View Full Version : A Real Extraterrestrial?

09-22-2014, 04:38 AM
Hey everyone! For some of us, we are here because we have similar anomalous interests. And in that regard, this Mars ET, for what I see, is like one of the "holy grails" that we have been searching for. I do hope that at least some of you will see this too!

A Mars Extraterrestial! I am presenting for all of us something I found last year while doing research on Mars, but I haven't posted it anywhere until this month. I will try to post enough information for all of us to develop some thought about what it is or what it isn’t. I will relate the facts of what I see in viewing all of the photos in this post and links, and hopefully give enough information so that each of you can likewise come to some conclusions.

I see an ET! I discovered this Extraterrestrial in Mars photos on April 25, 2013.

The location of this discovery is in the Mars Victoria Crater, and is seen in the side of St Mary’s Cape.

According to the NASA photo data, the photos which depict this ET were taken by Rover Opportunity on Mars Sol days 1212 and 1213.

ET is seen in the same position in 22 different Rover Opportunity Pancam photos, described by JPL as being “super-resolution images”, that have allowed scientists to discern……….”!



PIA10211 - http://photojournal.jpl.nasa.gov/catalog/PIA10211
PIA10211 is constructed from a mathematical combination of “32 different” mathematical images. This image is available up to Full-Res TIFF @ 32MB

In viewing the ET, we can see the camera angle is to ET’s right rear. ET is sitting, with legs seemingly dangling from the knee down. ET’s right fore-arm is bent across the leg/knee. We can see ET’s right leg from the butt/hip as he sits, and we can see his back, shoulders, and right side-body. And all of that seems to be quite humanoid common!! BUT from the neck up, wow, just out-of-sight!!!! We can see some sort of neck on top of the shoulders, but above the neck is totally different. Really, the only part above the neck we can see is a semi-triangular/ trapezoidal “shaped piece”. This could be some boney part of ET’s head, or possibly some sort of life-support system piece. There is another anomaly piece nearby that also seems to have this head-piece.

I will post an original photo at medium magnification and a high magnification photo below, along with links above that have each of the original Rover detail pics. A shadow cast to the rear of ET does partially interfere with with the full visibility of ET in the photos

Now, I have explained what I see, now it is your turn!! :) I am looking forward to hearing your thoughts!

http://s13.postimg.org/9qena7eon/ET_Med_Long_Shot_w2_Ring_Screen_shot_2013_04_27_at .jpg

http://s21.postimg.org/y5jdgeb7b/Very_High_Mag_w_Locaters_Screen_shot_2013_04_27_at .jpg

09-22-2014, 10:46 AM
Hey everyone! For some of us, we are here because we have similar anomalous interests. And in that regard, this Mars ET, for what I see, is like one of the "holy grails" that we have been searching for. I do hope that at least some of you will see this too!

A Mars Extraterrestial! I am presenting for all of us something I found last year while doing research on Mars, but I haven't posted it anywhere until this month. I will try to post enough information for all of us to develop some thought about what it is or what it isn’t. I will relate the facts of what I see in viewing all of the photos in this post and links, and hopefully give enough information so that each of you can likewise come to some conclusions.

I see an ET! I discovered this Extraterrestrial in Mars photos on April 25, 2013.

The location of this discovery is in the Mars Victoria Crater, and is seen in the side of St Mary’s Cape.

According to the NASA photo data, the photos which depict this ET were taken by Rover Opportunity on Mars Sol days 1212 and 1213.

ET is seen in the same position in 22 different Rover Opportunity Pancam photos, described by JPL as being “super-resolution images”, that have allowed scientists to discern……….”!



PIA10211 - http://photojournal.jpl.nasa.gov/catalog/PIA10211
PIA10211 is constructed from a mathematical combination of “32 different” mathematical images. This image is available up to Full-Res TIFF @ 32MB

In viewing the ET, we can see the camera angle is to ET’s right rear. ET is sitting, with legs seemingly dangling from the knee down. ET’s right fore-arm is bent across the leg/knee. We can see ET’s right leg from the butt/hip as he sits, and we can see his back, shoulders, and right side-body. And all of that seems to be quite humanoid common!! BUT from the neck up, wow, just out-of-sight!!!! We can see some sort of neck on top of the shoulders, but above the neck is totally different. Really, the only part above the neck we can see is a semi-triangular/ trapezoidal “shaped piece”. This could be some boney part of ET’s head, or possibly some sort of life-support system piece. There is another anomaly piece nearby that also seems to have this head-piece.

