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Thread: Are Physical Structures In The Brain Responsible For Our Level Of Intuition?

  1. #1
    Lead Moderator calikid's Avatar
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    Are Physical Structures In The Brain Responsible For Our Level Of Intuition?

    Esteemed medical researchers are using modern diagnostic technology to test subjects.

    Is The Caudate-Putamen An Antenna For Anomalous Information?

    What if there was physical evidence of a center in the brain whose configuration tracks with an individual’s intuitive capabilities?

    In early 2018, researchers caught wind of a scientific study being done by Dr. Garry Nolan, Rachford & Carlota Professor in the Dept. of Microbiology & Immunology at Stanford School of Medicine, and Dr. Christopher ‘Kit’ Green, a physician in private forensic medical practice, and affiliated with the Departments of Diagnostic Radiology and Psychiatry and Behavioral Neurosciences at the Wayne State School of Medicine and Detroit Medical Center.

    This was partly unearthed in a book entitled Phenomena: The Secret History of the U.S. Government's Investigations into Extrasensory Perception and Psychokinesis written by author, journalist, and national security reporter Annie Jacobsen. In her book, she interviewed both Dr. Garry Nolan and Dr. Christopher Kit Green, initially due to Dr. Green's earlier work on remote viewing, but during the book preparation process apparently found Dr. Kit Green was still involved in some fascinating studies. Dr. Green says in the book,

    "I'm interested in the notion of people injured physically by anomalous events.” Dr. Green goes on, "Often these events are perceived as [involving] unidentified aerial phenomena, or UAPs, drones, high energy radio frequencies that confront people face-to-face and cannot be explained."

    The study involved, among others, a group of individuals termed these days as “Experiencers:” individuals experiencing Anomalous Mental Phenomena perceived through the senses including hallucinations, seeing beings and orbs, or hearing messages. One potential goal of the study involved identifying personality commonalities and, maybe, if “experiences” followed families—implying there might be a component that genetics plays in the experience process itself. Nolan and Green insisted that the study was not about determining the factual nature of the experience, just to determine if there were medical or familial relationships. There was also a Phenomenon Radio program hosted by Linda Milton Howe and John Burroughs which featured an interview with Annie Jacobsen discussing this very topic.
    Story Continues

    The Caudate-Putamen, and associated connections.
    The aim of an argument or discussion should not be victory, but
    progress. -- Joseph Joubert
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  2. #2
    Administrator Chris's Avatar
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    Here, not there
    A potential use for an actual physical structure to explain the extraordinary abilities for many individuals. It’s an extremely interesting hypothesis!

  3. #3
    It's all quite a lot more involved that this article suggests.
    Dr Garry Nolan is the Garry Nolan who was a member of TTSA, who did the paper debunking Dr Greer's Attacama Alien, who has received many DOD research grants for cancer research and the like, who cured John Burroughs and Jim Penniston of the damage they recieved in Rendlesham according to John. But tough s agreed to do some research with Nolan and Kit Green.
    I think all the people in the above study were all abductees or had had close encounters, pretty sure that was in Annie Jacobsen' s book this may or may not be that experiment but it was according he Annie Jacobsen, to look for genetic makers for psychic powers in abductees. I can't figure out if this was maybe part of BAAS's outsourcing or the larger ANSWAP, or just another DOD grant.
    Dr Nolan has developed some remarkable technology able to analyse tissues and tissue damage it an multifaceted way. He seems a genius he has his own lab. I put some of this in the De Longe Thread a while back

    It is well worth both reading Annie Jacobson's book and her interview on it with John Burroughs on KGRA.
    Last edited by Longeyes; 01-13-2019 at 08:47 AM.

  4. #4
    Lead Moderator calikid's Avatar
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    Let's see if I'm reading this right.
    Using a Functional Magnetic Resonance (f-MRI) diagnostic, Drs. Nolan & Green are able to "see" the connective structures (appear as white string-like objects) in the OP pic.
    And people who exhibit enhanced intuitive abilities, show a dramatic increase in these connections (more of them, more densely packed, etc).
    Their definition of enhanced "intuitive" abilities seemed (overly?) broad. Anything from being an experiencer to showing telepathic abilities.
    They seem to postulate these people have increased sensitivity, and they are trying to deliberately link the ability to this particular structure in the brain.
    The aim of an argument or discussion should not be victory, but
    progress. -- Joseph Joubert
    Attachment 1008

  5. #5
    That sounds plausable to me.

    If this is so, then youngsters could be taught to develope these areas . . . And what would happen if they were to add in stem cells to those areas!

    Chances are the this research is far beyond what we will hear about.

  6. #6
    Lead Moderator calikid's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by epo333 View Post
    That sounds plausable to me.

    If this is so, then youngsters could be taught to develope these areas . . . And what would happen if they were to add in stem cells to those areas!

    Chances are the this research is far beyond what we will hear about.
    I don't know that it could "be taught".
    The connections are a physical structure, why some ppl have more of these connections would be a good question. AFAIK the reason is unknown. The researchers speculate: Genetics? ET intervention? Evolution?
    The article seems to indicate the structures act like an antenna, allowing the gathering of more information (intuition, telepathy, etc.) than normal ppl, like in the control group.
    The aim of an argument or discussion should not be victory, but
    progress. -- Joseph Joubert
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  7. #7
    Administrator Chris's Avatar
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    The study is seeking to determine if the experiencers have these structures because of the encounters or if they are experiencers because they already have these structures in place. And if they were already in place then are they there because of genetics (inherited) or because of some other unknown reason.

