View Full Version : Open Minds forum no longer exists.
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In accordance with Section 25(a) of the ProBoards Terms of Service, this forum has been taken offline.
Weird stuff has been happening on there for about 2 weeks. And now its gone altogether.
Yes, it is rather disconcerting. I haven't been there for a little while and when I returned, there it wasn't. Any idea who p!55ed off who?
Posts were being moved around and deleated by someone but nobody seemed to know who.
01-09-2012, 02:35 PM
Yea, they got me too. My posts were being deleted also. I had some threads deleted also.
MOD ACTION: Deleted by DF
01-09-2012, 03:01 PM
Posts were being moved around and deleated by someone but nobody seemed to know who.
I'm sure most of us know why it was taken off the air. One grievance on the heels of another grievance. I'm pretty sure Proboards got sick and tired of having to deal with it.
Once the posse is riding up your backside,your run is over.
Looks like Archistrategos will continue the messages at Amkon to speak to his friends. The Borg place ;)
Its a great loss IMO. I remember fore saying back in 2009 that OMF would not be around in 2012.
To clear up two issues:
1) No one here was moving and deleting posts there. I don't believe any of us had the powers to do so much after November. Any deletion/moving up to the opening here was done in the line of duty only. Every moderator and admin here did his or her job up until such time as they lost their powers in early December.
2) There were multiple complaints to Proboards by multiple members and former members. Proboards did not act in response to a vendetta by one individual. Proboards acted when the number of complaints from a number of individuals became a liability.
If you want to discuss OM here, stick to how you feel or what you know, as I just did. If this turns into blaming and personal attacks it will be locked. One person is responsible for the demise of OM. That person is not here.
Its a great loss IMO. I remember fore saying back in 2009 that OMF would not be around in 2012.I actually recall something like that. But from that temporal distance I didn't get much coherent information back in 2009-2008.
Two years before the shutdown of today I heard a number of ET's discussing OM between myself and the others. Many opinions of different kinds but mostly it gravitated around two or three core points of view. Out of the three core views the most interesting one (to me at least) was that they didn't want the keywords "Open Minds" to be associated with the forum in light of the subjects they were talking about.
The subjects various ET groups were talking about were the scenarios and concepts surrounding the pre-planned contact/appearance. Different scenarios had the internet more or less intact while other scenarios did not have the internet intact as a form of media. So I guess the idea that a public audience typing in "Open" "Minds" into a search engine the day after they arrive and coming across our former place was not an "appealing scenario" from the way the various ET individuals talked about it.
They told me they didn't want my content to be seen.
About two years prior I began talking about it lightly both on the forum and in private chats. I mentioned it every now and then.
About a little over a year out, I realized I was no longer a part of the forum in the near future as the information became more coherent and defined. I started bringing it up. About 9 months prior to today I realized that the little buggers were getting serious about the issue and started applying the proverbial crowbar to get me to stop talking and to leave the forum.
Both camps had the same sentiment that I talked too coherently about many subjects they preferred were not discussed. As far as I could tell some back and forth went on behind the curtain and finally the nasty side came out and told me (with threats) to cease and desist. I said no, bad things happened. I regretted saying no, so I told the others about it more than once.
Some misunderstood, and assumed some non-sense.
about 6 months prior, I left when the very issue of reporting the threat was adding to the frustration and disbelief. I left Bren with some fore-telling words of the future. Apparently it all came true. Some of the other Mods concerned and somewhat confused/astonished asked me why I said what I said. I told at least one of them, it was because I knew what was coming. I wanted to express what I had wanted at that time so I would not be left with the desire to say more at a future date.
Around that same time I was decidedly turning my back on the ET's. 3 to 4 months prior to the shutdown I turned my back completely on the ET's and disabled my abilities under an agreement with a number of Higher Order Entities.
2 Months prior to the shutdown I was banned about...7 or 9 times silently. Not by anyone here, but by someone whom is not here.
1.5 Months before the shutdown, I discovered that the best efforts to seek the help of others in stopping the quarreling that resulted in a [silent] permanent ban was no longer effective. Sparring Posts appeared quickly in public and disappeared just as quickly. This was [in part] some of the solvent that split the board cleanly in two. But not the whole reason (I imagine).
1.1 Months prior to the shutdown I discovered evidence of "foul play".
1 Month prior to the shutdown I found access to the forum and my account by using a Proxy. (then, through a number of different proxies in the week that followed).
In the hours of the 29th of November through the 1st of December, I was given the passive "heads up" by someone whom is not a human, I stated my case for about 4 or 5 days without interference. I used (and "abused") my abilities to read into the future situations and began to construct my arguments with the fore-knowledge of what would transpire. Slowly writing every counter that came to my pre-cognitive sight (but with the truth in hand). Our former Admin was unfortunately busy dealing with serious issues in the background which prevented him from stopping me directly as he seemingly had his hands full and then apparently accidentally banned himself. By the time I had said my peace, I had said more than enough by then that he allowed me three more days as he probably tried to figured out a way "to overcome it". I received one way emails of....I prefer not to say. He did seem at a loss for words in the constructed argument (I tried to leave him intentionally defenseless though) and the final Ban took place when he was seemingly left speechless.
I felt I had said my peace and let my frustration out of the bag. I continued to watch every other day. Then got down to catching up on work. (It was a very productive month!)
1 week before the shutdown there was word of people reporting !5 pages! of PM's in warnings to proboards. I was also approached by an ET on (*thinks*) December 30th through 1st of January. I was informed to take a pause in my reporting of ***. I wasn't listening as it's thoughts were directed at me but I did as instructed simply because it wouldn't do me any harm in either case, to do nothing.
Another ET told me on the 3rd of January (or was it 4th?), there was an undisclosed issue that they had dealt with but did not say anything else. Then on the 3rd (or 4th) I was told I can go about my business. To this day I do not know ?what it was about? and I didn't communicate as I don't wish to anymore. But I figure (gut feeling) an intervention or two took place.
Since then, there has been rumors of a "Ghost in the system" and I assume the former leader may have been visited or had a close encounter. Though, I do not know and probably should not speculate. It appears though that he has become a believer. I am only left to wonder why...if this is the case?
The shutdown then occurred because Proboards was apparently overtaxed due to the huge flood of reports. OM got a 25(a) shut down as a result.
This is the overview story as seen from *my* perspective. I don't know all of the details or all of the abuse reports. But for there to be 5 pages...there had to have been alot of reports being made from various people. Someone apparently even reported my own threads (Blog/Encounters).
Is it just coincidental that OM was banned from the ethers just a month after all it's mods and partners left to form a new site? Is there an explanation that anyone cares to posit? A candle in the darkness? I think it's time for an explanation. Don't you? I'm not quite ready to accept that Fore's ETs had anything to do with it. Are you?
MOD ACTION: Deleted by DF
I consider John to be a good friend. I'm sure you did once too. His voice deserves a hearing. I hope you're not saying that Fore's nonsense is more important than the considered opinions of John Hicks.
Is it just coincidental that OM was banned from the ethers just a month after all it's mods and partners left to form a new site? Is there an explanation that anyone cares to posit? A candle in the darkness? I think it's time for an explanation. Don't you? I'm not quite ready to accept that Fore's ETs had anything to do with it. Are you?
I'm not ruling it out noot. I know that sounds crazy but now that I know what I KNOW... Fore's "ETs" as he is calling the ones that he is referring to here could very well have had something to do with the demise of OM. Of course, there are several others reasons too of which we reg. members will never have the whole story on but Fore's entities are indeed forces to be reckoned with. I'm sure most here will be surprised to hear this coming from me because I'm one of many who have asked Fore to give us proof on all the the things he says he can do. Well he never could give us proof on any of that other stuff but he can indeed invoke entities of various kinds. Only those who are in contact with those from other realms knows how to do that. I'm one of them too. So I know what I'm talking about. (I don't mean to sound like I'm boasting even though I'm sounding like I am... I'm just say'n it as it is.)
Fore's entities are indeed forces to be reckoned with.errrr.... OK. Pardon the laughter....
I know... I don't blame you for not believing that. It's really one of those many things out there that one has to experience for themselves, to believe it. :biggrin2:
You must be aware that that's precisely the attitude that seeks to invalidate rational discourse.
Why don't you tell us about your own UFO/ET experience noot. I would really like to hear it.
Whitley Strieber has written a new book on his own contact experiences since he came out with Communion and Transformation. Because this is a UFO/ET forum with contactee's and experiencers in it, I think his books have been very informative and insightful which is why I highly recommend them.
01-09-2012, 08:56 PM
Why don't you tell us about your own UFO/ET experience noot. I would really like to hear it.
Me too.
I consider John to be a good friend. I'm sure you did once too. His voice deserves a hearing. I hope you're not saying that Fore's nonsense is more important than the considered opinions of John Hicks.
I also heard about that staff change when Jeddyhi departure took place and it wasn't public knowledge. I recall asking the staff about that openly when I was being told at the time. There is alot you don't know....and I will likely never force myself to confirm ever existed.
I also knew about his sentiments as they were never a mystery to begin with.
@ A99
Don't confuse apples and oranges. EBE's with ghosts that go bump in the night are two very different types of beings.
I am not talking about glowing orbs or drifting voices in the night.
I know the difference between the dis-incarnate and the biologically incarnate but not of a human descent.
One can reach out and grab a person while driving down the road while the other can only play mind games and conduct a few other parlor tricks.
@ Noot
If you want I can play the "I don't know what your talking about game". From here on in, I will simply state that it is all "merely a coincidence".
I don't know of any non-human entities playing games in the background leading up to the closing of what I am supposed to say at moment like this, right?
Think about where things would be right now if certain *key* events never took place...
What if Admin never ran with the assumption that I was a hacker two days after I left and the board was all messed up? What would have never have happened?
What if I never commented on things in front of him that I shouldn't have known about? Would that have made him less suspicious?
What if I was never specifically told to ask about certain things openly and question or comment specifically on a topic I shouldn't have known about much less brought up?
The most useful thing about the ETs is not that they are EBEs or that they fly around in craft or "poke" people remotely with a purpose.
Whats really ultimately useful about them is what you learn about during exchanges and when you ultimately read their mind and learn about a situation you would have otherwise not known about.
Given all that info, what could you do with it?
Normally I am not supposed to talk about the people behind the curtain. Especially not in front of a community that wants to peek behind it.
The rationalization is that ETs could care less what a group of UFO'ers do on an online forum.
Yet don't they go out of their way to spin long yarns to deploy unto the masses such as the Blossom Goodchild incident you guys just posted?
Or why go to the effort to put contactees and abductees in chairs and put all these strange almost non-sensical bits of stories inside of our heads.
Possibly, just possibly, it is because communities are a certain part of the agenda.
Controlling what you all "see" and "know of" is a moderate goal among some ETs. Not all.
If Flying vehicles come down from the sky, or up from the oceans bottom.
Rest assured that people like you [noot] and A99 will be taping away at the keyboard, turning on your TV sets, Radio and asking each other questions to try to find out more about them.
The ETs I knew have a euphemism phrase they sometimes use that roughly translates to the concept of "prior content".
So far alot of people have been trained to believe that ETs are
#1 not real.
#2 That the communities that do discuss this are crazy or otherwise imbalanced.
#3 That there is a best source of information for the real info...somewhere.
If you were the ET, you'd realize that certain keywords and certain phrases are going to lead millions of people into certain target zones in published media. Whether offline or online.
Google these keywords and see whom you find in those target zones:
"The truth about the UFOs."
"Open minds"
"The real discussion"
"Ufo disclosure"
"They are here"
Think of what words or what media you will seek when they arrive.
Whoever is at those informational endpoints is going to put an impression inside of those peoples heads. It has to be believable and palpable.
Now think about it, has the public at large been trained that UFO forums are in any way palpable truth or even factual? (No.)
Don't you find that ironic? That those closest to "the phenomena" have also been primarily the ones whom have been rendered with utter ridicule and are generally viewed as invalid as far as their experiences goes? Do you think that is by mistake or by design?
Like Blossom Goodchild, they [the ET] are quick to lend themselves to adding more angles of disinformation. At some point the public naturally believes that many are just crazy and alone in their own deluded fantasy...never noticing whom is generally "helpful" behind the wide propagation of lies and bogus information.
There is a lot of posturing going on in the background and alot of repositioning all around. There are also some unknown individuals [in government, research] whom are likely creating counter points to this....that is seemingly attempting to validate the idea of UFOs and their occupants. There is a culture war and propaganda war of sorts going on in the background.
It is so subtle that it is barely realized unless you are always keeping an eye on the pulse of its evolution.
I was told multiple times that when things are close to ready the UFO forums and the structure of disinformation around prior experiences are going to fall into oblivion. Alot of the content and current media that is available is going to sink beneath the waves. OM, ATS, and alot of the other big communities. [allegedly]
Prior Content is strategically important and changes as the situations evolves.
OM was just an early victim of that. (IMV) The parties were set against one another for an ultimate end to the means.
If you talk to those in front of the curtain it was about a people or philosophy problem. If you talk to someone like me whom has peaked behind the curtain and has seen the grim machinations behind it, it was about something else entirely.
You can believe though that it was all about nothing. No one will second guess you about it. Of that I assure you.
