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Thread: Documentary: The Daniel Project

  1. #1

    Documentary: The Daniel Project

    Worth watching:
    Documentary: The Daniel Project!watch/405533

    It is free on Hulu. Not sure the lenght it will be on Hulu or for free viewing.
    It is about Bibical Prophesy.
    Last edited by CasperParks; 10-21-2012 at 06:26 AM.

  2. #2
    woops, posted in the wrong place.

    Good documentary. Simple and pretty well laid out.
    Last edited by Fore; 10-21-2012 at 12:12 PM.
    For every action, there is a corresponding over-reaction. -- Anonymous

  3. #3
    Member tl2's Avatar
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    everywhere and nowhere
    Quote Originally Posted by Fore View Post
    woops, posted in the wrong place.

    Good documentary. Simple and pretty well laid out.
    Gah! Im in the Uk. Cant watch it. Bugger.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by tl2 View Post
    Gah! Im in the Uk. Cant watch it. Bugger.
    Try this one:
    For every action, there is a corresponding over-reaction. -- Anonymous

  5. #5
    Interpreting Biblical Prophecy is not a fine science.

    Eternity Past we know very little about…

    Often, Prophesy is like wind rustling leafs on the trees. Movement of leaves and branches is seen, the wind remains invisible.

    I was raised attending an independent church that taught prophesy. Years before it took place, the church taught that Jerusalem would become part of Israel. When the Six Day War was over, they pointed out what had taken place and how it related to future events.

    Had to do the math to figure my age at the time, I was only eleven years old. They referred to Jerusalem returning to Israel’s control as the “Budding of the Fig Tree” and “This generation shall not pass”. Those born at that time would live to see the return of Christ.

    Quick research to provide the following:

    A biblical generation is estimated at 52.42 years. That would place Christ’s return no later than 2019, provided Israel taking their Holy City was in fact the Budding of the Fig Tree.

    If you take the seven years into account, the Great Tribulation would start no later than 2012 or 2013. Again, that is provided the Jerusalem Prophesy was the Budding of the Fig Tree. The Bible teaches that none can place a time and date on Christ’s return.

    Biblical interpretation is fuzzy. Some scholars view a Biblical generation as 40 or 100 years.

    This is important to note:

    The have been reports that our calendar may be off by 20 to 35 years. If that is correct, then 2019 does not equal the correct math. While 20 to 35 years appears as if a lot of leeway, it is not when taking into account thousands of years.

    Here is what we do know:

    Arab Spring has shifted into power the Muslim Brotherhood. Muslim Brotherhood came into existence in the 1930s. It is believed they played a critical role in starting the Six Day War. Prior dictators had kept radical elements of religious extremists in-check to a degree. In many countries those extremists were used from time to time to serve a dictator’s ambitions. From time to time those extremists fought among each other. However, dictators held a tight rein on them.

    Since the Arab Spring religious extremists are fighting among each other, and murdering people of other faiths as well. An event, such as Israel and Iran going at it could trigger those various extremists into uniting against a common perceived enemy, Israel.

    Where the Muslim Brotherhood has gained political control, they now control those countries’ military.

    Arab Spring has altered the landscape, making it easier to unite Arab Nations in the event of war.

    It is more likely that the United States will pull off the main-stage. There is a growing Isolationist Movement within U. S. borders. A major event would do the trick. Perhaps a rigged election exposed, or natural disaster, or a short lived war, and or an event not yet seen in our past. Disclosure of alien life is very likely, or a combination of events.

    If the U. S. did pull of the main stage of World Affairs; the E. U. could take-over most peace keeping efforts in the Middle East. Decades ago, lots of people pointed the finger at Kissinger and said he was the Anti-Christ. Now days, people point at Obama and claim the same thing. That is unlikely.

    If Prophesy hold true, an Anti-Christ is likely to come out of the E. U. and not the United States.

    Here is a primary reasoning behind that assumption. In the second to finial battle of Armageddon, Arab Nations go to war against Israel. It is a matter of known fact, that Russia has signed a treaty with those nations. Russia will send in ground troops to keep Arabs from using weapons of mass destruction. The E. U. and Israel will drive those forces back into the desert. At that point, China who has already signed a treaty with Russia will send in additional ground troops for the same reason. Keep weapons of mass destruction from being used.

    At this point, the Eagle (U. S.) and her allies from the west arrive to help out Israel and the E. U. Then, Christ returns. However, the Earth is scorched and lays desolate for one thousand years and Satan cast into bottomless pit. Some people on Earth survive the scorching.

    Many evangelical faiths believe what call they New Jerusalem will hover above the Earth for a thousand years. Is it possible that New Jerusalem is in reality the Old Jerusalem, the city here on Earth is much younger?

    During the thousand years Christ will sort souls.

    At the end of that thousand years Satan is released. Decedents of those who survived the scorching will follow him into the final battle of Armageddon. At this point, the Earth is destroyed.

    A new heaven and new Earth are created, and begins Eternity Future which we know very little about. It also states, the New Jerusalem will land on the new Earth. An outer space city that is 1,500 miles square landing on a planet? Who knows. For all we know, if true - that city could divide into parts and land.

    Touching base on those Seven Years of tribulation:

    Among many in UFO circles it suspected, that Disclosure of alien life will trigger a start of the Seven Years of Tribulations.

    The first three and half years will be a false peace, followed by three and half years of conflict.

    Is a biochip the Mark of the Beast?

    Difficult to say, however it does meet the criteria. At first whatever it is will be voluntary. Then business will boycott those who refused it, and ending with it becoming law of the land. Is it a loss of Individuality and freewill and becoming as they are – the Greys a hive-mind?

    Again, interpreting Biblical Prophecy is not a fine science.

  6. #6
    Just finished viewing the documentary. It was a nice overview of several Bible prophecies. Brings back memories of The Omega Code and Jack van Impe Presents, which I used to watch.

    I think some Bible prophecies are genuine and revealed by some benevolent ultraterrestrial source that knows what's up. These tend to be the same ones that intersect with what other prophecy sources have to say (Hindu, Zoroastrian, Buddhist, Native American, Scandinavian, Fatima III, Mother Shipton). They concern things beyond the control or construction of man.

    But other prophecies come off as having been given for political reasons, not as genuine prophecies of what is fated, but as dictates to be followed and self-fulfilled to complete some negative agenda. Funny how the narrator said these prophecies read like an instruction manual. I thought the same thing, especially regarding the formation of Israel and its supposed role in future world events. How much is truly prophecy, and how much is self-fulfilling?

    Well, either way the signs and conditions exist now, and only now.

    I believe some prophesied events are fixed, like major end points. The pathway to those endpoints may be variable. Like right now there seem to be different scenarios as to how the alien factor could play out, and the probabilities shift periodically with the bulk effort then being thrown behind what's most viable. But the so called "dividing line" between the current world and the next appears to be fixed. It seems the only thing left for them (aliens) to do is meddle with the details of what goes in and what comes out of that nexus point. I wouldn't discount the idea of some of them giving out self-fulfilling prophecies toward those ends, as they still do today via the channeling community.

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