View Full Version : Empty People and Bifurcating Realities

10-07-2014, 03:54 PM
"Bifurcate (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/bifurcate)"

This is a topic I learned from Montalk. I bet there are some fairly enlightened people on this forum that could offer some insights into this if they feel like it.

The idea is that many of the people in our world are 'not fully there' as in their soul is not so grounded into their bodies and this reality as others. They're rather empty because most of their soul energy is invested in another reality / timeline and/or dimension. If you're analytical, contemplative, and observational of the people around you, I think it's clearly evident something is wrong here. We're fed the lie that the behaviour we see in 'spiritless' humans is the norm and acceptable.

To me, to see this in the world is more of a profound disturbance than a repeating annoyance.

Two sources here would be very helpful:

It's not that people are different based on their level of knowledge, but that people are fundamentally distinct at the core level. Whereas the minority learn spiritual lessons, the 'hylic-anthropoids' simply don't, won't, and can't learn, much less benefit from spiritual lessons as they are pure ego, biology and social identity without a higher spark of conscience and spirit from beyond this dimension to urge them to transcend.


resembling a human being in form.
"cartoons of anthropoid frogs"
(of an ape) belonging to one of the families of great apes.
noun: anthropoid; plural noun: anthropoids
a higher primate, especially an ape or apeman.

I think we are living in the rapture and the fact that many bodies are rather 'vacant' is evidence to support this theory. Because their souls are more invested in a different timeline that is more resonant to their soul natures. I like to believe we might be on a more positive timeline considering that many disasters and NWO agendas are not as bad as expected.

According to that Nexus Seven document, depending on the nature of our immensely creative soul energy, we can manifest a timeline where the incoming cosmic energies can, for example, manifest as cataclysmic comet collisions, or as assimilatable, spiritually transformative, energies. Maybe a lot of the prophecies and dreams of terror and destruction are from a different timeline that we are partly related to but not a part of.

I am moved to start this topic partly because of my 'profound disturbance' as regards to many people out there at the risk of sounding like a snobby hermit (though I'm far from it). But it is not normal for so many people to be so clueless, vacant-minded, animalistic, crude, cruel, and mean. There is no excuse unless they are missing some critical consciousness faculties of some sort.

There are distinct types of people on this Earth. And I believe one type has been influenced by agents beyond our dimension to act as energetic feeders / psychic vampires. This is proven (partly) by the psychic vampirism that takes place in daily interactions. (Yes, I like to keep my proof simple and straightforward :)

10-10-2014, 04:22 AM
Makes you wonder if this factors into whether or not / to what degree / in what manner aliens target people. I know a few people who have been targeted almost as if it's because they are somehow interesting, a tough nut to crack, a mystery to solve to these beings. They have something that a chunk of the population does not, therefore they stand out. Generally they are extremely sentient and aware, are not easily controlled, and don't react to situations the way the average person who is asleep at the wheel reacts. So there's something novel and maybe irksome about them. They get put into situations constructed like experiments with manipulated people and improbable obstacles, like rats in a maze being tested. Some of them have had demonic entities lash out at them directly through manipulable people, in ways that imply the target has a kind of light that these beings want to desperately snuff out.

It reminds me of the movie Dark City which I recommend everyone check out. Well in that movie everyone was an abductee who lived in a fake city for aliens to play with and figure out the mystery of the "soul." If spirit comes from a level beyond the one aliens are native to, then of course they would find it a mystery. And if these aliens (in real life) are control freaks, they would be bothered that their machine, their equations, are being unbalanced by this mysterious X factor that they can neither predict nor control. Thus they would seek out people who have it expressly, and try to crack the secret of how to suppress and control it. They seem to view the average person as an NPC (non-player character) in a massive online multiplayer game or perhaps another turkey in the turkey farm. Not interesting beyond their basic role in propping up the operation. So when a real player enters and does things against the designs of the program, it's both a problem and a curiosity and an opportunity.

