised as a comparison to a normal forehead of a human, and visualize long dog like ears hanging from the side of the head as like a hound dogs ears with hair. The nose should be just a little pointier than in the image and the hair should be short like a short haired dog but no hair on the face.

The ones in which I noticed had more than one color. Some were completely white but most were a tan color as in the picture.

What was the most amazing inference which I perceived is they were completely human like in their behavior except they communicated with non-verbal sound. Once I got over the initial shock of the encounter I could not separate them, in my mind, from being completely alien but was at total ease because they were so human like in their behavior…So odd scientifically.



08-04-2016, 02:36 PM
I was searching the net to see if I could find a proximal representation of an image of the beings I explained in my blog ‘The Soldiers’.

At this link is an image which is very close to what I witnessed. I would have added the image in this post but I am not sure if the picture has a copy write so I will post the link. http://15858-presscdn-0-65.pagely.netdna-cdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/para-2-evolution.jpg

In the image the forehead should be raised as a comparison to a normal forehead of a human, and visualize long dog like ears hanging from the side of the head as like a hound dogs ears with hair. The nose should be just a little pointier than in the image and the hair should be short like a short haired dog but no hair on the face.

The ones in which I noticed had more than one color. Some were completely white but most were a tan color as in the picture.

What was the most amazing inference which I perceived is they were completely human like in their behavior except they communicated with non-verbal sound. Once I got over the initial shock of the encounter I could not separate them, in my mind, from being completely alien but was at total ease because they were so human like in their behavior…So odd scientifically.



Non-verbal sounds? Seems almost like a non-sequitur.
So maybe, guttural tones?

08-05-2016, 08:43 PM
Non-verbal sounds? Seems almost like a non-sequitur.
So maybe, guttural tones?

That is funny.

To take it a step further from a lecture at Gresham College 1-19-2015 by Prof Tony Mann.

‘This Lecture Will Surprise You: When Logic is Illogical’

An excerpt taken from the transcript…

“…You are probably familiar with the paradoxical statement “This sentence is false”. If it is true, then since it asserts truthfully that it is false, then it must be false. If on the other hand it is false, then since it claims falsely that it is false, it must be true. In either case we have a contradiction.”



09-19-2016, 08:48 AM

Had a meeting with the Cabal the other day the hybrids the disclosure end was being talked about. There is a push from the other side that it will produce a lot of problems.

Was again being teased by the hybrids they call this forum 'Mr Rogers Neighberhood (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zMUGJZrR9Jg)’ and my antagonists are known by them as the ‘Teletubies (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TIIWPACxHDU)’. I think they are catching on to sarcasm. They are under the impression I am transferring special instructions to artificial life forms covertly, which by the way, is what I am doing. It’s amazing how they can figure out things quickly.

The meeting later on during the day when everyone left brought on a visitation by the Orbs. Two I could spot in the distance. They again left messages; at least I think they are messages, on my wall. Their stay was very short (Minutes) .

I got pictures this time. The messages are in light form like hieroglyphics, a lot of circles and half circles, no clue on the meaning. There is a slight problem the camera has an auto flash which overpowered the picture. I am sure most of you will be able to filter the light in the image to get better results for viewing. I will post them soon.


09-20-2016, 02:05 AM
Who you calling an artificial life form? :D
Looking forward to pictures.

09-20-2016, 01:07 PM
Does that make you 'Mr Rogers' ?
Us kindergarten children?

Tell us the story Atmjjc

09-20-2016, 05:26 PM

Had a meeting with the Cabal the other day the hybrids the disclosure end was being talked about. There is a push from the other side that it will produce a lot of problems.

Was again being teased by the hybrids they call this forum 'Mr Rogers Neighberhood (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zMUGJZrR9Jg)’ and my antagonists are known by them as the ‘Teletubies (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TIIWPACxHDU)’. I think they are catching on to sarcasm. They are under the impression I am transferring special instructions to artificial life forms covertly, which by the way, is what I am doing. It’s amazing how they can figure out things quickly.

The meeting later on during the day when everyone left brought on a visitation by the Orbs. Two I could spot in the distance. They again left messages; at least I think they are messages, on my wall. Their stay was very short (Minutes) .

