View Full Version : Mothership Description From First Contact Book

Tom T. Moore
08-23-2013, 10:25 PM
Here is an excerpt from my new book FIRST CONTACT: Conversations With An ET. I communicate telepathically with a member of my soul group or "cluster" who's an amphibian having a life on a water planet in the Sirius B Star System. I just posted a Blog article that's been published in several magazines and ezines recently. This excerpt has never been seen before. It's only three pages of 12 for the chapter.

When you come to earth, what is the size of your spaceship?

As you have heard, Tom, these craft are monstrous by your standards—yes, well over one mile in length. Keep in mind that we do have a large crew with many different tasks to perform.
And the craft must be capable of carrying multiple life forms shall we say, as we often have our neighbors or even other Federation guests on the craft that must be accommodated according to their individual needs which, as you might not be even able to imagine, how different we can all be from each other. Yet we all have these common interests so the craft can be changed in a short time to accommodate almost any form of life, within certain limitations. Certainly the being you were thinking of that I mentioned before would not be able to be accommodated due to its size.

Author’s Note: He was referring to the being that spread out over a large area of its world.
How long does it take to travel from your planet to earth, since we’re a little over 8 light years away?

Yes, not long, Tom. We do use space portals as you would call them or star gates is the other popular name I believe. So the time is almost instantaneous. We’re here and then we’re there, not too far from earth, so we quickly move from that location into orbit around earth.

Do your space ships cloak themselves by using a sophisticated version of the light-bending materials announced here by our scientists or something totally different like changing to a different dimensional degree?

Good question, Tom. We actually use both, depending upon the circumstances. If we are in an area and do not wish to frighten the local population, we will use a more advanced version of what your scientists are just now learning how to use and how to construct. If we are under scrutiny by warships or war craft which would try and attack us, we do simply leave the point of the dial if you will, knowing that it is impossible for any of your ships to follow us yet.

How many people, or should I say beings, will be on that ship when it comes to earth?

There will be a fairly large contingent, Tom. Let’s see if you can receive the number—more on the order of 1,000.

How many beings crew the large craft, Antura?

Yes, we typically have over 700 to as many as 900 crew members, Tom. I know those figures sound large and we can go over those numbers again in the future, but yes, the spacecraft is quite capable of carrying that large a crew along with passengers.

Will all these beings be from your planet, a few planets nearby, or from the Sirius star system, or even beyond that?

A good question. Our contingent of beings shall we say will come from a wide area—many from other star systems. We are a most friendly group as you can imagine and come from all over the Federation of planets.

How many beings is the ship capable of carrying let’s say in normal comfort?

Certainly well beyond the 1,000 figure, Tom. Keep in mind that some of the beings are quite small and require little space, and some require a significant amount of space. There are more smaller beings than large ones, so many can be easily and comfortably accommodated.

When you come here in that big mothership with that large crew, obviously they are not coming just for you to speak to me. Will many of the other crew members and passengers be in contact with earth humans here too?

Good question, Tom. Yes and no. Several of them are working just as I am with you and two other people and they will have their meetings too you see. Some of the crew will be in contact with your known leaders and some of the crew members will be in contact with scientists and other learned persons, as at that time the initial contact will be over and the various governments will have appointed people to work with us both scientifically and on a sort of political level as well, as there will be many discussions on how all this will proceed.
Don’t forget this has been done hundreds of thousands of times before with other worlds, so you might say we do have the experience needed to bring you along, but in your case it will be at a very slow rate indeed, as we still want you to learn things on your own in perhaps unique ways that we have not considered before. These motherships, as you have guessed, have made these trips many thousands of times, but we just keep them cloaked so that they do not frighten your population. Even these contacts will still require that we keep the ship cloaked to a certain extent.


How many miles out in space does the Mothership lie?

Good question, Tom. The mothership on duty right now sits about 50 miles out in space. Far enough out, but close enough to have the scout craft.

So it is 50 and not say 100 miles out?

No, much closer to 50 miles Tom, but remember it is cloaked.

That seems awfully close. I would have expected something like a thousand miles.

Again there is no need as we are invisible to both the naked eye and to any radar or instruments. We shift slightly in frequency.

Just to be sure I’m receiving correctly, the International Space Station is 220 kilometers above the earth—over 135 miles. Then the mothership is less than half that distance above the earth?

Quite so, Tom, we are able to maintain our orbit, unlike your unmanned satellites and the Space Station through slight adjustments. It might seem as if we should be much farther away, but it is so much easier to take these readings much closer to the surface, and to deploy the scout craft to do their missions much nearer to the surface.

Does the mothership remain stationary or does it orbit the earth?

Again a fine question, Tom. It does tend to slowly orbit, so that constant readings can be done.

Where is the mothership that you’ll be coming in right now? Docked on one of the Federation worlds, exploring someplace in the universe, or somewhere close by to earth?

There you go, Tom. Its current mission is close by you with its crew taking measurements and such. You are the most important place in the universe right now, and therefore more resources, shall we say, are devoted to your planetary studies. We want your integration into the Federation in the coming years to be seamless.
And of course that is why I will be on the ship when it comes again in a few years time. With my 800 lives plus it gives me a real insight in order to understand the earth human having been one so many times myself, just as you’ll do someday in your next life.

Author Note: I later asked for a clarification.

Since the mothership is there now, will it have to return to pick you and others up, or will you come in another mothership?

Yes, we will be in another mothership and will relieve this ship of its duty you might say. We keep a mothership in the area on a constant basis these days, as it will not be too long even in your earth years before first contact is made by the Pleiadeans and then it will be our turn.

How long has this mothership been near earth on its latest mission?

Quite some time, Tom. More than 10 earth years. That is not so long in universal time we shall call it.

How long can these motherships be gone without having to be resupplied, or are the ships capable of making food and water and whatever substances are needed for the crew’s survival?

It can stay on duty if you will for several hundred years your time, as it is capable of generating most of the sustenance needed for our bodies. There are machines in these ships, which do work that you will not discover for hundreds of years. But that’s the way it is supposed to happen, Tom.

Have you been to the earth on one of your motherships in the past?

Of course, Tom, but only once, as I needed to do some research in preparation for speaking with you on your different time lines. I needed to be more knowledgeable about this time period and have much more understanding of what is going on in your world at the present time.

So you are not on the mothership right now are you?

No, I am not. But that was a good question.


If you wish to read a couple of sample chapters of the book you can go to www.etconversations.com or to Amazon.com where you can simply enter the title of the book and they have a couple of different chapters. I guarantee you will read things you've never even thought of before.