Dear colleagues,

Main Index media page updated:
Please bear in mind that index is getting huge so it will take some time until web page completely loads in your browser.

Latest Media Batch:

2018-05-18 - I-Team Exclusive: Confidential report analyzes Tic Tac UFO incidents –
by George Knapp (Video embedded on the Original Article)

2018-05-18 - I-Team Exclusive: Tic Tac UFO Executive Report (PDF)

2018-04-14 - Trailer for XXIII Brazilian UFO Congress with Luis Elizondo

And one left-over-audio gem discovered from December 17th, 2017:
2017-12-17 - WGBG - Boston Public Radio-News Commentary & Open Lines on the Pentagon UFO Study
In the studio talking about the Pentagon UFO Study: Shannon O'Brien, former state treasurer and Democratic nominee for governor
with Joe Malone, former state treasurer commenting
Audio Clipping:
Audio Source:


Companion pieces regarding new I-Team Exclusive on Tic Tac UFO Executive Report from previous media archives:

2018-01-11-KGRA-Phenomenon-Interview with Eric Davis
Eric Davis reads part of the Executive Summary document from 24.30 minute

2018-01-28-Coast to Coast-Pentagon UFO Study-George Knapp interviews Eric W. Davis and Hall Puthoff
Eric Davis reads part of the Executive Summary document from 21.50 minute (Hour 1)

Transcription of the partial Executive Summary document based on the Eric Davis’ reading during his media interviews:

Best wishes.