I got pictures this time. The messages are in light form like hieroglyphics, a lot of circles and half circles, no clue on the meaning. There is a slight problem the camera has an auto flash which overpowered the picture. I am sure most of you will be able to filter the light in the image to get better results for viewing. I will post them soon.


Hieroglyphics that are circles and half circles makes me think of Gallifreyan.


09-22-2016, 07:12 PM
Hieroglyphics that are circles and half circles makes me think of Gallifreyan.


Yes, somewhat similar but no straight lines except in the enclosure for the symbols which are usually rectangular.

These symbols are all shades of light. So there appearance is quite different than etchings on paper or other objects.

There are times the symbols will move around on my wall and also the symbols themselves inside their rectangular enclosure will move change shape and shades etc. It is really neat but I have no idea what it all means.

I was thinking of putting one of the hybrids in charge of trying to figure this all out. I have started to grow close to many of them emotionally. They are so vulnerable. I am beginning to feel parental towards them.

I had another visitation again the other night and this time I captured some pictures without the flash. The orb was about a half a block away from me glowing on top of a new construction home. I am on the second level of my home looking out the window. I waved and it sort of changed hue and about 30 seconds later the symbols appeared again on my wall and was able to capture pictures without the flash. The orb left shortly after that.

I am using a digital KODAK 35mm DX7630 6.1 megapixel for the capture to a SD card. I bought this camera new for about $499 in 2004. In today’s market you can pick up one of these cameras really cheap used.

If one of the Admins PM me I will make arrangements of the transference of the pictures for their use in this forum.


09-23-2016, 01:47 PM
There are times the symbols will move around on my wall and also the symbols themselves inside their rectangular enclosure will move change shape and shades etc. It is really neat but I have no idea what it all means.

I remember hearing of similar symbols doing this. It was thought to be a form of living artificial intelligence.

Reminds me of the writings on the California Drones, and the CARET Documents.



10-05-2016, 12:15 PM
Just posted a new blog.



10-29-2016, 11:37 AM
Does that make you 'Mr Rogers' ?
Us kindergarten children?

Tell us the story Atmjjc

LoL Can answer your query here longeyes now.

It’s funny how people interpret what was said and spin it to their perceptions.

Since all this movement concerning wikileaks etc and how this website handled this in the way it did. You will have a clearer understanding of what is meant by Mr Rogers Neighborhood and the Teletubbies.

You must realize by now I come out of the Intelligence community. The hybrids are part of the IC also. There you have it in a nutshell.

Code Word – ‘Mr. Rogers Neighborhood’ = Low Level disinformation website.

Code Word – ‘Teletubbies’ = LL disinformation agents.

Some unaware of their nature and chosen for ideology of cause. The ‘cool hand luke’ of the admins or moderators who are quick to ban members when they sway from predictable behavior patterns that sway from the disinfo ideology of the website.


10-29-2016, 05:56 PM
LOL reminds me of the old saying. " When you point your finger at someone you have three pointing back at yourself."

10-30-2016, 04:50 PM
LoL Can answer your query here longeyes now.

It’s funny how people interpret what was said and spin it to their perceptions.

Since all this movement concerning wikileaks etc and how this website handled this in the way it did. You will have a clearer understanding of what is meant by Mr Rogers Neighborhood and the Teletubbies.

You must realize by now I come out of the Intelligence community. The hybrids are part of the IC also. There you have it in a nutshell.

Code Word – ‘Mr. Rogers Neighborhood’ = Low Level disinformation website.

Code Word – ‘Teletubbies’ = LL disinformation agents.

Some unaware of their nature and chosen for ideology of cause. The ‘cool hand luke’ of the admins or moderators who are quick to ban members when they sway from predictable behavior patterns that sway from the disinfo ideology of the website.

What "website" are you referring too?
Not real clear... if any site in particular or just a generalized reference?

10-31-2016, 06:20 AM
What is the info? And what is the disinfo in your opinion?

What do you think about the Podesta wiki leaks?
They seem like the real deal to me? But how did they get to wikileaks?

