View Full Version : Dr. Suzanne Gordon: The Near Death Experience.
Dr. L. Suzanne Gordon, known to many of us here as former OMF moderator spinningshields, recently made an appearance on the Mysterios Universe radio show to discuss her research into the subject of Near Death Experiences (NDEs). From the show's description:
"The Ishtar festival, also known as Easter, is here once again, and with the theme of death and resurrection in our thoughts we welcome the University of Maryland’s L. Suzanne Gordon to discuss her fascinating research into the Near Death Experience.
Dr. Gordon has closely followed Near Death Experiencers for extended periods of up to 10 years, and she brings a unique insight into the impact is has had on their lives and what the NDE teaches us about our existence and the foundations of human consciousness."
Click here to listen online -
Suzanne is a great person and an a real, honest to goodness scientist. If she ever gets less busy we look forward to seeing more of her here. It is wonderful to see friends succeed but then you see less of them.
04-06-2012, 01:19 AM
Not so much success as waaaay too many classes and too much grading this semester! I miss this crew and hope to be around more when this semester is over, Doc, b/c you know I love you and the crew!
Not so much success as waaaay too many classes and too much grading this semester! I miss this crew and hope to be around more when this semester is over, Doc, b/c you know I love you and the crew!
WOW! :biggrin2:
04-08-2012, 06:22 PM
WOW! :biggrin2:
Doc, I will be speaking on my research findings at the 2012 ACISTE conference for mental health professionals this October 18-21 in SF. The conference is on therapeutic issues related to NDEs and other spiritually transformative experiences. CEU credit offered, and one day of the conference is devoted to ACISTE clinical certification training. Please pass this info on to MH colleagues. The number for conference info/registration is 858-603-1890, or those interested can visit our website at and follow @ACISTE1 and @lsgordon on twitter. Hope to see you there!
04-08-2012, 07:41 PM
Hi Suz, Great to see you have a little time. Hope to see more of you this summer.
Unless of course you are doing the dreaded Summer classes :bleh:
04-09-2012, 03:57 AM
Hey Suz! Great to see you here!
04-13-2012, 03:05 AM
Thanks, Chris and DF. I've missed you all, too! :)
Calling Dr. Suzanne!
From Filer's Files #18:
Letter from Lloyd Pye about Near Deaths Pye is a researcher and author known for his work with the Starchild Skull ( that is likely a 100% alien.He writes, Thought you might like to see this in regard to the recent passing of your brother, for which you have my sincere sympathy.
I was born in Houma, Louisiana, on September 7, 1946, on the leading edge of the famous “Baby Boom,” among the first crop of offspring born to the young men and women who as children endured the Great Depression and as young adults survived World War II.
My mother endured 50 hours of labor in a small clinic before she died. As soon as she died, I was cut out of her in the hope my life could be saved. It was, but my head was so misshapen from the long labor that the doctor felt I was hopelessly brain damaged. He told my father that his wife was dead and I would be a “vegetable.” As was acceptable at that time, Dad was asked for permission to let me "expire" along with Mom so he could start over fresh from this terrible turn of events.
Dad was wrestling with that awful decision when Mom suddenly came back to life! She had become one of those rare individuals who have gone deep into the brilliant white tunnel of death, seen and spoken to her own deceased father on "the other side," and returned by her own choice to live on. Miraculously, in a time before ultrasounds when she had no way to know the gender of her unborn child, she told the apparition of her father that she could not stay, she had a son that she needed to return to and look after. She has since survived five other near-deaths, none quite as dramatic as that first one at 19, and she is still alive in her early 80s. From my "Bio" page on (
05-12-2012, 03:47 PM
Wow! That's amazing.
05-24-2012, 09:11 PM
Thanks, Doc, for adding this! Amazing. My mother also returned 'on her own,' after being pronounced dead, when I was 10 years old. (She'd 'bled out' during a presumed miscarriage--which turned out to have been a tumor--and died on the operating table.) Her explanation: "I wasn't coming back--(then she must have caught my stunned expression, because she amended the statement)--I mean, I didn't want to come back. But I heard you kids calling me." It was so stunning to me to hear, decades later, during my dissertation study, that statement echoed in many different versions by every woman in my study who had small children at the time of her NDE!
05-24-2012, 09:16 PM
I was interested to see the link from Jeffrey Pritchett on TOP's Facebook page to a piece about UFO/alien encounter experiences which include the frequently-reported NDE phenomenon of seeing deceased relatives. Here it is, for those who haven't seen it:
05-25-2012, 03:59 AM
Hello spinningshields,
are you familiar with the work of Dr.Rick Strassman, where he delves into dimethyltryptamine and it's relation to NDE's?
05-25-2012, 04:56 PM
NDE's are a fascinating subject. I have been totally intriqued with the other side since my dead fathers visit to my bedside 10 years ago. I often wonder how much interaction is allowed between the departed and the living. Which is why I'm also interested in hauntings or earth bound spirits. There is so much we do not know.
I'm hoping Dr. Suzanne will have enough extra time to keep us up to date with the research into NDEs and related topics. Everyone is welcome to share their own experiences, of course. My dear friend from college has a fascinating story about her brother, who died very young. I am trying to contact her to get the details straight after all this time or get her to come tell the story herself. Short version: During the difficult time of her brother's passing, Jesus Christ came to her, a young Jewish girl, and helped her help her brother. The first time she told me the story I was literally speechless.
