Blog Comments

  1. WildMage's Avatar
    still highly interested atmjjc, I do lurk from time to time to see where this is going. you are hitting certain specifics that have piqued my curiosity. looking forward to your next installment.
  2. Longeyes's Avatar
    Well just think it would be good to get if you get it out there whether in book form or not. Problem with this site is that although in the future they might look back and say they knew what was going on why didn't we? At the moment hardly anyone gets to hear this stuff. Trying to convince rational people with evidence I think is key.

    This is what I was trying to convey in much better words. Dudjom Lingpa was a great Tibetan master.

    'This primordial ground is present in the mindstreams of all sentient beings, but it is tightly constricted by dualistic grasping; and it is regarded as external, firm, and solid. This is like water in its natural, fluid state freezing in a cold wind. It is due to dualistic grasping onto subjects and objects that the ground, which is naturally free, becomes frozen into the appearances of things.'

    ~ Dudjom Lingpa (1835 - 1904)
  3. atmjjc's Avatar
    Nature vs. Nurture, which invokes the thought processes of the being in the environment of the reality in which it presides. Energy follows the thought concept which produces the action you take. Energy follows thought.

    I seem to be working more now that I am retired than before. There are some small obstacles in my way concerning the continuation of the Orbs. I have some wealthy individuals who have the connections and are pushing me into writing books and are negotiating prices with me of large monetary advances. My conundrum is I have looked into the UFO crowd and I am not at all that impressed. I would rather just throw it out there and let the dice roll where they may. So I have some choices to make. I am not in this for the money nor do I want to fall into the money trap.
  4. Longeyes's Avatar
    I'm pretty sure it's the other way round there is a shift in the substrate then we have a crude approximation that is called conceptual thought. By the time you have the thought it has already happened. The only choice is to enter the flow and serve all sentient beings. The energy never stops flowing we try to break it up in our minds that is an illusion. Nice track though cheers Atmjjc.
    Still looking forward to your new posts on contact
  5. calikid's Avatar
    Wow. That was a real page turner.
    Blew right through it in a hurry.

    And then? And then?
    Mark me impatiently waiting for next installment.
  6. atmjjc's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by calikid
    I greatly enjoyed Carlos Castaneda. Many years ago, when "A Separate Reality" came out I was in High School, naturally reading the book lead to reading his earlier work; "Teachings of Don Juan...".
    They were eye-openers to just how big the (hidden) world really is, about the time I was starting university.
    The works helped broaden my horizons & question reality.

    Anyway, is your Blog off HOLD yet?
    Some fresh ink would be good.
    Of course, I had a hard drive crash without warning which had the file on it so give me a few days to rewrite to post.
  7. calikid's Avatar
    I greatly enjoyed Carlos Castaneda. Many years ago, when "A Separate Reality" came out I was in High School, naturally reading the book lead to reading his earlier work; "Teachings of Don Juan...".
    They were eye-openers to just how big the (hidden) world really is, about the time I was starting university.
    The works helped broaden my horizons & question reality.

    Anyway, is your Blog off HOLD yet?
    Some fresh ink would be good.
  8. atmjjc's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by calikid
    Sharing your experiences is appreciated.

    But when you state that you realize some of what you say sounds "lame" (ie Demigod, etc.), even to you, it cannot be unexpected that other will express some level of disbelief.

    You are free to respond to their comments, or ignore them.
    If lines are crossed (violations of ToS), there is always the "Complaint" button that triggers a moderator review, or simply send PM to staff.

    Belated condolences on the loss of your mentor/friend.
    Sounds like it was long ago, but one of those losses that stays with us a lifetime.

    CaliKid - TOP Forum Moderator
    I do understand your problems of being a moderator and how some interactions among members can become huge problems for the admins on how to respond if at all. Sometimes it can present burning the candle at both ends type situation in which you are damned if you do and damned if you don’t respond. I truly understand this.

    The example you pose does not quite make sense to me because being critical is good and even healthy and when questions are presented in this fashion it can lead to strong intellectual arguments which shed light upon the situation being discussed. So whether I believe the Cabal refers to me as a demigod is lame has no bearing on this member’s behavior or on the narrative for that matter. This is what they now refer me as being and I stated this as truth and my feelings thus, but it gives him no right to troll, though this was not the reason why this member began trolling. I could go into behavior in detail since it has been part of my profession in one form or another probably longer than 90% of the members of this forum have been alive but since this person is in the doghouse presently I will not take advantage of this.

    Thank you for your condolences Calikid it is appreciated. The pain of his death even though many years ago lingers in my brain and will be held in my heart for many earths to come.

