Clouding the confused mind
, 03-07-2014 at 05:26 PM (15365 Views)
I am on a journey.
I do not know for what reason, or why.
An unknown energy/force drives me to these actions...but what is know is "I'm not here because of the path that lies before me, but because of the path that lies behind me."
Including a very profound quote from Morpheus only aids in the introduction to this clouding that has enveloped my mind. I can only describe what I've witness and attest to what I believe is going on / The Big Picture of it all.
I have thought on both sides of the field. One side, is full of wonderment and what seems to be an endless knowledge. The other, keeps the mundane and ordinary. We are all on the fence...teetering to one side or the other. Or...In a manner the generality will comprehend, " You take the blue pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes.".
One this side, it seems as though we are already fed the blue from the start. Only a few seek out the red. But...once it is found, would your life come crumbling down, or would you embrace it and "evolve". It is only when an individual is presented this opportunity, do we discover their true intentions on the matter.
Chapter Initial
~What is presented~
I write to express and organize my collective thoughts. In my head, its almost like having a panel of judges to evaluate an incoming "idea". One will focus on social aspects, another on the logical, and another on psychological implications, ect.
I weigh my inferences more than the average man...unless time is of an issue. When i see things that can't be explained, it is only natural, we find the best/logical explanation to set our mind at easy. But...the more we train our minds, the more outlandish the explanations can become. Having had what I would consider my first unknown experience, my mind is clouded with abnormality and wonder. With my current understanding of tech, my "outlandish" reasoning goes through the roof...but the "logical" one takes over for the time being. At least until I can make more sense out of the situations.
Chapter Delusional
I've been taking more time, or at least tried, to enjoy the things around me. Bought a new video some movies...and getting into cooking more. This usually happens when I hit low spots in my findings and tend to steer away from doing as much "looking" as i normally would. I probably had a good six days of thought free relaxation.
After a hearty meal, I went outside to sit and just stare off into the sky. (I live in a remote area, where city lights never cloud the sky.) I find myself pointing out constellations and looking up the sky map on my phone. My favorite, Orion, is always my first search, then the dippers, then unique clusters. Having found Orion's belt, I do an inaudible "Woo-hoo" and went to continue, but was stopped at an anomaly. To the right and a little low near the Orion's constellation, I find a bright star. Checking my phone for reference, my first "logical" explanation is it is Venus. (Not on my constellation tracker) "Nope"
Next, it's probably the North Star, being slightly brighter than others around it and in the general location of north. (checking...) "Nope"
Ok...maybe I just discovered a new star? Another silent "Woo-Hoo" is issued and i proceed to check my text messages. Roughly 3 min goes by, and I put down my phone, look up, it's still there, but slightly brighter again. As soon as the thought even began to pop into my head, it streaked away south-east like a shooting star and was gone.
So I discovered a shooting star... less of a "Woo-Hoo" is given and I proceed inside for more mind numbing entertainment.
That was around...9 ish. After T.V. came bedtime and soothing rain sounds to aid in my sleep. (I'm addicted to rain sounds putting me to sleep.) Midnight I take a stroll to the lavatory, and walk down the pitch black hallway to fumble for the light switch. As soon as the light hit my retinas, what I can only describe as an E.T. was burned into my eyes. (Hu???)
Like....I'm standing there, light switch is flipped, and the only thing I can see is this pale/grey, oval, big eyed picture basically burned into my eyes. Interestingly enough, came an overwhelming feeling of fear/confusion. I crippled over as if I were in need of a new hip. I clutched the door frame and wall as to not go completely down...(I'm 25 yrs old, this $h1t doesn't happen)
My wife rushes out of the room and helps me back into the room. The "logical" side of me reassures her that it is the "bad knee" and I just got up too fast. Situation over...stop at the latrine...back to bed.
Chapter Analysis
~Making sense~
Having spent three days in "Ponder" mode, I'm still left in confusion. I come here to seek advice. With what I know that "we" have in the technology aspect; it's not outside the realm of doing. (outlandish)
Maybe I did see a shooting star and just had a subconscious episode. (logical)
I come here to tell my incident rather than confide in those who are close to me in regards to relationship appearances. (social)
The events and way things happened seem to be playing my mind like a violin. (psychological)
I run the risk of being called a fraud and charlatan by anyone with a keyboard who trolls for a living. (media influences)
I could go on...but I'd rather question the reasoning and the implications.
"Why do it this way?" "Why do it now?" "Why so vague?"
Chapter Random
~My thoughts~
Put me in a communicate with E.T.'s. I feel I could contribute a massive amount if this vale of secrecy was not blinding the science. I would camp out like American Idol "Idiots" to be the first in line...even for a chance to be in a room with an E.T. and try to break the kenetic-barrier. Having heard Linda Howe's story of talking with an individual meeting an E.T., it is VERY interesting. I wouldn't quit after one fluke though...things take persistence and i need answers. If given the chance, an individual with determination could achieve wonders.
Give me a chance? Fat chance is more like it... (greedy bass-turds)![]()