View Full Version : Telepathy

11-07-2012, 09:19 AM
Is not silent prayer is a form of telepathy?

Think about it: Communicating with a Being over a vast distance without spoken words or technology, and using only the mind to reach-out.

11-07-2012, 10:22 AM
Is not silent prayer is a form of telepathy?

Think about it: Communicating with a Being over a vast distance without spoken words or technology, and using only the mind to reach-out.


11-08-2012, 04:26 AM
It's telepathy if someone receives your message. If not, you're just thinking and feeling with yourself alone.
But I think it's always heard, so yeah it is.

It's funny how we communicate. Most of our spoken conversation is not through words, but tone of voice and bodily gestures. Is that telepathy? What about emotional feelings that radiate outwards from a person, is that telepathy? Sometimes only a slight nod of the chin is needed for communciation, sometimes a thought is telepathically transmitted unconsciously, and sometimes you need to get loud, clear and scrunch your eyebrows to get your point across.

I've proven that telepathy is real. We're all telepathic, it's just differences in degree.

12-22-2012, 11:36 AM
Wrt the OP's comment....


One good reason why we know that trans-communication with extra-dimensionals is possible is because Bell’s Theorem
has proven that superluminal quantum connectiveness has provided us with a feasible explanation about various kinds of
psychic phenomena. Bell concluded that something non-local, that is unknown to science, is the “causal mechanism” that
allows for seemingly inexplicable paranormal events to take place. That it is possible for some people to communicate
to or get information from someone else through telepathic means who is simultaneously hundreds of miles away; and this also
implies that we can do that across dimensions too, as millions of people in all walks of life already know.

But let's go back to why we say prayers and what happens many time when we do that.
When we say a prayer wrt getting some insight or help with whatever kind of issues we are having to deal with at any point in time,
we are essentially making a request for some kind of intervention from that higher power to help us resolve those issues.
We also know that we have a much better chance of getting some help from that source if we ask for help in the first place. It is
through the mere action of ASKING or making a REQUEST for help, that we are showing our FAITH in our higher power that He will
intervene and make things better. If you don't ask for help, then that is interpreted as a lack of faith that that higher power has the
ability to intervene and resolve those problems that one believes they cannot solve on their own.

When we say a prayer for the purpose of seeking remedies to our problems or just to get some insights on something, we are essentially also stating our INTENTION for godly intervention on that. Our own INTENTION is a powerful thing because when we infuse our requests with it, we are more apt to get those results that we seek. At any rate, if things like prayer are ineffective, then it would not exist right? But the fact that man, throughout the ages have had so
much success with it, this alone gives us clue that there is much to be said about THE POWER OF PRAYER. That we ourselves DO in fact have it within ourselves
to even have control over when we get the information that we seek to help us in any given situation. And this is because when we engage in prayer to
our higher power, there's a good chance that our prayers will be answered... in some way.

In fact, saying a prayer is the simplest of rituals because we are taking time out to focus our intention via words that we formulate in our mind and direct to
whom ever we are praying to.

But let's say that we want to find out what's going to happen within the next few days in regards to something specific. In any kind of request that we make to
those intelligences who are in the larger consciousness pool that we are all connected to, the number one rule is to be as specific as possible in whatever information we are seeking. The next rule is to focus our intention wrt to receiving that information and the best way to focus ones intention is through some
kind of ritual. We may light up a candle, for example, just before we state our request. But the bottom line is, whatever kind of ritual works best for you, then
keep on using it. For those who are already in contact with higher intelligences from that primordial information stream that exists in that higher and larger consciousness that we are all connected to, our focus and intention will be directed at them to answer our requests or what ever it is that we are asking for. But whatever the case may be, we all have the power within us to get the answers that we seek through the mere power of focus and intention. Rituals facilitate us in our efforts amp up our focus and intention and if one truly wants their questions answered, they will take time out to carry out those rituals so as to get the results that they are seeking.

So we CAN get even precognitive information via our own intention to receive it. And what this means is that we do have control over if we get it or not. Some will say that we do not have any control over when we get information like that from those higher intelligences whom we are connected too but like anything else, practice makes perfect. The more years one engages in such practices where they are making requests for what's coming in the future, the more times they get the information that they are looking for. Beginners have to have patience in this area and not give up. Because if they stick with it, as time goes by, their success rate will improve.

