View Full Version : The Long Tunnel --- You Know The One
01-19-2013, 08:01 PM
Has anyone had experiences with the long tunnel that has a light at the end of it ?
My mother used to dream of it almost every year throughout her life. Once she reached the light shed wake up.
I have had 2 spontaneous experiences with it wide awake. Once at 18 and once 13 months ago. Both seem to be triggered by deep emotion coupled with a realization of something deeply personal. Some time after having these experiences I wondered if this is anything like what the apostle Paul encountered when he converted. These tunnels are real and they turn your mind inside out. Both times I returned to consciousness and could not breath for a few moments and had to remind myself to inhale. Both totally changed my way of thinking and viewing the universe.
I don't know what it is or where I went but its real and its dynamic and there is a massive amount of information there. Some of which it gave to me regarding what I was seeking.
So, has anyone experienced it waking, sleeping, or NDE ?
01-20-2013, 12:04 AM
I used to have the sensation of flying through a tunnel that was ringed with lights, like hula hoops. As I passed through each one, I would hear a deep swoosh sound. I'm not sure which direction I was travelling, but I was accelerating and going somewhere fast; I always woke up before the trip ended.
08-17-2014, 07:35 PM
Well, it's been about 18 months since my post. Thought I'd update it. I've continue to have headaches and my husband swears I am different from when this occurred. From my perspective I'm more intuitive, and a bit more disconnected from the now. Everything seems suspended in dimensional space. Like I can see from a distance. It's odd. I don't think we are meant to go down the thing. Thus, so many people have had life altering perspectives after encountering it.
I'm sure neuroscientists would say you're experiencing a temporary fugue state or something but I don't agree. This thing is real and it accesses a different dimension and leaves you connected to some source of information. It's also opened up some part of my mind I wasn't aware of and I just finished the first draft of a novel I'm working on regarding two individuals whose life I bevpcame aware of while in the tunnel. They don't live in this dimension, but in a second one also on earth in a similar timeline. Can't really explain it without sounding like I've gone mental, but its all very real.
So, more questions than answers. Anyone else have experience with this thing ?
08-17-2014, 09:06 PM
Well, it's been about 18 months since my post. Thought I'd update it. I've continue to have headaches and my husband swears I am different from when this occurred. From my perspective I'm more intuitive, and a bit more disconnected from the now. Everything seems suspended in dimensional space. Like I can see from a distance. It's odd. I don't think we are meant to go down the thing. Thus, so many people have had life altering perspectives after encountering it.
I'm sure neuroscientists would say you're experiencing a temporary fugue state or something but I don't agree. This thing is real and it accesses a different dimension and leaves you connected to some source of information. It's also opened up some part of my mind I wasn't aware of and I just finished the first draft of a novel I'm working on regarding two individuals whose life I bevpcame aware of while in the tunnel. They don't live in this dimension, but in a second one also on earth in a similar timeline. Can't really explain it without sounding like I've gone mental, but its all very real.
So, more questions than answers. Anyone else have experience with this thing ?
Childhood and into adulthood, I lived in an ongoing state of Deja Vu. I went to bed in a state of Deja Vu and woke in a state of Deja Vu.
It comes and goes now, last only minutes to hours, sometimes days. When gone it feels as if part of me is missing.
08-18-2014, 01:35 AM
That's curious because I have felt that a good deal has been given to me.
It reveals itself slowly over time. Like champagne bubbles rising to the top of a glass.
08-18-2014, 07:14 AM
I have been a migraine-with-aura sufferer all my life; it developed into hemiplegic migraine over the last 6 years, with paralysis. . . .nasty, but the "side effects" provide wonderful views of the ordinary as amazing, streaming visions when I close my eyes, ear tones & out of body adventures. It has quietened down now that I take meds, but I agree it is more than a medical condition. In fact, my theory is that it is related to possible Kundalini spikes.
I have been a migraine-with-aura sufferer all my life; it developed into hemiplegic migraine over the last 6 years, with paralysis. . . .nasty, but the "side effects" provide wonderful views of the ordinary as amazing, streaming visions when I close my eyes, ear tones & out of body adventures. It has quietened down now that I take meds, but I agree it is more than a medical condition. In fact, my theory is that it is related to possible Kundalini spikes.What kind of medication were you taking? What was it designed to medicate?
09-29-2014, 10:30 AM
In the Tibetan Buddhist 'Book of the Dead' explains the dying process. And a white light is associated with the first of the five elements in the body dissolving.
I don't have any direct experience of this but various types of meditation, I believe, can take you down that path. That doesn't mean seeing a white light means that you are dying, you can have glimpses of all kinds of higher and more limited states.
They don't necessarily mean anything but it might help to know what they are.
'The different colors which the mind in the bardo state perceives are the natural expression, the radiance, of the fundamental, intrinsic qualities of mind. The element of water is perceived as white light...'
An brief explanation of the Bardo's is given by Kalu Rinpoche here, a renowned master who has now passed.
10-14-2014, 07:03 PM
In the Tibetan Buddhist 'Book of the Dead' explains the dying process. And a white light is associated with the first of the five elements in the body dissolving.
I don't have any direct experience of this but various types of meditation, I believe, can take you down that path. That doesn't mean seeing a white light means that you are dying, you can have glimpses of all kinds of higher and more limited states.
They don't necessarily mean anything but it might help to know what they are.
'The different colors which the mind in the bardo state perceives are the natural expression, the radiance, of the fundamental, intrinsic qualities of mind. The element of water is perceived as white light...'
An brief explanation of the Bardo's is given by Kalu Rinpoche here, a renowned master who has now passed.
I just came across what you had to say about this subject Longeyes, and what you mention about light I can relate and internalize thru your comments by experience.
The death experience can be strongly argued in opposite directions, one that the dying brain brings images to consciousness and is the natural process of dying and once your dead your dead, the other is the death experience leaves your soul/consciousness to go on to another place once you have died and your experiences while dying are real and you live on thru your consciousness with no body after death.
In my experiences the amount of light which enters thru my closed eyelids can set off my visions has me believing it has something to do with the pineal gland as a connection. I am also trying magnetism across the forehead concentrating in the area of the brain where the pineal gland is situated. So far it has not produced the expected control of the visions I am looking for but has a side effect of an awareness of clarity which I cannot explain which can last for some time.
Though I do not use this particular technique but something similar in the link I am supplying and it should give some clarity about the use of light to consciousness thru closed eyelids.
10-23-2014, 04:38 PM
Interesting you should mention the pineal gland. My second experience occurred spontaneously after I had fallen and injured the back of my head over the occipital lobe. Three yrs of migraines, then more subtle pain. Eight yrs later and I am still dealing with the affects. I think with my case the nerve damage in the occipital lobe and the pineal is located behind it deeper in the brain. Raises some new questions for me.
For yrs I felt like the pain came out of my right eye, like a pulling feeling. That's gone now. But according to my husband I'm different. More inward, distracted. I find I can concentrate on some tasks for a long time, usually writing or creative things. It's comes with its problems too as I feel my memory has been affected.
The fact that I've experienced it twice, perfectly alive and awake is curious. Only thing I can recall that may have triggered it was in both I had a moment of realization. Buddhists would likely call it a moment of enlightenment, regarding realizing something in my life that was profound. But you've given me something to think about atmjjc, thanks.
Has anyone experienced these paired together ?
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