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Thread: The Dragon Mode Effect

  1. #1

    The Dragon Mode Effect

    Many members have contributed to this topic of "Underground Bases". Plenty of details, theories, and facts as to the reason(s) for most countries, governments, as well as the wealthy to secure underground living quarters.

    So here is another strong possibility....

    . . . The Fatima Prophecy, however, refers to only 3 days of darkness. In discussions he has had with other people about the apocalypse, Padre Avontios does mention three days of darkness which occurs in the beginning and which he considers to be a particularly dangerous period during which time people should not go outside of their shelters. . .

    . . . When you see these things come to pass, you must close yourself into your own house and keep the windows and doors closed and never open them or go out, or you will die. For if such occurs, you would expose yourself too greatly to these conditions, even to the radioactivity itself, from the cosmic-solar event caused by the Earth and the sun encountering the area of concentrated cosmic particles and materials in space, and the response of the Sun thereto. . .

  2. #2
    hmm, that is rather scary

    I really wonder though, lets say that a nuclear fallout does occur. Wouldn't it be in our best interest to die quickly instead of slowly? I can't imagine going from walking in the park with my dog to living in some underground shelter, sounds like hell.

  3. #3
    This reminds me of the prophecy of Japan's Princess Kaoru Nakamaru. She spoke about the Elites' underground shelters:

    She has a web page:
    Last edited by Charlie Prime; 06-15-2014 at 09:49 AM.

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