View Full Version : Paper Trail

  1. Something to remember when applying for FOIA Documents
  2. 12 Documents [That Take UFOs Seriously] AfterDisclosure.com
  3. After the Petitions, Then What?
  4. White House Petition Response FOIA
  5. Obama OSTP FOIA
  6. NATO UFO Document - FOI response.
  7. Larry Bryant Gets the Runaround Again On Mars Visitation FOIA
  8. DoD releases new manual for Information and Security Regulation
  9. FOI request/response: Penkridge/Spitsburgen recovery
  10. FOIA: Opening the Door to the Blue Room
  11. Out of the Blue - nukes / UFOs story - screen cap?
  12. FBI Records 'Guy Hottel', UFO's & Radar
  13. Blue Planet Project - Is this real? What is it?
  14. FBI: “discs recovered”, Air Force “greatly concerned”, “at a complete loss” + more memos
  15. Oz X-Files : “authenticated sighting”, “appear to be inexplicable”, USA “very interested"
  16. Watching the Watchers
  17. New Zealand X-Files : Official “fib”, superiors “mystified”, + Kaikoura “whitewash”
  18. Oz X-Files - The second batch
  19. FOIA from Nasa on Stephenville Lights
  20. UK UFO National Archives for Free
  21. GCHQ, Snowden and 'dirty tricks'.
  22. Project Aquarius documents released by Dr Steven Greer
  23. Einstein & Oppenheimer’s secret document about ETs
  24. The NSA’s message from the Extraterrestrials, on their website!
  25. Remote viewing & UFOs : CIA index + 92,010 PDF pages
  26. Briefing to Regan
  27. NORAD released X-Files
  28. The Case for the UFO Jessup -The Varo Edition