But there's one other thing that needs to be mentioned and that has to do with how we receive those answers to our questions. This is why it is important to meditate daily because when doing so we are entraining our minds with those higher intelligences to channel that information to us. It may take a few years for one to develop in this area but eventually one will experience a spiritual awakening of some sort where the information will begin to flow in much more spontaneously than ever before.

This said though, there ARE ways to accelerate that "process". May go into that later.

12-22-2012, 12:19 PM
I forgot to add the footnote for the information I gave in the above post on "Bell's Theorem" (I paraphrased some sections of that paragraph too and it should be noted that
in academia and in any published material, footnotes are required citing the original source of whatever information we are paraphrasing)

# Zukav, Gary, The Dancing Wu Li Masters: An Overview of the New Physics, (NY, William Morrow & Company, 1980), p.296-99

12-22-2012, 01:40 PM
A99 - Could you please make it clearer in the post on Bell's Theorem, which parts are direct quotes and which parts are your words (or your paraphrasing)? I would just like to know which are Gary Zukav's views and which are yours. Thank you.

12-22-2012, 01:42 PM
Sure, let me look that up again. Will post it here.

So far I found one (almost) direct quote from his book:
He said that "Supraluminal quantum connectedness seems to be, on the surface at least, a possible explanation for some types of psychic phenomena."

My paraphrase and my own extrapolations, based on my reading all of that material in his book, on that sentence is " Bell’s Theorem
has proven that superluminal quantum connectiveness has provided us with a feasible explanation about various kinds of
psychic phenomena."

"Bell concluded that something non-local, that is unknown to science, is the “causal mechanism” that
allows for seemingly inexplicable paranormal events to take place." As I recall, this sentence IS a direct quote from his book.

The rest of that paragraph are from my own extrapolations of that material about that theorem that covers 9 pages. The pages that led up to it provided those other theories that led up to Bell's Theorem.

12-22-2012, 02:59 PM
I wrote that paragraph for an essay that I wrote up last year.

Now that I'm reading over those pages again in Zukav's book I now need to make a correction because that statement "Bell concluded that something non-local, that is unknown to science, is the “causal mechanism” that allows for seemingly inexplicable paranormal events to take place." Is not a direct quote from his book... it's my paraphrase.

I'm out of time in this post so will type out what I was paraphrasing in my next post here.

12-22-2012, 03:41 PM
I explain the following statement I made in my post on that theorem below...
"Bell concluded that something non-local, that is unknown to science, is the “causal mechanism” that allows for seemingly inexplicable paranormal events to take place."

That statement is an extrapolation and summary on the Bell's Theorem that's based on my readings from Zukov's book, that states, in simple form, that IF a quantum wave function or vector correspond to any kind of objective reality, that reality will have non-local (paranormal) effects. And in fact, non-locality has been proven via experiments in quantum physics. That non-local waves or vectors ARE in actuality the causal mechanism that's responsible for paranormal effects/events to occur.

So basically, everything in that paragraph are my paraphrases and summaries of what Zukov was saying in his book about Bell's Theorem.

I posted that same essay that included those statements about that theorem in 2 other forums a couple of years ago including Midnight's blog at OMF. So that essay S that essay is now 2 years old. I did not write it last year like I said before... my,oh, my, how time fly's!

12-22-2012, 04:15 PM
Lilly, since you are so interested in this topic, care to share with us your own take on Bell's Theorem? I would love to hear that!

12-22-2012, 04:43 PM
Is not silent prayer is a form of telepathy?

Think about it: Communicating with a Being over a vast distance without spoken words or technology, and using only the mind to reach-out.

I think prayer is a little more than just telepathy in that it involves intent. I've heard religious say that when you pray for something, pray for it as if it has already been heard and given. For me, this means joining with the Divine in co-creation, whether that be for a better job, faith or a person's well being. That's not to say that all prayer is the "gimmes". There are also times when people sit down just to experience the Divine and listen.