Image courtesy of
What nonsense. And please learn the proper use of 'who' and 'whom.' You're making me ill.
01-09-2012, 09:35 PM
Two things possible, either the people running OM just got tired of it or it was deliberately brought down by an organized source.
My guess is it was 100% butt-hurt(s), that is usually what causes all problems in .... politics, war, friendships etc.
It is an emotion that is so unstable and until we learn to control that emotion stuff like this will continue to happen. Reacting without thinking, reacting without understanding yada yada yada.
You may be onto something, Pam. But one thing, at least, is abundantly clear to me- OMF was not brought down by Princess Evil and her imaginary little friends.
You may be onto something, Pam. But one thing, at least, is abundantly clear to me- OMF was not brought down by Princess Evil and her imaginary little friends.
Hahahahaha..... not sure who (not whom) Princess Evil is, but I would have to agree with you. I also don't believe it was "Ghosts in the System".
I am pretty confident that butt-hurt is the reason.
I truly am sorry to see it gone though, there was tons of interesting things and information there when you sorted through the weird stuff.
The whole Source A saga was one of the most entertaining things that went down, I thoroughly enjoyed watching that play out. It was a real eye opener for me.
01-09-2012, 10:10 PM
What nonsense. And please learn the proper use of 'who' and 'whom.' You're making me ill.
Gee, noot, I have a B.A. in English and it doesn't bother me. I can't understand why it bothers you so much.
So, noot, please stop with the petty personal attacks.
Speculate all you want...
The fact of the matter is you do not KNOW what transpired.
Doc said it best...HERE! (
Even most of the Moderators do not know every little detail but, we do know a lot more then all this guessing and plain old GOSSIP we have been hearing...
I know from my own perspective and my relationships with the staff from OMF that NO ONE was out to do any damage or hurt ANYone.
No One was out to have the forum shut down. All roads of dialogue and diplomacy were used. This I KNOW. This is fact!
@ Pam
#1 Think of something that you know is 100% true.
Something like your Bank account PIN or that the sky is blue.
#2 Now think about the sensation that is generated inside you that indicates to you that what you just thought of is a true statement.
That feeling and affirmation that is a wordless sensation that what you are thinking of is an actual fact.
#3 Imagine if I told you there are EBE's that can replicate that sensation "at will".
Imagine for a moment that there is an ET entity that can insert thoughts and sensations similar to the legitimate ones generated by your own mind.
It can replicating the sensation of that truthful affirmation when it runs a clearly false thought across your mind.
It is an [very] oversimplified explanation but...
This is how many contactees and abductees can be lulled into thinking something that is false is actually true. ["Inner Knowing" futzing]
Now imagine that such an entity can be thousands of kilometers away and project similar phenomena as if it were right in front of you.
When it is done with you, it can then trigger processes in your brain that simulate the extreme urge and need to sleep. So overpowering and compelling that before you know it, you are already fast asleep if you are not watchful and aware of what is happening to you.
#5 Now imagine doing this to a community of people whom don't have an iron clad control over their own minds and emotions.
Imagine what an EBE could make you do without you even being aware of it.
Taking down, disabling, or throwing "a community" into disarray is not very difficult if you consider these options at your disposal. You might not even need the help of a higher authority such as Proboards. You could pretty much index all those thoughts inside of dozens and hundreds of people and take all those thoughts and emotions inside of each person and enhance certain aspects of their thought or emotional state and pit people against one another with disturbing ease.
This is a glimpse into the world behind the curtain. I didn't even model a quarter of the capabilities of the people I normally dealt with up until 3 or 4 months ago.
That is something you are not supposed to know, think about nor even ultimately realize.
It is something pretty simple and something everyone behind the curtain knows fairly well as an everyday event.
Then, again, most of the members [on the other side of the curtain, the public side] probably wouldn't believe it even if they were told outright. They usually get memory loss to aid them in forgetting.
Certain people might recall their own encounter, certain people if they encounter a telepathic EBE would recall what it is like once again.
But...beyond that...I have no proof...and why would any ET stick their neck out to make that a sticky point for all to realize?
I can't think of a reason why any of them would...nor do I care for any favors.
I am sure if one ET did this as an example for all, the others would more than frown on people arriving at [potentially] prohibited conclusions.
Lets all simply assume that everything is as it appears and call it a day. ;)
I know from my own perspective and my relationships with the staff from OMF that NO ONE was out to do any damage or hurt ANYone.
No One was out to have the forum shut down. All roads of dialogue and diplomacy were used. This I KNOW. This is fact!That is a fact. Everything was tried to no avail.
Gee, noot, I have a B.A. in English and it doesn't bother should.
@ Dood, Archie seems to indicate you knew more than your were saying. Does this have anything to do with Software?
@ Fore, imagine having full control of your own brain so that others can't enter it, it might help bring the clarity you seek.
Again..... I believe I had the right line of thinking on what went down at OMF and noot seems to agree with me. It is not often that he agrees with me so don't spoil the moment ;)
Edit to add: Fore, I don't even remember my home phone number let alone bank PIN numbers. I have access to far to many to know which is which, hence my secret notes to myself. I even have to write down on the back of each card I have for which account it belongs. I suffer short term memory loss thanks to the help of some pain meds sadly, but I do have my lucid moments :D
Speculate all you want...
The fact of the matter is you do not KNOW what transpired.
Doc said it best...HERE! (
Even most of the Moderators do not know every little detail but, we do know a lot more then all this guessing and plain old GOSSIP we have been hearing...
I know from my own perspective and my relationships with the staff from OMF that NO ONE was out to do any damage or hurt ANYone.
No One was out to have the forum shut down. All roads of dialogue and diplomacy were used. This I KNOW. This is fact!
If no-one was out to 'do any damage' then who was responsible for the hundreds of complaints to Proboards that resulted in the ban of OMF? Any theories, Dood? You say, "we do know a lot more then (sic) all this guessing and plain old GOSSIP we have been hearing." Well then kindly tell us the details so the 'plain old GOSSIP' will be invalidated. Is that too much to ask, Dood?
01-09-2012, 10:47 PM
Two things possible, either the people running OM just got tired of it or it was deliberately brought down by an organized source.
Or perhaps a bunch of lunatics aren't really that good at running forums. I guess that requires a certain amount of rational thinking.
NO! I will not add to the pile.
I do not know who was 'complaining' to Proboards so I will not speculate.
There is no point.
What some members MAY have did of their own volition is no concern to me and none of my business.
However, I will reiterate once again that NO ONE and I mean NO ONE on the staff was out to hurt or destroy OMF.
It was the farthest thing in anyone's mind while we were on staff and while we were off staff. (without any Moderating Abilities)
01-09-2012, 10:52 PM
Or perhaps a bunch of lunatics aren't really that good at running forums. I guess that requires a certain amount of rational thinking.
Hey now, nobody said anything about a bunch... maybe justa' handful.
I believe that it was someone with a beef, outside the regulars. What ever happened, it was organized and required knowledge of how to shut down a message board.
@ Fore, imagine having full control of your own brain so that others can't enter it, it might help bring the clarity you seek. Already do.
Again..... I believe I had the right line of thinking on what went down at OMF and noot seems to agree with me. It is not often that he agrees with me so don't spoil the moment ;)Alright, bask in his glory I guess?
01-09-2012, 10:54 PM
Hey now, nobody said a bunch... maybe justa' handful.
Hahahaha, OK. A handful of lunatics, then.
NO! I will not add to the pile.
I do not know who was 'complaining' to Proboards so I will not speculate.
There is no point.
What some members MAY have did of their own volition is no concern to me and none of my business.
However, I will reiterate once again that NO ONE and I mean NO ONE on the staff was out to hurt or destroy OMF.
It was the farthest thing in anyone's mind while we were on staff and while we were off staff. (without any Moderating Abilities)
Dude....... nobody is blaming any of the owners of this Forum. Three names of posters that had reported complaints to Proboards have already been posted here and admitted to by the complainers themselves. They were Fore, Ed Fouche and Bigpappy. They have already stated this as fact.
You on the other hand, have been accused of some things in the past by Archie himself, again... things in the past.
I believe the owners of TOP have done nothing more than leave their old posts and start anew here. This isn't the first time this sort of "Forum Split/War" has happened and it probably won't be the last.
01-09-2012, 11:12 PM
What ever happened at OM over the last two months was out of the control of any of the staff here at TOP. You can speculate, demand, jump up and down or plead and it will not do any one any good.
So feel free to use this space to lament that which was and to commiserate with your fellow members. Anything else is going off in a direction that is non-productive to say the least.
01-09-2012, 11:31 PM
What ever happened at OM over the last two months was out of the control of any of the staff here at TOP. You can speculate, demand, jump up and down or plead and it will not do any one any good.
So feel free to use this space to lament that which was and to commiserate with your fellow members. Anything else is going off in a direction that is non-productive to say the least.
Why does it have to be "productive" if the forum is gone and finito anyway? What is wrong with people trying to find answers?
01-09-2012, 11:33 PM
Why does it have to be "productive" if the forum is gone and finito anyway? What is wrong with people trying to find answers?
Simple - because there's no one here with answers to those questions.
Fore said...
@ A99
Don't confuse apples and oranges. EBE's with ghosts that go bump in the night are two very different types of beings.
I am not talking about glowing orbs or drifting voices in the night.
I know the difference between the dis-incarnate and the biologically incarnate but not of a human descent.
One can reach out and grab a person while driving down the road while the other can only play mind games and conduct a few other parlor tricks.
Condescend arrogantly all you want dear but one wonders why you always put on that kind of show all the time anyways. In my view it's a defense mechanism and when your missives toward me are that way and are in that tone of voice, I know it's because I intimidate you.
Your above statement is incorrect and you know that too.
PS -- and you know what I mean by my saying that it's incorrect too.
01-09-2012, 11:41 PM
Simple - because there's no one here with answers to those questions.
People should still be allowed to ask questions and talk about something that has affected them. I don't see why that is harmful or "non-productive".
01-09-2012, 11:49 PM
Speculate all you want... In the absence of an explanation...what else can one do.
Don't complain about the gossip when folks in the know aren't talking.
Even most of the Moderators do not know every little detail but, we do know a lot more then all this guessing and plain old GOSSIP we have been hearing... So tell us what you know...otherwise it's impolite
This is fact!
What facts?
That is a fact. Everything was tried to no avail.
What facts?
Folks supposedly in the know haven't explained really anything.
I really don't care one way or the the other.
But it's annoying when folks say they know " facts" but won't say what they are.
So there really should be no problem with speculation, rumor or gossip....because no one has disclosed any facts at all.
You can't expect that no one is going to talk about omf being shuttered.
Any way...just got back from my uncle funeral....I guess I gotta check in at amkon for answers
01-10-2012, 12:04 AM
Here is a fact. In mid Novemer 2011, OM Admin took all admin functions away from the Co-Admins. As of December 5, 2011, not a single former Mod had any mod functions. There was only 1 person that could do anything administative wise. You all know who that was. Simple see. I logged on several times only to see if my PM's were answered by the Admin. They never were.
01-10-2012, 12:09 AM
Hmmmmm.....apparently I wasn't clear enough, so I'll try again.
No one here knows what happened at OM over the last two months.
No one here was privy to the conversations between ProBoards and the forum's owner.
You can speculate all you want but asking for and/or demanding answers is just barking up the wrong tree.
If you don't like those answers then feel free to gossip some where else.
If you want to stay here and commiserate with your fellow members, then by all means do so.
If you don't know the difference between the two then you need more assistance than I can provide. ;)
Fore said...
@ A99
Don't confuse apples and oranges. EBE's vs ghosts that go bump in the night are two very different types of beings.
I am not talking about glowing orbs or drifting voices in the night.
I know the difference between the dis-incarnate and the biologically incarnate but not of a human descent.
One can reach out and grab a person while driving down the road while the other can only play mind games and conduct a few other parlor tricks.
Condescend arrogantly all you want dear but one wonders why you always put on that kind of show all the time anyways. In my view it's a defense mechanism I thought about it, and yes, it appears to probably be a defensive mechanism. You've probably got a point.
and when your missives toward me are that way and are in that tone of voice, I know it's because I intimidate you. But you are wrong about this point. (honestly)
I was actually impressed that you understood me [in some sense] in the last few days with that various comments you made.
But you also think "astral critters" are EBE's/ET I talk about. So no, your very wrong on that point.
Also I did not send any entities to you since we first discussed it a long time ago that night. But your analysis of how it happens around me is pretty spot on.
Your above statement is incorrect and you know that too.
PS -- and you know what I mean by my saying that it's incorrect too.I wish I did, so I wouldn't have to ask...?
01-10-2012, 12:21 AM
Look out. DS will be coming over with all the nonsense about the R&D Show, the Princess of Kashmir, the guard dog, the crawling future Princess, the cruise to Kashmir, and on and on and on.
01-10-2012, 12:24 AM
Hmmmmm.....apparently I wasn't clear enough, so I'll try again.
No one here knows what happened at OM over the last two months.
No one here was privy to the conversations between ProBoards and the forum's owner.
You can speculate all you want but asking for and/or demanding answers is just barking up the wrong tree.
If you don't like those answers then feel free to gossip some where else.
If you want to stay here and commiserate with your fellow members, then by all means do so.