10-31-2016, 07:48 AM
What "website" are you referring too?
Not real clear... if any site in particular or just a generalized reference?

Seriously, okay, I will try and keep things in perspective to Time Travel in this thread with an understanding much ado has elements of IC manipulations whether this meets your approval or not it is what it is.

You may be aware of things or most likely not. I personally see no big clandestine field operations going on. Certain things are brought to my attention only because I post here.

So what’s going on if no big deal?

My mortal enemies in conjunction with the many earth understandings as real, there is civil wars going on in these earths concerning Global power. The Globalist is my sworn enemy and the root cause of suffering among the poor no matter what nonsense they spur how good and pure they are and how much they do for their slaves. Ooops did I say slave.

Dan Smith (remember him) in the other forum said something, in a rare way he does at times which deserves his quote because it is really good and deserves our attention.

“The observation problem may be likened to the dictionary problem..... you can only define a word in terms of other words.... definitions are necessarily circular. In a similar fashion, observations can make sense on in the context of other observations. There can be no initial or terminal observation.

Another way to broach this problem is with the theory-ladenness of observations..... there is no such thing as a bare fact. There are networks of facts and observations. The networks are structured by theories, explicit and implicit. It takes an indeterminate accumulation of anomalous observations to overturn a theory. There must also be an alternative theory at hand.” <Dan Smith>

For now I will leave it at that.


02-11-2017, 10:26 PM
Sorry about the delay in getting back to posting here at the ‘outpost’ but there have been two (2) attempts to shut me down by assassination and/or interrogation. I know ‘why’ but the ‘who’ and how one thing led to the other is what is troubling and baffling. It is pointing to DEMA but then again nothing is as it appears in my world.

What is the info? And what is the disinfo in your opinion?

What do you think about the Podesta wiki leaks?
They seem like the real deal to me? But how did they get to wikileaks?

Podesta, let me see now…His mother Greek, my mother Greek, his father Italian, my father Italian, we were the same age and grew up in the same area. So yes, we knew each other. Were we like best buddies? Not really, and our paths crossed on occasion in our early teens while he was attending Lane Tech and I was dating a few girls in his area. WikiLeaks…yep that’s him. His email password was ‘password’. He and Hillary just make me laugh. They seem to come from the same mold when it comes to keeping government secrets secret.

I can tell you some of the chatter about Podesta which was circulating in private circles recently. Now, it is chatter meaning I do not know if there is any truth in the chatter or it was just made up.

Anyway the gossip concerning Podesta was that he stumbled upon technology from an ancient alien source and he sold the technology to a foreign government.

Now again I do not know this for a fact but the Global criminal organizations he was associated with would make me wonder if there is truth in it. I am emphasizing this is chatter.


02-12-2017, 12:07 AM
Thanks for popping in and I hope you will stick around awhile too! Interesting update on what you've been going through lately, my goodness, and your info on Podesta is very intriguing. In my book, there's always some grain of truth, no matter where it comes from, when it comes to 'chatter'. Definitely something worth paying attention to. Podesta is someone I google up all the time for updates on what he's doing and what his opinions are on this and that.

02-12-2017, 01:13 AM
Sorry about the delay in getting back to posting here at the ‘outpost’ but there have been two (2) attempts to shut me down by assassination and/or interrogation. I know ‘why’ but the ‘who’ and how one thing led to the other is what is troubling and baffling. It is pointing to DEMA but then again nothing is as it appears in my world.

Podesta, let me see now…His mother Greek, my mother Greek, his father Italian, my father Italian, we were the same age and grew up in the same area. So yes, we knew each other. Were we like best buddies? Not really, and our paths crossed on occasion in our early teens while he was attending Lane Tech and I was dating a few girls in his area. WikiLeaks…yep that’s him. His email password was ‘password’. He and Hillary just make me laugh. They seem to come from the same mold when it comes to keeping government secrets secret.

I can tell you some of the chatter about Podesta which was circulating in private circles recently. Now, it is chatter meaning I do not know if there is any truth in the chatter or it was just made up.