    My teachings from this earth and the path I follow from my heart was spoken by Juan Matus (Don Juan) and written down by Castaneda for all to read but little of it is understood if not of the ‘warrior’ mold…

    “Only as a warrior can one withstand the path of knowledge. A warrior cannot complain or regret anything. His life is an endless challenge, and challenges cannot possibly be good or bad. Challenges are simply challenges.”
    ~Carlos Castaneda

    Updated 05-08-2016 at 02:49 PM by atmjjc
  9. calikid's Avatar
    Sharing your experiences is appreciated.

    But when you state that you realize some of what you say sounds "lame" (ie Demigod, etc.), even to you, it cannot be unexpected that other will express some level of disbelief.

    You are free to respond to their comments, or ignore them.
    If lines are crossed (violations of ToS), there is always the "Complaint" button that triggers a moderator review, or simply send PM to staff.

    Belated condolences on the loss of your mentor/friend.
    Sounds like it was long ago, but one of those losses that stays with us a lifetime.

    CaliKid - TOP Forum Moderator
  10. atmjjc's Avatar
    Welcome Nickkeynew, I will most likely be writing about this in 3 or 4+ sections. I will usually wait until around 250 views before I add another verse. It is important I get the background and what actually led up to my encounter. I understand the Alien process and a lot of the whys. I was just blown away by what I have learned. Trust me; I have been around for quite some time.

    I see I have surpassed the 250 view mark and I will be posting part 2 shortly within the next couple of days.

  11. Nickkeynew's Avatar
    If you have 12 hours to spend with 2 different alien speices what do you talk about or do? I'd have a million questions I wouldn't know where to start.
  12. atmjjc's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by WildMage
    ok you pique my curiosity in reading both the thread this originated from and the previously related blog post.

    2 stories one was an intrusion of sorts and the the other a altered view into a different time and world of sorts. I believe I wrote of these back in the omf days but it seems a bit closer and appropriate here.

    the firs is of a vision of sorts where a egg shaped craft and its environment overlapped my perception of reality for a brief moment. It sort of phased in and we we in a black bubble of sorts illuminated by the orange glow of the egg shaped craft. A door on the side of the craft opened and its occupant asked me "Are you the Shark" this initially seemed like nonsense, however at the time i had been playing quite a bit of pool, so the question seemed to be related to this. At least this is how my mind interpreted the question at the time. There are two aspects with this one has to do with dimming or hiding ones true abilities, to which the question could be answered in the affirmative. The second aspect however has to do with the purpose for hiding ones ability. A shark hides it for personal gain by taking advantage of another entity who has underestimated the given situation they find themselves in. When measuring the question against this second aspect then the answer was no. The answer thru this analysis was provided as No to the entity in the egg shaped craft. The entity promptly closed the door to the craft and moved on. What I recollect in this encounter was thinking this was a time traveler, who was moving from one frame of reference to another. Dimensional hopping in time? I cannot really explain the movement, it is like he existed, and continued to exist, but in a different and inaccessible frame of reference or time.


    The second story was a vision of sorts in which my attention was drawn to a sector in the sky where a portal of sorts opened and a fighter jet followed by 2 more fighters popped out. A dogfight ensued wherein the two aircraft following were destroyed and the first jet was damaged to the point of the pilot having to eject. The scene unfolded before me as if I was an observer but could feel the emotions of those living thru it. As the pilot hit the ground 2 very young children met up with him and understood they needed to hide the pilot for a period of time. This was confirmed when later that evening and night a door to door search was conducted to locate the downed pilot by military troops. I cannot truly say what part of the world this was, but it felt like Holland. Based on the scenery, it was rural, with hay bales in the fields, and a windmill, and a wood rail fence, yet it was close enough to the ocean for a lighthouse. Once again this vision seemed to be related to time travel, and some type of dimensional jump between worlds.


    I do have a strange pull to the Superstition Mountains... like something is being hidden there, but I have also been thru whatever mechanism this world has to offer been kept away from them. Many a times I have considered simply packing the car and heading out that way with enough supplies to survive for 6 months or so. Funny part is I am not a survivalist by a long shot.

    Your mention of the women however is tickling remembrance centers which are locked down tight, I can feel their essence, as if in recall, but have no freaking clue as to why, when,or where.

    would you happen to know what the patch you saw represented and/or have you ever seen it again elsewhere?
    i am also trying to understand what it is that was imparted to you which would necessitate the Alien using you in this manner... Do you have a feeling of what this is or what is different within you? i can sort of understand it, but is the alien no longer able to perform its duties without you, for example you now hold the pieces that allows him to travel thru time or is it something else altogether.

