- My Encounters
- Dr. Karla Turner speaking on Alien Abductions
- Alien customer?
- Something around my bed
- Abductees - Animation short
- Tall Grays Encounter
- DEMONIC or ET any first hand ENCOUNTERS?
- Paralyzing light appearing when I woke up.
- TOP Exclusive: William 'Barney' Watson interview. (Video)
- Michael Lee Hill Interview - Lake Erie UFO's! - Anunnaki Contactee!
- Travis Walton, 2011 International UFO Congress full Presentation
- My Mothers Experience
- British Labour Party counsillor Simon Parkes
- Weirdest thing ever happened last night.
- Huffington Post Brings Alien Abduction Stories Into Mainstream
- My Personnal Experiance..
- Analysis of a possible Alien/Hybrid Hair Sample
- Intruders: Abductees Speak Out
- Summer camp encounter, age 14 in 1971
- PTSD caused by abductions?
- Possible landing outside my house
- Thoughts to one side?
- Et/human evolution
- Kathleen Marden: Experiencers speak on the alien agenda
- "Zheel"
- Strange Alien Stick-like creatures caught on security camera
- Animal Totems Guides
- Another Tall White Visitation
- Suspicious Experiences Possibly Related To Alien/Abduction Phenomenon
- Year long stay on ET base
- The Story of "The Fallen" UT? - The Discussion Begins
- Who killed the Alien Jigsaw?
- Going to give it to you all in one of things over time that has happen ..
- Celebrities claiming to have seen UFOs and or Aliens.
- Book Review: The Kendall Stone
- Native American Chief Tells of His Contact with Extraterrestrials
- Winter 1993/94
- An abduction story -
- Australian Peter Khoury - Blonde alien tried to have sex with him
- I had a dream?
- Unmasking the disinformers
- Hammerhead Aliens
- Hoaxing Encounters
- Steven Hirsch 'Little Sticky Legs' Abductee Photos
- Why Does UFO Intelligence Make Experiencers Look Ridiculous?
- Shapeshifters
- Hybrids Rising web site
- I had a ET encounter one day ago and I would like to write about it
- The Stone Circle Makers
- What would you ask the aliens?
- What is it?
- Walking Among Us: New book by Dr David Jacobs.
- Seeing Ebe2 drive by in Sedona Arizona
- Differences between Ebens and Grays
- Intergration: Exclusive Interview with David M. Jacobs, Ph.D.
- JAR Magazine is coming back
- UFO sighting - personal 11/02/15
- Giorgio Piacenza interviews Kathleen Marden
- Crustacean Aliens
- Abductions and strange phenomena in Norway
- "The Abductionist's Wife: A Memoir"
- Looking for your help.
- Hybrids
- Why don't I remember my ET visits
- Has anyone heard of an ET race called Thetas?
- Garuda asked that I would share this story about the ET's helping to build my childhood home.
- Bright Green substances from a UFO crash
- Personal Ponderings
- The ET Presence: good or bad?
- Mimicry of Alien Contact by Occult Entities
- Interview with Elizabeth Klarer
- An Ontological Voyage, With Added Woo Woo !
- 2 New Articles in JAR Magazine
- JAR Magazine on MILABs
- Centennial Anniversary of the Fatima Sightings
- Redefining Reality
- Temporal Anomalies
- The role of altered states in contact experiences
- The Ariel School Encounter in Ruwa Zimbabwe in 1994
- JAR Magazine: who controls the narrative
- My History with the Little Grey Men
- The PSI factor
- Dr Reed's bracelet
- The Scale and Frequency of Abductions
- Robert Hastings and Dr Bob Jacobs ‘Confession’
- Deep Prasad's CE Thanksgiving Revelation
- Aragami's Encounters
- Alien Communications
- Implications of Contact
- My encounter with a massive UFO in the spring of 1978, the return year of the mission.
- How can we understand ET?
- The Bigger Picture
- Disclosure and Contact Experiences