Hi all. I just decided to pop back here after joining long long ago in the wake of the openminds forum closing. I'm not even sure I ever posted anything here, so this might be my first post

I'm pretty sure some of you will know who I am, I recognise a few names, EPO and Calikid, Isaac. The drone days are now far away, and apparently I was dubbed a CG god, which I think was stretching it. Saladfingers, bubble buster, shill, agent for some alphabet agency... or just a bloke in England who wanted to wake people up to the changing nature of photographic evidence, and the growing abilities of 3d software.

In the last 10 years I've been through some pretty intense and life changing experiences. I was never the sceptic, but some couldn't see beyond my rational argument regarding the Californian drone case. But I've been witness to some pretty insane things since then... some that I can't even talk about. Suffice to say, I really just wanted to say hi to some familiar faces of whom I'm very pleased to still see about.
Maybe I'll even try and get involved in a few topics here and there.

Anyway, if anyone remembers me, say hi! ...and I hope you're all doing well. I think we're in for an interesting year and decade ahead...


The video is still being enjoyed out there despite it all.

p.s. I have absolutely no idea why I called myself Xcal when I signed up... maybe it was meant to mean Excalibur. But hey ho... that's my name here so, there you go!