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Thread: Express Your Gratitude for this Forum Here....

  1. #1

    Express Your Gratitude for this Forum Here....

    I'm starting this thread to express my gratitude that such like minded people like the members of this forum are here to discuss topics we usually can't talk about to most of friends and family for reasons we already know.

    I also want to thank the staff here for all the time you're putting into this forum including your great feedback too!

    Let this thread be a place for members here to talk about the POSITVE things about this forum to remind all of us about how lucky we are to be members of one of the best forums on the net!
    Last edited by A99; 10-25-2012 at 05:36 AM.

  2. #2
    Administrator Chris's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Here, not there
    Thank you very much for the kind sentiments, A99!

    We put quite a bit of effort into making The OutPost THE place to go for lively and informative discussions on our favorite topics. The staff does a bang up job but his place wouldn't be what it is without you the members participating and making TOP your home!

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Chris View Post
    Thank you very much for the kind sentiments, A99!

    We put quite a bit of effort into making The OutPost THE place to go for lively and informative discussions on our favorite topics. The staff does a bang up job but his place wouldn't be what it is without you the members participating and making TOP your home!
    Home sweet home...

  4. #4
    I agree!
    Also... just wanted to add that unlike most UFO forums, we here at TOP are not all ’birds of the same feather’ on any given topic or issue but that’s what makes those conversations here so interesting and dynamic… hence why TOP is home to many …. and many more to come!

  5. #5
    Agree to all sentiments expressed!

  6. #6
    Senior Member lycaeus's Avatar
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    Sep 2012
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    I really like this forum

  7. #7
    Thanks to all who commented. As Chris said, you make TOP what it is and we are happy you make The OutPost your home! I like the diverse interests and differing points of view you express. Many times my own interests have been broadened by reading about your interests.

    We are happy for all the readers and lurkers who come here and we encourage anyone who is a little shy or unsure how to start a thread to just ease your way in or ask for assistance from a staff member. All of us were new once! You are welcome here.

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