View Full Version : Mars Nautilus Crater Anomalies - A Four Legged Life Form and A Handbag

12-13-2011, 12:23 AM
Well everyone, I am posting two Mars anomalies that I found at the Mars Nautilus Crater. Nautilus is an impact crater roughly 8 meters in diameter, named for the first nuclear submarine. Rover Opportunity was here, taking photos on Sol day 2011.

The two anomalies here are very interesting, just for being here, on Mars. However, while they are close to one another - which is why I am posting them together - they have no known direct relationship. One of the anomalies is a type of life-form, and the other anomaly is a handbag-type object.

First, I will discuss the “handbag-looking object - no way to know what it actually is, but:

* It is very obviously not a rock, here among a lot of rocks.
* It is bulky, floppy, has folds, and has what looks like a small strap going down the left side.
* It seems to be made of a woven material of some sort.
* The near top-end seems to show an opening, like any top opening handbag would have.
* It may have a zipper. At least one can see, on the near end, down to about the middle, a small shiny spot like the metal end-stop of a zipper has. And there does seem to be a dark line running from there up, that could be a zipper, or just the opening of the handbag.

Now I will discuss the life-form. I for sure don’t actually know what this is. It is likely/possibly a statue/or taxidermy of the life-form, rather than it being actually alive. I have found two others of these, in Mars Rover photos, and I will include screenshots and photo info on those also. So, now this post will discuss three of these, with the other two being in photos over one hundred Mars Sol days forward, and were found in/at an entirely different crater.

* They do seem to be four legged life-forms. But, I don’t know if they are animals, or of the bird/feathered family
* Their rear legs seem to be very small.
* In the photos we have, the front legs cannot be seen. What can be seen in the front leg area is something wide vertically from the body. On the smaller one of the two at Concepcion’, I can just make out “quills of feathers” that come down the front leg area. Maybe some of you will be able to see that also!!
* As you will see, each of the three of these seem to be different size.
* The larger one of the two seems to be looking toward the camera, but it is that way in more than one Sol day. :) (one reason I consider them to be statue type pieces))

I will post links to the full Rover photos, and I will post screenshots for each of these anomalies.

I am posting these anomalies, because of the reality of their being on Mars. I make no bets as to what they actually are! :biggrin2: If they are statues/taxidermy, then “somebody” did it! If these actually are "Mars life-forms", then how can that be??? I will look forward to your thoughts and comments.

Link Sol day 2011, showing Life-Form and Handbag - http://www.nivnac.co.uk/mer/images/B2011_nautilus_full.jpg

Link Sol day 2140 Mosaic, showing the other two Life-Forms found different crater - http://www.nivnac.co.uk/mer/images/B2140_Concepcion_full.jpg


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12-13-2011, 12:53 AM
I will post links to the full Rover photos, and I will post screenshots for each of these anomalies.

You should always make an effort to post links to the original source for the pics, I think. And the pics are from this website:


With the full image galleries available people can look for other pics taken in the same area, and see if there are pics of the anomalies taken from other angles. Sometimes those pics can be very reveiling and clear up a lot of things...

12-13-2011, 03:09 AM
You should always make an effort to post links to the original source for the pics, I think. And the pics are from this website:


With the full image galleries available people can look for other pics taken in the same area, and see if there are pics of the anomalies taken from other angles. Sometimes those pics can be very reveiling and clear up a lot of things...
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Hey SolFlickan, good to meet you! I have posted these things "every which way but Sunday", and, I have learned you just cannot please everyone, no matter how you post it. The most complaints I have gotten, since I started sometimes using the ninvac type colorized mosaic screenshots, is for not posting the links to the colorized ninvac full photos. Some people seem to think those are higher resolution, because some things seem "more clear to them". So, now, if I post the colorized screenshots, and links to the colorized full photos, as I did here, I do also give the Mars Rover Sol days, so anyone who wants to can go and do as you say - look at all of the different Rover photos for themselves, in the Rover pic "libraries", using a link such as you provided.

However, depending upon the situation, I do sometimes post only the black and white stuff, along with the Rover or Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC) links!!

Now, do you by chance have a comment on the two anomalies in this post?? ??:ufo:

12-13-2011, 03:53 AM
Hi, rdunk, good to meet you too! :)

Yes, I have looked at the pics you posted, but I don't see the same things that you do. I think you are reading too much into the images, they look just like rocks to me.

12-13-2011, 05:31 AM
Quote SolFlickan: "Yes, I have looked at the pics you posted, but I don't see the same things that you do. I think you are reading too much into the images, they look just like rocks to me".

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If you don't mind me asking, do you ever see anything, other than "rocks", in anomaly posts - i.e are you a typical debunker, or, do you actually look at posts with an "Open Post Forum" mind? Just ask'in!

Actually the answer is desired, however, the reality will be evident is your posts anyway.

You see, without any discussion about why you think they are not somewhat as described in the OP, we are just left with "looks like just rocks", when that is just not really what the pics show!! These are entirely different from any other "rock" you might find around this crater. I do have other "woven items" I have found elsewhere, but this is the only bag-looking woven item I have found. And these three creatures (live/taxidermy/statues) - well most rocks do not have exposed legs, most rocks do not have an exterior with hairy/furry stuff, with maybe some feathers, and most rocks do nor have a nose, and etc.

