
5 December 2011

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Once again I find myself starting off with another blog of some sort or another. I don't have much to say and less to do worth talking about. But, as all people will say, each person will have a story to tell worth the trouble to stop and listen if given the chance.

We live in a house that boasts four adults and two 17 pound cats. It becomes rather quiet most of the time unless visitors break the spell. We do get visitors, ranging from dear friends to Cheryl's representatives of the Mormans, Jehovah's Witnesses, and her customers of guitar lessons. Personally, my love and I are typically laidback and not religious although we do have wide views and experiences of life. We do stay quiet while her visitors are here, mostly to respect her rights of privacy. Actually we are a friendly group despite our differences.

Personally, I am of the opinion that there is no such thing as random chance in the lives of abductees. Despite chance appearances, our little group met and came to live in the same house my love and I could barely afford. Now, we have two helping and welcome tenants who have their own lives while sharing our home. There is much more about synchronicity in my own life that can be said to be convenient by chance rather than the arranged flows of patterns that evolve in our lives.

One afternoon we decided to go to the parliament buildings for amusement. We went around the grounds, taking pictures with two digital cameras. Much later, we went home and transferred the images into our computers. It was only in reviewing those images were we able to see interesting effects and events we were not aware of while we were at the parliament buildings.

It can be said that the parliament buildings are historic edifices that have a lot of energy about them partly from the past and partly from present events that go on to reflect the parliamentary aspects of government. Perhaps the parliament buildings can be said to be haunted, as are many other buildings of the capital city. We have taken pictures that do bear interesting features from one source or another with mostly mundane explanations. I can only go "Hm."

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