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Thread: Crop Circles Q & A

  1. #1

    Crop Circles Q & A

    As the title says ask me a question..

    This is the only way I can think of getting this thread going without writing a book

    Due to 3+ years of madness in Wiltshire, if there are any circle makers here feel free to join in..

  2. #2
    Administrator Chris's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by zooky View Post
    As the title says ask me a question..

    This is the only way I can think of getting this thread going without writing a book

    Due to 3+ years of madness in Wiltshire, if there are any circle makers here feel free to join in..
    Hey Zooky. Many people are most likely not aware of the time and effort you have put into the study of crop circles.

    To kick things off, why don't you tell us a little about what you've done and what some of the biggest discoveries you have made during your studies?

  3. #3
    Thanks Chris,

    Biggest discovery was learning that the circles are made by people. It did take some time to work this out as fact. As the saying goes follow the money.

    Certain people have made huge sums from the crop circle industry and exposing the truth has seriously dented their income. This is not to say all circle makers make money from their art, but some do.

    I know some will not agree with what I am saying, but to find the truth you need to be out there on the ground.

    I will say that I've taken part in making circles and experimented myself. I feel this was the only way to really find out what was possible and to satisfy my mind with a final conclusion.

    All the info on how to make a circle is available on youtube and with practice anyone can perfect the art.

    Last year we did an experiment, it was nothing special, but it still has people screaming its the real deal. Its amazing how some people believe so blindly that they are willing to almost fight over it.

    In many ways its like being a graffiti artist but on a bigger scale.

  4. #4

    When did crop circles come to the public's attention?

  5. #5
    Hi Casper

    1970s onwards..

    Unless you are thinking back to antiquity, which is questionable..
    Last edited by zooky; 03-05-2013 at 04:52 AM.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by zooky View Post
    Hi Casper

    1970s onwards..

    Unless you are thinking back to antiquity, which is questionable..
    Not antiquity, thanks for answering.

  7. #7
    It has been an interesting ride, going from believer to the learning the truth.

    There was a time when I saw circle makers as hoaxers and not very nice people. Now everything is different.

    Many circle makers surprisingly are ufologists and came into this subject like me, just looking for answers.

    Here is a little snippet of info, one certain well known banking family donated a very large sum of money to a group of researchers, much of the so called scientific research has been falsified to gain more funding.

    This same family also was involved in a certain UFO "initiative" in the U.S.

    I was lucky enough to talk to one of the principals in this study and when I pressed her for info about this she acted like she didn't know what I was on about. She was quite happy to tell me other things, but when it came to that no no.

  8. #8
    Where the Circle Conference's are concerned lets look at the kind of moneys involved.

    Weekend ticket £85.50 x that by lets put a small number on it 200 people = £17,100. Then there are expenses, average speaker will get £100 for a 2 hour slot. 3-4 speakers per day then hall rental, that would still leave well over £12,000 for the organizer. And that is underestimating the number of people. Not a small amount for a weekends work by any standards.

    Then there is coach party's, helicopter flights, T shirts, calendars, books and all manner of things to buy. Ah and not forgetting a night watch and paying around £40 to go to a hill and stand about watching the night sky. Which you can do for free. Funny story here, I have seen people let off lanterns from behind the hill and with the wind it travels up and over there position, wow you should see them night watchers taking pictures it's like a paparazzi shoot.

    But besides all the glitz and glamour there is another side not so well known.

    Several circle makers have reported strange things going on while making circles, strange lights zipping around. Even a diamond shaped UFO stopping above one group then zipping off.

    So there is another side to crop circles but it is not reported, this I know raises many philosophical questions..
    Last edited by zooky; 03-05-2013 at 10:10 AM.

  9. #9
    how do you weave the staulk?
    how do you elongate the node?
    how to you gently bend at levels upward of 12-18 inches off the ground?
    why do you deceive?

  10. #10
    Hi Bluecottoncandy,

    The stalks are weaved by board technique and the smaller intricate waves are done by hand, normally by one of the lady circle makers as a special touch
    The nodes and bends are done by not reporting for 24 to 48hours, which any gardener will tell you is simple Phototropism.

    In the last 3+ years I have been in every crop circle in the UK, I have met and know almost all the circle makers and teams. Which I can count myself lucky to be part of.

    To understand what is going on you need to have an open mind, there is no deception on my part. I am just telling of what I know and have discovered.

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