Hi all, I'm really quite new to the forum, so not sure if this is the right place to introduce/talk about this subject, but here goes.

I've been reading many of the posts here and see there is a seemingly tight group of highly/deeply minds with awesome discussions ongoing. My question is; (and I'm sure this is nothing new) has anyone given any thought to the question of life either present or past on Mars? Has anyone formulated or even experienced life there in one form or another. After all, the planet is "just up the road" from us with a blue sky, breathable atmosphere (regardless of NASA dogma) and although a bit chilly north and south, the central region is reasonably warm(ish) with generally, familiar topography.

Has anyone seen any images (from various cameras either in orbit or on the surface) which seem convincing to the degree that one can say..ah ha, that's not not a natural "whatever"! And if it's not natural...then it is by design?
