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Thread: 2/24/2012 -- Censored earthquake - Midwest to Southeast USA shakes - Wiped data

  1. #1

    2/24/2012 -- Censored earthquake - Midwest to Southeast USA shakes - Wiped data

    For every action, there is a corresponding over-reaction. -- Anonymous

  2. #2
    What good does that do or rather what would be the purpose? Obviously the people there felt it.
    This isn't poetry, this is the language of reality.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by norenrad View Post
    What good does that do or rather what would be the purpose? Obviously the people there felt it.
    Very puzzling. I get a feeling there is something going on that is more than just an easily explained glitch of some sort. I don't usually accept conspiracy talk readily but the PtB lie so much about so many things that I am becoming more distrustful lately of any official explanations.

    Has anyone seen any other mention of this?

  4. #4
    Senior Member Neuru's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by norenrad View Post
    What good does that do or rather what would be the purpose? Obviously the people there felt it.
    One reason would be this: Suppose that there are/will be a series of earthquakes in specific locations which could be correlated to a mathematical formula. They might have even been predicted before, e.g. by someone like Nancy Lieder of ZetaTalk fame. (To someone more knowledgeable: How credible is that site actually? Alone, the fact that it's channeled info by greys makes it suspicious.) Can't comment about that, I find it very tiresome to read anything more than a few pages long on a computer.

    So, we have records of earthquakes deleted, at least from publicly available sources -- this most probably wasn't the first time this was done. Now, suppose someone is so vigilant, s/he actually saved the data on all the other quakes. From that data s/he can deduce this formula. S/he then publicizes it and says, "Hey, look, I've found the correlation between the quakes" (Nibiru? Aliens?), a debunker could easily say, "No, you're stupid, there's no hard scientific evidence for this, you just made that up, you liar. Also, you're stupid." And they'd be right -- there's no official evidence of this when it's deleted. "Oh, you have data? Sorry pal, that looks like forgery to me. Also, did I mention you're stupid?"

    Or, if the strange sounds heard back in January were DUMBs that were demolished, this could have been one more nuked underground base, so "The Others" must be packing up to prepare for their great intervention. Were there any DUMBs in that area?
    Last edited by Neuru; 02-25-2012 at 04:36 PM.

  5. #5
    Georgia Tech's Seismogram doesn't show anything

    These are Virginia Tech Stations - not much there
    Granted every station mught not record any action

    Curious anomaly though

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by norenrad View Post
    What good does that do or rather what would be the purpose? Obviously the people there felt it.

    Residents Seek Answers to Mystery Booms Shaking North Carolina Coast

    March 1, 2012

    SOUTHPORT, NC — Big booms and shaking were felt along the North Carolina coast Tuesday that have some people worried.

    Now, folks are booming with big bang theories on what they say causes the mysterious rocking and rolling along the coast.

    “Anything that can shake the houses, not just one or two houses, but a whole neighborhood and it can be heard from Southport to Bolivia and Sunset Harbor, it has to be something big,” said Bolivia resident Erick Myles.

    Folks across the Cape Fear say the mysterious booms are back and this time they seem stronger than ever. People say they had different experiences depending on where they were at the time.

    Read Entire Article:

  7. #7


    This is what I believe it may be that we might be witnessing.

    I should say for the record that I never thought that weather modification was possible. But after seeing this guy explain several projects, I was reminded of stories I heard from The Advisor (an ET contact) tell me when I was just 8 years old.

    When I was around 8 years old and played with my toy cars she would stand off to the side and used to tell me about all these incredibly strange projects and ideas. At that time, I didn't understand (nor have a clue) of half of what she was talking about. She used to tell me these "wild stories" when she had nothing better to do other than watch over me and talk for the sake of talking. Most of my interests at that age were on my toys rather than the strange stories she used to talk about.

