This two-minute video is hilarious. The Gate to America stands there wide open, all day, all night, Mexicans casually walking past it, and nobody much cares.

I frequently drive past that gate on I-10 going from Houston to LA. I often see the Border Patrol kids in line ahead of me at the store getting a soda in their green jumpsuits, driving their dogcatcher trucks with the bed converted to a cage.

I feel sorry for those guys. What a ridiculous way to make a living, risking your life every day driving around in the desert, for nothing but political theater.

So I show my elderly mother the video proving ISIS is nothing but a CIA-Banker proxy army, but she still thinks swarthy bearded turrrists who hate us for our freedoms are somehow prevented from attacking the U.S. by trillions in military spending.

It's so ludicrous I have to laugh just to avoid crying for the future of my grandchildren.