
Entries with no category

  1. Wanted! - Great Minds at The OutPost

    Quote Originally Posted by Dragonfire View Post
    As it turns out, you were probably right
    Hahahahaa. I know you pretty well.
  2. Article: Some Hypotheses on Alien Abductions

    Quote Originally Posted by noot View Post
    Trinity betrayed our existence by violently rending the fabric of our prosaic reality and requiring that everything happen at once, now and forever- Einsten's great fear: temporal and spacial simultaneity --SpaceTime was revealed to be nothing more substantial than a categorical imposition upon an energetic Aether, imparted by consciousness.-- There is no ordinary explication of the high strange. Neither is there a way of turning back Telos.
    It was the development of the BioMac WetSystem ...

    Updated 12-19-2011 at 02:00 PM by noot (There is no turning back Telos)

  3. On Communism

    Quote Originally Posted by noot View Post
    As the General said...

    The worst nightmare for the rich is the waking of the people from the cloying hypnosis brought about by the political magicians in their employ.

    Take note.
  4. On Communism

    Quote Originally Posted by noot View Post

    © General Striker News Service

    Econ 101

    The US is engaged in a de facto repudiation of debt. That ought to be clear by now. How is this possible and what does it matter? It's possible because capital is essentially amoral. Debt has no other reality than as a monetary instrument regardless of the importunate protests of the lender. Debt is no more than a matter of record keeping. It only becomes overbearing and consequential when it has become imbued
  5. On Communism

    Quote Originally Posted by noot View Post
    On Communism

    1. Corporations are the modern day's equivalent plantations.
    2. Wages are a form of slavery.
    3. Corporate entities have only one reason to exist. And that is the accumulation of riches by any means under the law. And it needs to be stated that big corporations make those laws directly and indirectly. Donations to politicians are proffered for the sole purpose bribing them to enact laws to their benefit. That is the direct approach. The indirect