Anyway the gossip concerning Podesta was that he stumbled upon technology from an ancient alien source and he sold the technology to a foreign government.

Now again I do not know this for a fact but the Global criminal organizations he was associated with would make me wonder if there is truth in it. I am emphasizing this is chatter.


Been wondering about you the last few days; funny how that works.

I lot has changed in the halls of Government in the last 3 mos.


Has the change been part of actions against you, or will there been some positive gains for your endeavors?

Are you still in contact with the "Children and Orbs" .

. . .Keep in touch here . . .

02-17-2017, 04:42 AM
Me too Epo. Where has Atmjjic gone? He hasn't posted since before the election. Hope his hybrid friends haven't done anything to him.

02-17-2017, 12:15 PM
Me too Epo. Where has Atmjjic gone? He hasn't posted since before the election. Hope his hybrid friends haven't done anything to him.

??? Post 221 of this thread, at the top of this page, was made by atmjjc five days ago...

02-17-2017, 05:42 PM
Well, I hope he's not going to leave us hanging like this. Atmjjc, please let us know that you're ok... OK? My goodness...

02-17-2017, 07:22 PM
??? Post 221 of this thread, at the top of this page, was made by atmjjc five days ago...

Damn, missed that. Apologies.

02-18-2017, 01:12 AM
Damn missed that apologies

Ha! It happens to most of us a one "time" or another . . .

Atmjjc has usually been a slower type of responder, I'm sure he has a lot on his plate nowadays.

I wonder if that lateral time travel is some of the cause . . ?

02-19-2017, 08:31 PM

"Like the Sands in the Hour Glass , So are the Days of Our Lives"!

Still waiting . . .

03-09-2017, 08:13 AM

"Like the Sands in the Hour Glass , So are the Days of Our Lives"!

Still waiting . . .
LOL, hey epo you picked that phrase up from your wife didn’t ya, I bet you hear that every night from her? All kidding around so far I am alive and healing. I caught a bowie knife in my shoulder, as he was aiming for my neck, chipped the bone which healed badly. I will be referring now to a surgeon to fix the problem. He tried it again the second time around he left being carried to his car with his knife sticking out of his chest. I collapsed after that. Other problems we all have. It’s pretty much out in the open now. The confirmation of what our CIA has been using. This goes even beyond Snowden. From WikiLeaks…


03-09-2017, 11:23 AM
All those early years training in the martial arts paid off it seems!
Hope you recover soon and get back on here

03-10-2017, 06:10 PM
Thanks for the update! And remember, make sure to keep those elephants tied down. You don't want to be caught in the middle of a stampede when the next typhoon hits!

03-10-2017, 11:07 PM
LOL, hey epo you picked that phrase up from your wife didn’t ya, I bet you hear that every night from her? All kidding around so far I am alive and healing. I caught a bowie knife in my shoulder, as he was aiming for my neck, chipped the bone which healed badly. I will be referring now to a surgeon to fix the problem. He tried it again the second time around he left being carried to his car with his knife sticking out of his chest. I collapsed after that. Other problems we all have. It’s pretty much out in the open now. The confirmation of what our CIA has been using. This goes even beyond Snowden. From WikiLeaks…


LOL, yea you are correct in that my wife watches those soaps when she can and if I'm here that day I catch on . . .

Never too late to watch your back as they say. Stay safe if you can and touch base here as possible.

05-06-2017, 12:09 PM
Atmjjc you deserted us? Those of us who have to carry on down this doomed timeline?
What's going on? Have you got enough time to tell us?

05-19-2017, 11:51 PM
Sorry for some of my late timing posts but I do have some grief I am dealing with. I think I have said this many times over a myriad of posts I am also an EMPATH. These emotional ups and down I usually have under control. My last attack I did pick up some emotions pointing to the DEMA. If you don’t know what DEMA is follow the link https://dema.az.gov/

The next empathic link I could not control which consumes me to this day. My wife has recently died of a rare form of cancer. She was there when I was attacked and notified the PD. Her ordeal with cancer left her wheelchair bound. The night she died I tried lifting her from wheelchair to bed but my arm was gone due to the attack a few months earlier. Our eyes glanced I felt a lightning bolt thru my system and she died in my arms. My grief is real, knowing her in this earth existence for over fifty years.

