View Full Version : Update: Wordwide UFO Reports 10-27-2012

11-03-2012, 12:53 AM
Worldwide UFO Sightings Australia Letter Melbourne -- Jude Keen writes, "I have just been watching Mr. Filer's presentation at one of the MUFON conferences. I enjoyed it immensely and would like to go on your mailing list and receive the UFO Files mentioned. I am someone with a great interest in the subject."
By the way there is a photo displayed on your website today (October 22nd). It was labeled as a cylindrical object, but it reminded me very much of a story featured in the 'UFO Hunters' series, an episode on trace evidence. From memory there was a UFO that appeared to be in trouble, but eventually rose up to make contact with what appeared to be two parallel glowing bars. After the UFO made contact, part of one of the bars fell to earth and the person observing searched and found a gouge mark and at the end discovered a rather strange object which to me looked like nothing more than a weird, small stone Christmas tree.
It was sent for analysis, but was unidentified, except that it was highly unusual and might be some kind of quasi-crystal. Listening to peoples' experiences, one often finds connections to other experiences you may have heard about. Thanks Jude Keen
Canada Lights http://www.listrocket.com/ktml2/user/1241_M837Hca3MN/images/uploads/1351817120/image033.jpgScarboroughOn October 25, 2012, at 9:55 pm, we were trying to take photos of Jupiter on our tripod with the self timer so there would be no shake. The first photo looked like there was a grayish bar beside the planet.
The grayish bar moves lower in the sky in each photo. When we zoomed in we saw two copper bars connected by different colored lights. We have a lot of Fireball Orb activity over Lake Ontario. Thanks to MUFON CMS

Croatia Wings http://www.listrocket.com/ktml2/user/1241_M837Hca3MN/images/uploads/1351817120/image034.jpg
Island of Pag An Italian tourist took this video on October 9, 2012, (Croatia)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6CiPpCE-CU4&feature=g-u-u (http://www.listrocket.com/public/link.php?url=http://www.facebook.com/l/bAQFKZU4t/www.youtube.com/watch_v=6CiPpCE-CU4_amp;feature=g-u-u&lid=80471&uid=2816118&sid=30369&mid=26206)

India Coin Shaped Yellowish Object.Bongaon, West Bengal -- My sister and I were standing on the rooftop and I was showing her various starson September 21, 2012. It was 11 PM, Indian standard time, and most of our small town was in slumber. I saw a circular, flattened object the size of a small 5 cent coin colored yellowish. It looked like if it was made from cheap plastic and flew from west to east in straight line. It was not emitting any light and flew faster than a bird, but much slower than a meteor. There was neither trail nor sound. Im a physician and my sister is in pre-med. Thanks to Peter Davenport, Director National UFO Reporting Center http://www.UFOcenter.com (http://www.listrocket.com/public/link.php?url=http://www.ufocenter.com/&lid=56214&uid=2816118&sid=30369&mid=26206)

11-03-2012, 12:55 AM
Ireland Orange Light ClusterDunshaughlin -- I was out with my dogs at 11 PM, when I saw what I first thought was a plane disintegrating on September 21, 2012. But as it got closer I realized it was like a fiery cluster. It was in our atmosphere so wasnt a meteor shower. Flying slowly across the sky it lasted three minutes.

I posted it on my Facebook page and it was seen in Dunshaughlin, Navan, Kells and went on to Oldcastle, County Meath. I have a picture that was taken over the Wicklow Mountains! It has been seen nationwide over Ireland!!! Thanks to Peter Davenport, Director National UFO Reporting Center http://www.UFOcenter.com (http://www.listrocket.com/public/link.php?url=http://www.ufocenter.com/&lid=80472&uid=2816118&sid=30369&mid=26206)
Japan and Meteorites Oyodo-cho, Nara prefecture -- Kiyoshi Amamiya writes,
http://www.listrocket.com/ktml2/user/1241_M837Hca3MN/images/uploads/1351817120/image035.jpgMy wife and I go to the hospital every day. We stay from 1:00 to 6:00 PM with my 40 years old daughter. We saw UFO over the Kongo Mountain out of the window. The shining clouds were also seen and photographed. When the orange clouds changed, I changed to infrared mode. These photographs were taken around 5:20 PM, on October 25, 2012.
All the clouds were black silhouettes and the UFO at a higher altitude was still reflecting suns rays. My camera is a YASHICA EZ Digital F5371R.