I've read that when a person talks to God, that person is praying. When a person listens to God, that is meditation. Unlike telepathy, I think this is done with the whole body and not just the mind/brain.

12-22-2012, 04:49 PM
Lilly, since you are so interested in this topic, care to share with us your own take on Bell's Theorem? I would love to hear that!

Actually, it is a bit off-topic here. I thought I was in your telepathy thread but I see now that this is a thread that Casper Parks started. This thread is about telepathy and prayer (which I just posted about).

12-22-2012, 04:58 PM
Oh, but telepathy is INTENT too... just like prayer is. I explain about that in my long post here.

There has to be INTENT on the side of the "sender" in either prayer or telepathy. No question about that!

12-22-2012, 05:04 PM
Actually, it is a bit off-topic here).

Nope. Sorry. Bell's Theorem is entirely connected and relevant and even DIRECTLY related to the topic of Telepathy and I even explained that in that paragraph on that theory.

Here's what I said again on Bell's Theorem:

One good reason why we know that trans-communication with extra-dimensionals is possible is because Bell’s Theorem
has proven that superluminal quantum connectiveness has provided us with a feasible explanation about various kinds of
psychic phenomena. Bell concluded that something non-local, that is unknown to science, is the causal mechanism that
allows for seemingly inexplicable paranormal events to take place. That it is possible for some people to communicate
to or get information from someone else through telepathic means who is simultaneously hundreds of miles away; and this also
implies that we can do that across dimensions too, as millions of people in all walks of life already know.

12-22-2012, 05:17 PM
Nope. Sorry. Bell's Theorem is entirely connected and relevant and even DIRECTLY related to the topic of Telepathy and I even explained that in that paragraph on that theory.

Here's what I said again on Bell's Theorem:

One good reason why we know that trans-communication with extra-dimensionals is possible is because Bell’s Theorem
has proven that superluminal quantum connectiveness has provided us with a feasible explanation about various kinds of
psychic phenomena. Bell concluded that something non-local, that is unknown to science, is the causal mechanism that
allows for seemingly inexplicable paranormal events to take place. That it is possible for some people to communicate
to or get information from someone else through telepathic means who is simultaneously hundreds of miles away; and this also
implies that we can do that across dimensions too, as millions of people in all walks of life already know.

But this thread is about prayer. What does it say about prayer?

12-22-2012, 05:25 PM
You don't even see what it says about prayer Lilly?

12-22-2012, 06:11 PM
Oh, but telepathy is INTENT too... just like prayer is. I explain about that in my long post here.

There has to be INTENT on the side of the "sender" in either prayer or telepathy. No question about that!

I'd agree that in most cases that is true. Yet at the same time, I've come across a number of occasions where people just happen to 'hear' other people's thoughts (typically for a maximum of only some seconds) and there is no intention whatsoever involved by anybody. It just happens...

12-22-2012, 06:17 PM
I 'heard' there was a lively discussion going on here!

(OK, I looked at the New Forum Posts a little.) :biggrin2:

12-22-2012, 06:17 PM
You don't even see what it says about prayer Lilly?

I only see a reference to prayer in your long post on page 1. Still I'm not sure if that is your writing or you are quoting or paraphrasing someone. Could you please clarify that.

12-22-2012, 06:42 PM
I 'heard' there was a lively discussion going on here!

(OK, I looked at the New Forum Posts a little.) :biggrin2:

Yes, as always, never a dull moment around here, that's for sure!

12-22-2012, 06:45 PM
i only see a reference to prayer in your long post on page 1. Still i'm not sure if that is your writing or you are quoting or paraphrasing someone. Could you please clarify that.

no comment.

Except that, you are scaring me.

12-22-2012, 07:09 PM
I'm quite well read on these topics. As an undergrad I fulfilled my science requirements in Physics for liberal arts majors.
I also took additional courses too. Here are all of the courses I took:
Physics and Religion
Physics 101 (which was a piece of cake because I already had 2 years of it in high school.
Physics in Radiology (to become certified in taking x-rays at my dad's office that I took at a community college)
Forensic Physics
Physics and Astronomy
In other words I LOVE PHYSICS!
I even read books on it just for the fun of it!
Oh... the other course I took was
Quantum Physics for Liberal Arts majors

12-22-2012, 08:36 PM
But let me say this again, even when we paraphrase anyone else's writings, or even just extrapolate on it,
the original author of that material should be cited. I see too many people on the internet who are not
crediting the original authors of the information they are presenting in their posts or writings on the internet.