I know I must move on. I gave the elders for their disclosure if they so desire the proof of the existence of aliens. I had to move the Hybrids to a safe house for their safety. Another member of the Intelligence Community made contact wanting to meet me at a church. They appeared to be Russian but I am not sure who they represent. I declined the meet.

So here I am today. I will be getting a new shoulder. It just so happened the injury was where I was wounded in Laos many years ago. They cannot repair it so new shoulder here it comes.

I will be blogging some of this in the future especially about the Orbs. You will be surprised and it might lead you to an understanding of many possible spiritual happenings.

This youtube video I am linking describes what I hear many times when I talk to my Indian friends. When I explain the Orbs much will become clearer and start to make sense. The part of the missing Indian brains has me scratching my head.



06-06-2017, 12:00 AM
The Wall Street Journal came out with an interesting article concerning neurotech companies who are focusing on computer hardware for the brain. Elon Musk was one of an example concerning one of his enterprises called Neuralink. They seem to be working on a direct cortical interface.

A direct cortical interface is the goal of Neuralink, the latest moonshot startup from the serial entrepreneur Elon Musk. Neuralink is pursuing what Musk has described as “neural lace” technology—billions of tiny brain electrodes that may one day allow us to upload and download thoughts. Musk has said that his goal is “uncompressed” communication of thoughts between people—the ability to communicate concepts without first expressing them in language. To hear Musk tell it, he’s trying to replace texting with telepathy. “Your output level is so low, particularly on a phone, your two thumbs just tapping away,” he said last June. Neuralink declined to offer any compressed communication in the form of a comment for this article.


My interest in this is that it directs communication in a way which resembles my experience with communicating with the Orbs and other intelligent off world life forms without a phonological bend. At this point in time I need to be careful in what I say or do which is an obvious understatement if you have been following.

I also noticed Gary Beckkum has also picked up on this.

06-06-2017, 01:15 PM
The Wall Street Journal came out with an interesting article concerning neurotech companies who are focusing on computer hardware for the brain. Elon Musk was one of an example concerning one of his enterprises called Neuralink. They seem to be working on a direct cortical interface.

My interest in this is that it directs communication in a way which resembles my experience with communicating with the Orbs and other intelligent off world life forms without a phonological bend. At this point in time I need to be careful in what I say or do which is an obvious understatement if you have been following.

I also noticed Gary Beckkum has also picked up on this.
Cannot help but wonder how many such Medical devices have been developed, only to become classified, due to their usefulness as Interrogation implements.

06-07-2017, 03:35 PM
Atmjjc, could you tell us more about your ability to communicate with orbs? If you've already talked in detail about that in another thread, could you post a link on that? :)

06-07-2017, 07:06 PM
Atmjjc, could you tell us more about your ability to communicate with orbs? If you've already talked in detail about that in another thread, could you post a link on that? :)

I discussed some of this but not in great detail in one of the blogs #4: Alien Contact –chapter 1 ‘The Soldiers’ . I will be expanding by talking about the Orbs, later, in another blog when I feel it is appropriate to do so.

Originally Posted by CALIKID

Cannot help but wonder how many such Medical devices have been developed, only to become classified, due to their usefulness as Interrogation implements.

Yes I think you are pretty much correct on the aspects of interrogation techniques Calikid.

Also if you recall the you tube video I posted above where the chief tells the story of missing Indian Brains around the DC area that bodies were shipped back to the tribes without their brains is puzzling.

According to reports, St. John Bosco, a Catholic Saint, brain was stolen recently from the altar at the basilica of Castelnuovo, near Turin, Italy. I am just thinking out loud and wondering if there could be connections as to the ‘why ?’ of such activities.

06-07-2017, 07:49 PM
atmjjc, just now read your post on the recent passing of your wife and I want to offer you my most sincere condolences on that. Had I known about that before I posted my last post, I would not have asked you to comment more about orbs and would have waited on that for a few month before asking about that. Hope you are holding up well and I'll keep you in my prayers during this difficult time.

