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Thread: The ***** Conspiracy

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    Senior Member lycaeus's Avatar
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    The ***** Conspiracy

    @Mods, maybe change the title to 'Male Genitals Conspiracy? didn't realize that word was not allowed

    I wrote this for facebook a while ago, but deleted my account and wanted to share it somewhere.

    Sex, Blood, Penises, Violence, Crazy Women and Stupid Men...

    If you wanted to manipulate a society physically, emotionally and psychologically, then circumcision is a powerfully advantageous tactic.

    "Christopher Cold, M.D., Chairman of Anatomical Pathology at the Marshfield Clinic in Marshfield, Wisconsin, has studied and written about the foreskin. "It has important functions. The foreskin protects the head of the male genitals throughout life from contamination, friction, drying, and injury. It is an integral, natural part of the male genitals, not 'extra.' On the average adult male it is about twelve square inches [some circumcised men guess less than one square inch], and it consists of a movable, double-layered sleeve. The foreskin enhances sexual pleasure.” Without it, it is like “Seeing, but without colour”. “Detailed study shows that it is made up of unique zones with several kinds of specialized nerves that are important to natural sexual function and experiencing the full range of sexual sensations."

    Circumcision IS NOT reasonable or necessary. If you want to prevent infection then why would you inflict a bloody, gaping wound wrapped up tightly where urine and excrement fester? It's one of those weird things we don't think too much about because it's so easy to take the expert's advice as true. I know if I had the option of refusing the operation I'd have refused with some pretty colourful language. But babies don't have that option, and we are too brainwashed for our own good. Companies make A LOT of money off of circumcision:
    especially in cosmetics :

    "Robert Van Howe, M.D., a Michigan pediatrician who has authored numerous studies about circumcision, describes the infant's response. "Circumcision results in not only severe pain but also an increased risk of choking and difficulty breathing. Medical studies show significant increases in heart rate and level of blood stress hormone. Some infants do not cry because they go into shock from the overwhelming pain of the surgery.""

    There's plenty of evidence that circumcision is extremely harmful. A high percentage of them are 'botched jobs' done poorly by students. The removal of the foreskin messes up the wounded child, the mother-infant bonding relationship, male-female relationships in general and down the fractal, screws up the community and the nation. Babies are just as sensitive to pain, and likely more-so [obvious, no?], than adults. The baby is traumatized and associates the pain with the mother in the hospital, not to mention the plethora of other traumatizing factors during birth. The shock of the operation is so emotionally and physically overwhelming that the trauma is repressed, yet ever present in the back of the mind breeding psycho-sexual problems possibly linked with psychopathy. The trauma causes emotional numbing. Men have lower tolerances for emotional stress than woman, evidenced by males avoiding emotional conflicts and always resorting to hard-lined rationality.

    The violently traumatic pain of this weird religious ritual is a deep wound in the psyche and is probably a cause of low self-esteem (unconscious) leading to jealousy and quickly leading to violence in males. 'I've always felt a great deal of shame that this happened to me'. Jealous guys hurt people, especially women, physically, emotionally and psychologically. Perhaps this barbaric massacre of the sacred wand is a key cause of violence towards women?

    "In the United States, domestic violence is the single greatest cause of injury to women. Every fifteen seconds a man beats a women. " Our culture (subtly and not-so-subtly) degrades women (is an example really necessary?).

    "It is possible to compare circumcision rates by country to prevalence of male abuses toward women that include violence, repression, isolation, murder, rape, and forced marriage. The ten worst countries for women are Afghanistan, Democratic Republic of Congo, Iraq, Nepal, Sudan, Guatemala, Mali, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and Somalia. Eight of these countries have a male circumcision rate that exceeds 80%. Two other countries have a rate between 20% and 80%. " (

    So what's the big deal with the foreskin? Well, it's really important. The foreskin is very complex (I'm sure some science guy can explain it better than me). The foreskin is receptive to vaginal secretions. Without it, the man can't receive certain chemicals from the female. Also, pleasure is reduced significantly, and pain increases for both sexes. There is an interplay of thousands of hormones between the foreskin and the female genitals. The removal of it fudges everything up.

    This is where it gets interesting, enlightening, crazy and offensive...Just a theory I'm passing on...

    The reception of hormones from the female chemically bind the male to the female. This is a chemical component of love that is completely absent with the foreskin (completely... [some 'botched-jobs may have some up-sides]) gone. Only the foreskin can receive these subtle chemicals. Certain hormones that are necessary for brain development in males are not received. Circumcised males are physically-damaged beings and unaware that their brains are unable to mature properly. The vaginal chemicals need to be transmitted to the foreskin to chemically affect the male brain, naturally. When this growth does not occur, the male's development is hindered. Clif High says it more clearly:

    "Men without foreskins can not bond to women and will not sacrifice themselves for women the way that men with foreskins will do. Men with foreskins will bond with women from the vaginal secretions triggering a reaction within the sensory apparatus of the male foreskin that triggers a growth pattern within the male mind that will not exist without it. These men will bond with women in a way that men without foreskins will not. That affects the individual, the woman involved and the community". (

    The women are affected because they are confused why the male won't bond with them. So it's now partly understandable why women run around in a semi-crazed desperation. They are searching for something the male may not be able to give them and can not verbalize it. It is elusive yet ever-present.

    I wonder if this demasculization process has to do with the current rise in androgyny pushed by the mainstream media and overabundance of estrogenic compounds in our food and environment?
    Last edited by lycaeus; 10-29-2012 at 03:47 PM.

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