--- People are getting exited, hoping Disclosure of alien life is around the corner. Major Cable networks like the History Channel, Science Channel, and Discovery owned programing online and cable TV are covering UFO related topics. Over the past two or three decades, TV has covered UFO related topics. The shows are accomplishing a number of things. Those with whom I have spoken with over the years regarding UFOs are excited. The ...
Updated 04-15-2014 at 07:19 AM by CasperParks
Originally Posted by CasperParks Originally Posted by Doc Prisons for Profit is a subject that should be out there being debated in the media but it seems to be getting swept under the rug. I suspect because the privately owned prisons are too convenient and profitable. Prisons for profit are extreme capitalism in action. Extreme communism and capitalism unchecked leads to dangerous within a society. There is no need to crumble beneath their weight of greed and lust for domination. In Stuff They Don't Want You Know thread, ...
Appeals court rules in favor of school ban of USA flag tee shirts. Addressing short sighted concerns: I understand the school's concerns. Yet, I wonder if they should do-away with celebrating the Mexican holiday at the school for that reason. It raises the question, why is the school endorsing celebration of another nation's special day? If banning one nation's flag, they should ban all flags. ...
Updated 03-01-2014 at 12:41 PM by CasperParks
------- Alien Contamination, Interference and Intervention Written by Novelist, Casper Parks Part One: Eternity Past we know very little about. Aside from records left in stone, we cannot go back more than 6,000 years. Understanding history helps analyze present day and look ahead. Interpreting Biblical Prophecy is not a fine science. Often, Prophesy is similar to wind rustling leafs on the trees. The movement of leaves and ...
Feeling the Pulse of Society is a term I used years ago to describe making an educated guess as to the direction an issue is headed. Over the years, I have written a number of blog style articles on current events. Most of the time the document is saved and sits there on the hard-drive, using bits and pieces in a post here and there. But for the most part it gathers electronic dust. I plan to use this blog spot to post those blogs and articles. Will blow off the electronic ...