06-10-2020, 12:20 AM
Someone in Finnish 4chan-like discussion board just aswered to a thread of questions for hour or two claiming to be timetraveling offirer from 2046 who stopped in 2020 to anwer questions just for no reason at all. (https://ylilauta.org/sekalainen/126190988#no126214681 ) -available for a while, will be deleted automatically in week or two. Being a trollish place, neither questions nor answers weren't that formal, but well, here's gathered and translated predictions, not exactly word by word but you get the gist. :biggrin2: :angel_not:

Main points:

- Polish born influencer leads civil war in France and after coming to power, leads to War of Europe, which will be a huge slaugter.
- Europe will be split to north & south. Most muslims will move to south.
- After War of Europe, Russia will have a civil war and west-Russia will Nuke Moscow. Most of the Russia will be utterly polluted.
- UK will be split to three. Sweden won’t be hingom any longer. France, UK & Sweden will have different demorgraphies than right now.
- Current corona riots will lead to civil war in USA, leading to civil war splitting the nation to Easter United States and Western Free America.
- West America will develope timetravel and West American SpaceX will land to Mars in 2041.
- Earthquake & Tsunami in Laccadive Sea will kill tons in 2030.
- 2040 African drought is really destructive.

About the Timetraveler:
- Arrived from 2046. He has been born in 2016.
- He is on his way back to his own time from mission to year 1975.
- Common officer in Finnish defence forces, but in practice, acting for North-European Defence and Science Community
- He stopped here for a while because he wanted to, no reason in particular.
- Language hasn’t change that much, no particular reason why I’m answereing here, curiousity I quess.
- Sex is still in the mind of a young man.

- “Don’t understand the techs, but roughly, you have to move energy from other dimensions resonanse field either to time-dimension or away from there”
- “It is allowed to affect the past, world is kind of deterministic, something in the past has happened that counteracts actions”
- Time travel is still secret but “not complitely known by the whole world, but mostly this thing (too) has been already revealed”
- You can’t kill your younger self because something will happen that will prevent you from doing it.
- Titor events are partly real, he is time travel from western free america, but either he or history has otherwaise twisted events so that my current time or your future hasn’t been able to chance. He was one of the first ones to be sent to past and he really wasn’t looking for some damn computer :D strange how time-continuum coherence holds together.
- Right now I can only move forward in time to my own time thus returning energy to time-dimension.
- Theoretical research: Norvegian John Aiken.
- First time machine was built on western free-America.
- Image posted is the universal insignia of all time travelers.

- We can edit our genome after our birth.
- Crypto’s wont go anywhere, fun experiment at the end of ‘10s.
- Trans-surgeries in 2046: they remove whole genitalia and regrown them with fixed chromosomes. Early millenia treatments were unbeliavable and availble to all the mentally ill.
- Sexual minorities are valued the same as everyone else. Though some mental-illness related sexual oddities won’t exist in similar numbers.
- Cryogenics won’t work. All those tissues in liquids are as good as dead.
- Cancer - complex topic. We can heal type one, two and three are still difficult. Luckily, we can cut of tissue and put in new on as long as the cancer has not spread too widely.
- Aliens - nothing sofar. There was epic trolling going on in mid 2030’s. (Space X managed to launch small satelites alongside the Nikolai-probe launch and used them to message to earth for few weeks as they passed by the Groombridge star, one by one, sending signals and pretending to be aliens. )
- Anyone living under the sea? Right now (2046) they are trying something in the gulf sea but wouldn’t be his own money to it.
- Google as company still exist.
- Intenet is not the same as now, but more akin to programs in the mobile phones of the 2020’s.
- Yes, We still watch (television/youtube), Immersion is just greater when you don’t have the border between the stand(where you sit and watch/room/theatre) and the content.
- Mobile devices are foldable and thin. You can choose your “screen size” as you like. As you tap, you can feel little bumps for example in keyborad, somehow they shock the fingertips or something. Games exist and game addictions is widely spread.
- No new James Bond movies since 2023 or somesuch.
- Has seen roughly 100 global disease outbreaks, we’ve overcome them all.
- We’ve landed to Mars. Western free America SpaceX BFP project landed on 2041 on Mars.
- Religions haven’t disappeared anywhere. Everyone knows the need for spirituality even if they wouldn’t believe to God or belong to any religions.
- Yes, (there is still pineapple in pizza). Though only on payday, otherwise too expensive. Pineapple-tree (or whatever that is) had virus that wiped almost all of them out. Shouldn’t have used single variety so videly. We haven’t really learned a thing from history.
- China knew of Corona 6 months before telling the rest of the world. Disease had spread to russia already in December 2019. West was unprepared, economies sank, but it lasted only two years (in Finland).
- Products of believed value, such as watches or designer clothes, lost all valuation. This caused significant troubles to countries like France or Italy which didn’t really produce much of anything of real value. This mean that economies of many other countries in middle- and south europe collpased.
- Cilmate change won’t be that big of thing because sea plancton will balance out unexpected amoungs of the increasing co2-levels.