About the bifurcating realities idea, well that's quantum physics and the many-worlds hypothesis. Does consciousness multiply too with every choice? Or is it localized to a general region among the various timelines? If multiplying, then freewill has no purpose because everything that can be chosen is chosen so there is neither risk nor reward since no matter what you do, some version of you does it anyway so your choice is meaningless in the big scheme of things. If localized, then due to freewill not every consciousness will follow along the same timeline as every other consciousness. There could be coloring outside the lines, so to speak. And if the population were to aggregate into a couple major "choice categories" then if one single reality or timeline-bundle can no longer accommodate them all within one continuous environment, then like an IRC channel splitting the timeline ought to split.

What happens after that I don't know, but it's possible that in the other timeline would remain a now un-occupied shell of yourself, continuing along its uniform linear motion (social and biological programming) and vice versa, those who disappeared from your timeline have merely vacated the bodies. In reality, a lesser degree of this may be happening every day with consciousness ebbing and flowing in and out of the characters you encounter in proportion to how meaningful and prolonged the interaction you have with them. I'd really like to see a hyper-dimensional birdseye view (from outside time) of what's going on here. Our brains are stuck in linear time and if our past were edited three hundred times in the past day we would only remember the 300th edit and think that were the way things always were. There could be a lot of editing, interweaving, fading, timeline crossing going on that aren't evident to our perception, let alone believable to most folks.

10-10-2014, 01:21 PM
An interesting subject, which I've crossed with quite some and actually with what I've been interested into lately also. First of all I believe a person can be spiritless, so without a sort of a soul, and the saying of being asleep so even when awake is to me very suitable for such situation. Actually it's so that I experience of myself being in such state sometime in my earlier life really. But there is also another explanation in my opinion for a person "not being there" so to speak. A mind filled with these tiny conscious entities or small spirits that can fill the mind and not let the soul to take control of one's own mind. It could also be similar to being distracted from the influence of the soul, I believe these tiny spirit entities exist.

Well it's like when people dream while awake, the state I mean. A person is not there, but somewhere else. Perhaps somewhere within the mind and not observing the surroundings, like asleep when awake. Or the soul can be in another place then and not in the body, but still there might be a connection to the body from the soul, even when the soul is not in the body. Such state is a bit really difficult, when people would be required to be sharp and understanding from my experience.

10-10-2014, 07:27 PM
I have done some astral-projection before. I know this subject is for real and though I would just pop in a sec. I remember a soul being weighed once. Been a while since I read this but a body was being weighed and after death it registered a weight loss proving the soul left. Interesting..

10-10-2014, 08:30 PM
By the way I just wanted to mention, when I said I learned this topic from Montalk, it's just, in my own way my individual interpretations of some of the ideas presented from his website.

I also wonder about military abductions that involve abductees in augmented, cybernetic, super-human and/or hybrid or alien bodies using super-advanced technology. Do they go into other dimensions, where their astral body is abducted to another body? Do interdimensional aliens block people's conscious memories of experiences in these other dimensions? And could some of these supersoldier scenarios be taking place in another dimension, or a future reality of some war that is like sci-fi?

I guess we can only know so much... But clearly there is something weird gong on in our world. And the weirdness is profoundly interesting. I wish more people would step back and be more aware of the people around them and stop projecting their own spiritual qualities onto people who do not have them. Stop taking the normal BS behaviour of average people seriously and don't be afraid to step outside the box. But people feel comfort in numbers so they slide back into group-think.

the many-worlds hypothesis

I think it's ridiculous to believe that there are infinite worlds with infinite versions of you. Like a different universe for every minor decision you make, like if you ate pancakes or cheerios for breakfast. That's too much. But I think it's likely there could be a relatively small number of parallel realities.

10-11-2014, 11:21 AM
"the many-worlds hypothesis"

I think it's ridiculous to believe that there are infinite worlds with infinite versions of you. Like a different universe for every minor decision you make, like if you ate pancakes or cheerios for breakfast. That's too much. But I think it's likely there could be a relatively small number of parallel realities.


There may be problems if you try and understand the many worlds hypothesis in a subjective way with nothing to compare it with, like size for example. To view this as an observer in the quantum physics arena where space is an illusion and time and size is only expanded by our consciousness once focused on and set in motion. There are most likely trillions of universes within a small area of your living space at any given moment set in chaos.