I will post an original photo at medium magnification and a high magnification photo below, along with links above that have each of the original Rover detail pics. A shadow cast to the rear of ET does partially interfere with with the full visibility of ET in the photos

Now, I have explained what I see, now it is your turn!! :) I am looking forward to hearing your thoughts!

http://s13.postimg.org/9qena7eon/ET_Med_Long_Shot_w2_Ring_Screen_shot_2013_04_27_at .jpg

http://s21.postimg.org/y5jdgeb7b/Very_High_Mag_w_Locaters_Screen_shot_2013_04_27_at .jpgFrom what I am seeing this alien is all of one inch in height. Maybe, maybe a nanoalien?

09-22-2014, 05:53 PM
:) majicbar, you could be right.............maybe or maybe not in this case. In these Mars orbiter and Rover photos, we do have much difficulty with size of everything, just because there is no real data for us on dimensions. Sometimes we can compare rock sizes to Rover wheel tracks and guess pretty close to their size. :)

In this case, the cliff is known to be about 45 feet tall - we probably should assume that is its height at its tallest point, wherever that is. But regardless, as we discuss humanoid alien lifeforms, size is of interest, but not necessarily pertinent relative to our pursuit of knowledge of them. On this planet, we have or have had adult humans (past or present) that range from 21.5 inches tall to 9 feet tall. So size is simply a relative thing of our consideration.

At the distance these photos were taken by Rover Opportunity, I seriously doubt that anything 1 inch or less would be visible in an unmagnified photo. While I do not know the distance of the photo, one can see in the original unmagnified photos that the Rover is sitting on top/outside of the Victoria crater, and taking long-shot photos of St Mary's cape. And even at the long distance this ET is still barely visible. As a matter of interest, I will post an unmagnified full-distance photo of this cape, to show that is ET still there in the photo, even at the distance. I should note that at the full distance, we can see ET, but we can't see or know any details without magnification. I found ET in magnified photos. :)

http://s11.postimg.org/js8xlbcfn/Very_Very_Long_Shot_w_Ring_Screen_shot_2013_04_27_ a.jpg

09-22-2014, 06:59 PM
:) majicbar, you could be right.............maybe or maybe not in this case. In these Mars orbiter and Rover photos, we do have much difficulty with size of everything, just because there is no real data for us on dimensions. Sometimes we can compare rock sizes to Rover wheel tracks and guess pretty close to their size. :)

In this case, the cliff is known to be about 45 feet tall - we probably should assume that is its height at its tallest point, wherever that is. But regardless, as we discuss humanoid alien lifeforms, size is of interest, but not necessarily pertinent relative to our pursuit of knowledge of them. On this planet, we have or have had adult humans (past or present) that range from 21.5 inches tall to 9 feet tall. So size is simply a relative thing of our consideration.

At the distance these photos were taken by Rover Opportunity, I seriously doubt that anything 1 inch or less would be visible in an unmagnified photo. While I do not know the distance of the photo, one can see in the original unmagnified photos that the Rover is sitting on top/outside of the Victoria crater, and taking long-shot photos of St Mary's cape. And even at the long distance this ET is still barely visible. As a matter of interest, I will post an unmagnified full-distance photo of this cape, to show that is ET still there in the photo, even at the distance. I should note that at the full distance, we can see ET, but we can't see or know any details without magnification. I found ET in magnified photos. :)

http://s11.postimg.org/js8xlbcfn/Very_Very_Long_Shot_w_Ring_Screen_shot_2013_04_27_ a.jpgI did not mean to imply that a 1 inch tall Martian would be insignificant, or proving that the image need be an illusion. Given the complexity and morphology of insects, like ants, bees, beetles which are less than an inch in size, a small size need not imply small capabilities. Clearly from the original image a larger size might be more likely, but that would only make for greater capabilities of such a lifeform.

