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Thread: Woman in blue - psychic or telepath

  1. #1

    Woman in blue - psychic or telepath

    I noticed at the National Security Subcommittee Hearing on Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena, many of the congressmen had people stationed behind them. I naturally thought they were aids but then I found this tid bit below . . .

    So this is quite something caught on camera. A psychic or telepath is lip moving in sync with the public speaker.

    Is lady transmitting (?) the speech? Something weird is going on here!!!

    At one point, the woman in blue covers her mouth with her hand, because she realizes that her puppet-master routine is being filmed.

    (I hope I can post the link, correctly). you'll need to turn on sound and I used the full screen option.

    (edit to add: if this gets removed, it would sure be telling!)
    Last edited by epo333; 07-30-2023 at 03:24 AM.

  2. #2
    Common sense would dictate that she's indeed a member of her staff, and that she's the one who actually wrote that speech.
    Most politicians don't write their own speeches.
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  3. #3
    Yep that sounds more likely than she's a psychic puppetmaster. The staffers tend to sit behind them.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Garuda View Post
    Common sense would dictate that she's indeed a member of her staff, and that she's the one who actually wrote that speech.
    Most politicians don't write their own speeches.
    Yes, I heard that possibility, but its unlikely she would have "mouthed" a page mistake at the exact same time AND correct the mistake in sync.

    JMO . . .

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