Most Popular Blogs

  1. White Rabbit

    Some things I hear or see stick with me for a long time. I have thought about this exchange for years. In the film Harvey Jimmy Stewart plays Elwood, an amiable alcoholic who has an invisible 6 foot tall rabbit as a companion. The film and play are perennial favorites for its sweet silliness and gentle philosophy. In the story, Elwood becomes entangled with psychiatrists and a mental institution because of his insistence on the reality of Harvey the Pooka Rabbit .

    Elwood explains ...
  2. UK MOD UFO Files - Final batch June 2013 is available for download

    The UK MOD has released the last batch of UFO Files.
    Available for download FREE for 30days.
    After that, there is a fee $$$ to download.
    Get them soon.
    By my count, 433megs in 25 files.

    Files released in June 2013

    The final tranche of UFO files released by The National Archives contain a wide range of UFO-related documents, drawings, letters, and photos and parliamentary questions covering the final two years of the Ministry of
  3. Thoughts On A Dry Season

    "A hard time we had of it.
    At the end we preferred to travel all night,
    Sleeping in snatches,
    With the voices singing in our ears, saying
    That this was all folly."

    Not much has been happening in UFOlogy for some time now. No controversial claims, no new dramatic sightings, no developments of note in Disclosure. Nothing.

    When slow times like this come, website and forum clicks drop off and people lose some of their enthusiasm, ...
  4. Feeling the Pulse of Society.

    by , 12-24-2013 at 07:16 PM (Novelist, Casper Parks - Feeling the Pulse of Society.)
    Feeling the Pulse of Society is a term I used years ago to describe making an educated guess as to the direction an issue is headed.

    Over the years, I have written a number of blog style articles on current events. Most of the time the document is saved and sits there on the hard-drive, using bits and pieces in a post here and there. But for the most part it gathers electronic dust. I plan to use this blog spot to post those blogs and articles.

    Will blow off the electronic ...
  5. Clouding the confused mind

    I am on a journey.

    I do not know for what reason, or why.

    An unknown energy/force drives me to these actions...but what is know is "I'm not here because of the path that lies before me, but because of the path that lies behind me."

    Including a very profound quote from Morpheus only aids in the introduction to this clouding that has enveloped my mind. I can only describe what I've witness and attest to what I believe is going on / The Big Picture ...
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