    Most of it was her favorite form of "small talk". She used very varied topics as a form of discussion and idle talk. At that age I was often extremely skeptical and assumed she was just a weird "ghostly" person whom (at that time) I believed the other strange "ghostly people"...whom accompanied her...had put her in charge of me...

    (Back then I didn't know what an ET was...I just considered them [really] strange and intelligent ghosts that would visit and talk)

    I think the only reason she mentioned any of her stranger than life stories was simply because she was probably sure I would forget what I then thought was non-sense stories on her part. This is where I learned to recognize that she sometimes went into her "moods" about telling strange stories.

    Most of these stories I never really understood because she made references to topics and ideas that I hadn't yet learned. So it was like hearing a story but not really understanding what the point of the story was because you didn't understand what half of the mentioned characters were or what she was referring to.

    Though as I got older and became more educated, I recalled some of her stories with a bit of shock when she brought them up again after so many years and realize what she had been speaking about in my youth.


    One of the projects she discussed idly while standing by (I don't recall what year but I couldn't have been older than 14) was of a weapon design that she described was ending its trial runs in our government. She used to refer to it mentally as a weapon to "burn" people with.

    She explained in her story that this weapon is a space based weapon.

    She claimed it was (at that time) ending its test trials. With a ground team pointing another ground-beam that crossed with the space-based beam and turned the interference point into a "flash" point.

    She claimed she had nothing to do with it but that it was something interesting she had learned of.

    She explained how it roughly worked, she told me that the space-based beam of energized "light" was directed towards the ground from up above. She described the concept of it as it is like an invisible flash light that the human eye can't see. This emitted beam could be widened or made very thin to about the size of a human torso (paraphrased) on the Earth.

    She said the beam of energized light when placed into a certain mode could contain just enough energy to bathe an area with it's light, even through a roof. She then told me that by itself it was relatively harmless and nearly undetectable by other countries on earth. She said to detect the light shinning down from the space weapon you'd need something strange like a piece of equipment (she flashed the image of a man holding a probe with a thin wire that ran to a box with a gauge. Then she talked about (no image) of a guy holding a type of camera with a film on it.

    I usually kept asking her to explain everything to me.

    She went on (I recall) that there were other countries that knew of these space based weapons.

    She stated that the trials she heard of were about these practice assassination teams going out and practicing with a piece of equipment she said would shoot another beam of light that the human eye can't see. She said they could sit inside a van as the light passed through the interior.

    She said the people testing the equipment had this strange setup to figure out elevate and narrow their own ground-based beam, how to point it correctly etc. When it was adjusted for it's position, she said the little device in the van would first shoot out a number of ?~calibration~? light beams that would adjust the device for the right kind of setting. (I was a little lost in her explanations)

    She claimed the device would then finally shoot the invisible light that was properly adjusted.

    She claimed that when the ground-based touched the space-based light the interference would create incredible heat. She said the heat was contained in a very small space and was emitted due to the interference.

    She also told me that the other space-based beams could do similar set-ups like what she described but that wasn't the point of the trials.


    She then reminded me of what she had told me when I was younger. She jogged my memories of what she had talked about when I was much smaller (about 8 or 7). I asked her to explain it to me as I began to understand sort of what she was talking about.

    What she explained to me I later found out was actually a real discovery in science about scalar technology. She described it as using a little bit of energy to move about large amounts of energy. She described it in a very complicated way I am not going to attempt to put into English. But watching this guys video reminded me of that.

    It strangely reminded of several of her "whacky" stories.
    Last edited by Fore; 03-03-2012 at 01:25 PM.
    For every action, there is a corresponding over-reaction. -- Anonymous

  8. #8
    For every action, there is a corresponding over-reaction. -- Anonymous

  9. #9


    Is this the cause? (I know crazy idea)


    For every action, there is a corresponding over-reaction. -- Anonymous

  10. #10
    Very strange, these tornadoes are forming way too early for the season. That region had lots of tornadoes last year too, but I don't remember them being this early.
    This isn't poetry, this is the language of reality.

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