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Thread: Animal Totems Guides

  1. #1

    Animal Totems Guides

    A number of years ago, when I was shopping for a house came across one in my budget range.

    Had a couple Native American friends with me when walking around the outside of the empty house.

    On a wooden deck was a faded statue of an owl. Insiting the owl was warning, they were quick to steer me away from the house.

    A year later, I learned a woman had passed away in the house and lay there for days before found.

  2. #2
    Nov 5th, 11:30PM CST.

    Fox sighting:

    I was driving to pick-up a friend in dire need of a ride to get food.

    On a four lane street, a fox crossing the street in route to the river caught my attention.

    Wow, a wild fox in the city!

    The river is called the Fox River and 25 miles due west is the Fox Valley area. A century ago the region was named for a reason.

    2012: This a populated area and seeing a free running fox was special.

    Side note, the Fox River is one of two rivers that flow north. The other I think is the Nile.

    Onto the fox:

    This was written in dreaming of a fox, however the discription fits perfect to Monday night.

    •When a fox appears mysteriously, at night, or it pauses in the distance and looks at you, it is a message and symbol to take some time to ponder some issue or reflect upon your life.

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