If you don't know the difference between the two then you need more assistance than I can provide. ;)
Gotta be honest here. When people talk like you did in that post, it always makes me think they have something to hide. Why else would questions bother them.
@ Sol
If you are asking why OM was shutdown then it was because of Proboards abuse department shutting it down.
If you are asking what happened between Bren and Proboards, there isn't anyone who would know for sure.
(Ask Bren)
01-10-2012, 12:33 AM
Here is a fact. In mid Novemer 2011, OM Admin took all admin functions away from the Co-Admins. As of December 5, 2011, not a single former Mod had any mod functions. There was only 1 person that could do anything administative wise. You all know who that was. Simple see. I logged on several times only to see if my PM's were answered by the Admin. They never were.
Thanks buddy
From the former Co-Admins of Open Minds Forum;
Beginning at the end of August 2011, Admin returned from a long absence and began to act on his own without the usual consultation we had between us all for years. He seemed to lose trust in his fellow staff members following a minor hack which resulted in a large number of threads being rearranged and made into announcements but did no real damage. This loss of trust manifested in a breakdown of meaningful communications. Despite attempts from numerous parties to mediate, the result was that Admin essentially tied the hands of his staff by removing our ability to administer the boards.
Understand that we did not take the decision to leave OM lightly, we had each invested, not just finances, but countless hours of our time. We were left with no choice having essentially been fired by Admin, who as Proboards forum founder always retained sole access to the admin account. We hoped that if we left quietly some of the work we all did might survive.
From that point onward any and all actions carried out at OM were the sole responsibility of Admin.
There is nothing more to say. Please don't ask for more. We are here now and moving ahead with The OutPost Forum.
01-10-2012, 02:59 AM
One of the owners or admins supposedly tried to put software called Moustrace on to the forum (OMF) and it is so that the Admin that put it on could monitor peoples "mouse" movements to see what they are mostly looking at, there is a lot of things Mousetrace allows them to do like read peoples PM's etc etc.
A brief description of it was wrote by a friend more familiar with it than me so I've copied it for you:
Quote: Mouse Trace is a script that records your mouse movements and also the screen you are looking at. The software claims to be an efficiency tool in showing web admins how people are using their site so they can better lay it out or whatever. This script should be used on e-commerce type sites to help a vendor better utilize the webpage, not spy.
I noticed it because in Firefox, when you navigate to a page, it will quickly list the sites its loading content from in the lower left or right hand corner. I noticed a site "" and this threw a red flag. I "googled" the site and looked into what it was and after finding out that information, I felt it was necessary to alert everyone of this type of program and that it was caught loading on the forum. i knew it could be used sadistically.
Now I'm even more cautious and run some add-ons that block scripts from running unless I allow them.
If you use Firefox as your browser, you can load the following to better protect yourself, but always remember we are never 100% safe while on the web.
No Script
Beef Taco
ABP (Ad Block Plus)
It was because of this why people complained to Proboards. Proboards supposedly found no trace of this mouse software but still for some unknown reason suspended OMF.
01-10-2012, 03:05 AM
Not a demand....just a question.....but who was responsible for installing mouse trace at OMF?
Does anyone in charge here actually know?
It's a fair question I think
01-10-2012, 03:13 AM
Not a demand....just a question.....but who was responsible for installing mouse trace at OMF?
Does anyone in charge here actually know?
It's a fair question I think It never did actually get installed. It was one of those add-on things that was refused. I think Admin was playing with it to see what it was.
Not a demand....just a question.....but who was responsible for installing mouse trace at OMF?
Does anyone in charge here actually know?
It's a fair question I think
Admin installed a Google statistics package. Apparently Mousetrace or elements of Mousetrace were included. As it turned out the statistical part was of no use so he uninstalled it. That is all as told to us by him. I don't believe any of us know more than that. (As DF said, above.)
01-10-2012, 03:27 AM
So he who must not be named...disappears for a year...on and off....comes back....sets up some software package that includes mouse trace....and basically fires the staff.
Pretty bizarre
01-10-2012, 03:31 AM
So he who must not be named...disappears for a year...on and off....comes back....sets up some software package that includes mouse trace....and basically fires the staff.
Pretty bizarre
Welcome to our world!
So he who must not be named...disappears for a year...on and off....comes back....sets up some software package that includes mouse trace....and basically fires the staff.
Pretty bizarre
I'm not sure if the timing of it was exactly like you wrote. I do know we were not included in that decision at any point.
01-10-2012, 03:40 AM
So he who must not be named...disappears for a year...on and off....comes back....sets up some software package that includes mouse trace....and basically fires the staff.
Pretty bizarre Just look at the time line.
Oops, sorry. :rolleyes:
01-10-2012, 03:46 AM
I want to thank the owners/makers of this site.
It is sad OMF went down hill the way it did and so fast but if this place wasn't set up in time there would have been a lot of people without a place to roam where a lot of their internet friends are!
Thanks to the people of this forum for setting it up, owners/admins/mods, good on you all. ;)
01-10-2012, 03:48 AM
Thank You Nighthawk !!!
I am also glad we could help.
Hey Doc, thanks for unlocking this thread. Now I look like an idiot posting zombie stuff on Murs thread lol..
Ha but seriously, it's good people can "talk" about why things turned out as they have and I for one appreciate your forthcoming in what's been going on since last May. I for one hope that as a community (TOPS) does not have that stupid rule that we can't "talk". About anything that effects each of us who "put our time into this community". I for one realize that the moderating of a forum like this requires much time from the Mods- but I believe the posters are the ones who should know why and when someone is booted. I'm inclined to think the majority of those reading this are decent people who just want truth. Tons of garbage sites for the trolls and they should go. But for people to just up and disappear- like Oh My Fiddlesticks is infamous for- well -the "no talk about it clause" was a bit harsh.
Again thanks for allowing me to make myself look like an idiot .. :p
01-10-2012, 03:53 AM
I want to thank the owners/makers of this site.
It is sad OMF went down hill the way it did and so fast but if this place wasn't set up in time there would have been a lot of people without a place to roam where a lot of their internet friends are!
Thanks to the people of this forum for setting it up, owners/admins/mods, good on you all. ;)
01-10-2012, 03:54 AM
Hell, it was the Zombies :yikes: :lmao:
I want to thank the owners/makers of this site.
It is sad OMF went down hill the way it did and so fast but if this place wasn't set up in time there would have been a lot of people without a place to roam where a lot of their internet friends are!
Thanks to the people of this forum for setting it up, owners/admins/mods, good on you all. ;)
Thank you. We knew we had a deadline because the way it was going we were going to find ourselves locked out. We wanted to have this set up and to be able to give the members a heads-up while we still could.
Hey Doc, thanks for unlocking this thread. Now I look like an idiot posting zombie stuff on Murs thread lol..
Ha but seriously, it's good people can "talk" about why things turned out as they have and I for one appreciate your forthcoming in what's been going on since last May. I for one hope that as a community (TOPS) does not have that stupid rule that we can't "talk". About anything that effects each of us who "put our time into this community". I for one realize that the moderating of a forum like this requires much time from the Mods- but I believe the posters are the ones who should know why and when someone is booted. I'm inclined to think the majority of those reading this are decent people who just want truth. Tons of garbage sites for the trolls and they should go. But for people to just up and disappear- like Oh My Fiddlesticks is infamous for- well -the "no talk about it clause" was a bit harsh.
Again thanks for allowing me to make myself look like an idiot .. :p
You moved too fast! :biggrin2:
Doc wrote:
To clear up two issues:
1) No one here was moving and deleting posts there. I don't believe any of us had the powers to do so much after November. Any deletion/moving up to the opening here was done in the line of duty only. Every moderator and admin here did his or her job up until such time as they lost their powers in early December.
2) There were multiple complaints to Proboards by multiple members and former members. Proboards did not act in response to a vendetta by one individual. Proboards acted when the number of complaints from a number of individuals became a liability.
If you want to discuss OM here, stick to how you feel or what you know, as I just did. If this turns into blaming and personal attacks it will be locked. One person is responsible for the demise of OM. That person is not here.
I think I have not made myself clear and you have misunderstood me. I am in no way blaming fore. I was just pointing out he predicted this. He also predicated the end / slimming down of the space programme.
01-10-2012, 02:17 PM
Two things possible, either the people running OM just got tired of it or it was deliberately brought down by an organized source.
I have no proof at all but the takedown seems to me was systematic. I believe it was taken down by an organized source. All that source had to do was get certain people fighting against one another and play those people against each other or ideals and you have chaos. You let human nature take its course from there. Ever hear of cyber warfare units? These forums can be a danger to some people in power because you have scores of people digging for the truth and thousands who lurk and read. This number keeps multiplying. Just my opinion of course. You stir the pot and let human nature take its course. Very simple.
01-10-2012, 03:34 PM
Yeah thanks Doc especially as all the homeless have been left bereft, floating through cyberspace looking for a new home, This is the obvious place to come.
I'll miss the place the really annoying thing is there was a mass of information on there if anyone could be bothered to wade through the general chit chat.
Stuff you won't find anywhere else hopefully the expertise can rebuild a lot of it here
@ Fore certainly feels like the year to me. The quiet before the storm.
Hello everyone.
I have to be perfectly honest here, and I hope you don't mind (and since you claim to be less strict now, I'll hope that you don't delete my post). There's so much to say that I hardly know where to begin. I must say to start with that I am saddened and disgusted with all of this and disappointed in many of you (on both forums). When I first joined OM, I had no idea how ugly it would be in the end; if I had known, perhaps I wouldn't have registered. To someone's detriment, perhaps, so maybe it was better that I didn't consciously know.
To begin, I didn't join OM for Serpo or Source A. I was told about Montalk's presence there, and since I had been on his forum I decided to check out OM because I didn't know where else to land. I was never interested in those subjects and I did my best to stick to the topics which were important to me. I did post a bit in the Source thread towards the end because I felt that people were being treated unfairly. For this—speaking my mind and supporting my friends—I was suspended right along with many other fine people (many of whom were either banned or left on their own accord after seeing the unfair treatment).
The above paragraph is for all the people out there (at RU, Amkon, and UCB) who generalize and insist that anyone remaining at OM after those topics unfolded were crazy or delusional. There was much more to OM than those two subjects, and those who can't or won't see that are doing themselves a huge disservice. Nothing had been posted about those topics in a long time; most people had moved past that part of OM's history.
Personally, I stayed on because there were some really good people there (among the not-so-nice people) and I didn't think that the only relevant topics at OM were Source A and Serpo. I saw the potential to help people by being there and wanted to assist moving the forum past that. From my perspective, those two topics were small compared to everything else. I couldn't believe that so many people focused only on those things and couldn't see that OM was about more than that. Perhaps I knew in my heart that those things were possible hoaxes and so didn't bother to get that involved in them. I concentrated my energy on subjects that I felt were actually important.
As you all know, Bren and I weren't exactly friends. So I am not here to support him (or any one person); nor am I here to tear down any one person (though I think some of you have deserved it at some point—including Bren). I'm not here to start trouble. I'm here to voice my concerns and opinions. From my perspective, the suspension of OM was cumulative and no one person is fully responsible—including Bren.
He did not like me for some reason, and I felt that and knew it. I know that he wasn't the only one, either. He and the other staff members treated many people, including me, very poorly at times. Things happened over there that should never have happened. That doesn't mean that OM deserved to be suspended. There was so much information there; so many discussions that will never be “recreated” as one of the admins here has postulated. Many years of work are now gone along with lost connections of members, and I'm greatly upset about this. Hours and hours of time and energy spent carefully and lovingly making posts---all gone. For you all to sit here and blame Bren for all of that is unfair, and I think you know this in your hearts.
I think we can all agree that Source A started the downward spiral. That was the beginning of the end, as that was the tipping point where a lot of good people were banished or left on their own when their friends were being wrongly treated by the staff.
After that was the huge deal with MouseTrace. It has been shown on the other forum (RU) that this was NOT part of the Google package (I never saw any evidence to the contrary on that so unless someone can show us where one of those packages came standard with MT, I'll have to presume that it was indeed an “addon” to the analytical package). IMO, that was a very bad decision. Whoever installed it and used it wasn't thinking clearly. Blow number 2 for OM.
Idk what happened before, during, and after that in the back office. I only know that the next thing to crop up was the “silent bans” on Fore. This was unfair, IMO, and I spoke up for him several times on the board (another strike against me with Bren—he obviously didn't like it that I don't hate Fore). Next was the email to everyone on the forum that this place was going to be available to people and that 4 of the co-admins were leaving (no explanation, though, which was confusing to all of us).
The way I see it, you were all responsible for the demise of OM; it wasn't only Bren. You left OM and redirected the home page URL to this forum. Admin and Jake wrote about the issue with the URL and you all reported those posts to PB. You claimed libel when what they said was true. He didn't need to say (and shouldn't have said) anything bad about you all, but the things he said about the URL were true to the best of our knowledge. Indeed, Ivo hadn't joined OM until 2006—two years after Bren set up the forum, so that part is definitely correct.
Whether Ivo “stole” the URL when it was supposed to be jointly owned, I wouldn't know. I only know that it was redirected here for quite a while. It was almost like you did that to spite OM; to make sure that anyone searching for OMF found this place. That was not fair, IMO. The URL could have just been left unused, but instead it was not. Now, even though it's not redirected as it was in the beginning, there is still record of your forum address in the index when a person clicks on the OMF url. So either way, your forum is the main one people might find if they do a search for “openmindsforum”.
