Novelist, Casper Parks - Feeling the Pulse of Society.

  1. GMO Foods

    by , 03-24-2016 at 04:03 AM (Novelist, Casper Parks - Feeling the Pulse of Society.)
    GMO Foods
    Genetically Modified Organisms

    When hearing, reading and watching GMOs in the news it generally refers to meats and plant based foods. Altering food is for a variety of reasons: The ability to withstand droughts, resistance to pests, nicer appearance, faster growth and bulk, and battle famine in third world countries.

    There are many arguments in favor and against GMOs.

    GMOs have been around for years, are here to stay and will continue
  2. Biometrics

    by , 03-17-2016 at 10:35 PM (Novelist, Casper Parks - Feeling the Pulse of Society.)

    Biometrics covers a wide variety ranging from fingerprints and veins in hands, eye scans, voice, tattoos, biochip implants, and more.

    At the time of this posting, a US election is in full swing. Both major parties are pushing for Biometrics on VISAs of those entering the country for work, schooling and whatever. Their claim is adding Biometrics to VISAs that allows the government to “track and locate” those here on VISAs. In doing so, prevent acts of