09-22-2014, 10:08 PM
I did not mean to imply that a 1 inch tall Martian would be insignificant, or proving that the image need be an illusion. Given the complexity and morphology of insects, like ants, bees, beetles which are less than an inch in size, a small size need not imply small capabilities. Clearly from the original image a larger size might be more likely, but that would only make for greater capabilities of such a lifeform.

Thanks majicbar!! I appreciate your thoughts on this, and now better understand your earlier comments. When it finally dawned on me with that I was seeing an alien humanoid figure,, it just about blew me away! I certainly wasn't expecting to find or see something like this. It is too bad that we only have these photos for the "evidence" of this ET. Still, there are so many people who likely cannot accept this alien humanoid as a reality, as it is so different for what we see above the neck, and thus stretches our thought of what is normal.

I made the statement in the OP, "There is another anomaly piece nearby that also seems to have this head-piece". Well, that 2nd anomalous feature can be seen in the above full distance photo, to our right of ET and down just a little. I will post another photo here that shows it magnified, for a better look. Whatever this is also has a shaped head-piece, above what looks like flowing garment on the rocks. Is this some sort of outer wear that has been disposed of, or a decaying alien humanoid?? Who knows?? This piece is obviously larger than is the ET.

http://s29.postimg.org/qmslujck7/Something_Similar_w_White_Flat_piece_Ring_Scree.jp g

06-26-2015, 02:24 AM
LOL.... this is what I call an extreme case of REACHING.

If anything it looks like a nose & eyes in a rock....

Move on to something better. There's some creatures crawling around for example......

06-27-2015, 08:39 AM
Say whatever you want, this is definitely "a rock solid" development!

07-01-2015, 03:18 PM
Yep, its a hard one.


04-10-2017, 09:02 AM
This is an intriguing older thread with some fine analysis found in the nook and crannies along the incredible bays and rocky appendices of Victoria Crater.

The images sent back from the rover Opportunity have left us all stunned in their magnificence. But Victoria Crater really is something special and over the years, I have studied in depth, the main panoramic image of this enigmatic basin located on the plains 2.05°S, 5.50°W in the Meridiani Planum https://photojournal.jpl.nasa.gov/catalog/PIA09103

The image unfortunately, has been typically over saturated in the red spectrum but can be color corrected to reveal some compelling evidence which to me, shows the telltale signs that this "hole in the ground" is not a crater at all, at least not in its more recent usage.

There is much to see in this panoramic image if the researcher is prepared to look closely where one could eventually conclude, that the basin was once filled to the evident "brim line" with an unknown liquid, deliberately, for an unknown alien purpose.

In this image below, seen from so-named Cape Verde, shows the elongated skull of a alligator-like being which I discovered back in the spring of 2014 seen perched on top of a strange array of rocks, where also can be seen at least two protruding rocks that have been intentionally obliterated in order to hide their artificial design. Located to the right of the skull.

http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/xq90/924/h9Wuo1.jpg (https://imageshack.com/i/poh9Wuo1j)

http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/xq90/922/IwAuUM.png (https://imageshack.com/i/pmIwAuUMp)

04-13-2017, 06:24 PM
Well, you are right M-Albion-3D - there is much to be seen in Victoria Crater! Whether it was ever filled with a liquid as you suggest......that would be hard to know! :) I do see the features that you mention, but whether they are anomalous or not is a bit difficult to determine, for me!

Thanks for commenting on this older thread, as I do still consider the "ET" to be significant evidence for the existence of alien life forms.

04-14-2017, 04:32 AM
Well, you are right M-Albion-3D - there is much to be seen in Victoria Crater! Whether it was ever filled with a liquid as you suggest......that would be hard to know! :) I do see the features that you mention, but whether they are anomalous or not is a bit difficult to determine, for me!

Thanks for commenting on this older thread, as I do still consider the "ET" to be significant evidence for the existence of alien life forms.

Hey rdunk, have you checked into the bay formations on the very far side of the crater? Look to the bay(s) where that small satellite crater is perched on the rim. Allow time for your eyes to adjust and look carefully as you do.