So. That was what really started the whole “reporting” issue, IMO: the ones made by Fore and those made by the admins here. The reports by Fore were probably nothing to PB, as most of them were supposedly about A99's posts. When it came to the co-admin's reports, though, that's when the S really started to HTF. The “nail in the coffin” was Ed's complaints. I'll get to that later.
I have to break up my text because there is a 10,000 character limit. Please allow me to finish what I have to say.
For now I'd like to correct Fore on a couple assumptions that he's made and one of which contributed to OM being closed. I emailed him and corrected these things, but he has refused to retract his statements or even mention that he might be wrong. For this I believe that he's acting egotistical and vindictive and I hope that his God will forgive him.
First is the issue of posts being moved to avoid their detection by PB. Fore's assertion is that Bren moved around all the sensitive threads so that PB wouldn't be able to find them if they got reported. He even went so far as to make a thread at PB to accuse Bren of doing this.
This is clearly not the full story, and I don't think it was the main reason for posts being moved at all. There was ONE thread moved that contained “sensitive” posts. That was the “OMF dead?” thread. There were many more threads that DID contain “sensitive” information which were NEVER moved. They could be found right where they were started, and many of them were pinned to the top so that *everyone * could see them.
I think I have a much more valid reason for the thread movements. The day Bren sided with GW and Cy and banned me on their pleas (even though I was showing support for bren and the forum), I think Bren moved a ton of threads around to flush out the last-fifty-post page. I figure he didn't want those particular posts (in the update thread) to be on that page for everyone to see. He probably didn't want his notice of me and Pam being banned to be on the last-fifty, either. He didn't have any material to contribute or post, so this was the only way he could flush out the last-fifty.
If his intention with moving threads was only to avoid detection by PB, then why did he not move all of the offending threads? Why did he move all those inconsequential threads (those that didn't have any slander or libel in them)? I'm speaking of the plain-jane threads: Messages in a song, Traynor's blog, Atmjjc's thread, Raccoon's bad karma thread, and many many others that had NO offending content.
Of course, if Bren's intention for flushing the last-fifty was to cover his ban of me and Pam, then it failed miserably since A99's post in “the ban list” thread kept repeating itself. Lol—that was kinda funny. Darn software, eh Bren? ;)
All of the other threads that were deemed “deleted” were in fact just moved, and none of them contained any libel. Which brings me to Ed F and Pappy. Their complaints were apparently the last straw for PB, which is really ironic when considering a few things, which I'll get to at the end of my post.
The other thing Fore has posted a few times here is his postulation that the one thread titled “reported posts audit” had something to do with the reports made to PB. This is patently false. By stating that those were member complaints to PB, he is trying to reinforce his belief that there were members there who were turning against OM. I viewed those screen caps for myself and that's not what it was. So for him to continually go on about how there were “so many reports made by the members to the PB staff” is plain wrong. I can't help but wonder if this is an honest mistake or a vindictive move against Bren.
I know I can't be the only one who clicked on those screens and knows what they really were. Why haven't any of you corrected this misunderstanding? Those pages were reported posts made internally to the staff of OM. You all remember that little “report to mod” button in the bottom right corner of each post, right? I'm sure you do. That was the button you could click in order to report an offending post to the staff of the forum—NOT the staff at PB. Included in that list was a plethora of reports from none other than Fore himself. There were several other posts that got reported over the years by various members, including me (reporting the rude behavior of that Hypothetical Situation dude). THAT is the “reported posts audit”. It was NOT reports made to PB. I'm sure there is someone here who can vouch for this being the case; the question is: will you?
Again, I will have to continue in another post. Sorry about that.
Dove: When your roommate is throwing your clothes out on the lawn and telling you he is keeping the apartment because his name is on the lease, he shouldn't feel too bad when you take the welcome mat after you paid for it, the rent, utilities and everything else.
01-10-2012, 07:04 PM
Welcome to TOP!
While we understand the importance of having people get things off of their chest here in this thread and to commiserate with others it is also mportant to avoid making unfounded accusations concerning the actions of other people. Your perceptions are not necessarily everyone else's reality.
Doc, the redirection scam was dishonorable and underhanded. Even the enemies of OMF saw it that way.
We took what had our name on it. We got screwed out of everything else. Sorry, if it looked bad to people who don't like us anyway.
Last but not least is the issue with Ed (and Pappy, to a lesser extent). I am so disgusted about this that I can hardly contain myself. First they come into OM with guns-a-blazing on Calikid—with Ed threatening to come after CK and everything. Then when they realized their mistake, it was changed to be an attack on Bren for supposedly deleting hundreds of posts. If either of them had bothered to look farther than their noses, they would have seen for themselves that those threads were only moved; NONE of them were deleted. Apparently, even the new “super” mods didn't know this, as *I* had to be the person to go through the forum and find them. I did so, and I posted a reply to Pappy which included links to all the threads that they said were deleted.
It was too late, though. Bren had already said that they were lying, and this was enough to provoke Ed into making the report that ultimately brought down OM. What I find particularly amusing (disgusting, actually) is the fact that Ed has posted slanderous comments all over the internet about how several people are liars and hoaxers, and not one of those people ever “reported” him about it, nor sued him (which they should have done). But then when someone calls him a liar, he goes running to PB like a child who can't resist tattling to mommy. Talk about ironic.
One more thing regarding the permissions that were revoked from the mods at OM (the ones who are now here). What did you really expect, guys? You bailed on OM and came running over here to be moderators the day this place opened. Please don't act so innocent or coy. Did you really expect Bren to trust any of you after that? I don't think it was a case of him wanting to run the show by himself. I think that he felt like you had turned on him. And rightly so, IMO. I don't think I would have trusted you all with mod permissions, either, if I had been in his place that day.
And then there's the most recent issue. I'd like to know what Dood was doing, personally. How is it that he was supposedly reading member PMs? What software was used? It wasn't mousetrace, as that was taken off fairly quickly after Anubus and myself noticed it was there. So, Dood, were you spying on us? If so, who else was involved? I hope for your sake that this accusation is false, as you should know that universal karma WILL come around and bite you in the butt for that.
None of that excuses Bren's behavior, of course. Some of the things that have happened at OM were just wrong. Very wrong. But again, I don't feel as though the forum that we all worked on for so long deserved to be closed because of all of that (and many other things that Bren wasn't responsible for).
Of course, Ed didn't care; he had maybe 1000 posts there, so his statement that he didn't care whether OM survived or not doesn't surprise me. He knew that what he reported would be the final straw and he had no compunction on setting out to destroy our former home. Such an unbelievable move on his part since he's well-known for calling people liars and hoaxers all over the internet. You should watch your backs here, guys; you may be next. Don't assume he is your friend--I've seen a lot of backstabbing and unreasonable behavior going on with him. You'd do well to protect yourselves.
The posts here and elsewhere about Archie being Luci are kind of amusing, if you ask me. One person makes this call and you all follow his lead. Interesting, for sure. Idk that the new guy isn't Bren for fact, but I suspect that he's not. Do you really all think that Bren is that bad off with having MPD? So many of the things he said just don't show Archie to be Bren. At all. Like how he was tearing GW and Cy a new one and complimenting me publicly and privately. That is the total opposite of how Bren feels about us. Nothing in what he wrote adds up to them being the same person. If they are one and the same, then he's really good at being multiples. Just because admin made socks at his own forum (supposedly), doesn't mean that Archie is Bren. Fore asks: Is it coincidence that Archie posted that comment about Ed? Lol...uh no. There are many more people around who feel the same way about what Ed did, so why should Archie be any different? I feel the same way about Ed right now. Do you think I'm Bren?
Well, I guess that's all I want to say here. Thanks for hearing me out.
It did indeed look very bad. And had you truly figured it was honorable you'd not have undone it.
Excellent, well reasoned, organized, coherent and to the point. Thank you, Dove.
Dove: When your roommate is throwing your clothes out on the lawn and telling you he is keeping the apartment because his name is on the lease, he shouldn't feel too bad when you take the welcome mat after you paid for it, the rent, utilities and everything else.
Welcome to TOP!
While we understand the importance of having people get things off of their chest here in this thread and to commiserate with others it is also mportant to avoid making unfounded accusations concerning the actions of other people. Your perceptions are not necessarily everyone else's reality.
I wasn't under the impression that I was making false accusations, guys. If you want people to know the truth, then why not tell us what that is? How is it that you, Doc, paid for the welcome mat when Bren was the person who started the forum? Did you start it with him and pay for the URL? Did Chris/Ivo pay for the URL? Forgive me for the questions, but we will never understand if you don't clarify these things.
As far as "paying for the rent, etc", Proboards is free. You don't have to pay for server space. Did you all have a special account where you were paying for advanced features?
Wasn't all of that a joint venture where everyone paid equal parts?
I wasn't under the impression that I was making false accusations, guys. If you want people to know the truth, then why not tell us what that is? How is it that you, Doc, paid for the welcome mat when Bren was the person who started the forum? Did you start it with him and pay for the URL? Did Chris/Ivo pay for the URL? Forgive me for the questions, but we will never understand if you don't clarify these things.
As far as "paying for the rent, etc", Proboards is free. You don't have to pay for server space. Did you all have a special account where you were paying for advanced features?
Wasn't all of that a joint venture where everyone paid equal parts?
No, it was not a joint venture. This is the danger of making accusations where you don't know the truth and then thinking we are obliged to tell you. Bottom line, after financing the whole thing, we were "fired' as co-owners and shown the door. The end. I'm sure all of you would have been just fine with that and acted perfectly, smiling as you went.
We took what had our name on it. We got screwed out of everything else. Sorry, if it looked bad to people who don't like us anyway.
I guess I'm confused. As far as I could see, nobody got screwed out of anything until after you announced the new forum. It was then that Bren yanked the staff's permissions. Before then, you were all still co-admins with full permissions (again, as far as we could all see). Whatever happened before that day is unknown to us because you won't tell us what happened in the back office in the months previous. Were your permissions to be administrators pulled before you sent out that mass email? The titles were there. I understand that permissions don't always equal the titles under the name, though. A little clarification would be appreciated. Thank you.
No, it was not a joint venture. This is the danger of making accusations where you don't know the truth and then thinking we are obliged to tell you. Bottom line, after financing the whole thing, we were "fired' as co-owners and shown the door. The end. I'm sure all of you would have been just fine with that and acted perfectly, smiling as you went.
There's no need to be so snotty about it. My "accusations" are based on the information that was given to us by the only people (bren and jake) willing to tell us anything about what happened. If Bren didn't help pay for the URL and the account (if there was a special account set up at PB), then why not just say so? How could he have set up the URL if he didn't pay for it (with or without contributions from the rest of you)? He claims that he signed it over to Ivo, in trust, so that it would be then set up as a joint-venture. Is this not correct?
I most assuredly don't want to make false assumptions, so that's why I and others have asked for clarification from you guys; so that we would know what both sides have to say.
[SPECULATION]For now I'd like to correct Fore on a couple assumptions that he's made and one of which contributed to OM being closed. I emailed him and corrected these things, but he has refused to retract his statements or even mention that he might be wrong. For this I believe that he's acting egotistical and vindictive and I hope that his God will forgive him. For the record, Dove told me she believed that Bren moved 50 threads out of their that he could cover up her ban event in the "50 most recent posts".
Dove, You might have a point, but I remain extremely skeptical that this is the case. The moving of threads continued before, during, and after you were banned and then reinstated.
I know that is what you believe, but I think my view is far more plausible. So I don't think I can support your theory otherwise it should have stopped immediately after the event of your banning.
There is no logical reason why you would move a thread from one area of the OM forum, and then back to it's original location. Call me crazy or skeptical if you want to on this. <kidding shrug>
-----[SPECULATION continued]
First is the issue of posts being moved to avoid their detection by PB. Fore's assertion is that Bren moved around all the sensitive threads so that PB wouldn't be able to find them if they got reported. He even went so far as to make a thread at PB to accuse Bren of doing this.
This is clearly not the full story, and I don't think it was the main reason for posts being moved at all. There was ONE thread moved that contained “sensitive” posts. That was the “OMF dead?” thread. There were many more threads that DID contain “sensitive” information which were NEVER moved. They could be found right where they were started, and many of them were pinned to the top so that *everyone * could see them.
And they were given new thread ID's. Only one thread was moved a total of three times. (Traynors)
(Though don't quote me on that)
2 Full pages of threads (constituting about 80 or so threads) were moved initially, many more since then.
I think I have a much more valid reason for the thread movements. The day Bren sided with GW and Cy and banned me on their pleas (even though I was showing support for bren and the forum), I think Bren moved a ton of threads around to flush out the last-fifty-post page. I figure he didn't want those particular posts (in the update thread) to be on that page for everyone to see. He probably didn't want his notice of me and Pam being banned to be on the last-fifty, either. He didn't have any material to contribute or post, so this was the only way he could flush out the last-fifty. But A99 then posted the same post "accidentally" 8 times!
It covered a huge swatch of the last 50 pages. I am sorry but your theory should account for this. There was no action to cover these up by moving an additional volume of threads.