Whatever these anomalies are, they absolutely do not look like rocks! Have another look!!:ufo:

12-13-2011, 06:14 AM
Quote SolFlickan: "Yes, I have looked at the pics you posted, but I don't see the same things that you do. I think you are reading too much into the images, they look just like rocks to me".

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If you don't mind me asking, do you ever see anything, other than "rocks", in anomaly posts - i.e are you a typical debunker, or, do you actually look at posts with an "Open Post Forum" mind? Just ask'in!

Actually the answer is desired, however, the reality will be evident is your posts anyway.

I understand your frustration, and perhaps it will surprise you to know I was like you a few years back. I have looked at hundreds and hundreds of photos from Mars and the Moon, convinced that some of the things I saw were anomalies, perhaps evidence of earlier intelligent life... But during the process I learned about image artifacts, I learned how shadows can trick your eyes, I about how pixellation itself creates strange shapes in pics, I learned to find (whenever possible) images of the same locations taken from different angles... During the learning process my beliefs were challenged over and over again, and in the end I had to accept that I had been wrong about many things.

I don't know if that makes me a "typical debunker", that is for you to decide.

12-13-2011, 07:52 AM
SolFlicken, thanks for the reply, and "personal" comments. I do understand the challenges that you mentioned experiencing during your time as an "anomaly hunter". Absolutely, many things can have various effects upon the digital photos that we have the opportunity to work with, and "not the least of which" is NASA related photo tampering. And we will discuss some of that in a later post. But just the sun and shadows can turn "nothings into monsters", and camera angles can play a big part in whether an anomaly can be visualized as real, or not be visualized at all. And, as you say, pixelation/magnification can distort image reality, in some cases. And so on!!!

But, the fact remains, photos are all we have to work with, and as long as we - all of us - do that diligently, we should be able to deduce from Mars surface evidence, what is the yet to be exposed reality of life on Mars - be it here now, here in the past, or is some type of transient life.

I do sense from your comments, that along the way, you have lost the confidence to trust your eyes to tell you what they see. That is understandable. When I started out doing this, for a while, I used some particularly poor source data for my posts. Ie. that would be "Google Mars". I did some fairly quick learning, because of strong "debunking comments". That is when one can learn pretty quickly. They were not always right about everything, but they were right about the less than quality source data I was using.

So, "I have been there and done that", and I do now everything differently, and I do use the best data I can find, and I always tell the anomalous objects to "look this way and smile" for every photo!!!:biggrin2:

The fact you have "been wrong" on some anomalies, should just make you stronger for being right on future anomalies. I would bet on it!! And we can use the help!

I will look forward to having you in the anomaly discussions. I can always use some help! However, as I said, I just do not post m(any) rocks! :thumbup:

12-13-2011, 04:00 PM
Thanks for the post rdunk. The 'handbag' stands out in that, geologically, it has no coherence with it's surroundings. I can't really see the four-legged creature. Perhaps the handbag is a four-legged creature dead and on it's back ;+}

12-13-2011, 07:45 PM
I do sense from your comments, that along the way, you have lost the confidence to trust your eyes to tell you what they see.

Well, not really. In a way I feel more confident now to trust my eyes, since I have more knowledge about what it is that I am seing. It is of course not as much fun realizing that I am seing just rocks instead of alien artifacts, but I'll survive, hahaha.

I wish you luck in your own research. Perhaps one day you'll discover something truly amazing, so keep on looking. And even if you don't find something amazing, you will probably have learned quite a few things along the way. It's all good.

12-13-2011, 07:50 PM
Thanks for the post rdunk. The 'handbag' stands out in that, geologically, it has no coherence with it's surroundings. I can't really see the four-legged creature. Perhaps the handbag is a four-legged creature dead and on it's back ;+}
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Hi DeepCut. Yes, while these are pretty good pics, I do wish we could see the detail a little better. One problem with the life-form/creature is that it is so fuzzy. The one by the handbag - we can just see its full body, its nose, and maybe a small ear, and two rear legs. But this creature is very small. NASA says the crater is only about 26ft in diameter, so one can gauge its size by comparing it to the width of the crater. The other two creatures, and we can see different characteristics with each.

I actually fount the two together first, and considerably later found this one at the Nautilus crater. These creatures also are totally different from any of the surrounding "rocks"!

DeepCut, thanks for your comments, and just keep looking!

12-13-2011, 08:57 PM
[QUOTE=rdunk; The one by the handbag - we can just see its full body, its nose, and maybe a small ear, and two rear legs. [/QUOTE]

Considering the handbag, it must be a female creature, so you should look for a pair of shoes too on or near the rear legs. The shoes will probably have high heels. Females who are fond of handbags are often extremely obsessed with boring shoes too, for some strange reason, and I would not be surprised at all if this is true throughout the whole universe.


12-14-2011, 02:21 AM
Considering the handbag, it must be a female creature, so you should look for a pair of shoes too on or near the rear legs. The shoes will probably have high heels. Females who are fond of handbags are often extremely obsessed with boring shoes too, for some strange reason, and I would not be surprised at all if this is true throughout the whole universe.

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;);) Nice laugh!! You may be right about "females", and their shoes and handbags.

Just a comment about the Nautilus impact crater area - because of what I have seen in the ejecta of other similar craters, it is "my opinion" that the ejecta we are seeing here, could be items thrown from either a burial place, or from some type of memorial. I do believe that some of the burial places use woven basket looking objects, and there is one of those near this crater. The handbag-looking object, and possibly the life-form/statue, may both be from such burial site here. Just saying that is a possibility!!