Part 8

After retuning home I got a job & we settled down to a very ordinary life, this went on for a couple of years & then my health totally collapsed, at this time as ‘chance’ would have it I came into some money so we moved abroad to the warmer climes of the Mediterranean.

One day in 2010 I was doing something in the house & had the TV on in the background, there was nothing on worth listening to / watching so I did a channel search to see if there was any new ‘free’ channels that might have something interesting on. (UK Sky TV )

I found a station called ‘Edge Media’ (now long gone) and quickly became engrossed in the incredible subjects they were covering, conspiracies, the paranormal, hidden science & most of all ufos.

The best show was made by a guy called Richard D Hall, who had a website (still there) called ‘Richplanet’, because of this I started using the internet for the first time. His site was just ufos at the time & he had seemingly compiled info on anyone & anything to do with the subject as well as the excellent videos he made.

So every night I would spend hours reading all the material & watching videos, I then found Project Camelot & started doing forums, hard at first one finger typing lol.

More & more of the information I was reading & watching was falling into place & struck a chord with me, probably the biggest ‘OMG moment’ was watching something on US ufologist Derrel Sims when he said that all the abductees he had interviewed felt their parents weren’t really their parents.

In May 2011 my dog was scratching the door to go out, it was dark & he never normally asked to go out after dark.

It had just got dark enough to see the stars, I could hear a passenger jet directly overhead & looked up & could see its lights, it was at cruising altitude, the night was incredibly clear & the jet was the only sound I could hear.

As I lowered my gaze to the horizon up the valley I could see another red light moving, it was low down & was going from west to east & looked like it was going to disappear behind the hill to the south of my house.

For no reason at all it occurred to me that this object was a ufo & so I reached out to it with my mind, to my surprise it came down the short valley ( 1 km long) and around the front of the hill (650m high) it looked more of an amber colour as it got closer, as it passed by it had ‘rays’ coming down from the underneath & the top half was saucer shaped, it can’t have been very big because it was so low the hill was behind it, it had to have passed by only a few hundred metres away !

I was dumbstruck, elated & frightened all at the same time, I also realised that this had implications & it was beginning to dawn on me that co-incidences didn’t happen & things I had considered as possibilities were now looking more like certainties.