If his intention with moving threads was only to avoid detection by PB, then why did he not move all of the offending threads? Why did he move all those inconsequential threads (those that didn't have any slander or libel in them)? I'm speaking of the plain-jane threads: Messages in a song, Traynor's blog, Atmjjc's thread, Raccoon's bad karma thread, and many many others that had NO offending content.
Wasn't Atmijic one of the threads that disappeared?
I also recall that Traynors Blog was locked and I recall Bren being asked about it. It was then unlocked. (correct me if I am wrong)
I dunno about Racoons thread as I didn't notice it.
I do not know the answers to which threads are being reported. I do recall I saw both my major threads and a few blogs.
Of course, if Bren's intention for flushing the last-fifty was to cover his ban of me and Pam, then it failed miserably since A99's post in “the ban list” thread kept repeating itself. Lol—that was kinda funny. Darn software, eh Bren? ;) Which is why I think your theory does not float or hold water.
All of the other threads that were deemed “deleted” were in fact just moved, and none of them contained any libel. Which brings me to Ed F and Pappy. Their complaints were apparently the last straw for PB, which is really ironic when considering a few things, which I'll get to at the end of my post. I rarely go to Ed's to read, so I don't know what if anything went missing.
I guess I'm confused. As far as I could see, nobody got screwed out of anything until after you announced the new forum. It was then that Bren yanked the staff's permissions. Before then, you were all still co-admins with full permissions (again, as far as we could all see). Whatever happened before that day is unknown to us because you won't tell us what happened in the back office in the months previous. Were your permissions to be administrators pulled before you sent out that mass email? The titles were there. I understand that permissions don't always equal the titles under the name, though. A little clarification would be appreciated. Thank you.
He started taking away powers in October. We knew then he was getting ready to throw us out. He would not respond to inquiries. We hung on until it was no longer viable. I still had the power to send the email. We did that as a warning to the members in part, knowing full well it would be seen as treachery. It was too late to worry about perceptions, we were trying to salvage anything we could. We figured it would end this way while hoping it would not.
Excellent, well reasoned, organized, coherent and to the point. Thank you, Dove.
You're welcome, and thank you. Lol, it only took about 4 hours to write up all of that. :rolleyes: I truly did want to make sure that I was being fair to everyone concerned. I honestly don't believe it was solely Bren's fault for OM being suspended, as some people have said. I don't want to start trouble by saying that; it's just what I and other people see. Bren is no angel, for sure, and I'm not condoning his behavior with some of the things he's said and done. Heck, he even banned me when I was trying to support him. Needless to say, I wasn't happy about that one...
Idk, I guess I should feel bad about wanting an explanation for what happened to a place I've spent countless hours posting at? I don't. And I don't think anyone else should, either. A little honesty goes a long way. A lot of honesty goes even further.
The other thing Fore has posted a few times here is his postulation that the one thread titled “reported posts audit” had something to do with the reports made to PB. This is patently false. By stating that those were member complaints to PB, he is trying to reinforce his belief that there were members there who were turning against OM. I viewed those screen caps for myself and that's not what it was. So for him to continually go on about how there were “so many reports made by the members to the PB staff” is plain wrong. I can't help but wonder if this is an honest mistake or a vindictive move against Bren. Dove, realize that many of us are banned.
Yours truly can only see a thumbnail! You need to be a member to actually download and view the images. I know you are more privileged than I, so perhaps you can show me it when you have a chance.
I know I can't be the only one who clicked on those screens and knows what they really were. Why haven't any of you corrected this misunderstanding? Well....possibly because I am banned and I don't have an active member account! :p
I also made stipulations that I could not access the files of images in my original post.
Those pages were reported posts made internally to the staff of OM. You all remember that little “report to mod” button in the bottom right corner of each post, right? I'm sure you do. That was the button you could click in order to report an offending post to the staff of the forum—NOT the staff at PB. Included in that list was a plethora of reports from none other than Fore himself. There were several other posts that got reported over the years by various members, including me (reporting the rude behavior of that Hypothetical Situation dude). THAT is the “reported posts audit”. It was NOT reports made to PB. Ooops. I did not know that.
I'm sure there is someone here who can vouch for this being the case; the question is: will you?
Again, I will have to continue in another post. Sorry about that.I guess I was wrong about that. But the thread moving mystery persists even with that error.
Dove: When your roommate is throwing your clothes out on the lawn and telling you he is keeping the apartment because his name is on the lease, he shouldn't feel too bad when you take the welcome mat after you paid for it, the rent, utilities and everything else.I know what Doc refers to by the way. ;)
One more thing regarding the permissions that were revoked from the mods at OM (the ones who are now here). What did you really expect, guys? You bailed on OM and came running over here to be moderators the day this place opened. Please don't act so innocent or coy. Did you really expect Bren to trust any of you after that? I don't think it was a case of him wanting to run the show by himself. I think that he felt like you had turned on him. And rightly so, IMO. I don't think I would have trusted you all with mod permissions, either, if I had been in his place that day. You think alot of things, but need to actually know more.
Yeah, I know, its totally ironic coming from me. But then again, I don't claim to know the whole story.
None of that excuses Bren's behavior, of course. Some of the things that have happened at OM were just wrong. Very wrong. But again, I don't feel as though the forum that we all worked on for so long deserved to be closed because of all of that (and many other things that Bren wasn't responsible for). Strangely in the last few paragraphs you did excuse him for quite alot.
I am not going to pick a fight, but I will point it out.
The posts here and elsewhere about Archie being Luci are kind of amusing, if you ask me. One person makes this call and you all follow his lead. Interesting, for sure. One?
Idk that the new guy isn't Bren for fact, but I suspect that he's not. No kidding. Do you know the story of LucianArchy?
Ask about how it manifested. (In non-convoluted terms)
Then get back to me in private and we can discuss it.
Do you really all think that Bren is that bad off with having MPD? I have nothing to say.
So many of the things he said just don't show Archie to be Bren. At all. Like how he was tearing GW and Cy a new one and complimenting me publicly and privately. That is the total opposite of how Bren feels about us. Bren yes...LucianArchy, that is a different question in itself.
Nothing in what he wrote adds up to them being the same person. Talk with Bren for a longer span of time, then whatever answer you come up with will become much clearer.
If they are one and the same, then he's really good at being multiples. There is nothing to say.
Just because admin made socks at his own forum (supposedly), No "supposedly". He has that privilege to have a few accounts.
Lexi999 (discontinued upon discussion) <-- name might be wrong as my memory is fuzzy)
doesn't mean that Archie is Bren. Fore asks: Is it coincidence that Archie posted that comment about Ed? Lol...uh no. There are many more people around who feel the same way about what Ed did, so why should Archie be any different? I feel the same way about Ed right now. Do you think I'm Bren? I do not believe you are Bren, you don't write like him, you don't use the same phrase-ology, You don't type the same way, you don't say the same things when you are under pressure, etc.
Well, I guess that's all I want to say here. Thanks for hearing me out.It is always a good way to clean out the heart of many feelings. Much appreciated to hear what you were thinking about.
For the record, Dove told me she believed that Bren moved 50 threads out of their that he could cover up her ban event in the "50 most recent posts".
Dove, You might have a point, but I remain extremely skeptical that this is the case. The moving of threads continued before, during, and after you were banned and then reinstated.
I know that is what you believe, but I think my view is far more plausible. So I don't think I can support your theory otherwise it should have stopped immediately after the event of your banning.
There is no logical reason why you would move a thread from one area of the OM forum, and then back to it's original location. Call me crazy or skeptical if you want to on this. <kidding shrug>
-----[SPECULATION continued]
No, the moving of threads did not start before or continue on past that day. Not sure where you're getting that notion. And why would he move them around so much if he wasn't trying to flush the last-fifty?
And they were given new thread ID's. Only one thread was moved a total of three times. (Traynors)
(Though don't quote me on that)
2 Full pages of threads (constituting about 80 or so threads) were moved initially, many more since then.
No, Fore, it wasn't 80 threads (down from the 100 you said it was before). And why would he move those threads (including the Bible thread) around so much if he wasn't trying to flush the last fifty? None of those threads had any offensive and "libelous" posts in them. Do you mean to say that you actually believe the "Messages in a song" thread had posts in it that Bren was trying to hide? Come on...
But A99 then posted the same post "accidentally" 8 times!
It covered a huge swatch of the last 50 pages. I am sorry but your theory should account for this. There was no action to cover these up by moving an additional volume of threads.
Correct. Meaning that your assertion that the movements continued is wrong. Obviously, he wouldn't be able to control A99's actions. Idk why he left those posts, but it's obvious that your accusation that he continued moving threads is off. Like I said, I think that first and foremost he was pushing the posts from the "update" thread off the page. Pushing the ban post off the page was secondary, perhaps. And yeah, maybe he was hiding the "OMF dead" thread by moving it but that doesn't account for several other "sensitive" threads not EVER being moved. Raccoon's thread titled "so are we going to talk about this" was never moved and it had posts in it that had been reported.
This is my theory, and you have your own. People can decide for themselves what they think happened, based on the facts that I've laid out for you. Perhaps it was a little of both. Idk for sure. But I know that some of those "offending" threads didn't get moved and that a lot of inconsequential threads (as they pertain to this discussion) *were* moved.
Wasn't Atmijic one of the threads that disappeared?
The threads did not disappear. They were moved. They weren't deleted.
I also recall that Traynors Blog was locked and I recall Bren being asked about it. It was then unlocked. (correct me if I am wrong)
I dunno about Racoons thread as I didn't notice it.
I do not know the answers to which threads are being reported. I do recall I saw both my major threads and a few blogs.
So you went to PB support and verified with them that those threads (with no offending posts in them) were the ones that were reported? Do you have record of that you can show us? I'd be very interested in seeing that. As far as I know (and I *was* there pretty much every day for the past 3 years or more), those threads contained *nothing* that would be worthy of being reported to PB.
Perhaps you are again mistaking the "reported posts audit" thread as being reports made by members to PB. I explained to you and everyone else that your accusations about that are false. That thread contained screenies with a long list of the individual posts that were reported to OM STAFF as being offensive. They were NOT reported posts to PB.
Which is why I think your theory does not float or hold water.
I rarely go to Ed's to read, so I don't know what if anything went missing.
And if you were following along, which I'm sure you were, you would have seen my reply to Pappy where I provided working links to all of the threads they said were deleted.
He started taking away powers in October. We knew then he was getting ready to throw us out. He would not respond to inquiries. We hung on until it was no longer viable. I still had the power to send the email. We did that as a warning to the members in part, knowing full well it would be seen as treachery. It was too late to worry about perceptions, we were trying to salvage anything we could. We figured it would end this way while hoping it would not.
Okay. Thank you for answering that question. I appreciate it.
Dove, I cannot answer some of your questions as I don't have access to what is being reported.
You are asking the wrong person. I was a witness to what I saw. I cannot be Proboard or Bren for you.
You'd have to break the ice and ask them both and see if they tell you what you want to know.
What I talked with on Proboards was the issue with A99.
One more thing regarding the permissions that were revoked from the mods at OM (the ones who are now here). What did you really expect, guys? You bailed on OM and came running over here to be moderators the day this place opened. Please don't act so innocent or coy. Did you really expect Bren to trust any of you after that? I don't think it was a case of him wanting to run the show by himself. I think that he felt like you had turned on him. And rightly so, IMO. I don't think I would have trusted you all with mod permissions, either, if I had been in his place that day.
You think alot of things, but need to actually know more.
Yeah, I know, its totally ironic coming from me. But then again, I don't claim to know the whole story.
I don't claim to know the whole story, either. You're implying that I think I do, when that's not the case. I know enough to know about human nature. What would you have done in his place? Would you have just continued trusting the mods after they came over here and became mods for the people who just took off with half your forum membership and the home page URL (whether that last one was justified or not)? I just know that I would have felt awfully betrayed by those people and wouldn't know whether to trust them or not.
None of that excuses Bren's behavior, of course. Some of the things that have happened at OM were just wrong. Very wrong. But again, I don't feel as though the forum that we all worked on for so long deserved to be closed because of all of that (and many other things that Bren wasn't responsible for).
Strangely in the last few paragraphs you did excuse him for quite alot.
I am not going to pick a fight, but I will point it out.
And I will point out to you that I defended you dozens of times on that forum, including that latest issue with the silent bans. *That* didn't earn me any brownie points, believe me.
Just because I am fair and impartial doesn't mean that I excuse him or anyone else for being responsible for helping to bring down OM. I know that some of the things he did were wrong, and I had no problem stating that. I also think some of the things you've done recently (and in the past) are inexcusable (like threatening to send your cronies over to my place that one time). I forgave you for that, though, didn't I?
The posts here and elsewhere about Archie being Luci are kind of amusing, if you ask me. One person makes this call and you all follow his lead. Interesting, for sure.
Yes. One person mentioned it (at amkon) and everyone else jumped on the bandwagon after that (well, not everyone, but a few people).
Idk that the new guy isn't Bren for fact, but I suspect that he's not.
No kidding. Do you know the story of LucianArchy?
Ask about how it manifested. (In non-convoluted terms)
Then get back to me in private and we can discuss it.