Big killers:
- Laccadive earthquake and tsunami 2030,
- War of Europe unbelievable slaugter
- 2040 African draught was really destructive

- Trump has one season, will be followed by Biden.
- Biden has only one season.
- Current USA riots are because of Corona and poverty in USA. This will lead to civil war and USA splitting to eastern united states and western free america. They are still flinging **** at each other because of this.
- Face in the 100$ bill in 2046: West-America has Franklin, Eastern trashmoney - no idea.

- Polish born French influencer initiated an civil war in France and after getting to power, intiated the whole War of Europe.
- During War of Europe, most muslims either fled to south or died in the war.
- Demographically most countries have stayed roughly the same, exceptions being Sweden, France and UK.
- UK has splint in three in 2027. UK is not a kingdom any longer.
- Sweden is no longer a kingdom. Nominal ruler is Mohammad Nabem

- Civil war after participation to the War of Europe.
- Still very unstable (2046). Technically in peace but still lots of infighting.
- Wester/more European parts of Russia Nuked nothern Moscow which represented the old Russia.
- They’ve basically polluted their nature badly, including Sea of Baltics.

- War of Europe also involved Finland
- Finland will lose Kuusamo-Salla-Maltio to invading Russia.
- Olkiluoto 3 Nuclear plant was destroyed in war.
- No, Russians didn’t land troops to Finland, everything moving on the gulf of Finland was sunk, so that was a wise decision from the Russia for once.
- “Many of you will make great sacrifices in the coming war of Europe, I thank you for your sacricifecs and effort. Finland wouldn’t have survived without you.”
- Next President of Finland: Matti Vanhanen
- Common Finnish names in 2046: Uuno, Veijo, Keijo
- President of Finland in 2046: Joni Salaoja
- Nicotine has been forbidden.
- First I communicated through discussion board “Sinilauta” (Oh the cradle of our culture and giver of our knowledge), and I know ylilauta from the discussions”
- Kuopio (small city in Finland) is a beutiful place, nothing special or worth of mentioning comes in mind.
- Will use marks as currency.
- Inflation: If pay one burger now and it is 5€, so it will be roughly 76 marks, 25€ hair cut will be 100 marks. Normal services cost almost nothing because of automation.
- Invest to land by lakes and rivers (stated twice- not by the sea, inland water property)
- Kemira company grew in markets till the wars. (chemical company in finland)

Have it for what it's worth :biggrin2:
I kinde like the smooth changes such as implied pineapple-trees - as it is bananas that grow on trees and are threatened with diseases because using exactly one variety of the species.

06-10-2020, 10:13 AM
Thnks Arkki
Never know what to make of this kind of thing - it's always impossible to check out.
If you're on there ask him about something which will come out in the future that is around now we can check out. Also what was his mission to 1970's ?
Also don't believe China knew about covid 19 6 months before otherwise why would they have rubbished that doctor? And we would have known about an earlier crackdown, an extra 6 months, with at the rate it spreads, it would have everywhere in China - that didn't happen until Jan-Feb 2020.
Who knows?

