Surely if this is true we could hope for some actual footage of them?

‘Aliens’ found living where ‘mummified ETs discovered’ in Nazca tomb, Peru
LIVING alien beings were seen inside a tomb where more than 20 alleged mummified extraterrestrial bodies were found, it has extraordinarily been claimed...

...There was even claims of discoverers seeing live entities fleeing down tunnels on arrival.”

A larger three-fingered creature and a child were said to be found buried nearby.

The new video, released on YouTube in the UAMN TV channel, shows an interview between Mr Mera and people from the institute, including president Thierry Jamin.

Flor Amanowicz, of alternative news source Nexus Magazine, translated for Mr Jamin.

She said: “And they also saw live biological beings… entities two metres in size, but they escaped.”...

Full Article here