View Full Version : Frontier Science
- Cutting Edge Technology in the news
- So, you've always wanted to become an astronaut
- Faster than light speeds confirmed
- Not Alone
- Another planet discovered with water!
- Tiny planets survive extreme ordeal inside star
- Air Force contributs money to restart SETI; plans to use it for "space surveillance"
- Ancient Galaxy Discovered
- Mortality increase follows arrival of the radioactive plume from fukushima
- HOME DEPOT= Cold fusion go figure
- Dr. Kaku's Universe
- Huge Solar Eruption Sparks Strongest Radiation Storm in 7 Years
- Kepler finds 11 new planetary systems
- New alien planet is perfect for life, scientists say
- Solar Tornado Video by NASA Spcecraft
- Russian scientists regenerate ice age plant 30,000 years old
- South African Fuel-Free Generator Preparing for Market
- Vitamin D Deficiency Linked To Serious Diseases and Ill Health
- The Shortest Man Ever...
- Hundreds of Tornadoes Hit the US and Will Continue
- X-37B America's Secret Space Plane
- Yes, we really did land on the moon...
- "Steering" Lightning with lasers
- Resurrecting the Wooly Mammoth
- Earthquake Warning for the USA
- Nuclear Powered Drones or Back-Engineered?
- Astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson talks Innovation and NASA
- New Enterprise: Google and James Cameron Mining Asteroids
- Super Secret Hypersonic Aircraft
- EcoAlert: GLACIERS Are Growing LARGER Again in the
- Nitinol free energy...
- Vesta: Asteroid study
- Hitler's Stealth Fighter — National Geographic
- Hubble: Red Giant Blows a Bubble
- Solar Flares Linked to Extreme Weather
- Kepler, eye in the sky
- Sally Ride Passes: First American Woman in Space
- NASA's Curiosity Rover Lands or Crashes on Mars, August 5th 2012
- Project Troy - Manned Mission to Mars
- Perseid Meteor Shower
- Amazing High Speed Camera
- Acoustic Levitation
- Panspermia theory far more likely than anticipated
- Could this have anything to do with disappearing implants?
- Dark Matter
- Mars Updates: Exploration, rovers, satellites and...
- Ancient Galaxy Image
- "Search begins for giant new planet" - The Independent, 13.02.2011
- Has Earth 2 Been Found?
- Experts Say Earth's Twin Will Be Found In 2013
- Ancient Technology
- The Avro Arrow: What do We Know About Them?
- A Flight through 400000 Galaxies
- Spaceports built and under construction.
- Mars
- Asteroid Mining
- Alien Becomes Reality
- Current Events in Astronomy
- New proof that asteroid impact dealt dinosaurs a quick death blow
- Curiosity discovers mysterious metal object
- Electromagnetic Harvesting
- Comet May Hit Mars
- Our DNA Coded With Messages From Another Civilization
- Russian scientists discover unidentified bacteria in sub-glacial Lake Vostok
- Another Asteroid Flyby Saturday 3-09-2013
- NASA Warning Re: The Sun
- Higgs boson or God Particle Found?
- Comet ISON, 'Comet of the Century'?
- Future bio-nanotechnology will use computer chips inside living cells Read more: http://www.nanower
- Manipulating Genes with High Voltage Electricity
- Pole Shift past, present and future.
- NASA Planet Hunter, On The Lookout For Alien Ships In Deep Space
- "The Beast of Kandahar" Stealth Aircraft Sighting From 2011
- Earth's Moon, discoveries.
- The Venus Project
- Scientists Build First Nanotube Computer
- The SR-72, Blackbird successor may scorch the sky at Mach6!
- Secret Navy LENR - $7 Billion Nuclear Propulsion Deal
- "Jade Rabbit" Lunar Module Lands on the Moon
- Climate Change why are we still even debating it?
- Hidden oceans discovered inside of the Earth.
- Saturn's moon Titan may have ocean waves.
- Live_ISS_Stream
- Sedna Ice Planet in our solar system.
- Cyber Olympics in 2016 to be sponsered by Swiss
- Randy Mills Blacklight Company announces sustained power from water based generator
- First Earth-Size Planet That Could Support Life?
- U.S. cyber-espionage charges against five Chinese military officials
- Suspended Animation.
- Solar Roadways, an idea that's time has come?
- transhumanist technologies of the future
- Scientists coax photons to bind into molecules for first time
- Rosetta Comet Mission
- Advances in 3-D Printing
- New Horizons: Mission to Pluto and Beyond.
