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Thread: Walking Through The Great Wilderness

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  1. #1

    Walking Through The Great Wilderness

    This life is a great wilderness lacking understanding the many mysteries of the ages. A vast wilderness of doubts,questions,trials and tribulations that mold us into the souls we are, as well as who we will become. Into this great wilderness we all came and one day through the giant maze of life a path will finally lead us to the promise land of understanding.

    We all must seek to find. Without questions whether inward or outward how can we receive answers?

    My hope is this thread will cover many areas of past,present and beyond as we weave our way through the great wilderness. The earth our home as well as the universe and realms not seen by human eyes hold all the answers. Piece by piece the puzzle snaps together.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2016
    Malibu, California
    Quote Originally Posted by ScaRZ View Post
    This life is a great wilderness lacking understanding the many mysteries of the ages. A vast wilderness of doubts,questions,trials and tribulations that mold us into the souls we are, as well as who we will become. Into this great wilderness we all came and one day through the giant maze of life a path will finally lead us to the promise land of understanding.

    We all must seek to find. Without questions whether inward or outward how can we receive answers?

    My hope is this thread will cover many areas of past,present and beyond as we weave our way through the great wilderness. The earth our home as well as the universe and realms not seen by human eyes hold all the answers. Piece by piece the puzzle snaps together.
    Agreed, and eloquently spoken.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by ScaRZ View Post
    This life is a great wilderness lacking understanding the many mysteries of the ages. A vast wilderness of doubts,questions,trials and tribulations that mold us into the souls we are, as well as who we will become. Into this great wilderness we all came and one day through the giant maze of life a path will finally lead us to the promise land of understanding.

    We all must seek to find. Without questions whether inward or outward how can we receive answers?

    My hope is this thread will cover many areas of past,present and beyond as we weave our way through the great wilderness. The earth our home as well as the universe and realms not seen by human eyes hold all the answers. Piece by piece the puzzle snaps together.
    Ahhh . . .

    A refreshing view point . . . Thank You ScaRZ . . .

  4. #4
    Thanks for starting up this thread ScaRZ! Great start!
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    For it is in giving that we receive.
    ~ St. Francis of Assisi

  5. #5
    Sykotronik wrote in the Life on Mars Thread........"I think that we are from there, something bad must have happened, could Mars be "Eden" ?

    Mars is a very extremely interesting place that's for sure. If we are going by the Biblical writings it doesn't seem to fit well that Mars would have been Eden at that point. I have wondered for a while now if Eden was in fact the whole Earth and will one day return. For a very long time I thought Eden and The Garden of Eden were one and the same......"But they aren't." The Garden was within Eden but was not the whole. As Genesis 2:8 states..."And the LORD God planted a garden eastward in Eden". The Man was formed somewhere outside The Garden and placed inside The Garden as Genesis 2:8 continues to read...."and there he put the man whom he had formed." Genesis 2:15 also reads the same....."And the LORD God took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it."

    We also read that a river out of Eden watered The Garden......."There was no rain on Earth at this point." Genesis 2:10......"And a river went out of Eden to water the garden;and from thence it was parted,and became into four heads.(Pison,Gihon,Hiddekel and Euphrates)

    We later read in the Third Chapter of Genesis that The LORD drove out The Man after his rebellion from The Garden of Eden and placed Cherubims at the east of The Garden to keep The Man out. The Man was then to till the ground from where he was taken.

    When I get some more time I will add to this topic. Feel free everyone that has an interest to lay out your thoughts.
    Last edited by ScaRZ; 12-07-2016 at 02:55 PM.

  6. #6
    Interesting. It never occurred to me that that 'garden' was only in a section of a land called "Eden". Or that man was created outside of Eden and the garden. Thanks for sharing! Will read up more on this.
    Last edited by A99; 12-07-2016 at 03:48 PM.
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    For it is in giving that we receive.
    ~ St. Francis of Assisi

  7. #7
    Was Eden just a certain area of the Earth or did it cover the whole Earth?