    Yes, I remember those stories…Close enough…The cigar is yours. There is over a 90% probability that the ‘Shark” the time traveler was referring to is me. I can’t get into any more detail than that.

    Why does the Alien use me in such a matter would be to extend their life into infinity. There is a longer version but it would take up much too much to explain it in this reply.

    Why you…only time will tell or I will explain a little more when I get the chance.

    Live Long WM and may your memories catch up with you.
  13. atmjjc's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by aquila
    certain males of alien species who fornicate with the female of their type do so with the understanding that they will be eaten by the female as a means of maximizing the males' contribution to the offspring - the eating process is not entirely a female dominant act. humans are not prone to practice such sacrificial breeding since human anatomy prohibits further in vivo participation once the breeding act has taken place. terrestrial life forms do exist in which the male ends up as a meal for its own offspring. in such terrestrial cases the male has the option of being siezed by the female or making a quick get away.
    You can see this behavior in nature…two examples would be in the arachnid family…as in Black Widow where the unlucky male gets eaten after sex and in the Wolf Spider the little hatchlings ride on the mothers stomach slowly devouring her for nutrients.
  14. WildMage's Avatar
    ok you pique my curiosity in reading both the thread this originated from and the previously related blog post.

    2 stories one was an intrusion of sorts and the the other a altered view into a different time and world of sorts. I believe I wrote of these back in the omf days but it seems a bit closer and appropriate here.

    the firs is of a vision of sorts where a egg shaped craft and its environment overlapped my perception of reality for a brief moment. It sort of phased in and we we in a black bubble of sorts illuminated by the orange glow of the egg shaped craft. A door on the side of the craft opened and its occupant asked me "Are you the Shark" this initially seemed like nonsense, however at the time i had been playing quite a bit of pool, so the question seemed to be related to this. At least this is how my mind interpreted the question at the time. There are two aspects with this one has to do with dimming or hiding ones true abilities, to which the question could be answered in the affirmative. The second aspect however has to do with the purpose for hiding ones ability. A shark hides it for personal gain by taking advantage of another entity who has underestimated the given situation they find themselves in. When measuring the question against this second aspect then the answer was no. The answer thru this analysis was provided as No to the entity in the egg shaped craft. The entity promptly closed the door to the craft and moved on. What I recollect in this encounter was thinking this was a time traveler, who was moving from one frame of reference to another. Dimensional hopping in time? I cannot really explain the movement, it is like he existed, and continued to exist, but in a different and inaccessible frame of reference or time.


    The second story was a vision of sorts in which my attention was drawn to a sector in the sky where a portal of sorts opened and a fighter jet followed by 2 more fighters popped out. A dogfight ensued wherein the two aircraft following were destroyed and the first jet was damaged to the point of the pilot having to eject. The scene unfolded before me as if I was an observer but could feel the emotions of those living thru it. As the pilot hit the ground 2 very young children met up with him and understood they needed to hide the pilot for a period of time. This was confirmed when later that evening and night a door to door search was conducted to locate the downed pilot by military troops. I cannot truly say what part of the world this was, but it felt like Holland. Based on the scenery, it was rural, with hay bales in the fields, and a windmill, and a wood rail fence, yet it was close enough to the ocean for a lighthouse. Once again this vision seemed to be related to time travel, and some type of dimensional jump between worlds.


    I do have a strange pull to the Superstition Mountains... like something is being hidden there, but I have also been thru whatever mechanism this world has to offer been kept away from them. Many a times I have considered simply packing the car and heading out that way with enough supplies to survive for 6 months or so. Funny part is I am not a survivalist by a long shot.

    Your mention of the women however is tickling remembrance centers which are locked down tight, I can feel their essence, as if in recall, but have no freaking clue as to why, when,or where.

    would you happen to know what the patch you saw represented and/or have you ever seen it again elsewhere?
    i am also trying to understand what it is that was imparted to you which would necessitate the Alien using you in this manner... Do you have a feeling of what this is or what is different within you? i can sort of understand it, but is the alien no longer able to perform its duties without you, for example you now hold the pieces that allows him to travel thru time or is it something else altogether.

  15. aquila's Avatar
    certain males of alien species who fornicate with the female of their type do so with the understanding that they will be eaten by the female as a means of maximizing the males' contribution to the offspring - the eating process is not entirely a female dominant act. humans are not prone to practice such sacrificial breeding since human anatomy prohibits further in vivo participation once the breeding act has taken place. terrestrial life forms do exist in which the male ends up as a meal for its own offspring. in such terrestrial cases the male has the option of being siezed by the female or making a quick get away.