And by crediting, I mean stating the name of the author and the book, mag. or website where that information was
found either in the material itself that the writer is writing on it or at least in a footnote.

I have big issues with those who do not do that and I have no idea why some people leave out that information because citing
the author of the original material that they are presenting, especially if that author is a well-known respected expert
on the topic, only lends veracity to the information that the writer is sharing with others.

But some out there seem to try to pass off everything they write about as their own instead of specifically stating,
right off the bat, where they got the information from. And when the reader knows who the original author is of that
information is or who first came up with whatever concept they are presenting, the writer who is not crediting that person, in my book,
if not playing fair and is looked upon with great suspicion.
But unfortunately, I see this kind of thing happening on the internet all the time.
It is as if such omissions are common practice now, at least on the internet; and that's unfortunate.

12-23-2012, 01:19 AM
Is not silent prayer is a form of telepathy?

Think about it: Communicating with a Being over a vast distance without spoken words or technology, and using only the mind to reach-out.Your could say that is the case. Though when you pray which parts of you are connecting heavenward? (and how?)

I'd love to hear any conjecture on that aspect of prayer.

12-23-2012, 03:07 AM
I'd agree that in most cases that is true. Yet at the same time, I've come across a number of occasions where people just happen to 'hear' other people's thoughts (typically for a maximum of only some seconds) and there is no intention whatsoever involved by anybody. It just happens...

Yes, I have heard of such claims too. So that would be one example of non-intent telepathy on the side of the 'sender', to another human being. Thanks for bringing that up. Lol, if I should personally ever run into someone like that, I hope they don't tell me that they have that ability because after they then do a little demonstration to prove their claims on that, I would prefer to only have limited contact with such a person. It's bad enough that we are always surrounded by unseen intelligences that not only know every thought that pops into our minds but also knows what they are going to be even before we think them! We do not have any control over that. But we do have control over who we choose to hang out with. And if someone can mind read, even if its only occasionally, I don't think I would want to around that person very often.
I wonder if there are more of those types around than we know because I would think that many of them would keep such an ability to themselves. I could understand why they would do that too.

12-23-2012, 04:00 AM
I'd agree that in most cases that is true. Yet at the same time, I've come across a number of occasions where people just happen to 'hear' other people's thoughts (typically for a maximum of only some seconds) and there is no intention whatsoever involved by anybody. It just happens...I can concur (in my experience at least) that this has happened both as a receiver and sender.

Then again, where does intention start and end inside of a person is anyones guess?

I can only say that you can probably broadcast your thoughts far and wide...more so...if you've got "all sorts of things" happening (psychically speaking). The only question that comes to mind is during prayer how much is said beyond our specific intented purpose.

In my experience, your mind and body can be saying one thing, and other higher parts can be saying something completely different during a prayer. (more or less thats what I think)

If intention is defined as our conscious control of our thoughts...then what does that say about the parts over which we cannot directly oversee? (Especially when speaking with "the divine")

Is it pleasing to be heard in a prayer if your immediate thoughts say one thing but your higher core self says something completely contradictory or even believes something else entirely?

Does the "divine" turn away from us if our core/higher self isn't sincere or endearing to our spoken thoughts over which we do have intent and control over?

I have noticed that intent is only part of the "problem". Honesty with oneself and what one really thinks and believes is bare naked in front of "the divine" when prayer ensues. I think prayer is more than intent but perhaps some kind of bonding.

I have noticed that when I am truly honest with myself in a prayer and realize all the problems I have, and based on that, the sincerity is much appreciated and well received.

I think that our conscious minds can be both profound and/or shallow in prayer. When you pray with your inner most feelings and have a moment I think the message is heard.

But when I go through the motions, it is as if I hadn't even bothered to dial the phone but at least the other person on the line didn't stop listening, despite that.