You can expand your view of the many worlds hypothesis by also examining the many minds interpretation and compare with Schrödinger equation and the infamous Schrödinger's cat and also quantum suicide and immortality.


10-11-2014, 07:04 PM
There are most likely trillions of universes within a small area of your living space at any given moment set in chaos.

I just can't wrap my head around that concept. "Trillions of universes"? How is that likely?

10-11-2014, 11:47 PM
I just can't wrap my head around that concept. "Trillions of universes"? How is that likely?

In a choose-your-own-adventure book, there are a certain number of plot variants you could follow. Each of these stories may be called its own timeline, pathway, or universe. And all of them exist simultaneously among the pages of the book, and you don't necessarily read every page. So if you expand this to our reality as a whole, we have a near infinite number of plot variants, each of which may be said to be its own universe. Then we would be "reading" that "book" by choosing (at some level) the adventure moment by moment, but not necessarily experiencing every possibility (even though the possibility nonetheless exists somewhere as an inactive/unread "page").

I don't believe that making a choice generates alternate universes right then and there. Rather, we merely come across a split that was always there, and end up taking just one pathway. Every possible choice no matter how small must be a forking/bifurcation of some type. Within a given chunk of space and time, you'd have X number of possible pathways and hence X number of universes. Obviously a conscious being would have more pathways available versus a rock, therefore the being's projected trajectory into the future would be fuzzier than that of the rock.

It may also be helpful to realize that each of these "universes" is like a movie film strip, in that it's pre-recorded from beginning to end, like a static hologram almost. It's just that they have entrance/exit points where they intersect other film strips, and it is at these intersections that we can switch between film strips. In other words, the film strips themselves aren't "alive" necessarily, but we activate/project/possess the ones we choose (or have chosen for us).

That said, it seems to me that what we will be choosing to do isn't 100% set in stone, even if the possibilities themselves already exist. Though if aliens can see our future days, weeks, even months in advance then we're not as free as we'd like to think. Then again, we must be free enough to deviate or throw in surprises from time to time, otherwise aliens would have no interest in influencing or controlling us if everything we do is already 100% predetermined.

10-12-2014, 01:14 AM
@ Montalk
Thats the best (and clearest) explanation I have ever seen of that subject.

10-12-2014, 08:59 PM
The choose-your-own-adventure book analogy is very helpful!

11-15-2014, 02:45 AM
Rudolf Steiner hinting at the topic of "Organic Portals - Soulless Humans":
Dr. Steiner: That little girl L.K. in the first grade must have something really very
wrong inside. There is not much we can do. Such cases are increasing in which children are born with a human form, but are not really human beings in relation to their highest I; instead, they are filled with beings that do not belong to the human class. Quite a number of people have been born since the nineties without an I, that is, they are not reincarnated, but are human forms filled with a sort of natural demon. There are quite a large number of older people going around who are actually not human beings, but are only natural; they are human beings only in regard to their form. We cannot, however, create a school for demons.

A teacher: How is that possible?

Dr. Steiner: Cosmic error is certainly not impossible. The relationships of individuals coming into earthly existence have long been determined. There are also generations in which individuals have no desire to come into earthly existence and be connected with physicality, or immediately leave at the very beginning. In such cases, other beings that are not quite suited step in. This is something that is now quite common, that human beings go around without an I; they are actually not human beings, but have only a human form. They are beings like nature spirits, which we do not recognize as such because they go around in a human form. They are also quite different from human beings in regard to everything spiritual. They can, for example, never remember such things as sentences; they have a memory only for words, not for sentences.

The riddle of life is not so simple. When such a being dies, it returns to nature from which it came. The corpse decays, but there is no real dissolution of the etheric body, and the natural being returns to nature. It is also possible that something like an automaton could occur. The entire human organism exists, and it might be possible to automate the brain and develop a kind of pseudomorality.

I do not like to talk about such things since we have often been attacked even without them. Imagine what people would say if they heard that we say there are people who are not human beings. Nevertheless, these are facts. Our culture would not be in such a decline if people felt more strongly that a number of people are going around who, because they are completely ruthless, have become something that is not human, but instead are demons in human form.

(Faculty Meetings With Rudolf Steiner Vol. 2, 3 July 1923, p. 649-650)