Yes, I'm aware of that. I've read the other forums. And just because he's done that before doesn't mean that he is Archie. If you and the others can't prove that, then you're just making assumptions (quite possibly unfounded). Jake knows Bren more than anyone here, for the most part, and he knows they aren't the same person. When's the last time you read Bren quoting the bible, Fore? There are many people in the world who write cryptically; just keep that in mind.
You think Archie is Bren (without actual proof) and I think that you should get evidence of that before you assume it to be true. Your "hunches" that Bren is MPD and that he's Archie are only that right now. Idk either way; maybe he is and maybe he isn't. I don't see it, but I guess that's just me. I haven't conversed with him for years so maybe I should just trust you and jump on the bandwagon, too, because they (and thousands of other people) have similar writing styles. Lol. :bleh:
Dove, I cannot answer some of your questions as I don't have access to what is being reported.
You are asking the wrong person. I was a witness to what I saw. I cannot be Proboard or Bren for you.
You'd have to break the ice and ask them both and see if they tell you what you want to know.
What I talked with on Proboards was the issue with A99.
I don't want you to be PB or Bren for me. I'm showing you the holes in your theories just as you did with me and I'd like for you to close them up since you seem to know everything that's been happening. I want you to acknowledge that those two accusations are not founded on anything concrete; that maybe you got it wrong.
I *did* see those screen caps of the "reported posts audit" thread, and I *know* that they were internal reports made to OM staff. I remember chuckling to myself that so many posts were reported by you, and being a little miffed that some reports were on my posts in Traynor's blog. So that's a no-brainer; you got that one wrong. I regret not taking my own screens of those, but I know there has to be people here who also clicked on those screens and saw what they were. You said yourself that you could only see thumbnails, yet you posted several times about how they were posts that were reported to PB when they were not. This needed to be said. You made an error in assuming those were PB reports. They were NOT. You only flamed the belief that there were current OM members who were turning on the forum and reporting tons of posts to PB. This is patently false. You were making people think something that wasn't even true.
As far as his reasons for moving threads, well I guess none of us will know the truth about that. But for you to start that thread at PB and accuse him of doing that without knowing that was the real reason was not fair and it may have (probably did) contribute to the closing of OM. I've shown you and other people the holes in your theory. Maybe you should have thought things through more carefully before reporting him like that. You can't know the real reasons, and neither can I, but I do think that you were off the mark--for the reasons I've already stated. It would be good of you to go back to your thread at PB and acknowledge that you may have been wrong in your accusations or assertions.
01-10-2012, 10:25 PM
Right now I am looking for the "beating a dead horse" emoticon, but unfortunately we do not have one here......yet.
01-10-2012, 10:28 PM
Actually people, you are all assuming too much. The staff here doesn't really know the "whole" story. We know approximately when, as doc stated earlier, it all started. We know when we were all stripped of our powers and basically fired. Most of the mods were fired without even a PM or note from the Admin.
We only know that Admin decided first to remove all co-admins powers. Then remove all the mods powers leaving Admin as the sole person with any power to do anything until he awarded a selected few those powers. How much power those few were given is unknown by anyone of us here. After December 5th, no former Mod could do anything. And the co-admins were all stripped of powers before that. At least three former co-admins were banned prior to Dec. and couldn't even log on or view the forum. I believe one is banned until 2170 give or take a couple years.
So everything that was being done after Dec., really mid November, was done by the only one with any admin functions left. I very much doubt PB would remove or move a whole thread. By the way dove, if you can't log on to the forum and you didn't have any "special" powers, you could not view any of the moved threads. I tried as a regular "Member of Distinction" but would receive a message that basically stated: Error - you have no authoization. So when people say they don't know where their thread went, they are more than likely correct.
Just to add: Even someone trying to send a link to someone else would not work. I know someone tried to do that for me.
Right now I am looking for the "beating a dead horse" emoticon, but unfortunately we do not have one here......yet.
I said what I wanted to say in my first posts (I had to break it up into 3 because of the character limit). I had no intention of saying more than that. I'm merely replying to the posts made to me. I'm not trying to beat a dead-horse by doing that. Would you rather that I didn't reply to posts that are addressed to me? I can ignore them, if you wish, or you can ban me. That's up to you, though I think it wouldn't look so good on your part if you banned me for stating my opinion in a polite manner.
I told you I'm not here to be troublesome. Just looking for answers like so many other members. I really had no idea you all would jump on my posts like stink on sh*t and that I would have to sit here and reply to posts for half the day. I should have known, though. Where are my psychic skills when I need them? Oh, that's right, I've been using most of my energy to shield against the psychic pressure that's been applied to me ever since I registered this morning. Yeah, not much left over to do mind reading, I'm afraid...
Actually people, you are all assuming too much. The staff here doesn't really know the "whole" story. We know approximately when, as doc stated earlier, it all started. We know when we were all stripped of our powers and basically fired. Most of the mods were fired without even a PM or note from the Admin.
We only know that Admin decided first to remove all co-admins powers. Then remove all the mods powers leaving Admin as the sole person with any power to do anything until he awarded a selected few those powers. How much power those few were given is unknown by anyone of us here. After December 5th, no former Mod could do anything. And the co-admins were all stripped of powers before that. At least three former co-admins were banned prior to Dec. and couldn't even log on or view the forum. I believe one is banned until 2170 give or take a couple years.
So everything that was being done after Dec., really mid November, was done by the only one with any admin functions left. I very much doubt PB would remove or move a whole thread. By the way dove, if you can't log on to the forum and you didn't have any "special" powers, you could not view any of the moved threads. I tried as a regular "Member of Distinction" but would receive a message that basically stated: Error - you have no authoization. So when people say they don't know where their thread went, they are more than likely correct.
Just to add: Even someone trying to send a link to someone else would not work. I know someone tried to do that for me.
I'd have to say that Bren took away your ability to view those threads; I was able to see them and I *certainly* didn't have any special permissions there. LOL obviously. Bren hated me for defending Fore; he wasn't about to give me any privileges other than being able to log in. And in fact, I was able to see them when I was banned and not able to log in. So idk what happened there. I wasn't aware that you could stop someone from seeing a certain thread. Hm. Learn something new every day, I guess.
Of course it's possible that you weren't clicking on the threads I was clicking on, DF, and vice versa. I thought I clicked on most of them, but I'm sure I missed a couple here and there.
01-10-2012, 11:02 PM
It really doesn't matter anymore anyway. That is all history. Time to move forward.
I don't want you to be PB or Bren for me. I'm showing you the holes in your theories just as you did with me and I'd like for you to close them up since you seem to know everything that's been happening. I want you to acknowledge that those two accusations are not founded on anything concrete; that maybe you got it wrong.
I *did* see those screen caps of the "reported posts audit" thread, and I *know* that they were internal reports made to OM staff. I remember chuckling to myself that so many posts were reported by you, and being a little miffed that some reports were on my posts in Traynor's blog. So that's a no-brainer; you got that one wrong. I regret not taking my own screens of those, but I know there has to be people here who also clicked on those screens and saw what they were. You said yourself that you could only see thumbnails, yet you posted several times about how they were posts that were reported to PB when they were not. This needed to be said. You made an error in assuming those were PB reports. They were NOT. You only flamed the belief that there were current OM members who were turning on the forum and reporting tons of posts to PB. This is patently false. You were making people think something that wasn't even true. As a former Mod I did report situations across the board. I don't think you got to see the contents of the actual reports, correct?
If so, what are you complaining about? I don't report people without a reason. I reported Zorgon on TOP when he went ballistic. Anyone care to throw a stone at me for that?
I guess reporting people for infractions is now a taboo thing to do.
But your right, I don't know why I made such a huge mistake. That is not to discount there aren't x number of reports.
As far as his reasons for moving threads, well I guess none of us will know the truth about that. How so? You got his email?
Why not ask to see what he says? There is no more OM, so you should not fear being banned anymore for asking a question.
But for you to start that thread at PB and accuse him of doing that without knowing that was the real reason was not fair and it may have (probably did) contribute to the closing of OM. You say this without knowing the reason why the multitudes of threads were being moved or deleted.
How do you know I didn't do the right thing? (besides they ignored that thread)
I was told that unless you make an official report to the abuse department they basically will ignore it. That you think it caused the closure of the forum is pure speculation. Look at the date as to when it was made vs when the forum got closed down. It was already so burred that not even the people at Amkon could find it. They had to look for it under my screen name at PB.
I've shown you and other people the holes in your theory. Maybe you should have thought things through more carefully before reporting him like that. You can't know the real reasons, and neither can I, but I do think that you were off the mark--for the reasons I've already stated. It would be good of you to go back to your thread at PB and acknowledge that you may have been wrong in your accusations or assertions. I still stick to the theory that he was moving the threads for that reason.
I don't see any counter evidence as of yet. When I do and it is credible I will change that long buried post. You stick to the theory that it is all about your banning. Though you know my feelings on this being the case.
01-10-2012, 11:04 PM
We all get a fresh start here.
I'd have to say that Bren took away your ability to view those threads; I was able to see them and I *certainly* didn't have any special permissions there. LOL obviously. Bren hated me for defending Fore; he wasn't about to give me any privileges other than being able to log in. And in fact, I was able to see them when I was banned and not able to log in. So idk what happened there. I wasn't aware that you could stop someone from seeing a certain thread. Hm. Learn something new every day, I guess.That means he banned your name or email, but not your IP.
He banned my IP and name (probably email too). (Then suspended and disabled my account for good measure. (out of love of course!)
We all get a fresh start here.
True enough,
But I want to say this last thing.
@ Dove
If you want to know what happened, then you might want to start with finding the root of the problem. You know everyone slugged it out in their own way for their own motivating reasons. So now you should take the last slug and do an associative tree of "events". (Fancy words for a "timeline" of each action and counter-action) (CSI style?)
Then go back to the beginning and the root of it all. Through this you'll be able to make a score card of each action and counter-action and understand why each behavior surfaced as time went on until OM eventually died.
But start from the end, and go backwards to the begining. That way you understand why we are here and Bren is...with "Archie"? (dunno)
That means he banned your name or email, but not your IP.
He banned my IP and name (probably email too).
No, he banned my IP. I had to use a proxy to view the forum during that time. Idk if he banned my name or email; I didn't bother to try logging in during that time.
True enough,
But I want to say this last thing.
@ Dove
If you want to know what happened, then you might want to start with finding the root of the problem. You know everyone slugged it out in their own way for their own motivating reasons. So now you should take the last slug and do a an association tree of events. (Fancy words for a "timeline" of each action and counter-action)
I *am* starting at the root, or really close to it. That's why I'm here. Bren isn't the only one involved in all of this, and the others have been there with him for a long time. How much farther down the tree trunk would I have to go? Gee, I thought that asking four or more people would yield more truth than asking one. That's why other people have asked their questions. Why are you choosing to rag on *me* alone for asking questions? If you would all be as transparent as you claim to be, then I wouldn't be here asking questions. If you would have told people the truth right off the bat, then the OM members wouldn't have been left scratching their heads when they received that email about this place opening.
Then go back to the beginning and the root of it all. Through this you'll be able to make a score card of each action and counter-action and understand why each behavior surfaced as time went on until OM eventually died.
But start from the end, and go backwards to the begining. That way you understand why we are here and Bren is...with "Archie"? (dunno)
Well, that's what you assume, at least.
01-10-2012, 11:32 PM
I will vouch for that Dove. I read all the reports as well. I read the mod section going back a few years from 09 to Dec 5th. Very clear to me that some people might have misjudged a brewing situation. (excuse the pun)
I don't want you to be PB or Bren for me. I'm showing you the holes in your theories just as you did with me and I'd like for you to close them up since you seem to know everything that's been happening. I want you to acknowledge that those two accusations are not founded on anything concrete; that maybe you got it wrong.
I *did* see those screen caps of the "reported posts audit" thread, and I *know* that they were internal reports made to OM staff. I remember chuckling to myself that so many posts were reported by you, and being a little miffed that some reports were on my posts in Traynor's blog. So that's a no-brainer; you got that one wrong. I regret not taking my own screens of those, but I know there has to be people here who also clicked on those screens and saw what they were. You said yourself that you could only see thumbnails, yet you posted several times about how they were posts that were reported to PB when they were not. This needed to be said. You made an error in assuming those were PB reports. They were NOT. You only flamed the belief that there were current OM members who were turning on the forum and reporting tons of posts to PB. This is patently false. You were making people think something that wasn't even true.
As a former Mod I did report situations across the board. I don't think you got to see the contents of the actual reports, correct?
If so, what are you complaining about? I don't report people without a reason. I reported Zorgon on TOP when he went ballistic. Anyone care to throw a stone at me for that?
I guess reporting people for infractions is now a taboo thing to do.
But your right, I don't know why I made such a huge mistake. That is not to discount there aren't x number of reports.
You're doing the same maneuvers that you pulled at OM. Why should I think that you've changed, eh?
I *wasn't* complaining or throwing stones at you for reporting posts at OM. I was showing you that that's what the "reported posts audit" thread/screenies were all about. And no, I didn't see the contents of the reports; they were screens--remember? How should I know what the reports said? You would know way better than me, obviously. Again, that wasn't the point. The point was that you said those were reports to PB and they were internal reports. They showed which thread the post was in, who reported it, and whose post was being reported. I could care less how many you made. I know that you had to do some or most of them b/c you were a mod.