Perhaps spiritual maturity isn't necessary, but it sure helps.
Perhaps a deep sense of focused intent isn't necessary, but again, it sure helps.
Perhaps deep honesty and respect for the "divine" is all we ultimately need?

I have always assumed it is more of a relationship than "a process" to get a hotline to #1.

I bet there are others on the forum with a far better "telepathic" connection (I'd call it a spiritual connection though) to the divine than myself! (without a doubt)

They may not be the best at intention or even formulating elegant "telepathic" exchanges, but I bet they have the ear of the divine anytime they think about it.

12-23-2012, 04:16 AM
@ Casper

I used to love passively "reading" people. I liked comparing and contrasting their actual lower thoughts with what they actually say.

I love coaxing the words in their thoughts out of them and bringing it to light. Usually that was part of what made me good at bringing things out of people. (IMO)

I think if Telepathy is exchanged with the divine, people only need to get their honesty in order. The people "on high" seem to have a penetrating insight into what we really are and what we really think even beyond our conscious desires.

It is said in certain holy books that we should always strive to work on ourself every day.

I think "Telepathy" (err spiritual speech) with the divine only works if there is a bond and the person actually has something meaningful to say.

I have seen plenty of people who pray sincerely at one level, but other levels of themselves are against it. Their mileage seems to vary quite a bit.

I also tend to think the divine take into account "what we may become" vs where we are today. I can see a person who has no sincerity and no intention to build a bond being completely ignored.

Yet one that has never prayed, has a clear intention to learn and change, yet has a sorted past, be the one with a strong link to the "divine".

It's all my opinion and I could be wrong.

12-23-2012, 05:51 AM
riginally Posted by Garudahttp://www.theoutpostforum.com/tof/images/buttons/viewpost-right.png (http://www.theoutpostforum.com/tof/showthread.php?p=17081#post17081)I'd agree that in most cases that is true. Yet at the same time, I've come across a number of occasions where people just happen to 'hear' other people's thoughts (typically for a maximum of only some seconds) and there is no intention whatsoever involved by anybody. It just happens...

There was one person who I heard about who claimed he could read people's minds. His name is Dannion Brinkley, a famous NDE, but unfortunately, we were to find out that he was a fraud. They even made a movie on him but most of his claims have been found to be LIES.

I could go right down the list on everything that he lied about but it's just too depressing. The information on that is all over the internet. His self-proclaimed psychic abilities which included being able to read minds have also turned out to be fiction too.

12-23-2012, 07:23 AM
@ Casper

I used to love passively "reading" people. I liked comparing and contrasting their actual lower thoughts with what they actually say.

I love coaxing the words in their thoughts out of them and bringing it to light. Usually that was part of what made me good at bringing things out of people.

Prayer is a form of communcation in a relationship with a higher power. More of a sense and or revelation.

Do I believe in a God like type of Being? Yes... Inspite of myself, He continues to look-after me.

Short reply to other comments regarding this topic:

Relationships often play a role with telepathy or empathic, sensing another person’s despair in a time of distress even though thousands of miles apart. I have had this occur more times than is easily counted. Even visions of people I had yet to meet, then years later becoming friends. This often is a two way street, close friends sense when I am in trouble.

I spent an hour writing a detailed reply and placed it into a word file for now. I do that a lot, and often cannot recall if I posted something or not on a topic.

The reply regarded a series of events involving a person I had not meet at the time of a telepathic cry and meeting him three years later.

There are people within the forms I am willing to share it with, but do not want it for public viewing.

Keeping in mind, telepathy and empathic contact involves other people and is semi-private.

@ Fore,

I can send the detailed answer in a PM, let me know.

Also, I sense you have a question for me but have not asked.

And your query is not about telepathy...

12-23-2012, 01:29 PM
Thanks for sharing that and I know it was not easy because it takes courage to share stuff like this in a public
forum. When we have experiences like what you are describing here, they are like gifts from the gods.No matter how
many times we get them, each one is like the first because they fill us with so much awe and wonderment about the world
in which we live, every time we have them. They are reminders to us that there is much more to life than what meets
the eye. And even though there are those who will seek to diminish your experiences in one way or another, no one can
take them away from you and their significance especially when such incidents, like what you described, re-emerge from the
fog every over and over again, like a merry old Brigadoon, to remind us that G-d dwells in every nook, cranny and corner of
a vast universe that's so fabulous, it's beyond even the most vivid of imaginations.