I may do some more posting shortly on Victoria in your thread, check back.:thumbup:

http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/xq90/923/GHJoYW.jpg (https://imageshack.com/i/pnGHJoYWj)

04-14-2017, 09:12 AM
The skull perched on top if the rock in the image below, although somewhat blurry due to high magnification shows clear enough detail which resemble the cranium properties of many Earth reptiles found in Crocodiles, Alligators and Gharials.

Of course, academia will immediately reject even the faintest possibility that this image shows the remains of a reptile in the basin purely because, well, it's on Mars! But the similarities are striking none the less and, when one takes into consideration the many other remarkable anomalies/evidence clearly visible in this amazing crater, they add up to the obvious.

http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/xq90/922/Bchamm.jpg (https://imageshack.com/i/pmBchammj)

Below, we see several images of earth based reptiles with the telltale protrusions typical in this incredible beast!

http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/xq90/922/jFa1mX.jpg (https://imageshack.com/i/pmjFa1mXj)

http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/xq90/923/z0ouvN.jpg (https://imageshack.com/i/pnz0ouvNj)

http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/xq90/923/Bo3ur7.jpg (https://imageshack.com/i/pnBo3ur7j)

http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/xq90/922/flhzUQ.jpg (https://imageshack.com/i/pmflhzUQj)

I'll post some new images shortly of other areas in the crater which show remarkable signs of intelligent alien life at one time in the distant past.

04-14-2017, 10:53 AM
On the very far side of the crater are several bays with protrusions into the crater basin which have artificial structures that crest the rock appendages.

Take a close look at the rock ensembles "below the liquid line" and just visible are openings allowing access to beneath the surface. It is my belief that the structures above "house" a shelter of sorts where the access to the liquid line is taken place.

Look very closely at the rock structures there and noticeable are the remnants of design, archaic though it is.

http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/xq90/923/jtDP1t.jpg (https://imageshack.com/i/pnjtDP1tj)

Interestingly, the liquid line is absolutely level spanning the entire basin rim at the area of the crater seen below.

http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/xq90/923/J6gPXZ.jpg (https://imageshack.com/i/pnJ6gPXZj)

There is far more evidence of "reptilian" artifacts on Mars but it takes a while to adjust to this cognitive awakening.

Barely visible in the background in that second bay from the right above, there is a dark blackish mass which descends down into a point from the rim. For a couple of years, that "mass" had me quite perplexed until I notice again and again throughout my journeys finding many similar massive "pictographs" in and around Melas and Hebes Chasma which in many ways, "defined their artistic style" being, shockingly infantile bordering on cartoonesque!

I now know, that blackish mass is actually a huge mural having again, the "telltale slant of alien humor". It's hard to believe but I can assure you, this is absolutely the case!

Step by step....connecting the dots...

In this video, you can get a better sense of the liquid line spanning the rocky appendages.


04-14-2017, 05:32 PM
When analyzing images of the Martian surface whether they are generated from the rovers or orbiting satellites, I try to extrapolate as much information out of the image without distorting the pixel construction. Basically, the best and most thorough tools to use are the gamma (light) and contrast ratios measured in the histogram.

Changing or modifying the pixel structure such as blurring or sharpening should be done sparingly if at all as this sets the stage for negative criticism.

I have to be very careful when analyzing the research work of others as I am full aware of the intense work involved in scanning the hundreds of thousands of surface images and "stills" as so as to not dissuade researchers from continuing.

But we must try to be as thorough as possible in eliminating false positives where light can play tricks etc. So I say this, I am just as critical of my own findings as I am with all others and in this case, I have to conclude that upon increasing the gamma by around 45% and backing off the contrast value just a tad, this exposes the rock face crevices and here we see a "continuation" of the strata as it falls back into the cliffside wall. In addition, there is that nasty compression line just at the right location which cuts off the protruding boulder giving a false separation of light and dark.

So in this case, I would have to conclude that this is natural rock formation.

But in closing, please do not let this deter you from looking further in the crater, there are more anomalies to find here and much ground to be covered. :thumbup:

http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/xq90/923/B3SA7d.png (https://imageshack.com/i/pnB3SA7dp)

04-16-2017, 09:47 PM
I've taken this opportunity so post further on this thread only because it pertains to Victoria Crater, so I hope this is not seen as moving off topic. Please let me know and if this the case, we can move to new thread.