    What was Eden before the rebellion whether it was a certain area or the whole Earth was taken away. The state of that area or whole was changed as death and corruption entered the picture. I believe Eden was the residence of The LORD. The very government of The LORD and his Divine Council were part of this Earth. The Man was part of the family and was created to be the caretaker of this planet. The Man was created to Image The LORD in his very actions and character. He was to be an Imager of The LORD.

    Humans have a desire for utopia but Eden will not make a return on purely human terms.

    Before this World,before man what was there? Most answer...."God". That is just part of the answer......"God had company."

    Here is a verse of The Bible that we seem to think we know what it says,but do we?

    Genesis 1:31........"And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day.

    Very Good is not "Perfect".

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by A99 View Post
    Interesting. It never occurred to me that that 'garden' was only in a section of a land called "Eden". Or that man was created outside of Eden and the garden. Thanks for sharing! Will read up more on this.
    Good to see you're still around 99.

    Sometimes what we have always seen or heard becomes stronger than what is really there.

  9. #9
    The New Jerusalem, a city in space in route to Earth. I am of the mindset, using The New Jerusalem is an error. It is much older than Jerusalem on Earth. As prophets were seeing it for the first time through visions and it was technology advanced they considered as it "new".

    Within some Evangelical theology, there is the seven years of tribulation broken into two parts.

    Three and half years of false peace, followed by three and half years of war. As the seven years draw to an end Arab Nations move against Israel. Israel and a United Europe drive Arabs back. Then Russia steps in to help Arabs and is driven back, then China joins in with Russia and the Arab Nations. At that point, "Eagle" from the West with her allies head toward the conflict.

    Roughly the same time, The New Jerusalem arrives in Earth's solar system.

    It is believed by a number of biblical theologians, the Earth is scorched by fire. Scorching marks an ending of the tribulation. Scorching by fire could equate a number of things. Nuclear war, or weapons of massive destruction we haven't seen yet, a comet or meteor, planet X passing through the solar system... At this time, most are leaning toward a nuclear war.

    Satan is cast into bottomless pit...

    The New Jerusalem orbits the Earth or hoovers within or near the solar system for 1,000 years. Some believe it takes that long to sort through all the souls... This time frame would take the planet to roughly 3,000 AD - give or take a few decades.

    Some people upon the Earth survived the holocausts that follow the "scorching of the planet". After the 1,000 years, Satan is released or escapes the bottomless pit and returns to Earth. Descendants of those having survived the "Scorching" are deceived by Satan and mount another attack on Israel.

    At this point, Heaven and Earth are destroyed. God creates a New Heaven and New Earth... The New Jerusalem lands upon the Earth... New Heaven could mean major changes within this solar system of planets and orbits... New Earth could mean a major shifting of land masses, and or recovery from whatever, and or an entirely new planet, or a planet in the solar system today changes to make life as we know it possible...

    The New Jerusalem is believed to be 1,500 miles square. Using the term "miles square" does not mean a cube. "Square" is term for measuring length and height.

    The City in Space is said to have 12 gates... Streets of gold so pure, the streets are transparent. Some theologians teach the "Judgement Seat" takes place within The New Jerusalem.

    Some Evangelical theology uses the Tribulation and 1,000 reign of Christ as part of "Dispensationalism". NOT all Evangelical Doctrine and or Christian Denominations include "Dispensationalism" in their teachings. From my understanding the Catholic Church does not use it, or at least not openly. This is not say, they don't believe in the Reign of Christ. Dispensationalism is often viewed as a mapping of the timeline...

    Is there a "City in Space" on it's way here?

    It is possible...
    Last edited by CasperParks; 12-13-2016 at 05:45 PM.

  10. #10
    Wow! Sounds like you know the topic very well and thanks for sharing that! There are a lot of different opinions about all of this and this includes differing views among the different factions in the Evangelistic Christian community too. Thanks for pointing that out. Will read up more on this.
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    For it is in giving that we receive.
    ~ St. Francis of Assisi

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