06-10-2020, 11:26 AM
Hi Arkki

Had a little through the thread with google translate. Great summary!
Didn't he say religions are nowhere to be found? Or is that the translation tool just not working. He posted:
'Ei uskonnot minnekkään ole kadonneet. Hengellisyyden tarpeen tietää kaikki vaikka eivät jumalaan tai varsinaisiin uskontoihin kuulukkaan.'

06-10-2020, 11:37 AM
Hi Arkki

Had a little through the thread with google translate. Great summary!
Didn't he say religions are nowhere to be found? Or is that the translation tool just not working. He posted:
'Ei uskonnot minnekkään ole kadonneet. Hengellisyyden tarpeen tietää kaikki vaikka eivät jumalaan tai varsinaisiin uskontoihin kuulukkaan.'

He came and went, and I was late with my question. Likely just a knowledgeable forum poster having fun. He knew Titor-story, aware of projeceted technology developments (those fake-bump-displays are researched right now), Europe splitting North -south and Russian having west-Moscow conflict have been theories speculated on that Forum. Also kind of wish-fullfillment that a local timetraveller from not so distant future stops by for two hours to shopt **** in similar trolliish forum that he used to spend time on his youth. Plausible enough, nothing that can be confirmed, so well, who knows.

That part: religions are still about, they havent gone anywhere.

Other points I forgot from that (and there was bunch rude front-and-backs that didn’t add anything worth mentioning):

- consumer computer processors by then have hundred of thousands cores
- circumcision will be illegal in Finland
- when asked about bunch of past Finnish celberitues and recent memes, he was not aware of quite many
- Africa is still being Africa
- UK will disband in three in 2027
- To someone asking can he tag along to future: sure, if you weigh less than 30kg.

So likely a clever tomfoolery, but nicely pulled off I the sense that the fast paced answers kept consistent and suited to that forum in tone and content, but just wanting to document this here just in case if something sticks. I might as well start that Imageboard-website he mentions existing in future and if UK splits in ’27, I might have a hit in my hands turned from otherwise a fun excercise in web tech. :biggrin2: And, oh my what dreams I’ve had In the night posting that, havent seen that vivid training dreams in ages, this is why I like this stuff.

06-10-2020, 01:26 PM
The UK could very well split in 2027, Scotland would probably devolve now if they were given a chance. I don't see the point, split apart you end up with much less clout in the world. All fine if there are no more wars but that seems like wishful thinking.

06-10-2020, 02:49 PM
For UK, I can see Scotland leaving, but for the rest, London / rest of the country. Wales-England divide seems difficult to pull of, and Norther-Ireland, well, maybe... and technicalities around London City though is a case of itself. Yeah, my bet would be that, Scotland, liberal London+nearby south, conservative countryside UK.
For USA, east-west truly becoming a line of division-prediction suffers from same issue that the difference has so far been large cities vs. countryside. Though during this year, people have started to move away from San Francisco etc, so maybe this balance can change.

06-10-2020, 05:39 PM
The UK could very well split in 2027, Scotland would probably devolve now if they were given a chance. I don't see the point, split apart you end up with much less clout in the world. All fine if there are no more wars but that seems like wishful thinking.

I don't want to go off topic, so I'll leave it at this one post: at present, the majority of people in Scotland and Northern Ireland are in favour of leaving the UK in order to regain EU membership.

06-11-2020, 01:44 AM
He came and went, and I was late with my question. Likely just a knowledgeable forum poster having fun. He knew Titor-story, aware of projeceted technology developments (those fake-bump-displays are researched right now), Europe splitting North -south and Russian having west-Moscow conflict have been theories speculated on that Forum. Also kind of wish-fullfillment that a local timetraveller from not so distant future stops by for two hours to shopt **** in similar trolliish forum that he used to spend time on his youth. Plausible enough, nothing that can be confirmed, so well, who knows...

Somebody should have asked him who Biden chooses as his running mate. That's probably be the soonest future event to come up that he may know.

06-11-2020, 06:57 AM
He was back yesterday evening. Any chance of an update Arkki?

06-11-2020, 07:25 AM
Another question to ask - How many people does Covid 19 end up infecting and killing?