Part 4 of Alien Contact on HOLD
, 04-14-2016 at 03:33 PM (7304 Views)
Part 4 of Alien Contact on Hold
Date April 14,2016
I came to this forum in good faith, never demanded anything just wanted to share my experiences. Not writing any books not trying to make money off the gullible not trying to get involved with the nonsense of the UFO crowd who in most cases have not a clue of what is going on with the visitors who by the way are not really visitors at all. I just wanted to get the information out there whether you believe it or not the information will be out there. I am now putting up with a person on this forum who if I do not patronize his delusional fantasies and reinforce his nonsense thinking like he has some type of inside knowledge of ET he starts trolling and seeking attention.
I had all the attention of putting part 4 out there today about alien contact but I now have to reassess if I want to continue. You now have the background and I would have started to explain the observations of what these beings and what their craft look like and basically what makes them go and following that I would have shared the many hours I had in communication with them and their message.
I am now fully a member of the Cabal…We are all Hybrids. Not only was I inducted but they swore their allegiance to me. I know how silly this is going to sound I am laughing myself because they refer to me as a demigod. I realize how lame this sounds but there was a whole ritual concerning my new appointment of status. Ohw geez, can it get any crazier than this. It can.
There is an extremely alarming message in which I am about to reveal. I have full rain now with no interference by the cabal and will explain why the hybrids were made. There is nothing immediate about this message which I bring and should take a few generations to manifest. Our grandchildren and their children most likely will be greatly affected.
The hybrids are being created to assist in the transitions and replacement of Human Beings of this earth. The wheels are in motion and there will be no stopping it. It’s too late. The creator of our specie view ‘evil’ as a disease which there is no cure for and the disease is spreading at an alarming rate. All 9 billion humans on the face of this planet will be killed off and replaced by a higher life form which is alive and now being groomed for our replacement. The planet will not be effected just human beings. It will not be pretty.
I posted something from my heart today which had much meaning for me. I will repost it here again. It was mocked by this one individual member whom I referred to earlier. I was highly insulted by his mockery and started to think why I am here even posting. He insulted the memory of the man who I had great respect for. A man who extended his hand to me when I was young and in great need for enlightenment and pointed me to this life’s path. So if you guys don’t want me to post here anymore and thinking it’s funny to do such things let me know I don’t need to post here.
I will share this moment with you. He was a friend of mine like a father and a mentor. He was also a Zen Master of a warrior class. He was a Japanese Samurai. Quite different from the movies, let me explain though this is hard for me I am tearing up now.
I was at the age of 12 years old when the memories of other worlds were swarming into my brain I wanted them to stop but they kept coming and coming I found no relief. I was starting to act out and even contemplated suicide. I found a wino one night and gave him money to buy me cheap wine (Roma). I got plastered and fell asleep in the entry way of a storefront.
The storefront was actually a dojo and in the early morning the Samurai seeing me with the empty bottles sleeping he gently kicks me and yelling at me, “Why you here? You young boy, why you drunk at my doorstep?” I told him I was being haunted by these memories I drank to make them go away.
This aging Samurai over the months listened to my stories. He made me sweep floors and do stuff around the dojo asking me one day “What are you waiting for? You wish for me to teach you? How come you never ask?” From that day forward I was taught at the tender age of 13 how to kill. I remember the day when he said “You a warrior now, you no cry no more!” From that moment on I was able to master my memories and found peace within myself. Seems like a contradiction learning the ways of killing to find peace within myself. LOL…Dang that sounds like pure evil!
By the age of 15 I was now instructing, under the guidance of my Sheehan Sensei, members of the Intelligence Communities the way of destroying your enemy. By the age of 17 I was now recruited by those same agencies to learn their art. I had come a long way from that sniveling little child that was found drunk at a storefront.
As I was maturing I learned over the years about the man. He hardly ever talked about WWll but on occasion we shared stories. I learned he had a family and children who died at Hiroshima. He felt shamed and that he had dishonored his country, which they lost the war that his code of a warrior was tarnished. He felt he must now serve the victor that was his way, his heart followed this path.
One day I walked into the dojo trying not to interrupt his meditations and noticed he was kneeling down ready to commit ritual suicide. A move from pure desperation I was able to push him out of the kneeling position which he somersaulted to his feet holding the blade in a fighting position. I really thought I was going to die that moment I hung my head down looking at the floor and blurted out “I was sent to save you from yourself!” My head still down I felt his hand under my chin I thought at that moment he was about to slit my throat. What he did next was he pulled my head up and our eyes met, he had tears in his and as we looked each other in the eye, he said “Thank you… you have learned well. I am no longer your teacher you are mine”. At that moment I felt the pain in his soul.
He died some months after that. He had no one so I borrowed money and brought his body to Japan. I found a female interpreter and together we found some old Samurai Warriors. I knelt before them and sought permission from them thru an interpreter that he wished forgiveness and I requested for them to give him a warriors farewell.
Days later I was informed they received special permission for a cremation on their property. I watched as the smoke raised and the wind carried him away. I wished him farewell and a pleasant journey from the boy who fell asleep at his doorstep.