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Thread: Who will be the next pres?

  1. #11
    Ron Paul is possible right now.

    He is the only canidate that will pull votes from Obama.

    Newt has no chance of doing this....none of the others do also.

    In order to defeat Obama, you need to take votes away from him.

    Stop saying it isn't possible for Paul to win.

    It is.

    And really....there is no meaningful difference between Obama and the rest of the republicrat field

    All continue wars...all continue bankster dominance.

    Ron's possible

  2. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by rdunk View Post

    I say the first order of business is to defeat the current POTUS, in absolute, and to get rid of all of his multi-level Czarists scheming. This country is in deep trouble, in many areas, and at this point we need a person, in office, that can start turning this "big ship back onto its original course". And original course, in my terms = absolutely in compliance with the "intent" of the Constitution of the United States, as determined by it creators. This "ship" has strayed so far off course, it won't get fixed in just four years, it may take decades, if we include financial recovery. We must get the Federal government out of our private lives, and out of the lives of our states.
    As a fellow Texan I say " well said". This ship is not just going in the wrong direction, it is listing heavily. We need more power to "the real generators" of jobs (and man the bucket brigade). Having been one I don't understand how anyone keeps their doors open today with the regs in place.

  3. #13
    How did the lax regulation of the banking industry work out?

    That being said...I'd agree that we need less govt...not more....but you will never get democrats that voted for Obama with that pitch.

  4. #14
    I just don't see Ron Paul getting the positive media coverage he will need. In the long run the media is the force that will elect the President.

  5. #15
    Hey murmur - I don't have the figures, but it wasn't just Democrats that are responsible for Obama being elected as POTUS in 2008. His votes also included many others, from various segments, particularly including significant numbers of independents. It is quite obvious today, that much of his non-democratic voting base is recognizing , in spades, just how terrible and ineffective Obama really is, as POTUS, and even many Democrats are bailing out. So, I don't think getting the votes to beat Obama will be a problem, if we nominate the right person. I think Ron Paul is very border line. He is pretty near the bottom of the candidate list, for me.

    To win, we just have to make sure we have someone nominated, that will immediately start "presiding" in the right direction. Much of what Ron Paul talks about doing, would not have a Chinaman's chance of getting through a Republican controlled Senate and Congress either. With him as POTUS, it likely still would be a continuous fight, between he and the legislative branch of government. Then not much gets done.

  6. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by ScaRZ View Post
    I just don't see Ron Paul getting the positive media coverage he will need. In the long run the media is the force that will elect the President.

    You're right....the media is bought and paid for by Republ-ocrats

    But the internet is media is free....that is what the internet something to be feared by the elites...political elites, media elite and the real power elites.

    Social media...and/or the internet in general is going to effect an election in a powerful way someday soon.

    Look at the power and effect of the internet in places like Egypt, Libya and even the house of Saud.

    It can effect an election hear as well.

    But it won't happen until people BELIEVE that it can happen.

    I understand that most of you don't believe Ron Paul can get elected, and that really is the biggest challenge Ron Paul faces.

    I'm telling you it is more than possible, it's our duty to get there and talk up Ron Paul.

    I'm pleading to please believe it can happen. The internet is the only real tool we have against a stacked deck.

    Better take advantage of that right now while there is at least a chance.

    The internet won't be this open much is the time.

    America cannot wait four more years.

    America needs Ron Paul right now.

    End endless wars.....end the bankster manipulations.....restore some semblence to the America of our dreams.

    I look around and I see the unmistakable signs of a rising police state.

    Everyone knows what I'm talking about here

    You see it too.

    It's time for action.

    If not now...when?

    Just what will it take for people to realize what America has become?

    I realize Obama sucks...but I think Newt...or any other elephants beside RP is settling for the more of the same.

    Newt is money *****...and so are the rest.

    Take you minds of the senseless partisanship and realize there is very little difference.

    Do not vote for "party"

  7. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by rdunk View Post
    Hey murmur - I don't have the figures, but it wasn't just Democrats that are responsible for Obama being elected as POTUS in 2008. His votes also included many others, from various segments, particularly including significant numbers of independents. It is quite obvious today, that much of his non-democratic voting base is recognizing , in spades, just how terrible and ineffective Obama really is, as POTUS, and even many Democrats are bailing out. So, I don't think getting the votes to beat Obama will be a problem, if we nominate the right person. I think Ron Paul is very border line. He is pretty near the bottom of the candidate list, for me.

    To win, we just have to make sure we have someone nominated, that will immediately start "presiding" in the right direction. Much of what Ron Paul talks about doing, would not have a Chinaman's chance of getting through a Republican controlled Senate and Congress either. With him as POTUS, it likely still would be a continuous fight, between he and the legislative branch of government. Then not much gets done.
    Tell me what has gotten done by anyone else?

    All I see getting done is endless wars, patriot act, the fleecing of the americas middle class, MORE powerful bakers.

    Democrats and Republicans have sold out the voter to the highest bidder.

    Ron Paul is the only shot to effect real change.

    No other will beat Obama.

    Do you really think anything would be different today if McCain had gotten elected?

    A vote for Romney, or Newt is a joke...just as bad as Obama.....if not worse.

  8. #18
    America simply won't elect this ***** (Newt) over the current *****....forget it.

    Romney bores people....forget it.

    So who is going to beat Obama?

    Neither one of those two.

    I can't believe anyone even thinking that America is better off with Newt or Romney.

    They are puppets same as Obama to special interests.

    So what's the real difference?

    There is no difference that makes any difference that makes any difference.

  9. #19
    MurMur Quoteo you really think anything would be different today if McCain had gotten elected?
    .................................................. .................................................. ............
    Yes, it would be very much different. To start with, we would not be spending a great deal of time debating "Obamacare". Secondly, I seriously doubt that , under a Mccain POTUS, that the Federal Government would have violated in toto, the separation of government and business. Ie, the take over of GM, the 1/2 billion to Solyndra now bankrupt, serious interdiction into banking at all levels, intolerable regulations into nearly every area of our private lives by his various underling Czars, and etc ad-infinitum.

    There is no president in the history of this country that is more worse than Obama, and I don't think that Newt or Mitt could even possibly come close to being as bad a POTUS as Obama, not a chance!!!! Quite the opposite, i believe either will do so much better - at least we won't have to worry about their not having the American values needed to work to get things straight!!! Quite the opposite to Obama's performance, which borders on socialist marxism!

  10. #20
    Your talking about issues that are of not of a same importance of the issues Ron Paul is talking about.

    The march to the police state is're hung up on labels.

    A police state is the same whether is is left or right but a police state it is becoming.

    Unlearn the left vs right mentality and you realize that they have trapped you in a debate about issues of distraction.

    Powerful RICH special interests shape what is spewed out on TV....they are in a win-win situation....we are lose-lose.

    I'm no Obama care supporter....but dang if what the Federal Reserve is doing is a thousand times worse!

    Big problems first

    Obama care propaganda is just that...a distraction to keep folks away from the real issues.

    No one is addressing the real issues.

    Obama isn't the real issue

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