As far as his reasons for moving threads, well I guess none of us will know the truth about that.
How so? You got his email?
Why not ask to see what he says? There is no more OM, so you should not fear being banned anymore for asking a question.
*You* are the one who accused him of doing that; YOU should have been the one to do your fact checking before starting that thread at PB.
But for you to start that thread at PB and accuse him of doing that without knowing that was the real reason was not fair and it may have (probably did) contribute to the closing of OM.
You say this without knowing the reason why the multitudes of threads were being moved or deleted.
How do you know I didn't do the right thing?
How do you know that you did do the right thing? You have his email, too. You could have asked him for his reasons before jumping to conclusions and reporting him for that.
(besides they ignored that thread)
I was told that unless you make an official report to the abuse department they basically will ignore it. That you think it caused the closure of the forum is pure speculation.
Oh, I think they took it very seriously. In fact, they said that this behavior has gotten forums suspended before. I'm sure you read that post. Indeed you did because you replied with "I don't think they were looking very hard", as if you were prodding them to suspend OM based on your "hypothetical question" (which was complete with several links). Nowhere in that thread does it say that they would ignore it unless it was reported.
Here is the last quote on the page from Celeste:
In that case, please email with their URL, your suspicions and evidence. Their activity log will leave a trail.
Based on the fact that you didn't reply to that quote, maybe we can assume that you followed her advice and didn't need to reply publicly again. After all, you were certainly making assumptions. :rolleyes:
Look at the date as to when it was made vs when the forum got closed down. It was already so burred that not even the people at Amkon could find it. They had to look for it under my screen name at PB.
It was buried because the support forum there moves *very* quickly, as you well know. And the date is the same day that Bren moved those threads around. Just because it wasn't the same day the forum got shut down doesn't mean that your thread didn't contribute to the issue.
Here's the link to the thread, in case someone hasn't seen it:
I still stick to the theory that he was moving the threads for that reason.
I don't see any counter evidence as of yet. When I do and it is credible I will change that long buried post. You stick to the theory that it is all about your banning. Though you know my feelings on this being the case.
Need I correct you again, Fore? In two posts now, I've said that I think the main reason was to push the posts from the "update" thread off the page. And I've also conceded that he may have wanted to hide the "OMF dead" thread. If he was trying to hide the other "sensitive" threads, he did a bad job. They were all right there for everyone to see. You've also failed to explain why he would have moved around all of those non-offensive threads.
I will vouch for that Dove. I read all the reports as well. I read the mod section going back a few years from 09 to Dec 5th. Very clear to me that some people might have misjudged a brewing situation. (excuse the pun)
Thank you. I was hoping I wasn't the only one to see them. :bleh:
@ Dove
Well, I guess we just don't see things the same way.
P.S. Bren and I are not on talking terms. (for obvious reasons)
Dove, if you did a little research of your own out on the net, you might see that it's quite possible some here are not talking because it would cause additional embarrassment to Bren. I think everyone here is simply saying, it's time for a new additional harm is "wanted"...
Even I don't understand why your having such a hard time letting it go. The warnings to back up things of interest were plastered on the net weeks ago.
It really doesn't matter anymore anyway. That is all history. Time to move forward.
Actually, it does matter to many people. But yes, it's all "history" for you guys who sit here comfortably in your new forum. No worries, eh? You guys "got what you needed from OM", right? (Quoting/paraphrasing one of the admin's statements in the introduction thread here)
We all get a fresh start here.
Indeed you do. Good luck with your new forum, guys.
@ Fore
Don't bother to reply to my posts. I wouldn't want to seem like I'm "beating a dead horse" by having to reply to you again. For Ivo's sake, don't drag it out anymore, eh?
Dove, if you did a little research of your own out on the net, you might see that it's quite possible some here are not talking because it would cause additional embarrassment to Bren. I think everyone here is simply saying, it's time for a new additional harm is "wanted"...
Or maybe they're not talking about it because it would implicate themselves on something important (like how Jake and Bren were telling the truth about the URL issue--the one that started the wildfire of reports to PB, which contributed to OM's demise)?
Even I don't understand why your having such a hard time letting it go. The warnings to back up things of interest were plastered on the net weeks ago.
Well, the talk on "the net" is that those were threats and not warnings; or at the very least that there was fore-knowledge of OM being shut down because of certain repeated actions by some people.
@ Fore
Yep, I guess we do see things differently.
Bye bye, guys. Y'all take care now. Congrats on your new place. I'm sure you'll fair the same here as you did at OM. Hopefully your forum won't meet the same end, eh?
Sorry, guys. I just caught something that I should comment on.
@ Nib. I see now that you were perhaps speaking about one of my posts which asked why the admins here didn't explain to the OM membership why they left. You have a good point, if so. Like I said, Bren hasn't exactly been an angel in his prior actions. And I'm sure that he's grateful that the admins here haven't spilled all of his secrets out into the open.
Perhaps even saying something to the effect that there were massive disagreements between the admins at OM would have been enough to explain a few things to us and wouldn't have left us all hanging with questions about their departure. Oh well, that's all history, eh?
Sorry for the interruption, all. Just thought I'd add my feelings here on the matter of OM being closed.
Lol, sorry. I know I said my goodbyes already, but I forgot something I wanted to mention before I go.
I'd like to thank Pam for her support at OM when I was being ganged up on by Cy and GW (for defending the forum, no less). I do appreciate it, and I'm sorry that it got you banned. :(
It was ironic that you weren't trying that time. Sorry again, and thanks. I'll be seeing you around amkon, I do believe. I have a few comments for (at least) Cy that I'm sure you guys won't mind hosting for me. ;)
Sorry, guys. I just caught something that I should comment on.
@ Nib. I see now that you were perhaps speaking about one of my posts which asked why the admins here didn't explain to the OM membership why they left. You have a good point, if so. Like I said, Bren hasn't exactly been an angel in his prior actions. And I'm sure that he's grateful that the admins here haven't spilled all of his secrets out into the open.
Perhaps even saying something to the effect that there were massive disagreements between the admins at OM would have been enough to explain a few things to us and wouldn't have left us all hanging with questions about their departure. Oh well, that's all history, eh?
Sorry for the interruption, all. Just thought I'd add my feelings here on the matter of OM being closed.She actually gets it!?
She actually gets it!?
LOL! You had to get one more "dig" in, eh, Fore? That's okay, I didn't expect any less of you... :biggrin2:
01-11-2012, 02:57 AM
Well, I think that about wraps up beating the dead horse. The past is what it is and cannot be changed. My famous saying at my job is, "it is what it is."
By the way, I would like to thank the staff here for starting this new forum. I was a member of 4 of them now it is down to 3. I am in it for the input and information. The politics of forums do not interest me except when my curiosity gets the best of me.
Two NH Primary posts move to the Ron Paul thread.
01-11-2012, 03:01 AM
01-11-2012, 03:28 AM
Now that just cracks me up calikid. I gotta find some emoticons like that!
You people are unbelievable. You say that you're open to discussing this matter and then when someone with several valid points comes on here to discuss them, you treat them as if she were a leper and tell her she's beating a dead horse. All the while supporting someone who does his best to deflect and redirect the conversation so he doesn't have to answer the hard questions. I see nothing much has changed. How unfortunate. For you and your new forum, that is.
@ Spacemaverick
I think your post has hurt me tonight more than anything. I thought you had respect for me and knew that I'm out here on the net to help people. Do you really think that my views are so invalid as to say such a thing to/about me? Do you also think that I shouldn't have replied to all those posts directed at me today?
Did you see my reply to your farewell post at OM? I explained that your threads were likely just moved, as so many of the others were. You didn't ever say which threads you think it was that were deleted or I would have hunted them down for you just as I did for Ed and Pappy. There was no excuse for bren to move those threads around. I am not here to justify his actions.
How do you think I feel about all of this happening? I spent the vast majority of my time and energy in the last 3 1/2 years at that forum, spending hundreds and hundreds of hours posting things to help people. The only person with more posts there than me was Jake (and maybe ivo). And now it's all gone? Nobody else will benefit from that information that I so carefully put out there for people? Do you realize what a blow this is to me?
I'm more than upset at everyone who is responsible for its downfall and I think I have every right to be. They know in their hearts who they are and I hope they're happy now. Maybe it wasn't the intention, but maybe it was. I guess we'll never know since so many people have been in the habit of lying or not telling the whole truth.
We know by Ed's admission (see quote below) that his intent was to bring down OM. That he didn't care if it survived or not. Clearly the intention was there for him. He knew what he was doing and most definitely was out for revenge. Well, excuse me for beating the dead horse, but that was just wrong. After all the times he has called people like Lear and Lazar a bunch of liars, you'd think he'd be able to take a little of what he's dished out so much. There is no excuse for his behavior, IMO.
Whether you or I or anyone else objects, OMF is going down. So it is suggested you save your best old posts. When they accused Bigpappy (aka Danny B) and I (Edgar Fouche) of lying, we both posted complaints to Proboards.
So after there were 9 complaints to Proboards, I filed my complaint tonight. i don't care if OMF survives or not. But there is some crazy stuff going on there and if they are calling me and Bigpappy a liar with no proof, we're going to complain. Ed Fouche
Whatever, guys. You go on with your lives and feel free to continue insulting me or my honest intentions of wanting to be impartial and get to the bottom of things. Keep diverting and deflecting away from the real issues. It matters not to me. As Nib would say: I wash my hands of you all. If someone addresses me or if I think that you're treating me unfairly again, I'll respond. Otherwise I wish you farewell. If I'm banned from here for making my honest observations and for asking legitimate questions, look for your replies at amkon.
Everyone has had an opportunity to express their thoughts and feelings at length. This thread is closed. It will be reopened when things calm down.
06-23-2012, 03:39 AM
I'm glad to see this thread was restored.
The OMF data base was restored as well.
Cy has reopened a new OMF.
It's pretty much hosted just for Dan as near as I can tell.
It's very sad
Here is a portable OMF database:
Hash Key: (vohinabedogu)
Compressed size: 203mb
Extracted size: 3.46GB
Volume type: Solid Archive
You'll need winrar in order to extract it. The default location is C: drive. The way to open the archive is to go to the extracted directory and click on index.html. From there you should be able to navigate through the copy from your own webbrowser.
Unfortunately CY's copies seem to be largely incomplete and seem to only have 5 pages of depth in threads while only having crawled the first page of threads with respect to each forum section.
This is not complete as Bren started moving threads around which confused the crawler so the crawling had to stop, otherwise there would be a full copy. It also "mysteriously" kept crashing everytime it reached thread 1953 (My encounters thread).
06-23-2012, 02:12 PM
4gigs compressed into 200megs?
Wow, that winRar does some nice squishing!
I forgot to add the link to WinRaR:
@ Calikid
Yeah, when compressing the archive I had to go and learn what the difference is between Solid Archives and Volume Archives. Apparently a solid archive is super efficient but requires that you extract the entire contents in order to pull out any single file. While Volumes Archives are less efficient but afford the easy access to any individual file without fully extracting the entire archive.
Unfortunately, if you want to see only one file, you'd have to wait until the whole archive is extracted directly unto your Hard Drive. It was a tradeoff for sheer download size. It is also better (IMO) to have a local copy burned to a DVD or accessed from a Hard Drive than to rely on free web hosting. This copy can still be hosted online but you would have to use the Teleport VLX ( software to port it automatically to some web hoster online, cd format, or some other type of access point.
06-26-2012, 04:14 PM
Thanks Fore for posting a portable OMF database.
06-28-2012, 04:44 PM
Just to (possibly at least) let loose a few people's anticipation and feel its burden weigh down on me, I'll just announce right now that for some time I've been in the process of making a program that should make browsing the OMF archive very, very easy, and quick. Unless something eliminates me, expect a preview release sometime in the next 7 days. (Of course, it might, just might, be the next 8 or 9 or even 14 days but I'll try to stick to the first possibility.)
The preview release is planned to have post bookmarking, post filtering (by author), full text search, note-taking and tabbed browsing capability and it should work with the Open Minds Forum archive's printable versions. In subsequent versions, I'll also add support for threads downloaded from other forums (eventually support for user-defined templates to process any forum of your choice), support for post tagging, advanced filtering and probably many bug fixes. Plus additional modules about which I'll keep quiet for now.
It should be helpful for several things and agendas, be it simple reading (should be more comfortable than reading in a plain browser), finding correlations, synthesis, critical analysis, debunking, de-debunking or research (you know, because the scientific community takes stuff written on internet forums as serious scientific evidence of the utmostest seriosity *smirks* ;)).
Sounds great, Neuru! Keep us posted on your progress. :cool:
06-29-2012, 01:45 AM
Just to (possibly at least) let loose a few people's anticipation and feel its burden weigh down on me, I'll just announce right now that for some time I've been in the process of making a program that should make browsing the OMF archive very, very easy, and quick. Unless something eliminates me, expect a preview release sometime in the next 7 days. (Of course, it might, just might, be the next 8 or 9 or even 14 days but I'll try to stick to the first possibility.)