- Jupiter's moon Europa.
- Plankton found on outer hull of ISS
- E-books, fiction and text on the rise.
- Chimps Learning New Tool Use in The Wild: Implications For Early Man
- Electronic Frontier Foundation
- Secret Space Plane Landed Today
- Solar and Lunar Eclipses
- Open Sciences was launched a while ago
- US Military wants Flying Aircraft Carrier
- Why Did Google Decide To Split Inbox From Gmail?
- Spot light on Lockheed Martin
- Uranus or Neptune missions when?
- Deep-Sea Bacteria Form Avatar-Style Electrochemical Networks
- State ofthe Art-Novel InFlow Tech Project Development 1Gearturbine RotaryTurbo 2Imploturbocompressor
- Holo lens
- Answer to life the universe & everything is 37
- Hacks and CyberEspionage
- John Nash claimed to have a new equation for Relativity just days before he died
- Miniature Origami Robot Self-folds...
- Musk and Hawking warn of the dangers ahead when A.I. meets the M.I.C.
- EM Drive
- Super High Tech Gravity Engine versus 'the reality of the basics'
- Production of AntiMatter for a CR energy device
- German Haunebu Saucers; Did we find any?
- Bengaluru inventor creates over unity device using the vacuum
- Is this Possible: 'Ask the Aliens Room'?
- Question to the Tall White Aliens; Gravity Engine
- Anti-Gravity Blackout and Radar Technology
- Cosmic "Death Star" is Destroying a Planet
- Saturn's moon Enceladus, update.
- CERN About to be Dwarfed.
- Artificial Gravity on Alien craft?
- AI is coming at what price?
- Russian TV Documentary on Haunebu project in WWII
- Free energy mobile - the Steorn O phone
- Meteor Showers
- 2045 According to DARPA
- Certifications of elements 113, 115, and 117 and 118.
- Interesting free energy exp.
- Video of the failed SpaceX landing today.
- Haunebu Backwards Engineering
- Anti-matter Light: Huge Implications, Detection of Cloaked UFOs.
- EMDrive
- Will Gravitational Waves reveal ETs?
- 360 terabytes stored as 5 dimenstional data inside Crystals that last for billions of years.
- LENR - Cold Fusion
- The Militarisation of Space
- Free--UFO detector open source software
- PHYSICS in the News
- The Tiny Scale of Life
- Farsight's Time-Cross Project August Prediction
- Private Company Cleared for Moon Landing in 2017
- Personal jetpacks
- Michio Kaku's Video's and Interviews
- David Wilcock's interviews and videos
- Kitty Hawk Flyer WHAT FUN!
- Stephen Hawking: We Must Leave Earth Within 100 years!
- Air Force's X-37B Space Plane Lands in Florida
- WannaCry Ransomeware
- Patent - Triangular Spacecraft??
- Petya Ransomeware
- Meet the young woman that Harvard believes is the next Einstein
- Is this an asteroid or...???
- State of the Art Novel InFlowTech; 1-Gearturbine RotaryTurbo, 2-Imploturbocompressor One Compression
- "Russian Astronaut Says 'Alien Life' Found on Space Station Did Not Come From Earth"
- Skype announces intent to add RECORD CALLS feature
- Curiosity Mars Rover
- Rotating electrostatic propulsion
- Hackers. What they want and how they get it.
- Quantum Consciousness
- Time for a break from Social Media?
- NASA News and Education
- China lands a spaceship on the far side of the moon.
- Windows 7 vs. Windows 10: Which is better?
- NASA wants your memories of the Apollo 11 Moon landing
- Perseverance Mars Rover NASA
- Safire Sun - Plasma Fusion
- Hubble Telescope, NASA
- Evidence for parallel universe going backwards in time
- Scientific Study into DMT Entities
- SpaceX spacecraft launch
- Run your car on 99% water
- The Great Firewall of China
- Saturn
- Saturn's Moon Titan
- Venus
- Quantum Computer Design
- Breakthrough Scientists Reverse Blindness Using CRISPR Technology
- Military State of the Art Technology
- James Webb Telescope
- MIT Engineers Create the “Impossible”
- Quaise Energy to Dig World's Deepest Hole to Unleash Boundless Energy
- Webb telescope
- Genetic Engineering and Artificial Wombs
- NASA's new plasma tech
- UAP Reverse Engineering
- Is it Possible to Apply Positive + in Favor Newton III Motion Law as a Dynamic Work Power System
- Fractional Electrons
- Hal Puthoff and NASA's Convergent Aeronautics Solutions Project
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