So, I spent rather a long time yesterday text chatting away with a variety of people + in chat with a voice changer.
I was mainly concentrating on describing a variety of things, giving an underlying understanding of the influence layer and how the phenomenon uses it.
Other aspects included the nature of grey psychology and physiology + some aspects of how they appear to be manufactured + the harvesting of influence structures and a brief overview of how psychotronic weapons work vs properly manufactured influence tools.
I also pointed out some aspects of how you can end up spotting a variety of different interesting beings in the influence layer, including some classical entities like Angels and Demons; that threw one for a loop when I pointed out that the Greys have those on their entity categorisation list.

During all the above I noted that something I'd had a suspicion about, namely the development of a new and rather odd ability, was working quite well. Somehow I've developed remote mind-reading of third-party entities reading me, in such a way as it manifests as remote expression reading... so, what they're thinking effectively replays on me as if they were making an expression which matches. It's more along the lines of my face is not physically moving, but the expression which I would make is "felt".

Let's just say that a fair few entities were making some very interesting expressions indicating they were having a hard time.

As if that wasn't interesting enough, I went to bed as usual, which is when a lot of things try to connect in as I'm basically not moving. Well, last night was like telepathic WW3 in my bedroom, with all sorts of things going back and forth amongst a variety of beings [I was in fly-on-the-wall mode]. Then I sensed a Grey outside nearby to my left, which I could tell what it was from the signature + associated imagery reading, but it was a different build with a more nebulous fuzzy mind. Something to my right and above, said "you leave him alone", which I assume/think was directed to the Grey, but the entity concerned was using telepathic audio speech without the sound component, which I can understand, but I could neither see/sense nor read the entity concerned.

Anyway, I left them to their debate and got some sleep. I'll never understand why the "ET" can't just sit down for some quiet conversation, they're all after the fact with me, and then I have to put up with the equivalent of a multi-sided shouting match going on between who knows what going on every time they enter into wordsmith combat. Why does it have to be in my bedroom? It's not some grand conference centre, or demilitarised debating chamber. If it happens again I'm going to have to tell them to be quiet, and to sit down so we can all have a sensible conversation; preferably without them manifesting and irradiating the place.