Like I mentioned earlier, I believe the evidence on the far side of the crater where the rover - Opportunity captured this magnificent panoramic image. But there is enough resolution to discern alien creativity in the far side bays which locates that small satellite crater strategically perched there. So I would like to show a few more images which exemplify the structures there and the contrived openings that are positioned "underneath" the liquid line.

Inserting the "proverbial straight line" into the image, we see this imaginary line actually defines the "water's edge" to coin the phrase. So much so, that it indicates quite clearly "above the line" and "below the line" that, is terms of natural geological formation, would be highly unlikely if these rocks would have organically occurred by "natural means" outside of a liquid boundary.

I posit here, that this crater was once filled at one time with a liquid, probably water but not necessarily so, for an alien purpose whereby, access into the liquid would occur from inside the structures above the liquid line. .

http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/xq90/922/kng8Iu.png (https://imageshack.com/i/pmkng8Iup)

http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/xq90/922/Xuabyv.png (https://imageshack.com/i/pmXuabyvp)

http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/xq90/923/chNXE6.png (https://imageshack.com/i/pnchNXE6p)

http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/xq90/922/IbY2Ee.png (https://imageshack.com/i/pmIbY2Eep)

04-17-2017, 09:29 PM
A little closer look.

Interesting triangular forms which seem to define windows. Question, what natural rock formation would "create", what looks to be an "organically" formed material?

http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/1600x1200q90/924/xsQGbQ.jpg (https://imageshack.com/i/poxsQGbQj)

http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/xq90/922/NXeLxB.jpg (https://imageshack.com/i/pmNXeLxBj)

04-19-2017, 12:31 AM
Quote: "I've taken this opportunity so post further on this thread only because it pertains to Victoria Crater, so I hope this is not seen as moving off topic. Please let me know and if this the case, we can move to new thread".

On the basis of OP subject matter.......might be better to put the other stuff in a separate subject specific OP....in my opinion for several reasons. :))

04-19-2017, 01:05 AM
Actually M-Albion-3D, the "compression artifact" relative to ET that you mentioned which is located on his/her back area is the magnified black shadow that can be seen in the lesser magnified photo with actual photo contrast

Because you are not actually seeing ET, I am posting another pic, which shows ET's body parts in position relative to an Earthman in a similar position - has helped some see it better!! Oh well, my image is larger/more seeable, but could not get it to take anything but the thumbnail size!

04-19-2017, 01:53 AM
You are right M-Albion-3D! Victoria Crater and its several capes goes have many seeable real anomalies. I think some of the others may have been discussed here too, but for sure Victoria Crater is a very interesting place!!

04-19-2017, 08:06 AM
Actually M-Albion-3D, the "compression artifact" relative to ET that you mentioned which is located on his/her back area is the magnified black shadow that can be seen in the lesser magnified photo with actual photo contrast

Because you are not actually seeing ET, I am posting another pic, which shows ET's body parts in position relative to an Earthman in a similar position - has helped some see it better!! Oh well, my image is larger/more seeable, but could not get it to take anything but the thumbnail size!

There is no doubt the Matian surface presents us with many visual similarities with familiar antropomorphic figures among other things. The resolution in particular, presents researchers great challenge in deciphering a specific data point. I see this so many times myself while purusing in high magnification. So I have become strict with myself and apply a specific set of criterior principles which tend to eliminate the potential of false positives, at lease to the degree that accounts for the placement of light. Secondly, there is the issue of compression which is prevellent in jpeg images.

So to resolve this, I look to the raw image files and if not available, then see if there is a high resolution .tiff image which are normally a much larger file. Do keep in mind, that IMO, NASA consistently blurs most all rover images due to the fact, they can scan, check and delete with relative ease before release. The MRO HiiRise images on the other hand are considerably harder to check due to the mass of surface detail in the captured swaths.

Lastly and more importantly. Are the attributes positioned collectively? This is the quantifiable difference between the familiarity of the anomaly "as a whole".....vis'a'vis the individual components of its parts. For Example; is there a part of the ET anomaly such as the leg, which actually looks like a leg? Or, does the leg look like a leg ONLY becaus it is in the right location of a leg?