Kiyoshi Amamiya writes, "The elements contained in a meteorite are an interesting problem. I am searching for the origin of the meteorite in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. It is guessed that the origin of the asteroid belt is the collapse of a planet called "The Fifth Planet."
The residents of The Fifth Planet accumulated atomic energy underground and the accumulation developed into collapse of the planet. The atomic powers of the Earth are also burying waste underground. If a civilization existed on The Fifth Planet, the "trace" may be discovered in a meteorite with concrete, metal with high purity, tools, etc. Thanks to Kiyoshi Amamiya (67 years old)

Mexico Cylinder http://www.listrocket.com/ktml2/user/1241_M837Hca3MN/images/uploads/1351817120/image036.jpg
POPOCATEPETL Prof. Ana Luisa Cid has shared a video from the Mexico's TELEVISA network showing the precise moment on October 25, 2012, a bright cylinder appears to plummet into the smoking Popocatepetl Volcano. The cylinder measured 1 kilometer in length and 200 meters wide is shown on the video assuming it is not a hoax. The volcano's eruption status is monitored by Mexico's CENAPRED agency. http://www.youtube.com/watch (http://www.listrocket.com/public/link.php?url=http://www.youtube.com/watch&lid=80473&uid=2816118&sid=30369&mid=26206)? Thanks to Scott Corrales

UK/England Sightings http://www.listrocket.com/ktml2/user/1241_M837Hca3MN/images/uploads/1351817120/image037.jpg
Stonehenge-- I was with a lot of people for about two hours and the sun was going in and out of the clouds all day. I decided to take a picture with my phone to mark my location on the map.
The following day as I looked closer I noticed this black oval object in the clouds. I took several pictures in a row and didn't notice any dirt or interference on other photos. I only saw an oval or circular object. Who knows what it is, but I dont think it something normal. Thanks to MUFON CMS
duRham -- The date of my sighting was October 16, 2012, at 9:05 PM.
I saw these flashing lights and took a video.
Thanks to William Puckett, Director http://www.UFOsnw.com (http://www.listrocket.com/public/link.php?url=http://www.ufosnw.com/&lid=75167&uid=2816118&sid=30369&mid=26206)
Beeston -- Driving home from dog training with my cousin on October 17, 2012, at 9:30 pm we saw a large bright white spherical object hovering in the sky, over the army barracks in Chilwell, Nottingham. We pulled over and took photographs of a big light that didn't flash or pulse. A helicopter came from the northeast at the same altitude as the UFO and flew directly towards the object, as if to investigate what it was. The ball of light was about three times the size of the white light on the helicopter and they were both about 500 feet in altitude.
As the helicopter approached the ball of light and got within 250 feet away from it when it just disappeared! We saw a large tennis ball of bright red light that was hovering 100 feet above the ground over A38 in Derby, at 6.50 pm. The ball of bright red light was hovering and disappeared. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Kindest Regards, Mrs. Sacha Taylor-Jobbins

Update via Filer's Files

11-03-2012, 01:00 AM
Interesting how that one in Croatia simply blinks away in a flash of light.

11-04-2012, 08:35 PM

11-04-2012, 09:55 PM

Thanks for sharing, enjoyed watching it.

11-06-2012, 11:00 PM
I don't think these are birds...eh!


11-06-2012, 11:13 PM
I don't think these are birds...eh!


Weird hearing birds in the background.