    Kit has been known to be working on CE5 cases for quite some time now and this is what seems to be a very logical next step. The study is quite interesting too as it will be published and subject to peer review.

  8. #8
    From what I understand; they knew abductees claimed to have more psychic abilities after encounters and wanted to figure out whether they had a natural genetic disposition, (that the abductors were interested in) or it was related to the abduction experience itself i.e. It was deliberate or a consequence of the abduction. Exactly the same effects are reported in NDEs so it may just be an OBE triggers other senses..

  9. #9
    Dr Garry Nolan is a very interesting character

    Dr. Nolan is the first recipient of the Teal Innovator Award (2012) from the Department of Defense (a $3.3 million grant for advanced studies in ovarian cancer), the first recipient of an FDA BAAA, for "Bio-agent protection" grant, $3million, from the FDA for a "Cross-Species Immune System Reference", and received the award for "Outstanding Research Achievement in 2011" from the Nature Publishing Group for his development of CyTOF applications in the immune system. Dr. Nolan has new efforts in the study of Ebola, having developed instrument platforms to deploy in the field in Africa to study Ebola samples safely with the need to transport them to overseas labs (funded by a new $3.5 million grant from the FDA).

    You can only wonder with his connnection to TTSA what 'cross species' the study relates to and this is his amazing technique...

    Dr. Nolan's recent efforts are focused on a single cell analysis advance using a mass spectrometry-flow cytometry hybrid device (CyTOF) and nanoscale imaging with the "Multiparameter Ion Beam Imager" (MIBI). The approaches use an advanced ion plasma source to determine the levels of tagged reagents bound to cells - enabling a vast increase in the number of parameters that can be measured per cell - either as flow cytometry devices (CyTOF) or imaging platforms for cancer (MIBI). Further developments in imaging are enabled by CODEX—a system that inexpensively converts fluorescence scopes into high dimensional imaging platforms.

    Why you may ask were the DOD spending $3.3 million on Ovarian Cancer, surely the majority of the military are male (~14% were female in 2011 according to CNN)

    More about 'Cross-Species Immune System Reference' here

  10. #10
    This is a really interesting paper he wrote with Dean Radin, there is no other reference to this online anywhere.
    Apart from when he appeared at conference in Portugal - BIAL.

    257/14 - “Genetics of psychic ability” - only abstract available
    Investigadores/Researchers: Dean Radin, Garret Yount, Garry Nolan Instituição/Institution
    : Institute of Noetic Sciences, Petaluma, California (USA); Stanford University (USA)
    Duração estimada/Estimated duration: 2015/07 - 2018/04

    Page 57 Has the abstract in full

    GENETICS OF PSYCHIC ABILITY Dean Radin & Helané Wahbeh
    Institute of Noetic Sciences, Petaluma, California, USA
    Grant 257/14
    Background: It is commonly believed that psychic ability, like many mental and physical
    traits, runs in families. This suggests the presence of a hereditary component. Using a
    genomic analysis technique known as Genome Wide Association Studies (GWAS),
    which analyses constellations of genetic networks to find correlations with human health,
    personality traits, talents, etc.,
    this project is exploring if psychic ability has a discernible genetic component.

    Aims: The objective of this study is to see if psychic ability correlates with specific sets
    of genes or genetic networks.

    Methods: We screened 3,162 psychic candidates using two online surveys to locate
    people with claimed psi ability in themselves and their family members, to rule out
    exclusions (e.g., psychotic or delusional tendencies), and to collect measures of
    relevance to psychic ability (e.g. absorption, sensitivity, empathy).
    We then selected a subsample of these volunteers to be interviewed and to take additional
    online screening tests of psi ability. Then, using a case
    -control study design, 13 individuals were finally selected as “psychic cases,” and 10 age and gender
    -matched individuals with no claims of psychic ability were selected as controls.
    DNA was collected from these 23 participants, and their DNA is being whole
    -genome sequenced and mapped using
    advanced BINA alignment algorithms. Genetic network analyses between the two groups will reveal if
    there are genes or networks of genes that can discriminate between the psychic and control cases.

    Results: Genome sequencing is presently underway. GWAS and possibly other forms
    of genetic analyses will be conducted after the sequencing is complete.

    Conclusions: This project is taking longer than we originally expected to complete
    , primarily due to the time it took us to sift through the psychic candidates and vet the
    final selections and matched controls, and also to the complexities involved in
    genomic sequencing and analysis. GWAS is a state-of-the-art technique that
    requires time and expertise to complete, so we are dependent on our geneticist
    collaborators to finish that portion of this study.

    Publications: We will publish one or more articles on the results when the analyses are complete.

    Garry Nolan according to his Stanford page founded BINA.

    As ever Keith Basterfield dug up a whole load more on Dr Nolan
    Last edited by Longeyes; 01-16-2019 at 01:32 PM.

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