Obviously, the greater quantity of individual components which look strickingly like the individual part and, are in the correct placement realtive to the whole, then in this case we have a more compelling anomally.

In your ET data point, I see the image 'as a whole" which looks familiar in respect to an anthropomorphic "shape" but I do not see any individual parts which are stricking even though the proportions appear anatomically correct. This does not pass my evaluation process, but it's a good find and worthy of deep analysis for sure.

04-20-2017, 11:03 PM
M-A-3D said, "In your ET data point, I see the image 'as a whole" which looks familiar in respect to an anthropomorphic "shape" but I do not see any individual parts which are stricking even though the proportions appear anatomically correct. This does not pass my evaluation process, but it's a good find and worthy of deep analysis for sure".

Thanks for your comments!!! Well, you are not the only one who "doesn't see it" for what is presented. From my view, every "seeable" component of that ET body is correct........except for what is easily seen as "its head"! Now its head is seemingly totally alien, in form/shape - what we can see as the head is specifically triangular shaped and has some sort of formed expansion on top of the "head" - really weird looking for what we assume as "earth normal"!! Of course, we do not know whether what we see in the "head area" is all natural head growth, or is it a combination of some sort of breathing apparatus with a head under it.

This ET object anomaly is very small/seeable in the original unmagnified photos, even with the NASA Rover shooting at significant distance from an adjacent cape. So, IMO this anomaly is not an error result caused by photo magnification

But, even if we do accept the assumption that this Mars ET is an alien reality, we can't know from a photo if it is a natural life-form, or an object of artificial intelligence.

04-21-2017, 10:11 AM
M-A-3D said, "In your ET data point, I see the image 'as a whole" which looks familiar in respect to an anthropomorphic "shape" but I do not see any individual parts which are stricking even though the proportions appear anatomically correct. This does not pass my evaluation process, but it's a good find and worthy of deep analysis for sure".

Thanks for your comments!!! Well, you are not the only one who "doesn't see it" for what is presented. From my view, every "seeable" component of that ET body is correct........except for what is easily seen as "its head"! Now its head is seemingly totally alien, in form/shape - what we can see as the head is specifically triangular shaped and has some sort of formed expansion on top of the "head" - really weird looking for what we assume as "earth normal"!! Of course, we do not know whether what we see in the "head area" is all natural head growth, or is it a combination of some sort of breathing apparatus with a head under it.

This ET object anomaly is very small/seeable in the original unmagnified photos, even with the NASA Rover shooting at significant distance from an adjacent cape. So, IMO this anomaly is not an error result caused by photo magnification

But, even if we do accept the assumption that this Mars ET is an alien reality, we can't know from a photo if it is a natural life-form, or an object of artificial intelligence.

Well this to me, is what forums should all be about when members can review each others research for the purpose of getting differing viewpoints. I look forward to seeing critical comments of my own research and hope you appreciate my comments and analysis also. Great stuff! :das

Back to your research.

There are a number of methods to use in order to find out if the data is as, what is being proposed.

One which I have found quite effective and relatively useful if the target data point is believed to be a living anomaly. However, correct me here if I am reading you wrong on this point.

So if we are considering the data to be a living specimen, then we can compare the same image taken at different Sols. If the anomaly has changed in shape and/or form i.e. moved, then we could presume that the anomaly is indeed alive.

And in this case, we have the same image target taken both on Sol 1212 and Sol 1213 and in close magnification, to my eyes, it does appear that the data point has remained stationary lending sway that the image is probably a rock.

This is also supported by the image below taken on Sol 2123 which has a tad better lighting condition exposing the back deeper into the rock face without that compression artifact which was seen in the earlier image. To me, this shows clearly enough, the continuation of the rock strata. But again, this is down to personal perception.

Image increase in Gamma curve by 31% in section.

http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/xq90/923/HbTPpt.png (https://imageshack.com/i/pnHbTPptp)

Sol 1212 and Sol 1213

http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/xq90/922/QsrRfh.png (https://imageshack.com/i/pmQsrRfhp)

As Opportunity had taken several images moving slightly across the bay, I was able to create this quite well produced anaglyph if you have 3-D glasses.

http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/xq90/923/HS0ala.jpg (https://imageshack.com/i/pnHS0alaj)