The preview release is planned to have post bookmarking, post filtering (by author), full text search, note-taking and tabbed browsing capability and it should work with the Open Minds Forum archive's printable versions. In subsequent versions, I'll also add support for threads downloaded from other forums (eventually support for user-defined templates to process any forum of your choice), support for post tagging, advanced filtering and probably many bug fixes. Plus additional modules about which I'll keep quiet for now.
It should be helpful for several things and agendas, be it simple reading (should be more comfortable than reading in a plain browser), finding correlations, synthesis, critical analysis, debunking, de-debunking or research (you know, because the scientific community takes stuff written on internet forums as serious scientific evidence of the utmostest seriosity *smirks* ;)).
That sounds great. Much Thanks.
06-30-2012, 08:06 AM
Wow, even with my high end i7, it took nearly 30mins to unCrunch the archive.
@fore. Any organizational tips?
Is this just thousands of individual posts?
Or is there an index system?
I see Neuru is working on something, just thought you might have a helpful suggestion.
06-30-2012, 10:38 AM
Wow, even with my high end i7, it took nearly 30mins to unCrunch the archive.
@fore. Any organizational tips?
Is this just thousands of individual posts?
Or is there an index system?
I see Neuru is working on something, just thought you might have a helpful suggestion.
There is an index.htm file (you'll find it at the bottom of the folder) from where you can start.
Mind you, you may want to block some of the scripts in there...
07-04-2012, 12:24 PM
Just a quick update on the forum browser program thing.
No, I did not abandon it. Obviously it won't make the 7 day deadline seeing that's tomorrow. Didn't get to code at all last Saturday, Sunday and Monday but have been at it since last evening (and last night). No immediately obvious obstacles to having it finished... yet. So it's coming along steadily. Will post a few screenshots soon.
Just a quick update on the forum browser program thing.
No, I did not abandon it. Obviously it won't make the 7 day deadline seeing that's tomorrow. Didn't get to code at all last Saturday, Sunday and Monday but have been at it since last evening (and last night). No immediately obvious obstacles to having it finished... yet. So it's coming along steadily. Will post a few screenshots soon.
Thanks for the update. I'm sure we will all be grateful for your efforts and I don't think anyone would want you to feel like you have to meet a deadline. :cool:
07-22-2012, 12:18 AM
Unfortunately I'll have to be away for the next 1 to 1.5 months. That means this project is suspended until then. After that, I'll do a proper 1.0 release. Also, tagging support will be added to 1.0 since it'd be useful. (Arkki/Arkwright mentioned tagging posts for example in Fore's past threads.)
Guess I shouldn't have announced it so hastily, heh. :bleh:
Unfortunately I'll have to be away for the next 1 to 1.5 months. That means this project is suspended until then. After that, I'll do a proper 1.0 release. Also, tagging support will be added to 1.0 since it'd be useful. (Arkki/Arkwright mentioned tagging posts for example in Fore's past threads.)
Guess I shouldn't have announced it so hastily, heh. :bleh:
Oh, well. We make plans, the gods laugh. :biggrin2:
08-07-2012, 07:08 PM
In the meantime, here is a tiny app that can be used on the archive Fore posted. (You have to extract the archive first.)
It renames files to the respective thread's title and organizes them into the same hierarchy that was used on the forum. Only touches the printable versions (and of those, only the valid ones, not the ones that returned an error message when they were crawled), the rest are left alone.
Pix plz:
It requires the .NET Framework 2.0 to run.
- If you use Windows XP, download it here:
- Windows Vista and 7 have it preinstalled.
- Windows 8 will automatically offer to download it. In that case, just accept it. You'll probably need an internet connection.
2.0 is an ancient version (initially released in 2006) and its support will expire (in 2016) during Windows 8's lifetime (2012-2022 for Pro and Enterprise, 2012-2017 for the consumer versions), therefore it is not included in Windows 8. I use this old version on purpose, because it is fully implemented in Mono (the free, open-source remake of .NET), which runs on Linux and OS X. This is also true for that upcoming program I wrote about and probably all of what I'll release in the foreseeable future. On these platforms, you'll have to install Mono (and its Windows.Forms support package) and then you just run the .exe file like with a normal program.
Fresh link found for the Archive:
08-31-2012, 12:47 PM
*Tolling Bell of Doom* From the depths of the past comes.... *Tolling bell accidentally brains nearby grey...*
Thread pages 1 to 190 of Fore's encounters thread, graphically complete. A 44Mb PDF, so I recommend Foxit reader. Unfortunately I did not get pages 191 to 194 before OMF went down, but I believe this is the main bit people want.
Download, share liberally...
Anyone wants to guess how long TheOutpostForum stay up before having "issues"? :das:angel_not:
Thinking about it now, it has been hanging quite a bit in the last few days but only for a few hours/minutes at a time. I noticed there were a few notices on software upgrades but I assume that was for the spam bots.
Hopefully this site is on a good host with lots of redundancy.....
@ Pontif
You are earning yourself a probing my friend...hehe
P.S. Do you have the source of these postings in a different format?
I have software that can image a webpage no matter how long it may be.
09-01-2012, 02:28 PM
HTML version of the same thread, this is much easier to read. I'll see about salvaging Fore's blog and the original Pontificator's experimental research thread.
Go to File, Download. By default Google Docs will show the contents of a zip, which is not to helpful. Extract the zip, open the html file, enjoy.
09-24-2012, 01:40 PM
*Second Tolling Bell of Doom* Again, from the murky depths of my HDDs comes: Fore's Blog, the complete thread, pages 1 to 90. Follow the instructions as before. Still to come, the infamous Pontificator's Experiment thread.
09-25-2012, 06:16 PM
Howdy all. I know i don't post much but i do try to keep up on things. It just took a toll on me when my friends split up and all that happened over the OMF. I consider all of you long time friends and it did hurt a bit seeing friends fight. I was invited to be a part of the new omf but i didn't want to take sides so i just kept to my self. I was already postin at Alienscientist so i hung around there mostly, love all the science there. And i like Ed. It feels good to be postin here, and i do miss gabbin with everyone. I'm sorry for not being here and helping out. Sure is good to see everyone still kickin. Havin some health issue's at the moment also, i get a bit nauseated when i stare at the screen over 20 minutes. I also can't reach over my head, i have to help the other arm up to reach, my legs are weak to. I go thursday for a MRI but i'm worried about this. I was dignosed with Fibromyalgia last year but i'm not sure that the whole story. Sucks..
I got an email from James Fox last week. He has been hangin with his sister alot lately, his dad passed away a while back. He didn't mention the series, i hated to ask about it. He was upset about it as most know. If i hear anything i'll let you all know. He is a good man. NatGeo just wasn't interested in the truth about ufo's. Just ratings. Figures...
Later on folks. Got to get off here for a bit. Have to do this in short burst's, lol.
It is good to have you back. A lot of people have had a hard time with the split and then the end of OM. It takes time for wounds to heal--some longer than others. Please join in as often as you feel up to it. :cool:
09-26-2012, 11:43 AM
Howdy all. I know i don't post much but i do try to keep up on things. It just took a toll on me when my friends split up and all that happened over the OMF. I consider all of you long time friends and it did hurt a bit seeing friends fight. I was invited to be a part of the new omf but i didn't want to take sides so i just kept to my self. I was already postin at Alienscientist so i hung around there mostly, love all the science there. And i like Ed. It feels good to be postin here, and i do miss gabbin with everyone. I'm sorry for not being here and helping out. Sure is good to see everyone still kickin. Havin some health issue's at the moment also, i get a bit nauseated when i stare at the screen over 20 minutes. I also can't reach over my head, i have to help the other arm up to reach, my legs are weak to. I go thursday for a MRI but i'm worried about this. I was dignosed with Fibromyalgia last year but i'm not sure that the whole story. Sucks..
I got an email from James Fox last week. He has been hangin with his sister alot lately, his dad passed away a while back. He didn't mention the series, i hated to ask about it. He was upset about it as most know. If i hear anything i'll let you all know. He is a good man. NatGeo just wasn't interested in the truth about ufo's. Just ratings. Figures...
Later on folks. Got to get off here for a bit. Have to do this in short burst's, lol.
Hi Dave!
Good to see you posting, even if it's just in short bursts. I like Ed as well and it is good to see most all of the good guys ended up either here or at AS. We welcome your insights, comments and most of all - your friendship!
09-26-2012, 06:54 PM
Thanks a million on that. Means a lot to me to hear that from you all. As many of you might remember, i started a project to launch a satellite to investigate the UFO phenom. Got nowhere. Many thought it was a scam to get money, others thought the Gov wouldn't allow it. Dick Criswell spent some weeks on that question through his contacts and got an answer, they would allow it so they could wash they hands of the mess. He died and pretty well so did our efforts. We got nowhere. Now come Planetary Resources, the company that plans to mine asteroids. There putting up satellites to look for asteroids and offered views of space for research and such. We could do this now but we need support from the whole ufo community as one to do this. Like to hear some views on this. I'm just one old dude, not in the best of health, trying to do this by my self. I need help and would love to hear some idea's on this. Got to go, my hands are shakin a bit. Be back later
10-06-2012, 10:11 AM
@Pontif, by any chance, did you save a copy of Rev's thread? I'd be interested in seeing a version that has all the original images (paintings) posted there. I did try extracting the image urls from the copy in Fore's archive (the full urls after "tppabs" which the mirroring software cleverly put in the img tags) but it seems those links are dead, good chance for that too since they pointed to CDN addresses.
10-11-2012, 03:57 AM
@Pontif, by any chance, did you save a copy of Rev's thread? I'd be interested in seeing a version that has all the original images (paintings) posted there. I did try extracting the image urls from the copy in Fore's archive (the full urls after "tppabs" which the mirroring software cleverly put in the img tags) but it seems those links are dead, good chance for that too since they pointed to CDN addresses.
I have a copy of all of revs posts, but there are no pictures. I messaged him on youtube less than a year ago and asked if he had copies of the pictures he could send me. He said that he would send em if he can find em, but, I asked again and he didnt respond after that. Which sucks because I really wanted to see those pictures. If anyone has copies, please share!
10-11-2012, 11:13 AM
I checked with Rev some hours ago. He thinks he still has all the originals, but it may take him some time to find them.
10-13-2012, 10:35 AM
@Garuda: Thanks, hope he'll reply sometime soon.
Also, as regards this (, I'd say it's 70% complete. I'll post pics of the functioning parts but will have to sort this out first:
I don't even want to guess the release date. Well, maybe it'll be before the end of the year. Just wanted to post an update since there hasn't been any in several months, hope it's ok to spam it here.
@Pontif, by any chance, did you save a copy of Rev's thread? I'd be interested in seeing a version that has all the original images (paintings) posted there. I did try extracting the image urls from the copy in Fore's archive (the full urls after "tppabs" which the mirroring software cleverly put in the img tags) but it seems those links are dead, good chance for that too since they pointed to CDN addresses.
I assume you all mean these pictures? Glancing quickly through all 569 pages, these were the only ones worth noting that I saw. There were a couple other actual pictures, but nothing of meaning.
I believe that's it. If someone thinks there's more than this (besides stock photography), let me know via PM (so I'll get an email telling me to come here) and I can wade through thread again to look for anything else of significance.
02-28-2013, 07:43 PM
Hi Dove
Thanks for putting those up!:w00t:
I did not know the rest were stock images.
09-30-2021, 02:50 AM
Hey @Ponti -can you make this link active again? Tried to download but comes up as you need permission to access it. -
also did you ever pdf your experiment thread?
10-03-2021, 05:41 AM
I didn't have this thread watched ;) So I sorted it out so you'd be approved for that old link. If you're after some new links, one to the same material, I have them here, as these two archives combined give a better picture.
Note: Writing that always reminds me of "with our powers combined" from a variety of 80's cartoons ;)
Please note, I'd be rather careful about reading those. They are what I would call "active" works, and are very much a two-edged sword, you'll find out a lot, but at the same time you'll make yourself vulnerable to interference from the "opposition." They also set off people with enough ability, so you can develop rather quickly, and draw the attention of certain beings you would rather not have.
If read from the perspective of "forewarned is forearmed", then they are very useful. If you've read through "What we think we know so far", and are aware of what we are probably dealing with here, then the material will give you a very good basis for defending yourself from deception.
However, if you have no interest in turning yourself into a nuclear lighthouse beaming out the words "I'm here!", and attracting everything you would prefer not to encounter, then please don't read.
10-08-2021, 03:28 PM
I didn't have this thread watched ;) So I sorted it out so you'd be approved for that old link. If you're after some new links, one to the same material, I have them here, as these two archives combined give a better picture.
Note: Writing that always reminds me of "with our powers combined" from a variety of 80's cartoons ;)
Please note, I'd be rather careful about reading those. They are what I would call "active" works, and are very much a two-edged sword, you'll find out a lot, but at the same time you'll make yourself vulnerable to interference from the "opposition." They also set off people with enough ability, so you can develop rather quickly, and draw the attention of certain beings you would rather not have.
If read from the perspective of "forewarned is forearmed", then they are very useful. If you've read through "What we think we know so far", and are aware of what we are probably dealing with here, then the material will give you a very good basis for defending yourself from deception.
However, if you have no interest in turning yourself into a nuclear lighthouse beaming out the words "I'm here!", and attracting everything you would prefer not to encounter, then please don't read.
Thank you, Ponti! Much appreciated! And noted on the warning.
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