Oh, btw, speaking about imaginations. You Casper are a writer. But you are not just a regular run-of-the-mill one because anyone
can learn the craft of writing, if they put in the time and effort to do that. Usually at the end of such learning periods
most are only good as proof-readers but as writers of fiction, that skill and talent does not all of the sudden appear outta
nowhere just because someone has learned how to dot their "i's" cross their "T's"
You instead are a storyteller and that's something you either have or you do not. It's a creative artistic talent that one is
born with and it's an uncommon talent too because if there were more so called writers who could sit down and type out a fiction
novel, we would have many more bestselling fiction novelists on the NYTimes List than we ever have in any given time period.
Most people can't even imagine sitting down and typing out a story straight from ones imagination. But YOU can do what most
people cannot.

I've read the excerpts of a couple of your ebooks and quite frankly, I found them so engaging, I put them on my reading list
to download from Amazon's site when I'm in the mood to read them. Now that winter has returned,
I'm ready to cozy up again on snowy evenings in that big old chair of mine to read those books I have on my list of which
yours are included.


12-24-2012, 06:44 AM
Thanks for sharing that and I know it was not easy because it takes courage to share stuff like this in a public
forum. When we have experiences like what you are describing here, they are like gifts from the gods.No matter how
many times we get them, each one is like the first because they fill us with so much awe and wonderment about the world
in which we live, every time we have them. They are reminders to us that there is much more to life than what meets
the eye. And even though there are those who will seek to diminish your experiences in one way or another, no one can
take them away from you and their significance especially when such incidents, like what you described, re-emerge from the
fog every over and over again, like a merry old Brigadoon, to remind us that G-d dwells in every nook, cranny and corner of
a vast universe that's so fabulous, it's beyond even the most vivid of imaginations.

Oh, btw, speaking about imaginations. You Casper are a writer. But you are not just a regular run-of-the-mill one because anyone
can learn the craft of writing, if they put in the time and effort to do that. Usually at the end of such learning periods
most are only good as proof-readers but as writers of fiction, that skill and talent does not all of the sudden appear outta
nowhere just because someone has learned how to dot their "i's" cross their "T's"
You instead are a storyteller and that's something you either have or you do not. It's a creative artistic talent that one is
born with and it's an uncommon talent too because if there were more so called writers who could sit down and type out a fiction
novel, we would have many more bestselling fiction novelists on the NYTimes List than we ever have in any given time period.
Most people can't even imagine sitting down and typing out a story straight from ones imagination. But YOU can do what most
people cannot.

I've read the excerpts of a couple of your ebooks and quite frankly, I found them so engaging, I put them on my reading list
to download from Amazon's site when I'm in the mood to read them. Now that winter has returned,
I'm ready to cozy up again on snowy evenings in that big old chair of mine to read those books I have on my list of which
yours are included.


Thanks for your kind words.

12-26-2012, 07:11 PM
Prayer is a form of communcation in a relationship with a higher power. More of a sense and or revelation.

Do I believe in a God like type of Being? Yes... Inspite of myself, He cotinnues to look-after me. Yep.

Short reply to other comments regarding this topic:

Relationships often play a role with telepathy or empathic, sensing another person’s despair in a time of distress even though thousands of miles apart. I have had this occur more times than is easily counted. Even visions of people I had yet to meet, then years later becoming friends. This often is a two way street, close friends sense when I am in trouble. I have had this happen as well. I haven't yet found anyone who has had (to my knowledge at least) the same reciprocal effects.

Though there may be one vaguely in my fuzzy memory.

12-12-2014, 04:53 AM
Strange Mysteries (https://www.youtube.com/user/StrangeMysteries/videos)


12-12-2014, 01:34 PM
Telepathy is real as far as I'm concerned as I have experienced it first hand. And haven't most of us had one of those moments where they are thinking something and then somebody nearby says almost the exact same thing we were thinking?