05-26-2012, 06:43 PM
@Rick: Yes, it's very interesting!
05-26-2012, 06:44 PM
I'm hoping Dr. Suzanne will have enough extra time to keep us up to date with the research into NDEs and related topics. Everyone is welcome to share their own experiences, of course. My dear friend from college has a fascinating story about her brother, who died very young. I am trying to contact her to get the details straight after all this time or get her to come tell the story herself. Short version: During the difficult time of her brother's passing, Jesus Christ came to her, a young Jewish girl, and helped her help her brother. The first time she told me the story I was literally speechless.
05-26-2012, 06:47 PM
Doc, here's a link to info on ACISTE's SF conference in October. I'll be speaking about my research. Hope we can manage to connect while I'm there! Maybe we can meet for lunch or something over that weekend.
07-13-2012, 11:58 AM
Hello Spinningshields,
Has your research with NDE experience by any chance delved into subjects who are congenitally blind from birth that have reported their experience in a visual explanation?
07-15-2012, 08:09 PM
Hello Spinningshields,
Has your research with NDE experience by any chance delved into subjects who are congenitally blind from birth that have reported their experience in a visual explanation?
Hi, atmjjc, good question! No, this was not my research focus--as an ethnographer, I was focused on how experiencers themselves interpret and express the meaning and impact of their NDEs, within the context of their day-to-day lives, and in recounting their life histories. My colleague, psychologist Kenneth Ring, did a study of blind-from-birth NDE experiencers (who did, in fact, describe visual phenomena during their NDEs), titled, Mindsight: Near-Death and Out-of-Body Experiences in the Blind.
Here's a link to the book on Amazon that lets you search inside the book:
07-15-2012, 08:31 PM
Here's the link to a video of an interesting NDE, which was posted recently on our ACISTE organization's experiencers-only social networking site:!
By the way, Outpost Forum members--or others you know--who have had NDEs or similar profoundly life-transforming experiences can join the experiencers-only conversation by clicking on the link to our main ACISTE site, here: . Then scroll down to the box titled "Join our free peer online networking site" and click on for an invitation. (There are some researcher-members there, but only those who have had NDEs or similar experiences.)
Also, mental health professionals among us may be interested in attending the ACISTE conference this October in SF, CA. Conference information is posted on the main ACISTE site.
07-23-2012, 11:35 AM
Hi, atmjjc, good question! No, this was not my research focus--as an ethnographer, I was focused on how experiencers themselves interpret and express the meaning and impact of their NDEs, within the context of their day-to-day lives, and in recounting their life histories. My colleague, psychologist Kenneth Ring, did a study of blind-from-birth NDE experiencers (who did, in fact, describe visual phenomena during their NDEs), titled, Mindsight: Near-Death and Out-of-Body Experiences in the Blind.
Here's a link to the book on Amazon that lets you search inside the book:
Thanks for the reply Spinningshields,
Dr Ring was one of the leading pioneers in the field of NDE in the 90’s. The fact that the blind from birth have experienced NDE with visual memories of the event, IMO is a slam dunk in the validity of the experience.
Neuroscience which was leading the charge in an effort to explain what was going on with people whom experienced a NDE showed strong evidence that the area of the temporal parts of the brain was coping with the physiological trauma of the dying brain as an explanation.
Neuroscientists are now rethinking their position due to the experiments that have been done with the congenital blind (blind from birth)and their experience explained as having a visual explanation in their narrative of their NDE.
07-29-2012, 08:02 PM
Thanks for the reply Spinningshields,
Dr Ring was one of the leading pioneers in the field of NDE in the 90’s. The fact that the blind from birth have experienced NDE with visual memories of the event, IMO is a slam dunk in the validity of the experience.
Neuroscience which was leading the charge in an effort to explain what was going on with people whom experienced a NDE showed strong evidence that the area of the temporal parts of the brain was coping with the physiological trauma of the dying brain as an explanation.
Neuroscientists are now rethinking their position due to the experiments that have been done with the congenital blind (blind from birth)and their experience explained as having a visual explanation in their narrative of their NDE.
Yes. And another influence on the thinking about the significance of these experiences is comprised of recent findings in brain-mind research itself! Bruce Greyson, who is featured in the videos you posted, and who was on my dissertation committee, has written a great deal about how recent brain-mind research is influencing thinking in near-death studies (e.g., in the chapter he wrote in the text, Varieties of Anomalous Experience). As he argues, the materialist explanations of NDEs as 'nothing but' symptoms of a dying brain simply do not wash; they do not explain the veridical (evidential) experiences of those who can describe events they have witnessed, which are confirmed by others, while experiencers were documented to be clinically dead . . . and sometimes, when they were also known to have been blind at the time of being pronounced dead, and in some cases even blind from birth.
08-03-2012, 05:40 PM
Really appreciate the Lloyd Pye account of his mother's near/after-death experience posted here recently--whoa! It reminds me of my mother's explanation of why she had returned to life after being pronounced dead when I was 10 years old: "I didn't want to come back. But then I heard you kids calling me."
Here's a video of Dr. Stanley Krippner, who'll be one of the main speakers at the ACISTE conference in San Mateo, CA, this October, speaking on the impact of NDEs and other spiritually transformative experiences (STEs) and the need to educate mental health professionals about the needs of experiencers as they seek to integrate and live out the meaning of these experiences:
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